I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day!
...I had a cozy, comfy day at home with my longtime Valentine!
Tomorrow is a really big day for me!
First of all, it is the first anniversary of 52 Flea!
It was just one year ago that I was invited to Evi's home for a Valentine luncheon.
My girlfriends and I sat around Evi's dining room table....talking so fast, all at once...
... we were so excited to be together!
It was then and there that these girls... Evi, Paula, Debbie and Carole, of Maynard Greenhouse convinced me to go ahead...give it a try...create a blog of my own.
I returned home and on February 15th, 2009, 52 Flea was born...
... and I published my very first post!
...352 posts in 365 days!
I know, that's crazy!
What can I say?
...I like it!
Anyway, I have never looked back...
I have met so many amazing people and even traveled far away to meet a few in person!
I guess it would be an understatement to say that I really enjoy blogging!
So.....guess where I am going tomorrow for lunch?
Yes, I am off to Evi's beautiful home again...to meet up with the girls for another spectacular and delicious Valentine luncheon! Evi spoils us so!
Besides all the fun....
...I wonder what will happen this time?
Now to the business at hand...
...a huge Thank You on 52 Flea's First Anniversary...
...this is my chance to Give-Back to all my friends here in bloglandia. Thank you for encouraging me, for making me smile and sometimes laugh out loud... for lifting my spirits when they needed lifting... for all your kind words and comments.....for showing me how to be a better friend...
... and for assuring me that I am not alone...I now know that there are many kindred spirits out there.
You are truly a gracious, good spirited, generous and fun loving community and I am very grateful to be a part of it!
Thank you to all who follow along, to those who stop by occasionally, to those who leave comments... and to those who don't!

To begin with...the winner of 52 Flea's One Year Blogversary Give-Back ...
...will receive a copy of the new spring edition of ...
Jeanne D'Arc Living Magazine!
Wait....there's more!

Have you heard of Lisa Leonard Designs? Do you read Lisa's wonderful blog? Lisa was featured in the spring edition of Artful Blogging...on page 52 to be exact! She was also a speaker at BlissDom'10...an annual convention of women bloggers that I am just learning about...It was held in Nashville a few weeks ago.

I am in love with Lisa's sterling silver jewelry creations and have ordered the Captured Heart necklace with my Dan and Kate's names hand stamped on it. I love her classic simple lines. Her designs are perfect as gifts for just about anyone...(mothers....look at her heart strings piece)! Lisa has necklaces and bracelets with inspirational words, charming designs and so much more! Check out her online store here ...
Because I adore her jewelry so much...the winner of this 52 Flea Blogversary Give Back will receive a $50 gift certificate toward the purchase of a piece of handmade sterling silver jewelry by this talented artist and soulful blogger.
I am truly charmed by Lisa and her line of beautiful jewelry!

And finally the winner will receive a copy of the winter edition of
Somerset Life!
Why, you ask?
Because you probably haven't been able to find a copy due to my husband purchasing all available in the county!
To enter this Give-Back all you have to do is leave me a comment and tell me you would like a chance.
If you can't figure out how to leave a comment...send me an email!
This Give Back is open to everyone who stops by to say hello and enter....it does not matter where in the world you are!
You do not have to be a follower...
You do not have to stand on your head or do twelve jumping jacks.
Just tell me that you are interested for a chance to win!
If you would like to post about my Give-Back or put it on your sidebar or both..
...it would be appreciated...spread the blog love...
If you choose to do so, leave a second comment and let me know...
...I will enter your name for a second chance.
And that's it!
Entries will be accepted up until...
... Monday, February 22nd at 6 p.m. EST
Thank you and Good luck!
I will be sure to let you know all about our Valentine luncheon!
I am so excited!
I hope I can sleep! :)
1 – 200 of 366 Newer› Newest»please enter me into your give away and congratulations on your one year anniversary! deb
I am so happy for you and your one year Anniversary! I love blogging and it has changed my life. I would love to have a chance to win your giveaway. Thanks for being you and keep on blogging!
Love your blog and all your collections. I would love to win your give-a-way. Thanks for the chance. Can't wait to hear about the Valentine party.
I'd sure love to win! Congratulations on your anniversary and thanks for such a great giveaway!
Congratulations! And I'd love a chance to win. You have a lovely blog. :-)
Well as the saying goes, the first one to leave a comment never wins. But I just wanted to tell you congrats on your anniversary. I have been a lover of your blog for quite sometime. This giveaway is amazing and you are very generous.
I sure can't wait to hear what comes out of your big luncheon......
