Sunday, June 21, 2009

Home and Garden Tour....2

There are so many wonderful pictures of this garden tour in spite of the gray and misty day.....we were all so grateful that the rain held off.........
This post will focus on Paula's outdoor rooms......

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to decide which photographs to include and getting them organized ......Forgive me please if I seem to jump all over the place....There are so many details and surprises to delight your eye... everywhere you look....The little bird in the "cage" above looking out into the garden is inside the "Bird's Nest Inn"....the former chicken coop on the property which Paula has turned into a summer sleeping room....

This is a corner of also includes a comfy antique iron double indoor swing and lots of candles for romantic evenings......

Another lovely spot to sit and look out at the gardens is the screened porch at the back of the house.....

Paula's attention to detail is amazing.....

The window boxes are so lush with color.....

The terrace, complete with bistro table and chairs, outside the former chicken coop.....

The "Bird's Nest Cafe" is Paula's newly created summer dining room....

She creates a charming table using her antique brown transferware....

Old pillars and other architectural elements create the bones of this outdoor room.....

In the next post I will continue to show more of Paula's gardens and then some of her wonderful indoor spaces.....after that I will move on to the rest of the tour.......Each home was unique and reveals the personality of the homeowners....some are formal, some eclectic....all artistic.....
At this rate I could be posting on this lovely tour for weeks....let me know when you tire of it!!


Unknown said...

Lovely photos! Thanks for sharing, Esther

Joan@anythinggoeshere said...

Ask her, please, if I can move into the chicken coop. Pretty, pretty please???

manila property said...

Oh so lovely..

Anonymous said...

what a lovely way to spend the day!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Love the summer dining room! I'm always looking for interesting places to set up al fresco dining here on my little farmstead. When the weather is pleasant, I can't get enough of the good old outdoors. ;)

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage