Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chicken Wire and Funnels

I have been trying to behave myself and seriously... I have been good...
...really good.
I take an alternate route on the way home from work so that I don't have to drive past Anthropologie. I have been eating lunch at my desk.....and have been trying my hardest to stay away from Corey's fabulous online brocante....
So....when I decided that I needed an Anthro know some creative inspiration....I left my purse in the car and went in to browse with only my little pocket camera in hand.

Look at what I saw......Giant chicken wire!
Pretty cool, right?

Lots of zinc and industrial props....paired with botanicals and pretty soft fabrics ...

Look at these C clamps....
We have tons of old tools and funky junk in the basement, shed and garage...
...the wheels are starting to turn...

Funky decorating with fun funnels...
Have these....can do!

....spring colors and flowers...
I thought this table was fun....

...pretty bedding and lots of soft ruffles...

As I was snapping away with my little Canon....I felt someone's eyes on me...

...yes, security was definitely on to me...
...watching me closely...

I slipped out the door, having completed my covert mission to "steal " some inspiration...
...but just before I did...I spied this delicious springy sweater....Field Flower...

...I better not weaken and go back in with my purse...
...only a little over 2 weeks left of work!

It was a successful endeavor...
...and despite the huge snowstorm that we are currently in the midst of...
...I am feeling a little more optimistic that spring might actually come in another month or two...
...a seed or two of creative inspiration is beginning to sprout...

Hope you are warm and safe and happy!

:) Laura


Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Luv that large chicken wire...this store is soooo COOL...Mr.CC can't believe that our two daughters and I like the same store...silly men!


Unknown said...

I have never been to an Anthropologie store! Can you believe it? None were close enough for a day trip...until recently. I discovered that a new store just opened in Rochester...just a measly hour or so away. Guess where my first spring roadtrip will be?? Tami E.

Les Cotrions said...

I absolutely must visit this shop one day!!!A lot of inspiration! I love know that and zinc too! But everything is so beautiful!
Big hugs!

Unknown said...

...oh thank you, thank you! I adore Anthro. but sadly, there isn't one around. I applaud you for such restraint! That sweater would have had to come home with me, you know, for the sake of up close inspiration! xo

A Wild Thing said... it SPRING yet!!!

Thanks for the bits of inspiration, we all need a heavy dose of it right now! Never been to the store, Chicago is the closest for me, so if I'm driving that far(only 3 hours)I'm going to Kane County Flea Market...much better prices and I can take pictures without guilt!

Think spring...think spring...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for my Anthro fix. I really needed that. That store never fails to amaze me. The visual merchandising team is fabulous!
Thanks for the fix Laura, and good job not caving in, I know that was hard.

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

I could have used this post a couple of days ago! I too needed an Anthro fix so that is where I headed after work yesterday. Just to browse around a bit. I love all that they come up with. You saw a few things that I must have missed. Thanks for the photos!

Beach House Living said...

Old funnels are so fun to use arent' they? It's the clamp thing that has me thinking....We've got lots.

Tami said...

Love it all....what wonderful eye candy!!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

You are so funny. How did you pass up that sweater? I love all the photos and the use of the industrial stuff is great. Some really good ideas inside that fabulous store!


Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Laura,
I'm so glad that we now have an Anthropologie in London although, as good as it is, I don't think that ours is anyway as good as yours.
I love all of your photographs and they are so inspirational. I can't wait to see what you come up with. XXXX

Diva Kreszl said...

what a great store with some delightful ideas! thank goodness we don't have one near me or I'd be in BIG trouble!!!

Vintage Market Place said...

I just popped in there yesterday and the new floor wasn't set yet. but if this is what to come yay. I just love that bedset, I did see that up the other cover that was plain white that goes with it is amazing.
It is a great place to stop into for inspiration sometimes.

GardenOfDaisies said...

I love Anthropologie! I think it's my daughters favorite store! That Emu (or ostrich) just takes the cake!!!

vosgesparis said...

haha you go you made great pictures.! I had the same experience yesterday while someone of the shop looked at me as if she was saying..ARE YOU MAKING PICTURES !!!

The Feathered Nest said...

Hi Laura! Thank you for sharing your inspiration with us!!! I've not been to Anthropologie...but my goodness they have some incredible displays!!!! I love it all! hugs and love, Dawn

Gaia said...

O.K now i have to get my hands on giant chicken wire! You show amazing restraint not going home with that sweater!

Pamela Holderman said...

Oh good idea to leave your purse in the car - have not thought of that before. Love your blog - my first visit. I will be back!

cheryl kuhn said...

oh my goodness, i am head over heels in love with using funnels like that!! How clever, i can't wait to put some of mine to good use! thanks for sharing and passing along the photos to inspire us all.

Anonymous said...

Love Anthro!

Jane said...

Love the inspiration photos! They were showing different ways to use funnels in the Flea Market Style magazine too. Now, of course, I think I need to go find some funnels :-)

The French Bear said...

Ohhhhh I love that store! You showed so many cool things, now my wheels are spinning!!!
I too have been trying so hard to be is soooo hard!!!
Margaret B

Prudence said...

how could you do this to me? how could you show me those pictures with those fabulous clothes and bedding and decor? I had finally forgotten about Anthropology.....

trash talk said...

