Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day!

Well, looking out my kitchen window...'s a beautiful world!
....still in my pj' office today!

Santa Baby is doing his thing....shoveling and snow blowing our long and winding driveway... 3 pm we had just under a measured with the yardstick on the table.
...still snowing!

Yes! Yes! A sight for sore eyes...
I took these snapshots at the market yesterday!
... Calla lilies are daughter Kate's favorite flower...

6 more weeks of winter...

And then we will have beautiful, glorious spring!

I am getting excited with Valentine's Day coming up on Sunday...
... and Evi's Valentine's Day Luncheon on Monday!

Guess what else Monday is?

Unbelievably, incredibly....
...Monday will be the one year anniversary of the birth of
52 FLEA!

It will be time for me to Give-Back.... all of you who have been so kind to me...
...stay tuned for details!

Meanwhile....I must make something warm and delicious for Santa Baby who is about to come in from the cold and snow.

...Poor guy...
...feeling just a tad guilty as I let him "play" outside all day.
...I just may have to throw in a back rub!


Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said... have so much snow!! This is the first year in many we have had none(to speak of)and here in Canada thats odd!! Hope you had a good day,x0x0

alice said...

Yiker doodles! That is some snow!! Love the flowers~ Get your hands in gear!
smiles, alice

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Laura,
Looks like you are buried underneath beautiful snow! Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Beautiful flowers.


Vintage Market Place said...

Everyone posting these beautiful pictures of snow makes me long for home.
Enjoy it and I would be in my jammies too if I were stuck inside.

Chemin des Muguets said...

Hi Laura,

So glad you're ok. What a mess for so many people. Being an Upstate NY girl, I have many memories of big storms. I'm not exactly homesick, but it sure lots pretty in your pics.

Have fun at Evie's luncheon,



Sandra said...

Here in Southern Maine and received barely a dusting of snow. The south has had more snow than us this winter...very different. Am new to your blog this week and enjoy your style!

Rust: Vintage Inspired Design said...

What glorious snow pictures......enjoy!
Happy day!

Fete et Fleur said...

It is beautiful, Laura! Congratulations on one year of blogging!!


Six divided by two..... said...

What a great snow day pic!!! Please send some to Texas!!!

Anonymous said...

Stay warm my dear. Hopefully the white stuff will stop tomorrow but a day at home isn't the worst thing for us is it? :) Congratulations on your upcoming 1 year anniversay as well!

Elaine said...

Don't you just love a snow day? We got just a dusting here. Boy, did they get it wrong! The prediction was for 5-9 inches. Mother Nature had other plans.

Love your snowy window pic.

Lisa said...

Oh happy snow day! And Happy one year! Mine is in March! I felt so lost when I started but it seems I was right there with at least half of my sweet blog buddies! I cannot wait to see what you "give-back" next! I still love all my sweet goodies I won!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hugs, Lisa

Sea Witch said...

Wow. I must say the snow does look lovely, but I do not miss having it in Atlanta. Have a wonderful Valentines day Sea Witch

The French Bear said...

Laura, Evi is having a luncheon? OMG Please take me with you, I'll be good, I will just hide in your pocket!!!!! Oh my, I can't wait to see what she does, that girl is full of wonderful ideas and she always treats you so well!!!! It will be so exciting!
One year of blogging, wow, I feel like I have known you for so long, hee hee, that's how great blogging is!!!
Margaret B

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

So Much Snow!! Looks much the same here, too! It's so nice seeing the beautiful flowers!


Gorgeous photos! Stay warm. ~ Angela

Anonymous said...

I love snow days when I get to stay in and keep warm! Seems it keeps going right below us though and all we are getting is the cold! Did get some snow today but nothing like what you seem to have gotten! I too am yearning for spring ;)

Auntie Cake said...

Enjoy your snow! Love all the flowers, like a breath of spring!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Oh wow! That is a lot of snow. I can't even imagine. Luckily you have a pajama day -- the best kind of day! Best wishes, Tammy

Pearl said...

