Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Settling In To The Summer Time Blues

Settling in to the summer time blues...
...in a good way!

Love to fix blueberry pancakes for any and all family members...
Uncle Don wanders over from his camp...
...as do the teens and grown up nephews from the loft next door.
Hot coffee, an hour or so sitting around the breakfast table...
...listening to the sound of the conversation of those I love.

But, most of the family has gone now...
...returning to their busy lives...
...their jobs...finishing up school.

They will all be back as their schedules allow.
There will be lots of summer time fun ahead!

It is quieter...
...now there is time to finish a book...
...do a little cooking...
... start a craft project...
...organize a closet...
...clean out the attic?

OK, let's not get carried away!

Sister Lynn is here for the next two weeks...
...so either she will help me stay on track and get organized...
(she's really good at organization...)
I will convince her to explore and go treasure hunting!

I have an opportunity to set up a booth in an antique and collectible consortium...about a 50 minute drive from here.
I think I will try it...stay tuned for details!

In the meantime...
...we are enjoying the peace and quiet...
...hoping the sun stays out as we have had a bit of rain.

...watching the sky as it constantly changes...
...endlessly painting new pictures.

Tomorrow I will be posting about a book I was asked to review...
 Killer Stuff and Tons of Money.
I  think you will like it!

Signing off from the lake...
wishing you a bit of calm and peace in your day.
Take care,
Laura :)


Karmen said...

Beautiful photos. Just beautiful. Karmen

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

What a wonderful place and I love how you described the breakfast together. What fun. I love your colander.

Unknown said...

This is a wonderful place... And I gotta tell you the blueberries are so good this year.... Enjoy


It's me said...

Beautiful.......!! love Ria...xxx..

Maison Beldecor said...

Hello dear Laura,
oh, I love blueberries... usually with joghurt and mint sugar... so wonderful pics, it is certainly a great place at your lake. Wishing you and your sister a great and relaxing time, hope you will have much sun.
xoxo, Bine

P.S. Yesterday I got a pre-article from jennifer, I'm so happy it looks so good

Bonnie said...

So glad to find your blog, Laura! Your photos are stunning. Good luck with your new antiques booth venture!

poppilinnstudios said...

Such beautiful photos. Looks so peaceful. Can't wait to go blueberry picking and make some homemade muffins!

letrecivette said...

Oh..magic these pics!
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

oh my the blueberries were the beginning of the thrill...i'm not a blogger but so enjoy reading all those on my list! the photos are gorgeous. thanks for sharing the beauty that surrounds you. what lake are you on? pam in texas :)

SueBee said...

I love the summer time blues!
A treasure hunt is always good even when it's bad!
Enjoy your sister time...

Kelly said...

Gorgeous photos! I love summer. :)


Joy Junktion said...

Hi Laura,

I've only been by your blog a few times, but felt pulled to comment today. What beautiful peace you have captured in these photos.

Oh, how I have such need to find a place of peace in these months after my husband's passing. I miss him so and find life and myself in a bit of an uphevel just now.

There is not much of beauty here in the heat of Arizona now that summer has arrived in full force. I long for simpler days and you are experiencing now:) So happy for you!

Thank you for sharing a piece of your world!!

Blessings, Cindy

Egretta Wells blog said...

It looks so peaceful there! Anxious to hear about your show coming up.

Gracie's Cottage said...

Thanks for that little visual vacation...beautiful shots!


Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for sharing these great photos - Loved seeing the Summer time blues ! Keep us posted on what you and Sister Lynn end up doing. :D

Blondie's Journal said...

Your pictures are incredibly beautiful, Laura! Lake life is good. I hope you have a wonderful time with lynn. Sisters are precious!


Faithful Crafter said...

Laura, Nice post. How beautiful the lake appears. The blueberries look good too. Valerie

Anonymous said...

Love your photos! What a beautiful location to enjoy visitors..
Hugs from Storybook Cottage

Anonymous said...

ah the beautiful fruits of summer. We are eating puddings and soups down here in Melbourne Australia.

sweetpea said...

sounds like a magical summer ahead. hugs to lynn. i vote for treasure hunting of course. good luck with the booth, i think it's a fab idea.



Anita at Cedar Hill said...

Beautiful; so peaceful. I think I would like it there.

manon 21 said...

Absolument magnifique Laura,en plus avec un gâteau avec des myrtilles un pur bonheur.

Bonnes vacances

Chris said...

My husband and I made the wonderful drive from NYC to Montreal last October. It was magical, especially for him who had never been in that area before. Ferrying back and forth over Lake Champlain, et.al.! Loved it! So many beautiful places, in effect, mostly abandoned that time of year. Your photos show it as it is to be enjoyed...verdant, wildflowers, beautiful lake views...lucky you! Thank you for sharing it all with us.

JDConwell said...

What calming, beautiful images. Thank you for sharing them.

YONKS said...

Those blueberries look so sweet! Wonderful photos as usual.
XOXO :-)

Paula Parrish said...

Hello Laura,
Your photos from the lake are so beautiful! I hope that you enjoy every moment of your amazing landscape around your home. Happy organizing {I love to organize anything~call me crazy}!
Smiles, Paula

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

So happy you are enjoying the summer time blues!
I am sure you will be quite convincing with your sister ~ have fun!

Tanya said...

The blueberries look so good and remind me that I need to get to a pick your own farm. Such a relaxing place you seem to be in. Summer is the best!

jacklynn4 said...

Looks like heaven on earth:)