Oh-Em-Gee! I know what will be the accessory du jour at Round Top this spring.
Fun pictures that help to remind me spring really is just around the corner!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Laura
I love these Anthropologie posts.. We sadly do not have a store here.. so it is left up to you to keep me up-to-speed with the inspiration they provide.. Job well done.. both in inspiring .. and in keeping the purse in the car! I think my purse is going to have an outing today but I'll try to be good! The C clamps amuse me... I love their little shapes.. I have had some experience with these devils.. in one of my 'Julie' moments.. OK have fun.. and well done for self control.. I suspect I am losing mine!! xx Julie

VS said...

OK, sign me up...where do I get gynormous funnels, they are such a great way to display!!! I have a small shop & am always looking for clever ways to display with NOT a gynormous budget. Thanks for sharing your creative energy..

1 Funky Woman said...

Oh I am drooling. My sister lives in San Francisco and she often tells me about her trips to Anthropologie ~ I did buy an awesome lamp shade that I adore there while visiting my sister. I thought about leaving my daughter so I didn't have to ship the shade but I didn't think that sounded to cool, lol!


Rustique Gal said...

Laura, What restraint! I too, though for different reasons have a moratorium on spending! I just stay home a lot or go for country rides... Your pictures are yummy! What fun inspiring ideas! Sherry



Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

Thanks for the Anthro fix! I always get inspired when I go in there and I haven't been to mine since Christmas. You are a doll for sharing all those pics!
Thanks bunches,

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

What a fun post! So many great inspirational ideas! I love the big chicken wire, too!

animal print gal said...

Definitely fun! I am proud of you not taking your purse with you... I don't know if I could!

Unknown said...

Never been to the store. Maybe i should stay away....HAHAHAHA
Love it all. Unique pieces.

Lou said...
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Lou said...

Oh how I wish they had more than on store in the UK! Not fair...I have Anthropologie anvy...

Trudy said...

Amazing photos. I so want to go.

I just started An Artistic Mother's Group where we will be going through 12 projects together from Shona Cole's new book The Artistic Mother. Her desire is to help mothers find a to fit art into their every day, even if it's just a little something. I would so love for you to join us. You can read more about it on my blog; and if you're interested in participating, just leave me a comment, and I'll add you to the list.


PS If this is not something you are interested in doing at this time,or even if you are, maybe you could do a little blurb about it for me so that other artsy moms can join. It might be a help to them if they are looking for inspiration and/or an accountability group. We start March 6th, but anyone can jump in at any time. We will spend two weeks on each project. Blog about our progress and link to all of the other participants. Thanks so much for your consideration.

Anonymous said...

Those security ostrich are really intimidating!

Unknown said...

Ohhh that has to be hard to do. My Anthro is just 15 mins. away so I make Anthro fixes often. I love there props. It's nice to see another one for inspiration.
Happy day to you!

Theresa said...

Creative mind to use funnels and c-clamps! Wow and I love the sweater and that bedspread is gorgeous! Enjoy you day and take your purse in next time:)

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Thanks for sharing your Anthro inspiration photos. There is no Anthro in Montreal or all of Quebec (I think only one in all of Canada!). Such a disappointment!

Bonjade said...

Go back go back I would sertainly would buy that lovely trouser. So be quick before it is sold out......
Nice weekend

Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

I just discovered your blog and loved it so much I became a follower! Thanks for taking us along, congratulations on Resisting.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I have never been in one of those stores. I cannot tell you how many times I have done the same thing. Since I no longer am working the temptations are so hard to resist...but I do most of the time!! enjoyed the tour!!

Rosemary said...

OMG, Laura,
Don't you just love it? I love that store!!
They decorate so cool, but the flea market type pieces are outrageous! Now I know what to look for at the flea market this Sunday. Yes, we are going to the flea market by the beach. Even though it's cold and sometimes rainy we still have a flea market in winter.
Your photos are great!! I guess if I brought my camera instead of my purse to Anthro I would save money, but they have such cute things.
Thanks for the tour, and have a great weekend,

Pan said...

Hi. I was just passing and found your blog. Lovely photos and interesting posts. Thank you for an enjoyable read. Pan x

Vicki K. said...

Thanks for the Anthro tour - having never had one in person. Beautiful. Love that sweater and huge chicken wire.

Mari Brown and Colourblob said...

I just love reading your blog, always beautiful pictures and ideas... But boy, reading this post just got my self in a whole lot of trouble (well, my husband is in more trouble than me)... You my dear have openend up a huge pandora box of goodies, I went on their website and let me just say, my wish list is really long. Love the stuff.

I feel like a kid in the candy store : )



meleen said...


i just went for an anthro fix the other day too...small mistake, as i brought my daughter with me...not too painful, just a small bite out of the purse, but oh so much inspiration!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Laura...what have you done to me? Hehe... We actually just got an Anthropologie store in a local mall and I haven't made my way over there yet...trying to be good too ;) BUT NOW...I simply must get over there! Maybe I will try to sneak a few pics while there...I don't know if I could be as good as you though and leave my purse behind...that would be so hard... ;)

Legacy of Love said...

I would have had a hard time resisting that place as well. I go out everyday at lunch just to look for "good finds". Sometimes I luck out sometimes not but always fun to try.

Love the photos, great stuff.

God Bless

manon 21 said...



Florence said...

I loved your post, I just discovered we have an Anthropolgie right here in the Pacific NW. Where have I been, I could get in real trouble there. Florence

Gaia said...

I have that sweater Field Flower...I've bought it in London at the first european Anthropologie... Fantastic store!

nathalie said...

oh i just discover your blog...very nice...i love it...a lot of beautiful thingd.

im nathalie from