Please sign me up for a chance to win!
I think I could do the 12 jumping jacks, but not so sure about the standing on my head part......
Keep blogging and I will happily keep reading!
I would love a chance to win the lovely goodies you're offering. Thanks so much.
I'm looking forward to hearing about your luncheon!
Hi, I want to say congratulations on your beautiful blog, I love to visit, your pictures are always so beautiful. What a wonderful giveaway, so exciting. I would love to be entered. Have a wonderful time at your Valentine luncheon, sound like so much fun. Happy Valentines. Terri
I just linked to your give-back in my sidebar. Thanks for offering a second chance to win!
Hi Laura,
Congratulations on your first year of blogging! Really enjoy reading your blog. The cloches in the photo at the top of your page are so unique with their non-glass knobs. Can you tell us more about them? Perhaps you have - I'm new to Blogland.
Please enter me for a chance in your giveaway.
Enjoy the Valentine luncheon with friends. Such a great idea!
Congratulations on your first anniversary of blogging! I can't quite believe though, that you have posted 352 times! Amazing!
Please enter me in your fabulous give-away-I am a follower and I will put something about this special give-away on my sidebar.
Best wishes, Natasha.
COngratulations on your anniversary! I always love to drop by 52 Flea. And though it doesnt matter, I am a follower. I cant miss!
COngrats! Hope I win this awesome giveaway!
Happy anniversary! Your blog is inspiring to me, your images feed my soul....I will return every day as I am a follower...one of almost 1000 and HOW did you do that? Talent, inspiration and images...gifts, merci.
Happy birthday for your beautiful blog. Sincerely, @nne
Happy Bloggaversary Laura
You certainly have found your niche!! and 352 posts is some mean feat!! For the portion of the year I have been visiting, it has always been pleasurable time spent!! Sometimes filled with envy.. hehe but always filled with beauty and joy!. I'm certainly looking forward to the next 352 posts!! Also, please count me in on your Giveback... it will be the only way I will ever get my hands on a Jeanne d'arc magazine, not to mention the very special and auspicious edition of Somerset Life!! What if I want to stand on my head and do twelve jumping jacks??? oh yes that's right.. i'm getting on!! alright then I will just say 'please give me the chance'.
Congratulations once again.. and thanks for bringing us your beautiful and inspiring blog!! Can't wait to see what happens at Evi's. I'm sure you and Carole will bring us up to date!! Ciao Ciao xxx Julie
A heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary! I always look forward to your posts and beautiful, inspiring words and pictures.
I know you are filled with excitement in anticipation of your luncheon...can't wait to see your next posting!
So...of course I would love a chance to be the recipient of your most generous offering, and I'll gladly post about your Give-Back on my blog.
Happy happy birthday to your wonderful blog my dear friend! So so glad to be first to wish you a long long life to your blog!!!!!
Have a nice week my friend
Hmmm I am wondering if your give away extends to sunny England? Probably not, but hey that's really OK :-) Congrats on your anniversary, I very much enjoy reading your blog and the photos are just a drop of heaven... Lou x
Congratulations! that's a lot of posts :) I just found your blog and I love it! i'll be back soon to go through all those posts... I would love a chance at your generous giveaway and I'll put up a side bar button right away, gotta share the love. Have a Happy Valentine's Day full of LOVE and laughter!
luvs and glitter
Hi Laura, Congrats! I read your blog evveryday! I think it is wonderful!! I have never left a comment on any blog...but here goes...I would love to win!! Enjoy your lunch with the girls, can't wait to hear all about it!
I wish a happy birthday for your beautiful blog,and I hope to follow 52 flea still for a long time!
Ofcourse I will congratulate you with the anniversary of 52 FLEA! And I'm so happy I found it long time ago.. I do read each post you write and I love the pictures you make..So I'm one of your fans! The presents you choose for the winner of this give-away are wonderfull, I could expect it..because your style is lovely! Greetings from Holland, Corine(THUIS)
Bon anniversaire de blog,tu es toute petite et déjà célèbre.
Je rejoue même si j'ai déjà gagné,car ma chance c'est de pouvoir communiquer avec toi,ma fausse jumelle***rires***
Continue à nous réjouir Laura.
congratulations on your first year!! keep going!!
count me in for your fantastic giveaway - i love lisa leonard's work
Yes please! Enter me in your give away. I love your blog. I was kind of hoping that the winner would get lunch at Evi's with you and the girls! Haha! Happy Anniversary, your blog has brightened many a day for me!
