Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Random Shots

Everywhere one looks in Evi's home there is something special...
...something meaningful to her and always artfully displayed.
Here are some random shots revealing charming details from the corners of her beautiful home...a loving, welcoming and comfortable place!

Cheers to Saint Evi!

Remember you have until February 22nd to enter the 52 Flea 1st Anniversary Give-Back!
If you want a chance to win the new Jeanne D'Arc Living magazine, a copy of Somerset Life with my little article in it and a piece of beautiful handmade sterling silver jewelry created by artist Lisa HERE to enter!

Good luck and Good night!


Beth Leintz said...

I don't know Evi- but I LOVE her house. I'd love to take a little reading break in the chair with the footstool.

I've got to go back and look at your pictures again- so many great ideas.

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Now this is inspiration! Off to rearrange my little cottage a little. Thanks Laura, always dreamy here with you.


What a pleasant home! Lovely. ~ Angela

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Laura
Sigh is right.. it is all so charmingly beautiful!!! I think I need those little piggie bread boards!! he he Have fun xx Julie

Anne Lorys said...

What a beautiful home! And all captured beautifully through your eye! :-)


Simple Home said...

I love your beautiful random shots. Very inspiring!

Tami said...

Everything is so yummy!!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Lovely and inviting! Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Tammy

Carole said...

I love those shabby cake pedestals.

And what a great idea, to have photographs laying in a bowl to browse through.

The pig cutting board reminds me of one that my mother used to have. My dad made it for her.

GardenOfDaisies said...

her house is amazing! And look she has pigs too! I have pigs.

pam q said...

Oh my.

I don't know if I would have ever gotten around to eating the wonderful lunch---

I'd have been too busy walking around and taking in the sights...........

Cathrines Kreative Hjørne said...

How many wonderful photos of so many wonderful things! Old treasures are the best, is it not!

I would love to enter your contest, and will do so now!

Cathrine :-)

LiLi M. said...

Whow compliments to Evi! And thank you for bringing the beautiful vignettes to us!

It's me said...


I mayby be stupid but who is evi ??

What i know.i like her home ,what a beautiful house.......the painting from the rabbit !! wow !!

And the lazy shair..i like the whole house !

Can you let a comment on my blog who evi is ??

Greetz Ria

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Laura,
No wonder you love going round to Evi's home. It's chocablock full of wonderful things and brilliant ideas. I love it all, the photo's in the bowl, the hatbox, the book's, the doll's , the bird's, that lovely chest with the little drawers, I think that it's a specimen cabinet,the things hanging from the mirror, the cushions but, most of all, I'd love to lay in that chair with my feet up and just drink it all in. You are all so creative. XXXX

Theresa said...

As my Mama would say "Lordy Mercy"! That Evi has some creative talent, I must say! Love her every corner in her house. Gorgeous and thanks for sharing it with us! Hugs!

Rianne said...

I love this house! Especially the birds of glass are great!
Thanks for sharing those pictures. X

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Evi is amazing! So many beautiful vignettes in her incredible home - just a pleasure to browse through your photos, Laura.

cheryl kuhn said...

What a stunning home, thank you so much for sharing your photos with us and thank Evi for letting us get a glimpse of her home sweet home!

Lululiz said...

What a beautiful home full of the loveliest treasures. All so perfectly displayed as well. I'd love to take a stroll through her home. Hmm, that could take a few days, lol, there is so much to see and stop at and ooh and aaah over.

Peridots Garden Blog said...

Love everything !

My personal favorite...the basket of b/w photos with the magnifying glass!

Thank you!


Bonjade said...

Such lovely pictures....You have so many treasures....I love it all....I'm sorry but I do.....
Nice day

Simply Shelley said...

Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful pictures and giving us a little tour of Evi's beautiful home....I especially love the old toys and little wagon and also the old clothes pin bag...just wonderful....blessings

Unknown said...

What a beautiful post, better than most magazines.

marysworkshop said...

Thanks for taking us on such a beautiful stroll through Evi's art and antique collections. Her vintage clothes pin bag is amazing, and who wouldn't want to curl up in that corner chair with a good book! Lots to love here!

Andy's Attic said...

WOW! Evi has a real gift for putting it all together and your gift is to photograph it and share it with us! The welcoming feeling of it all is so evident. Thanks for giving us a peak.

Stephanie said...

Your friend Evi sounds A-mazing! I've loved each post you're had about her beautiful home!!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

What a wonderful home your friend Evi has and I love the feeling it gives me when I look at the pictures..such a peaceful home! Thank you for sharing this with us!

Carole said...

There are things I never even glad you got them photographed. At every turn there is something even more delightful. My head is still spinning!

Ange said...

'Sigh' is right...

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Evi's home is so lovely. I could spend hours just walking through every room and taking in all the beauty.


north pal said...

ooooooooh! that was fun! she has many desirable goodies.Denise

Rustique Gal said...

What beautiful vignettes. What nice photography. Beautiful post!! Sherry

June said...

Laura I just love it when I get to tag along to Evi's house. She has the most charming style I know. Special touches of whimsy everywhere I look. If I lived there I would have a smile constantly.

annie said...

Just one GIANT photo opp!!!!
Gifted hearts attract each other.

Rosemary said...

Love, Love, Love!!!
I think we have the same granite!!
Your home is so cozy, inviting, and beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

So charming and that chair and ottoman set and all her little dogs ;)

Booklinks said...

Thank you for sharing!Such a warm and beautiful home.

Unknown said...

What a charming home! I love the cake stands! Have a sweet day!

La Maison said...

It is all as in a dream,what a lovely place to be. Are you sure the pictures are real??

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Wow Evi's place is beautiful!!! (I love her name too)
Did you miss anything Laura? haha Not that I'm complaining because I just loved EVERY detail you snapped a photo of....totally beautiful and inspiring!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend~
everything vintage

kristinco said...

Tout est merveilleux sur tes photos ! Les coussins et le filet pour les pinces à linge, en passant par les vieux jouets et les livres ... Bref, un régal !

Mélanie A. said...

I don't have the chance to know Evi but her interior is beautiful , I Love every single detail .Who is Evi ?

Anonymous said...

Oh Laura,
you have certainly captured our wonderful time spend together!!!!!!!! Thank you for your kind words and for just being you! I treasure all of you, my friends, sharing thoughts and ideas, laughing together, complaining when needed and just being there for each other. I am still on cloud nine( or as my sister-in-law in Germany said today -cloud 7 there!)
We will get together soon again, can't wait!
I better get busy making dolls now.
Thank you again for everything,

the paris apartment said...

What a beautiful home Evi has! She must have a big heart, I can tell she has great passion just from her collections and vignettes. I accidentally stumbled on you and am so glad I did. Stop by if you get a chance!

maryann said...

Lovely! So inspiring! And your photography is great! Thanks for sharing!!

manon 21 said...

Plein plein de choses que j'aime dans ce post que j'avais pas vu!

Amitiés ma chère


Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic said...

To view your photos is such a delight to the eye and mind! You have such lovely treasures. Will you be opening an online shop when you "retire" from the corporate world? That's what I did...loving every moment, too!