My Sweater Craft Session was nothing less than fabulous! I was up early yesterday morning and finished up the "goody bags" that I was bringing along to share with the other participants. Since we all know about my limited crafting abilities...I decided to photocopy some vintage Valentines Day postcards to share so that these creative folks could use them in their artwork.
Are you ready? This is a very long post!

Irvington is not far from me...just across the Hudson River...a charming little river town...

The day long session was held in the beautiful home of Jane...Charlotte's close friend.
Sweet Charlotte greeted me at the door with a warm and welcoming smile and a big hug...
I was immediately comfortable, happy and excited!

Three tables were set with vintage pie plates full of goodness and these wonderful sweater covered paper coffee cups...
click any photograph to enlarge for details!)

I found my spot!

Look at all the little bits of trim inside my cup...

I LOVE these vintage French red and white number tapes supplied by
Papier Valise , one of the sponsors ...
...in fact, on Friday I had just received three in the mail that I purchased from
Corey Amaro's online shop, Tongue In Cheek Antiques.
Charlotte gave me number
55....pretty close to
52! :)
Tinsel Trading trims and treasures to use in our creating...

...and baskets of beautiful felted sweaters were set about the room waiting for us to create!

Samples of things to make were displayed on tables and benches...

And then there was a large table full of "door prizes"...

...Be still my heart! Many of the above items were made by Charlotte and others were made by Rebecca Sower, Denise Sharp and other talented artist friends of Charlotte...
...of course the book was one of Charlotte's!
Next....the creative artists and crafters who were taking the class with me distributed the most amazing little handmade treats and gifts...

These little tin cones were dated 1949 and were given to us by Melissa McCobb Hubbell of
thegardenofpinkshadows.typepad.comShe got them on Ebay....I LOVE them! Perfect to hold posies or upside down as a tiny party hat!

...and that was just some of the goodness that was shared!
These lovely women were not only enormously talented but so willing to share their talents and skills...

This is the start of the embellishment process of the sweater tote being worked on by the talented Amy Powers of
Inspire Company who, along with her two sisters and mother were seated at my table.

We started off the morning with coffee, tea and hot scones....

Charlotte gave us a run down of all the wonderful projects we could choose...
...she had lots of no sew projects for those of us who, as Stacy put it...were "virgin crafters"...
...(I think I was the only one of those...)

This is a wonderful Valentine mobile....perfect for me...no sewing required and besides I have about a zillion of those embroidery hoops which I can't resist picking up for a dime or quarter every time I come across one at the thrift store.
... They have been siting all together in a huge basket looking so
cool ...
...I just knew I would find something to do with those things one day!

Now these are two finished projects that I MUST try....I took the pattern with me....
The necklace above was made by Meleen...

This one was made by Danielle Muller of
The Vintage Dragonfly.
Aren't they both stunning!?!

Amy taught us how to make little rosettes....
I believe that this necklace was made by
Loretta Marvel of Pomegranates and Paper...

Jessica was sitting next to me....
lovely manicure... and she is working here on a bracelet put together with wire and sweater rounds...pretty greens!...
Jessica also prevented me twice from cutting into my sweater tote as I was cutting out small wool rounds with Amy's fabulous scalloped pinking sheers...Thank you Jessica and Amy!

This was Charlotte's charming sample bracelet...

Here is one of the pretty sample sweater totes that some of us chose to try our hand at...

and this is the finished project of one of the other talented ladies...

...and another... this one was crafted by Marlene Haveron of
Bee Serendiptous ...
I hope I have everyone's names and projects correct...please let me know, ladies if you are reading this and I have mixed things up!! I want to give credit where due!

...and another in progress...Debbie Jones' work!

Another of Charlotte's beautiful sample sweater totes...

Amy and her finished sweater tote...
both of them...

...and a closeup of it under construction...

OK, this is mine.

...a little lopsided...the stitching on the left is a different stitch than the stitching on the right...
...Oh, and thanks to Jennifer for threading my big old needle...
I'm not kidding...with my funky old thread...
And I apologize about that vintage 1962 tacky glue...
I'm not done with it yet. I did discover this wonderful product though...it's called fabric glue.
Who knew?
... I guess you all did.

this spectacular creation is done!
Now, this was the easiest of all. A simple round of sweater wool, batting and a simple running stitch around the edge .... and Voila!...a charming pincushion!
... Charlotte provided the little vintage cups and saucers...
...I made my cushion in class and decorated it at home with odds and ends around home here.
...I love it!

Oh yea....I was good at the pin cushions!

...And this was my door prize....a beautiful creation by
Denise Sharp!
So....I have not told you yet about the delicious lunch prepared by Suzanne and the beautiful Victorian home she so graciously opened up to us....I will save that for tomorrow!
As you can see, the day was full of fun, companionship and beautiful things! Many thanks to
Charlotte Lyons and to all those gracious ladies who had so much patience with me!
We had tons of fun at our table...
I am so glad that I decided to try something new! Felted sweater crafting is fun!
Have a great night!
:) Laura