Hugs from Poland,
Oh so georgeous.......Such lovely give back.
I love that necklace so much, real art.
I want to join in...and I will put a photo on my blog so I cross my fingers.
And of course congratulations with this anniversary. I hope to enjoy your blog for years and years......
Nice day
Hello Laura
Such a wonferdul giveaway, please count me in! Happy anniversary. We started up at a similar time. Mine is on the 25th.
Warm wishes
Isabelle x
Golly....there is some benefit in being up in the middle of the night - not being able to sleep. I'm the first one to comment on your fabulous giveaway. Please count me in.
Your post, as always, was a treat for the eyes and heart.
Bonjour Laura,
Congratlations on you one year blogiversary. Wow-352 posts in 365 day - I am impressed, hos do you do it? You are one of the best, and I've so enjoyed all my visits here to your beautiful blog.
I would love to be a part of your giveaway and help you celebrate.
Here's to another fabulous year!
I'm fairly new to your blog and it's such a charmer! This giveaway looks super-spectacular...happy blog-anniversary!
Congratulations on your anniversary! I have never read the Jeanne d' Arc Living Magazine and would love a chance to win one. The jewelry is just beautiful and would love the Somerset Life, so pick me! pick me! (grin) I am putting you giveaway on my side bar.
Hey Laura! What a wonderful giveaway! I don't like to be the 1st commenter, but I'm going to leave the comment anyway! Love your blog & would love the chance for one of these great gifts! *elaine*
Congratulations on your year anniversary!
Love your blog.
Please enter me in your give away.
Thanks for sharing.
I certainly want to be entered in this giveaway! Oh my... how generous, Laura! I am so thankful to have met you! It is a blessing to have friends that you have never met but can't imagine NOT knowing them! Anyway, thank you for being my friend and for this wonderful giveaway! OH I hope I win:)
Here I'm again, I just mentioned your bloganniversary on my blog! So I hope you'll get a great number of visitors for celebrating this with us :))
Greetings, Corine(THUIS)
Oh I would love a chance to win, although I know that the first comment actually never does. Happy 1 Year of Blogging. Enjoy your blog tremendously.Nancy N.
Congratulations with your ONE year blog-aversary YAY Good for you !!I'd LOVE to be entered and will put you're give away in my sidebar on my blog too.
Hugs from Marian
OOPS a second comment is needed for the side bar mention, so here it is lol
I would love to be entered, I have followered your blog for a few months now. love it!! Smiles, Carol Mae
Congratulations on your One Year Blogging Anniversary, Laura! I've always admired your dedication to blogging - a daily treat I can always count on! Please sign me up for your Give-back (who wouldn't want to win?!!). p.s. have a wonderful V-Day luncheon chez Evi!
Dear Laura,
First of all, how on earth have you managed to do 352 posts on 365 days? That is unbelievable and, if there were international blogging awards, you should have a Special Golden one for outstanding achievement !!!! You have gone over and above the call of duty.... and to think that it has only been one year. Amazing.
Next, what a wonderful and generous giveaway. The Lisa Leonard jewellery is so delicate, romantic and personal. How wonderful to have one with your children's names on. I'm going right over to her blog as it is SO me..... and the new Jeanne d'Arc magazine. I have only just received the last one and now there is a new one. What with the gorgeous jewellery and the magazine, I think that my credit card will be smoking !!.... and then, to crown it all, a copy of Somerset Life. We don't have that magazine in the U.K.so a glimpse of your article would be a treat.
Have a wonderful lunch with all of your girlfriends...there's nothing nicer than lunch with the girls. I wonder what plans will be made at this one ?
I shall put your giveaway on my sidebar, Laura.
Have a great time at Evi's and say hello to Carole from me....and the others, even though I don't know them !!!! haha
Have fun. XXXX
I just wanted to let you know that I posted about you giveaway on my blog. Have a great Monday. Smiles, Carol Mae
Happy Anniversary Laura!! What an accomplishment for you. I do love stopping by and try to leave comments when I can. Please put my name in for the draw and wish me luck ~ I am loving Lisa's beautiful creations.
Of course I would love to be entered into this amazing giveaway. I am so happy that you started blogging!!
Hello Laura! Happy anniversary to 52 Flea!!! I'm so happy you decided to blog last year! And I'm very grateful to your friends who convinced you to do it!!! This gave me the opportunity to meet you both in bloglandia and in person!!!
Your giveaway is simply faboulous!!! I put it on my sidebar!!! Good luck to everyboby!!!
Tanti baci!
