Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Silver Bella Adventure

 I am off on an adventure... the famous Silver Bella art retreat!
I am unprepared and unorganized and at this point have been throwing all sorts of bits and bobs into my suitcase.
I really am just a crafter wannabe...
...the girls I will be hob nobbing with at Silver Bella all have serious crafting skills.

 I figure that if all else fails, I can just drop the soldering iron, needle & thread and glue stick and grab my camera in order to take pictures and blog about it all!

 Oh yes....I also ran over to Anthropologie to try to pick up something cute to wear....
I found these wonderful zinc tags and this lovely handmade paper.

And just look at these silvery crows!
I don't know what they have to do with
Silver Bella...
but I know at least two girlfriends who will love one tied to their Christmas package!

Anyway.....wish me luck at Silver Bella! 
Not sure if I will have time to post 
but I will try to put up a few pictures to show you all how it is going!

One thing for sure is that I will be meeting some very sweet and generous girls who have been sending me kind words of encouragement!



Lorrie said...

Enjoy! Attending Silver Bella is one of my dreams.


Lucky girl! I hope to go to SB one of these days...


Glenda/MidSouth said...

Have a great time!

gail said...

Good luck Laura! You will do great for sure!

Robin Sanchez said...

I went last will love it.

Dont spend too much money at Second Chance.


Diane Mars said...

Have fun and do share some pictures with us. Hugs, Diane

Jamie said...

Good luck - and have a great time!

Beverly said...

Would love to go there maybe one day, love your blog

Terri Gordon said...

Hello, How exciting, It is one of my dreams to go some day. I hope you take loads of pictures to share with us. Have a wonderful time. Terri

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Have a wonderful time! Be sure to tell us all about it.

Beach House Living said...

Have fun. Looking forward to your photo's of your creations.

Unknown said...

Good Luck and have lots of fun!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

How fun, Laura! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Anonymous said...

Oh how fun! That sounds like something I would really enjoy attending. Is there ever one held in Northern Cali? Have fun,and thank you for visiting my blog. Marcia

Lululiz said...

I know you are going to have the bestest time at Silver Bella, have oodles of fun!

LiLi M. said...

Have a lot of fun at Silver Bella, you lucky girl!

jacklynn4 said...

Best of luck!
bliss farm antiques

Rebecca said...

You will have so much fun! Enjoy...

Simply Bungalow said...

Have a wonderful time. I love the silver crows...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun, being fairly new to the blog world, not sure what Silver Bella is, however like the name and picutres, so can tell it is something special, anxious to see your pictures of the event, Where is this taking place? Celeste, Tha Victorian Talior

Anonymous said...

WHERE can I get those silver crow charms? FAB

have fun at Silver Bella

joodie in fort worth

Gina at Vintage Junk in My Trunk said...

That sounds like so much fun, Laura. Have a great time! Can't wait to read all about it!

Evi said...

Laura, you will be fine, just enjoy.... and if all else fails....have a glass of wine, ha ha.
See you next week.
Hugs, Evi

Vicki said...

I'm so excited for you! I had some friends go last year for the first time and they LOVED it. I hope to get there next year. You'll do great. Enjoy the crafting, junking and mingling.

cheryl kuhn said...

I hope you have an amazing time and enjoy every single minute that you are there. I cannot wait to hear all about it and have you show and teach us what you learned!!

Susan Freeman said...

Have a wonderful time!!

Susan and Bentley

Curtains In My Tree said...

Jealous Jealous Jealous thats what I can say. I have wanted to attend that the last 2 years and always too busy with other things going on in my life.

have fun and take lots of pictures for us who are home dreaming about what you all are doing


Sarah said...

Have a great time. I'll be eager to see what you create. I think I need one of those silver crows. Will you share your source?
Enjoy Silver Bella ~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

Have fun. Charmaine

Amy said...

I WILL attend Silver Bella someday. it is on my bucket list. For now I will live through my new found blogger friends as I am new at this, but love crafting and meeting new people.