Friday, May 22, 2009

Great Aunt Alice's Album

This is an old album that belonged to my great aunt Alice......

It is full of old cabinet cards of her relatives and ancestors.....about twenty in all....

Aunt Alice was related to me through marriage.......she was married to my grandfather's brother, Uncle Harry. They shared the farm with my grandparents.

Alice and Harry did not have children of their own, but adopted one son.

There are no names identifying these people ... we only know that they were from Aunt Alice's family.....

The farmhouse was sold when I was a newly wed.....this was in the house and somehow was given to me for safe keeping....since I was the one who liked all the old things.....

The leather cover is worn....the pages are loose from the binding, although in good shape....they are a beautiful rich green with gold design and edging.....

It is a treasure that was passed down to my great aunt and I am happy to safe guard it for generations to come....


SharDon Exclusives said...

That album is a real treasure! You are so fortunate. I would like to know if I can use the matting around the pics? I would like to mat some older pics that I have of my Grandma and they would be perfect. Let me know, Sharon

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

How beautiful, I know you cherish this album. I would love to own something like this.

Barbara Jean said...

What a great treasure!!

Blessings, and have a great weekend.

barbara jean

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

What an amazing treasure to have! It's simply lovely.

Bonjade said...

What a beautiful, beautiful treasure this is.
So nice that you will save this into the family. What a richdom.
Nice day

Les Cotrions said...

That's a treasure!!! I love these old memories!!!
Have a nice week end!
Warm hugs

Irma said...

Hai Laura,

What a great treasure you have there. It's really nice and you made such nice pictures off it.

Be well

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

What an incredible piece of family history - a real treasure to cherish! Fortunately, it's in good hands with you.


So many memories in this really beautiful album. Such a pity you don't know the names and the life stories... I love the picture of the two little girls, they surely turned to real beauties. Keep it safe, it is a real treasure, Mira...

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

I love things like that. I do scrape books, do you? I bet you could do some works of art in a scrape book. Thanks for sharing.

lia said...

What a great gift, you have their.
I'ts lovely. All the memories in such a beatiful album.

Have a nice weekend

Salon de Sucre said...

this is so nostalgic .. I love it.

jade said...

What a treasure - that album looks so loveley!!! You have so many wonderful things (and memories) - thank you for sharing!!!

Have a nice sunday, Hugs Jade

Linda's Blue Gate said...

So glad it was handed down to you instead of ending up in some garage sale..... it is a treasure....

Unknown said...

I have never seen one like that , usually the cab cards are just stuffed in a box!

Shaam said...

That is so neat! How nice of you to save it!

All the best,

From the Old InkWell said...

Laura, how sweet your blog is. I'll think I'll follow along. :)

Elaine said...

What a gorgeous album. It certainly gives importance to each photograph, just look at the design on each page.

You are fortunate to own such a beautiful piece of your family's history.

Great post!

Robin said...

Awesome album! Have a great weekend.

Take Care - Robin

Carole said...

Your so lucky to have such a possession. I have only a few pictures of my mom and dads family. It's nice that your family know that your the one that "like the old things"
Hope your having a great weekend.

The Feathered Nest said...

Omygoodness Laura, you're right! What a wonderful keepsake for you...mine was bought in a junky ol' antique store and was falling apart so I decided to give it a new life!!! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me ~ xxoo, Dawn