Happy blogversary and happy soo many posts! I 'm looking forward to the next already and yes, I would like to win this give away!
You are a prolific poster! I'm here for the first time but certainly not the last. If you would be so kind, do throw my name in the hat. And thanks for the chance.
So nice that it worked out for already one year. I love to read it. Thank you for having a change to win your give away. I would be thrilled!!
Good luck with your blog!!!
Anneke Bouma
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I always find so much to be inspired by here on your blog. Please include me in your giveaway.
It's a pleasure to visit your blog, so glad you decided to share what you do with those who love blogland.Congratulatons!
And who wouldnt love to be included in such a fantastic give-away! Count me in!
i am a follower and love your blog, i don't comment much..
And Yes, I would love to win...Wonderful giveaway..
Congratulations on your blogiversary!!!
I am in love with your blog!!!
It is sooo amazing and inspiring.
You have done a tremendous job!!!
Keep up the good work!!!
P.S..... I loved you in Somerset Life.
Hi Laura, I enjoy your beautiful blog with my morning coffee. I can't believe a year has passed already. Please count me in on your wonderful giveaway. I was also wondering if you would share what type of camera you use. I am in the market for one and your pictures are amazing! Hugs, Patricia
Love your blog! Please enter me in the drawing!
You really hit the ground running didn't you? I am thriled for your a year bloggyversary~ and of course, throw my name in the hat!
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary and your beautiful blog!!! I would love to be entered in your amazing giveaway!! Thank you!!
Wow! Such treasures! I feel a little shy saying count me in - I just found 52 Flea! Your sentiments regarding blogging are so true - I feel the same way! Congratulations on your ONE WHOLE YEAR of enthusiastic blogging. It IS heaps of fun, I agree! I hope your luncheon is wonderful and thank you for spreading the blog love.
First off, Congratulations! You've created a beautiful place for us to come to and be inspired!
Second, I'd love a chance--I have a thing for glossies--OK, anything sparkly and shiny.
Happy Anniversary! I myself started in October at the urging of a friend, when we ran into each other at Goodwill, hence the name of my blog, A Conversation at Goodwill. I'm still getting used to all the technical stuff, I keep tweaking, and am having fun. Even when an earlier post didn't get a comment, I still had fun doing the writing, just putting myself out there. You are right about the wonderful people out there in blogland, it makes for a rewarding experience. I love your photos, so artistic, and your little vignettes. I would be honored to have you sign me up for your fabulous giveaway.
I look forward to visiting your blog everyday ! Your photos are so pretty and you have the most interesting collections ! Congratulations on your First Anniversary !!!! Please enter me in your very special give a way too !!!! Thank you !!!! And I hope you have Many , more Happy Anniversaries in Blog Land !!!!!
Throw my name in the hat! Great give away! Happy Anniversary!
I just recently came across your blog. I've enjoyed reading and looking. What wonderful prizes..thanks the give away!
I am so happy that you have reached your one year anniversary and am in awe of the fact that you posted 352 times in 365 days...just amazing and very fortunate for us!
Your extremely generous giveaway would be welcome in my home anytime!!
Thank you Laura for making me smile and here's to many more posts, enjoy your Anniversary!!
xOxO Nerina
You know I would love a chance to win this giveaway! I adore your blog and come here often to see what you are up to. And you always blow me away with your excellent shutterbug talent. You don't know this but you have inspired me to get a better camera and learn to photograph little bits of things instead of a 'large' room. Congratulations, on one year and all those posts! Enter me, enter me!
My Best,
p.s. I am posting about this wonderful event!
I love your blog and all your thoughts! I will post about this give back on my blog. Even though I really want to WIN! You know the less people the better the chances theory! lol. Big congrats on your anniversary.
smiles, alice
Your blog is my favorite...I read others and save yours for last. :-) I discovered 52 Flea while looking at Flea market Style...always make it a point to look at your archives. The photography and content are great. Congratulations on your first year. I hope there are many more.
I would love to be a winner!
I've put your give-back on my sidebar.
Congratulations on your aniversary and your article-both are quite the accomplishment, but together-no wonder you are celebrating! Your blog is a beauty that I love to start my day with. Thanks for the chance to win!
Congratulations on your year of blogging. It is so much fun! I would love to be entered in your giveaway....and thenk you that I don't have to stand on my head!!
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. Love reading your blog.
