Sunday, February 7, 2010

Silver Decorated Fans

Antique silver and black fans....all family pieces...

Linen with silver edging...

To see more participants in Silver Sunday visit Beth at Gypsy Fish Journal.

Well, all my cozy, crafty Saturday plans went out the window!
The window which showed that despite all the dire weather forecasts....and the blizzard like conditions just thirty miles south....we didn't get a single flake of snow!

So, Mr. Flea (hehe) decided we should get out and run some errands...
...first stop was Barnes and Nobles...I wanted to pick up another copy of Somerset Life...winter edition, the one with my little article... to give to a dear friend. There were 2 copies on the shelf....I bought them both.

Mr. Flea then drove us over to the big mall as I needed to pick out a belated birthday gift for my sweet nephew Joe...
... at that B & N there were 5 issues of Somerset Life.
Mr. Flea insisted that I buy them all. He said, "once they're'll never be able to find another and you may never be published again!"

Hey....that's not encouraging!
Actually, he is fairly supportive of my blogging and I think...maybe even a tiny bit proud.

So if you are looking for a copy of Somerset Life in my area...and you can't find one at Barnes and you know why!

Anyway, after the errands....we went to my sister's home and then out to dinner with my brother, Biff the plumber, his darling and oh so creative wife Donna, sweet sister Mary Beth and her handsome husband Bobbay....

...we had a ton of fun...lots of laughs.
I am very blessed to have such a loving family!

Hope your Sunday is fun....we have a very cold but sunny day!


Anne Marie said...

those are really great Laura....

so nice to visit you!

that could actually pass as a B&W Sunday :)

hope you are well - and forgive me for not stopping in sooner.......

Floss said...

I love those fans! I had quite a collection in my teens, but only kept the most special. I should get them out again...

I'm glad you weren't affected by the snow.

kleine-creative-Welt said...

The subjects are a single dream - as a wonderful work -
It's so nice when you can spend in the circle of his loving family, nice hours -
best wishes - Ruth

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I'm going to have to get a copy of that Somerset Life- congrats! Absolutely love the fans- I've never seen one with silver decoration like that- so lovely!

Diane and Kelly said...

Beautiful fan! And congrats on your Somerset Life article. Despite what Mr. Flea says I'm certain there will be many more to come. Don't you just love how husbands keep us so grounded?

Second Hand Chicks

Theresa said...

Gorgeous FANS! Love them all. Sounds like a fun day and night. I gotta get that magazine before they all get gone:) Hugs

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hey Laura
Gorgeous fans.. how lovely.. wish my family had had the forethought to collect gorgeous items such as this!! haha... They are truly lovely!

Well sounds like you had a great day and a bit of fun!

Hope you are well xxx Julie

LiLi M. said...

I love them! I love to see the variety of things showed on Silver Sunday, don't you? Have fun today too!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Very pretty! Thanks for sharing them with us.
They are saying we will get snow in the morning - hope they are wrong.

Stephanie said...

Just wonderful...
I need to have one...
off to Ebay to check..
Great Pic`s
so glad I stopt by

House and Garden Boutique said...

Love the silver fans....thanks for sharing them with us. Glad the snow missed you folks! Have a fun Sunday!

Carole said...

Boy I guess I'm glad you didn't wipe out the stores around me miss Laura:)) just kidding!
Love the fans and happy to hear you had a good day with the family!
see ya soon,

The French Bear said...

I'd buy them all too! Good for you. I do love the silver fan, that is very different!!
Margaret B

GardenOfDaisies said...

Beautiful sequined fans!! Congrats on being published in the magazine!

Elaine said...

No snow here either. I did my errands too.

The fans are works of art, just beautiful!

I will have to pick up my copy of Somerset Life too, before you buy all the copies in New England!

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Those Fans are Fabulous..... also Congrats on the Published Article, That's So Exciting.... sounds like Hubby is a Proud Man & Rightly So~

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Beautiful fans. And congratulations on being published in Somerset Life. I've never seen this magazine, but I'm gonna look it up and try to get a copy. That is, if there are any left!


Moniqie said...

Hi, Laura,
your blog is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.

Simple Home said...

Those are beautiful fans. I haven't seen any like them before. Your husband was right, (well not about not being published again), but about buying the magazines while you can. Smart guy.
Have a wonderful week.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Laura,
What beautiful fans. They are very ornate, although quite demure. I think that women had different fans for different occasions. ...and the more intricate the more wealthy they were....well, I guess that would make sense.
Are they black or did you take the photos in black and white? If they are black, maybe they are fans that were used when someone was in mourning ?
Sounds like you had a lovely weekend.
Enjoy the coming week. XXXX

Bleudelavande said...

They are really great and beautiful, dear Laura!
Have a nice week

Anonymous said...

Those fans are so beautiful Laura! And yes, you never know when SL will be sold out so better stock up now ;) I regret not getting more copies of previous ones I was in since one did sell out :( Sigh...

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Those are fabulous!! Love the glitters.

Have a wonderful week.


Herself said...

Congrats on your article! And the fans are stunning.

Rosemary said...

Sounds like it was a great day anyway!!

Rebecca said...

Beautiful! Love the fan

EnchantedBella said...

Such a beautiful fan. Congrats on getting published you deserve it. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.


Sylvia said...

Those fans are have some really nice collections.


Sherrie said...

Sorry it took awhile to stop by, but I wouldn't miss a SS post, I love your stuff. The fan is gorgeous! In all these weeks for silver goodness I have not seen a fan displayed. I will now have to see if my local Borders is carrying the magazine. I promise to check out your article. Thanks for sharing.

The Armchair Parisian said...

I just discovered your lovely blog and look forward to looking further back at older posts. Very nicely done. And these fans! Gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

You do some nice things. Thanks for the fun time on Saturday. your brother. Biff the plumber