Well happy one year anniversary!! Great pics of the flowers it just makes you want to throw them on a bed and lay down with them (giggle) Have fun in the snow!

city hen said...

Nothing better than a snowy day, stuck at home, coffee in hand. Lovely.

Florence said...

Congratulations on your one year, that is so awesome. I have been thinking about you all with all that snow. Last year at Christmas we had a lot here, we had to do a lot of shoveling too. Enjoy the solitude. Florence

Lululiz said...

Oh goodness, I thought our 4 inches of snow this morning was quite something, doesn't quite compare with yours, lolol. Looks rather stunning though, the scene beyond your kitchen window.

Greet Lefèvre said...

Beautiful snow pictures Laura!!
And congratulations with your blog anniversary!!

Floss said...

Aw - we have a fine dusting of snow here today again - enough to cause minor chaos outside the school this morning (again). Yours looks beautiful, but your flowers are a wonderful hint of what's to come! Thanks.

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

So you're going to have a pajama day, Laura? Well us up here in snow country, we have barely had any snow in the last six weeks - very unusual.

Unknown said...

O yes, dear Laura, spring WILL come, and it must be glorious after this never-ending winter. Here in Germany we had also large quantities of snow.
Warm regards
Iris ♥

Mélanie A. said...

Snow is coming to Marseille. It just starts to snow and I am at work . I would love to be abble to stay home. Stay home and take care...Mélanie

Unknown said...! that's alot of fluffly flakes! ~ love the early morning view from your window. Congratulations on your blog 'versary!!! xo

marysworkshop said...

After seeing the snowy photos, the flowers look that much more beautiful! Happy One Year Anniversary, Laura, with your wonderful blog!

C'est La Vie said...

Love your pictures

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Laura,
WOW, So many comments have gone before me !! I'm a bit late on this one but many, many congratulations on a full year of blogging.
You were definitely meant to have been a blogger. You have made so many friends and have given so much of yourself through your posts.....AND, you are nearly at 1000 followers!!!!!!!!!! I think that you should have a party when you reach 1000 !!!!
Back to the snow...what a lot you've had. We had another flurry last night, but nothing like you've had.I am definitly snowed out now and want the Spring to arrive, although I think that we have got a while to wait, like you.
I love the photograph of the table and chairs. , although I don't envy Rob's job of shovelling snow !! Mind you, I think he volunteered, knowing that there was a good chance of a back rub in it for him !! haha.
Have a lovely weekend, Laura. XXXX

June said...

Laura your world covered in white is gorgeous. Isn't it funny how our guys like to go out and play in the snow...always little boys, it's just that their toys get bigger and louder as they
Your pictures from the market brought a huge sigh from me. Just beautiful.
happy one year anniversary Monday. I've loved every post!

Herself said...

Congratulations! Oh my gosh, the pic of the little birds is absolutely fabulous!

Andy's Attic said...

As always your pictures capture the moment so well. Congratulatons on one year. I'm glad you decided to blog because you are so good at it.

Tankar från Trädgårdsmästarn; Hillevi said...

What lovely pictures!

I adore your old birdhouses in the margin, I wish I knew where to get hold of them or similar:-))

Nice blog!

Hillevissa, Sweden, Europe

La Petite Gallery said...

Congratulation's Laura,
on your one year.
Enjoy the Smow it is beautiful where you live. I love Calla's also. Your back yard looks like a park. Stay warm and take it easy shoveling that snow.


Carole said...

Our snow is almost all hoo!
You'll probably hit 1000 followers... wooohoo!!!by the time we get together at Evi's....can't wait!!!

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Nothing like a snowday to bring back childhood memories...
Did you ever imagine that in the short span of one year that you would meet so many individuals from places near and far?

Joyce said...

Beautiful photos. Happy Valentine's and congratulations for your Blog Anniversary!

*Chic Provence* said...

Looks like the old days in Vermont! Enjoy the beauty and Happy Valentines Day + Happy Blog Anniversaire!