Amazing that it's been only a year for you. Your blog is incredible, and I'm proud to have already been a follower! And would love to win your givaway. Funny about your husband purchasing all the Somerset Lifes...I'm glad I grabbed my copy earlier. To another fantastic year!!xx
It is your readers, like ME, who should be thanking you for your lovely blog. On dreary Nebraska days, I can always come to you and dream over your inspiring pictures and wish I was along on your adventures. I would love a chance to win and CONGRATS on this milestone!
Congratulations! Now those are some good friends - ones that encouraged you to do something that inspires you and your readers! Thank you for a chance at your Giveback.
I posted a picture of your giveaway on my sidebar! Sure hope you come and visit me!
I love your blog. Happy Anniversary! Please put my name in. Sherry @ The Charm of Home.
Dearest Laura,
wishing you the Happiest of Blogiversaries!
Of course I'd love a chance to win your awesome giveaway, but meeting you has been the best gift. :-)
Big bloggy hugs,
Congrats on one year. I love your blog! would love to win. Heres to another year of great blogging.
I would love to have a chance to win. Your blog is beautiful.
Wow girl, you know how to celebrate!! Thanks for this and Happy Anniversary. May you have 100's and 100's more posts.
Congratulations on your anniversary--what an amazing accomplishment! Your blog is fabulous and I hope this coming year brings you many more accolades. I'm putting you on my sidebar!
I love your blog and would love a chance to win your anniversary prize! Congratulations!
Laura, I have added a link to your blog gift back on my blog in the upper right hand corner. Thanks again!
I just love your blog--it is among one of the first things I must do to begin each day--read what you have to say and use it for my daily inspiration :-)
I am so happy to have found your blog a few weeks ago......I check it every day and it brings a little lit to my heart. Thanks! Would love a chance to win your prize....and congrats!
Wow Congrats on your Anniversary...time sure does fly when you are having fun :} I missed my 1-yr anniversary for my blog because we were in the middle of a move...but this year, I hope I can give back for my 2nd Anniversary. Blogging is simply the best!
HAVE A NICE DAY!!!! ... Felicidades por tu bloganiversario Laura, ya sabes que te sigo y me ha inspirado el dia de san valentin, FELICIDADES! Un abrazo, Olga.
Congratulations on your blogiversary! 352 posts in 365 days, wow, I think I ought to call your blog 52 Motormouth instead of 52 FLEA from now on ;-)
Of course I would love to win your giveaway, fingers crossed.
Laura...I still remember when we first met..I liked you right from the start and you blog has been more inspirational than any other I know,you have a big heart my friend and I adore you!!!Congrats!
I spotted your blog a couple of weeks ago and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Congrats on one year! I'd love to win.
thanks for the chance to win!
i really enjoyed looking at your blog!
Congratulations on 1 year of blogging! My you did well almost a post a day- how do you do that??
I would love to win your giveaway and thank you that we don't have to jump through a million hoops!!
I am so glad that you started blogging because if you hadn't we would have never had the opportunity to meet you.
Everytime I visit your blog I feel inspired to create. I just love coming here.
Your giveaway is devine and I would love to be entered.
Hi Laura,
Congratulations on your one year Anniversary. That is so wonderful. Your Blog is so spectacular and is one that I look to for inspiration and encouragement. It is so amazing to have an outlet like this to relay your feelings and join with others that share your same interests and dreams. Again, Congrats!!!
wow what a fabulous giveback! you are one red~hot blogger aren't you with that many posts in that many days. good golly miss molly, i'd better get busy.
hugs and congrats,
Wonderful giveaway. Happy 1st anniversary. congradulations!!! Rhonda
I posted on facebook about it too!
Please enter me in this super-generous giveaway. I'm already a follower.
Your giveaway SHOULD be some tips on how you have made your blog so ultra-successful with almost 1000 followers in just one year!!!
You are amazing!
I see I am the 100th commenter :-)
Congratulations on your blog-versary & Thank you for this gorgeous giveaway to Celebrate ♥
Happy Anniversary! I think your blog is wonderful and I do so love vintage everything!
I would like to through my name in the hat for a chance to win. Thank you for having your blog.
I get to post again for being a follower of your blog. Thank you!
You have had an amazing year!! Congratulations and I would be honored to win your give back!
Congratulations on your 1 year Blogiversary.... so glad you made the leap ~ I Love reading your blog ~ What a Wonderful Give~Away, I would Love to be Included & of course I Follow, would even do some Jumping Jacks, if I had too
Off to Post about You....
Congratulations, 352 big blocks .... Great! Next time lunch with me? no thank your giveaway on my blog .. I am very thumbs ... Because the chain .... Still do not believe sooo nice 1 thing, can you please tell ... where does the role with tickets come from?
powered by
Congrats! What a beautiful give-away. I will add your link to my blog.
