The day before the girls came to begin our antiquing adventure, there was a craft show in our little Adirondack town. A couple by the name of Henry and Theresa Sitko had a wonderful booth where they showcased their unique photographs of letters formed and found in nature. They frame their photographs in simple glass frames and then use them to create words...

Their customers can choose from a variety of letters to form their own unique words or sayings...

This is Henry with some of their creations....I did not get to meet Theresa but after reading about her and Henry on their website....I feel as if I know and like them both. To read about their story or view their website for pricing or contact information you can click here:
This was my favorite....Grace was my Nana's name and is daughter Kate's middle name...

There are a variety of different photographs that form each letter...

... so you can pick and choose which combination works best for your word...
I enjoyed visiting this booth and thought the entire concept was fun and unique. I just can't decide what word I want!

There were other attractive booths with the crafts and creations of talented people...

Adirondack furniture...

As I walked down the aisle of craft booths I caught a glimpse of this wonderful skirt as this lovely lady moved behind her table setting up her jewelry booth.....I asked her if she would mind if I took her picture...she very graciously allowed me to do so. From tip to toe this is one stylish lady! I just loved all the detail! It is romantic and artistic....
it's so me.....now if only I had her figure...
I was a tad embarrassed that I had imposed myself on her and been so bold as to ask to take her picture....she was busy putting the finishing touch on her booth....which I am sad to say I only glanced at. I think that she is wearing a necklace of the type she was selling....Lovely, like everything else about her!