Monday, May 30, 2011

Flying The Coop

This week I will be flying to Florida to keep my Dad
 company as he drives north for the summer.

I'm looking forward to our time together...
quiet time and time to talk.

 Sister Lynn and I found this old chocolate tin at the flea market.
The sweet faded poem on the cover brought tears to our eyes
 and $2 out of my pocket.

Every Age and every tongue
Of Mother love has fondly sung
And from my heart I want to add
A glowing tribute just as glad
For never could love more wonderful be
Than you, dear Mother, have given to me.

                                 Mary Grey Robinson

Remember this beautiful linen heart that
 Mira of Belle Blanc gave me last March?
(She picked my cup in her favorite cup contest...lucky me!)

I just love it...

The poem which she printed on the fabric...
 I Carry Your Heart With Me by EE Cummings
 holds special meaning.
It probably is meaningful in some way to everyone.

We are planning a memorial service for Mom on June 11th to be held in the Adirondacks
 so that her family and friends in the north have an opportunity to celebrate her life.

We helped Kate move this weekend 
and it was fun to spend time with her and her friends.

Hope the long weekend was full of fun
 and special memories for you too!

Hey! This post is mostly white...
I'm linking up to Kathleen at Faded Charm 
for White Wednesday...check it out to see the other participants!


The Polka Dot Closet said...

How sweet of you to keep Dad company! Especially with Mom gone. I am in Orlando and it is soooo hot now, dad will be so happy to get out!


Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

That is so sweet of you to drive with your dad ~ Such precious memories will be shared and made ~

Christine said...

I love your blog. You are lucky to have your father with whom to spend that time. Sweet time, heart felt time, one-in-a-life-time...What I would give for that time with my dad...if only...
Have a wonderful drive and visit.

(Would you print the words to the poem on the lid of the chocolate tin?)

erin's art and gardens said...

have a safe trip, wonderful that your dad has such a sweet daughter, and that you are available to help him. some of the best conversations i have ever had, were on long drives.....
p.s. i'd love to know the words to the "mother" poem too.

Anji Johnston said...

What a lovely thing to do for your dad Laura, I'm sure he still has a lot of healing to do and your company will be a great antedote.
The poem on the chocolate box is so speacial. I'm sure it holds special meaning to everyone who reads it.
Have a very safe drive up North. Looking forward to your next post as always
Anji XX

Vintage Jane said...

We don't realise how precious our loved ones are until they are gone - cherish the time with your dad.

It's me said...

Beautiful.....big hug from you

Anonymous said...

Love the glass birdie. The poems are also beautiful. Charmaine

Heather Robinson said...

Both of those poems moved me so much. I lost my Dad nearly two years ago and yet the pain of it will still sneak up on me sometimes. Sending my best wishes to you and your family. I am sure that it must mean the world to your Dad that you are making the drive with him.

KarenSue said...

Have a happy, fun and safe trip. You are so lucky to be able to spend time with your Dad like this but I think you know that. And he's lucky to have a daughter like you!
Enjoy your trip!
Sue xoxo

manon 21 said...

Un peu de chagrin dans ce post,mais comme je te comprends.
Cette boite est une belle trouvaille.
Je pense à toi


amy of studio four corners said...

that is one of my favorite poems...and that glass bird is quite travels with your father
amy of four corners design

Bleudelavande said...

This old box is soooo beautiful!!!!
.... warm warm hugs to you lovely and sweet girl!!!!

The French Bear said...

Glad you are having some time with your nice to fly the coop for a bit!
Love the poem and that heart is just gorgorus! It is so nice to recieve such precious gifts like that isn't it? I do hope that time is softening the heartache for you so that you will all be able to celebrate the good times and the wonderful memories...I know there isn't a day that goes by that I don't have a memory of my still hurts but I can overcome it by thinking of something good...
Take care Sweet Laura and have a good trip!
Margaret B

The French Bear said...

sigh...I miss spell check, sorry I meant to say gorgeous!

Laurie said...

I love it all ... lucky you, enjoy time with your dad!

Jamie said...

Have a wonderful trip.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Laura,
You are such a lovely daughter to your dad. I think that he will love your company on his trip.....and, what beautiful things. I can imagine the feelings that you and your sister had when you found the old chocolate least you have each other to lean on.I am sure that the memorial service for your mum will be a very special day for you, your family and all of your mum's dear friends so, I shall be thinking of you all on the 11th.
The linen heart that you won is just perfect. XXXX

Andy's Attic said...

All so very lovely. I'm glad you can go with your Dad to bring him north. Have a wonderful and safe time.

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Have a safe trip and enjoy making memories with your Dad!

Unknown said...

enjoy the time with your Father that is such a gift to be together! have a safe trip! susan

Heaven's Walk said...

What a wonderful daughter you are, Laura. ♥ You're going to have such a special time with your dad on the trip home. I'm sure that you are a huge blessing in his life. :) I adore that sweet tin and printed heart! Does Mira sell those hearts...?

xoxo laurie

red ticking said...

so precious that you will be with your sweet dad... tim with our loved ones is sooo important. i am sorry to hear of your mother's passing... God will surely be with you through your time with him and at the memorial.
xoxo pam

Shaking the Fuller Family Tree said...

I love the chocolate box, what a special find that was!