Love, Chani
Done ;)
More congrats! Great Blog...
Laura, Please sign me up! This is a lovely give-away and for a wonderful reason. Congrats on your Blogiversary! Sherry
P.S. Please add me for the second chance. We all need a second chance...Sherry
Laura, congratulations on the first year of your beautiful blog! I would love the opportunity to win your fabulous giveaway. Thank you for your generosity. Have a wonderful week! Twyla
thank you laura for your blog. i enjoy reading it each day as a little reward for myself...your clear distinctive voice is such a pleasure. and your giveaway is extremely generous. i'd love a chance. leslie
Laura, congratulations on your first year of blogging, you have come a long way baby! I sincerely hope this year brings you more joy and friendships as this past year.
I have posted your amazing giveaway on my blog..
I will be back to hear more of your luncheon with Evie and the girls....
Please enter me in your giveaway. It's so nice seeing you upbeat since I know you've been through a trying time with work. I'm sitting here commenting because I'm in a neck brace! Yep, cervical spine surgery last Monday to remove two torn discs. Now screws, plates, and bone later, I'm in a brace for at least three weeks! But, I'm getting well rested.
Oh, and there's at least one more issue of the mag out there. I accidentally purchased TWO in an effort to make sure I got your article. Hubby returned the overpurchase for me LOL.
I discovered your Blog on Valentines day and tried to post a comment but not sure how to do it. What a special Vanentines Day find. Thank you!Barbara Menell (Chaibarb@gmail.com)
I think that magazine Jeanne D'Arc Living Magazine!
is wonderful, I want to be intered in the drawing. There are so many womderful magazines today, this is one
janice In Missouri
Hello Laura
What a lot of post in one year !!
Congratulations ........and what a lot of followers wauwww !!
You have a beautiful blog girl !!
I will also follow it
Greetz from Ria
2nd chance - I placed the info about your giveaway on my blog's sidebar.
Goodness me Laura you'll never find my wee comment in amongst all these others. In any case - congratulations for a year of wonderful posts and all the friendships made! I am celebrating too today as I made my first sale on ETSY! Not bad considering I've had no time to make more products since I downloaded my very first ;-) MUCH love to you and have a wonderful lunch. I will post about your giveaway later tonight! Ange
Your Give Back gifts are wonderful--your winner will be one lucky girl! I love your blog -- 52 Flea is at the top of my list for daily inspiration. I dont have a blog to help spread the word, but congratulations on your first year anniversary! Looking forward to more and more!
Just discovered your blog and enjoy it alot. Pls enter me, the giveaways are great and creatie. thanks
I just love your blog and can't wait to see the beautiful pictures you post everyday. I would really enjoy the giveaways - please count me in. Thanks, Maureen
Love a chance to win such beautiful things. Thanks!
Congratulations......I am interested in your giveaway......love your posts!
Hi Laura, I just left a post on my blog letting people know about your spectacular anniversary giveaway! Congrats!
what encouraging friends you have. i love your blog and visit often. congrats on your first year! i would love a chance to win your wonderful give back.
I've just started blogging, and am very inspired by your blog. What a great give-away-please sign me up for a chance to win! Congratulations on your anniversary!
Happy Anniversary Laura! Love the Valentine clocks, your blog and would love a chance for your generous give away. Thanks!
Who wouldn't be delighted to win? Especially if the winner needs a bit of winter pick-me-up! :)
Please count me in!
I'll also blog about it, http://simplelittlejoys.blogspot.com
Love your blog & congrats on the 1 yr anniversay. I would love to win this awesome giveaway. Someone is going to be VERY happy!
I would love a chance to win this giveaway, I seen Lisa Leonard designs in the Feb-Mar edition of Artful Blogger, checked out her blog and LOVE her jewelry.
P.S. I would of stood on my head and done twelve jumping jacks.
I will also be adding you to my sidebar.
I would love a chance to win! You have a beautiful blog! Today is my 1 year anniversary of having my store open on Etsy too, so I know how exciting it all can be! keep up the great blogging! :)
I discovered your blog only recently but am enchanted! Congratulations on your anniversary.
congratulations! 136 entries, i must get in line. please give me a chance. thank you for the compliments, that would go for all of us. but.......thank you back. you have certainly have given us miles n' miles of entertainment. i have and will continue to enjoy your blog. Bestest,Denise
Congrats on your one year...I have been following your blog for a little while now and love it...would love to have a chance to win your goodies...Thanks...
Sweet Blessings...
