My mother in law continues to clean out and yesterday she brought me two magazines...
...the first is a 1914 Vogue...'s fabulous and I will share it in a later post.
I was particularly delighted with the Woman's Day pictured above as it is a 19
52 edition!
Now, let me tell you about my day.
First of all, I am in Buffalo at Dan's law school apartment...
...he's moving out and onward as he has graduated and, as of yesterday...
finished taking the BAR.
(Thank you all for your prayers...
...we have to wait until November to see if you prayed hard enough... :) wink, wink).
Anyway...I made the 7 hour drive today...arrived around 4:30 p.m. and immediately began doing laundry and cleaning three years worth of bachelor pad grime...
(a privilege and pleasure)
Dan has gone out to celebrate with his law school friends.
Good for them! They have worked so hard and deserve to relax a bit.
Although their fun is tinged with a bit of sadness as they are going off in different directions and will miss each other.Back to Woman's Day...
When I was a very young girl my Nana had a washing machine like the one above....
I can remember pulling the clothes through the wringer and then helping her hang the clothes on the line outside behind the farmhouse. That's a good memory! :)
I haven't read the above article yet..."How To Be A Girl".
I don't know as if I need to read it...
I think I've got that down pretty good by now.
I enjoyed the advertising and the old graphics ...
...some of the products we still use today....RIT for one!
OK... he left me here with absolutely no food in the apartment...
I'm hungry!
Now, I haven't read this article yet either...
"I Live With My Grown-Up Children"...
But I am about to.
Dan is
temporarily moving back home as he has secured a job in our area.
A job, as we all know, is a very good thing...
...especially when there are student loans to be paid back.
Mr. Flea is excited to have Dan back in the area and available to hang out with...
...he is not so excited to be giving up his
Empty Nest.
Dan is excited to have a job...
...not so excited to have to move back in with his parents temporarily.
We will work it out!
I am happy to have both my boys with me! :)
These were the fashions back in the day...
...It is hard to imagine but in 1952 my Mom was 25.
She had a beautiful figure and could easily have worn these fashions...
Well, after this weekend of cleaning and packing and moving...
I hope Avon calls on me...
I will surely need it!
...or perhaps I will need this!
Once again, thank you for all your kind comments and good wishes for my family.
And thank you for all your suggestions on what to do with my vintage postage stamps.
Do you really think one of them could be valuable?
...gee...I could help Dan pay off his loans...or buy Kate an apartment in Manhattan...
...or maybe Mr. Flea wants a new kayak...
snap out of it Laura! ...remember your "Symphony"...
To live content with small means...etc. etc.
Fun to daydream once in a while! :)
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Oops...have to run down to the laundry room before someone gets the dryer before me!