Oh my goodness.........would it be poor manners to beg? I LOVE this giveaway....how lovely and totally generous........HOPING....hoping, hoping....
Warm hugs,
what a sweet giveaway! I would love to win and Happy Anniversary!
Love reading your blog and would also love to win your blog giveaway. Please enter me!
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I love your blog and I make my way here everyday to see what is new.
Please enter me for a chance at all of those wonderful prizes.
Thank you
I would love to win a prize! Count me in. By the way, The ladies from MAYNARD GREENHOUSE were in my booth last year at BRIM!!! Man, it's a small world...:)
Bliss Farm Antiques
Your blog is absolutely gorgeous,as is the photography.Please enter me in your giveaway! Merci beaucoup!
PS from Sue Young:Oh,I have been a follower of your blog ever since I saw the posting about the Vichy water basket...I've been lusting after one of those ever since!(I'm a French teacher)
thanks again.Sue
Congratulations on your year anniversary! I love reading your blog daily and am always amazed at your creativity! I would be thrilled to be entered into your giveaway. Please count me in!
Congrats Laura!!
I'm so glad that the girls talked you into starting a blog. You are on the top of my list. A favorite blog of mine, and I always look forward to seeing the amazing things you create.
Congratulations, Laura! Who wouldn't want to win this wonderful giveaway! Thank you!
I have posted about your giveaway on my blog, too! Thanks again! Linda
I would love to win, so PICK ME! Your blog is wonderful and it is amazing you have posted so many times. Keep it up! Lezlee
Wow-what a great giveaway!!! Happy Anniversary!!!
You've created a wonderful blog, and I can't believe how many post you've had in your first year, that's incredible! I'd love to enter in your giveaway.
Congratulations on your anniversary! I love your blog and I think the name of it is so clever. Since today is my birthday, I would love to win this giveaway!!!!! Pam
I have really enjoyed reading your blog this past year. You are so creative and inspiring! Thank you! Jamie V in MT
Happy Blogiversary!! Your blog is wonderful, just became a follower...do not want to miss out on any future posts. I sure would love a chance to win your wonderful giveaway!
Congratulations on you first year of blogging. I look forward to reading your blog. Keep up the good work. Thanks, for the giveaway. Hope to win. Nancy P.
Gongratulations Laura wow the year has flown! Thanks YOU your blog is so gorgeous ;)
Hi sweet Laura!!!! Happy Blogiversary Sweetie!!!!! You love it like I do hon...I can't get enough of the inspiration, friendship and everything.....I wish you many, many more posts so we can be inspired even more!!! hugs and love, Dawn
Joyeux anniversaire
Happy birthday from France
Life won(t be th same without 52 flea posts giving insppiration and friendship every day
On eof you silent "fans"
I recently found your beautiful blog and look at it every day. Your images and thoughts are lovely and very inspiring. I started a blog just a year ago too with my daughters, one who lives in New York and it brings us closer together. 52 Flea is one of my recommended blogs. i would love to receive the Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine, it looks fabulous and we cannot get it in England.
Happy 1st anniversary.
Hey Laura...could have sworn I left a comment here on the 14th, but I can't seem to find me...if I have double commented, please delete one of them! *elaine*
Oh! I'm almost late to the party. Congrats to you!
I love Lisa Leonards designs would love to enter...thanks..your blog is one I recently found and love it..adding to my blog roll.
I would so love to win these items....I love your blog and am so glad I found you! A year goes by pretty fast, yes?!
I am in the process of adding a blogroll to our blog!
I look at your blog every day, first thing when I get to work (dont' tell - it's the super highspeed internet). I don't comment often but I absolutely love your images. Congratulations on your first year. You've really proved that blogging is an art form. Also, I'd love to win something!
Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog! I just started my own this January and it has been a great creative outlet. Happy Anniversary and keep the beautiful photos coming for a great escape!
I'd love to win! count me in!
and congratulations on your bloggerversary!
blessings. Dixie
I'd love to be included! You always bring a little sunshine into our day with your beautiful inspirational blog!- Mary
and of course I had to post your giveaway on my sidebar so I could get that second chance to win! yippeee!
My comment disappeared!I come and visit everyday, love your blog and the images are so creative...I have posted about your give back...I follow and have done so for some time.
Congtratulations, happy anniversary!
That is a wonderful give away and I LOVE Lisa's jewelry. Never heard of the magazines so that would be nice to win and get these, I love reading and snooping at pics in magazines. Congrats on your anniversary too.
Congratulations! Your blog brings me many hours of joy and inspiration. Thanks!
Hmmmm ... blogger must be mad at me today .... I have tried to post a comment THREE times already .. and apologize if they all decide to come through at once! First just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on your one-year anniversary of the PROLIFIC blog! Isn't it great to find something you love so much?! Second - thanks for not having us do twelve jumping jacks on our heads! SERIOUSLY! Do you know how many bad hair days you would be responsible for?? Finally, just a word of thanks and encouragement for this wonderful blog you have created. Here's to many more celebrations!
Hugs -
Betty :)
...Congratulations on a year of blogging! I love to visit you, your pictures and content are always an ispiration! xo
yea! congrats on ur 1 yr of blogging! i would love love a chance to have one of the things mentioned! who wouldn't love a lisa creation????!!!!
...Thanks for a second entry! I have posted your link on my sidebar! xo
I think you should deffinately pick me!!!!!!!!Heck why not? So what if I LOVE Your Blog? So what If I spend lots of time here. I know you will pick someone-----xxChaibarb
Yes! Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway!
Congratulations on 1 year!!! I don't always comment, but I always come to read!
Thanks for entering me into your wonderful giveaway. Here's to another great 365 days!
Congrats on your blog birthday, I have enjoyed every post. My giveaway is the same day, maybe we work out a trade. LOL Enter me anyway, I'd love to win any of your wonderful treasures! Lisa
Wat een prachtig blog heb je! Ik heb je al een paar keer eerder bezocht maar nooit een commentaar achtergelaten. Nu wil ik graag een poging wagen voor de give-away. Ik zal ook een link naar dit blog maken op mijn eigen blog.
Lieve groet,
I'm sorry. I have written my comment in Dutch! Stupid me! Anyway: I like your blog and your give-away very much. I think it's great! I have made a link to my own blog.
Wow!! What a give-away. Please count me in. I have 2 in 182 chances to win. How is that for odds????:):):)
p.s. I'll pull your button for my blog
I just discovered your blog and I love it, you have a new follower!! I am standing on my head and doing 12 jumping jacks :) it's worth a shoot...
Congratualtions on your anniversary and thank you for the chance to win.
I would love a chance to win...
Oh happy one year! I love your blog! I think it's funny your husband bought all the magazines with you in them! I do have a copy but I hope if I win you will sign this one for me!! You are very good to give back!
Hugs, Lisa
I just found your blog, but hope I can enter anyway! I look forward to reading you in the days and weeks ahead. Bonnie
Of course, I would l-o-v-e a chance. So glad I made it before it was all over. Joyeux Anniversaire to your pretty blog, Laura!
A chance...to win something from you?! Wow, would I ever LOVE a chance! Thanks and by the way, you have a amazingly wonderful blog!!!
I just discovered your blog today and just LOVE it! I can't wait to look through your lovely posts. You have the most elegant and charming sense of style. I'm inspired just to look at your pictures. I would definitely like to enter your giveaway. Thank you for sharing your creativity and appreciation of beauty in life.
Yes! I love Lisa's designs, and would love to win :) thanks for the chance!
Please add my name to your one year give away, I would be honored to receive a gift from you....You have a wonderful blog. You have given me a lot of inspiration. XO MARY
Congratulations on your first year Laura! You know that you were one of my inspirations and I am so happy to see your blog take off like it has. I hope that next year brings even more success!!!!!!!!!
What a wonderful giveaway! Your blog is terrific and I am a follower.
Laura, I found your blog last March, and have been a follower every day since!!! Congratulations on your 1 yr. anniversary! I love all the antiques you show us and all the beauty. Thankyou, keep up the wonderfulness. Please enter me in your give away. Cecilia, mathis480@yahoo.com
Oh yes please!!!
Congratulations not only on your one year bloggyversary but on so many posts... almost one a day!! Pretty amazing I must say. I just started blogging and have recently found your blog and find it very inspirational. Here's to another year of artful blogging. Looking forward to being a part of it :)
~xo always,
Wow, what awesome items! Thanks for your generous giveback. Count me in. I'm one of your followers and thoroughly enjoy your blog regularly.
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. Your blog was one of the first ones I found and I always look forward to a new post. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Congratulations Laura!!! It is hard to believe you have only been blogging for a year! Your giveaway winnings are amazing...anyone would be lucky to have them!
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY 52 Flea! One of my favorite daily reads required with my tea. I do so LOVE reading about your get together with Evi & I just have to ask if she has a blog or site to purchase her amazing dollies?!? Please enter me in your giveaway. Hugs!
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