Friday, February 26, 2010


The snow started falling...

The branches of the old dogwood trees are bent to the ground...

Will we ever get out?
...making some more hot chocolate for Santa Baby...


Beth Gales said...

Wow--beautiful pictures but I am getting tired of this!Hurry up spring! The tulip picture on the side of your blog is looking more and more inviting! :)

Debby said...

I know this isn't funny but when I saw your post BURIED it totally made me crackup, as I knew what was to come. I live in Southern Ontario and the snow is comig down again, they say we are suppose to get hit hard today, hoping they are all nuts!!! Stay warm...

It's me said...


The pictures are baeutiful.............have a great snowy weekend !

With lots of snow.......

Greetz Ria

Rustique Gal said...

Well, my optimist side says Spring will come! and my pessimist side looks out the window and more snow! We had so much rain last night, and then it turned cooler and started snowing this morning. We expect another foot here in the hills of Western Mass!

Your pictures are fabulous-I call them studies in black and white! Enjoy it! You can recall this time when it's 93 and humid! Sherry

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are beautiful! We're not use to seeing snow like that. I'm sure after a while you get tired of it. It's like me with the rain here, a few showers is nice but after weeks of gloominess and rain, it's like enough already!!
I just wanted you to know I',m having my first blog giveaway and it ends on March 7th. I was inspired by you and your kindness and wanted so much to give back to everyone that has been so wonderful. I really love your blog and it has been such an inspiration. So please stop by and enter if you'd like.
Take care.

Vintage Market Place said...

Well the pictures are so beautiful but I am sure you are so sick of the snow by now. Today is 65 and so sunny here. Wish I could send it your way.
but tomorrow we get the rain so I better get out and enjoy the sun.


Stunning! Very mysterious and ethereal images. ~ Angela

Lorrie said...

Your photos are stunning. I love the sculptural look of dark branches topped with fluffy white. I'm enjoying snow vicariously these days - we've had none this year. As I'm sure the world watching the Olympics knows!
Stay cozy and warm!

Pierelantijntjes said...

Beautiful pictures!
Greetings Ester

Theresa said...

Absolutely gorgeous pictures my friend! Love the snow and hopefully you will get some springtime soon:) Have a blessed day!

aimee said...

holy cow! that is a lot of snow! it sure is beautiful though. enjoy the hot chocolate :)

My Little Part of Heaven said...

White is beautiful (isn't it?)
Sorry you are getting so much snow there.
I am surprised Michigan hasn't gotten has been missing us for some reason. Your pictures are breathtaking. This is the kind of weather for a pot of homemade soup and homebaked bread (and lots of butter).
I hope Mother Nature lets up on your part of the world soon.
Blessings to you.....

Joan said...

Praise the Lord, we escaped this one! We are excited that a path has been cleared to the gas grill and we are finally going to have steaks! Yay!!!!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear, snowbound Laura,
What a lot of snow you have just had. Is it normally like this or are you having an unusual amount of snow ?
I do think that it looks sooooo pretty though.
I'm sure that Spring is on it's way, Laura. It's just been delayed a bit.
Snuggle up with Santa baby and drink your hot chocolates and maybe a little nip of something stronger.
Keep warm this weekend. XXXX

Anonymous said...

Oh, glad it's you and not me getting the snow. It is beautiful, though! Heard when it snows it is God giving you time off.
Just read a little more about you in Somerset Life. I, too, am a home economics major! Do they even offer that anymore? I went the school teacher route.
I am in trouble...tomorrow my youngest is celebrating her birthday (24!) and she wants to go to Anthropologie! The closest one is two hours away!

Weisser Traum said...

oh deine winterbilder sehen schön aus..aber der winter habe ich satt.....ich willfrühling.grins grüässli daniela

shirley said...

The snow has finally left us here in Normandie.....looks like we have sent it off to you!!!
Best wishes

House and Garden Boutique said...

That's a lot of snow.......I say it's a movie day!!! It's just beautiful! And I love the quiet that the snow brings to the outside. It softens all the noise pollution.....makes everything so peaceful.

Little Spouse in the Old House said...

I loved reading all these comments. Your pics are great! I give them an Olympic perfect ten! My favorite snow sport-stomping through new snow taking pictures.

Beach House Living said...

We are having a good storm here in the NE. You captured some really nice photos!

Les Cotrions said...

Homemade ink??? Why not? We could try!!!
Spring is a bit far from you!!! I dream sun but I must say that your iced photos are gorgeous!
Enjoy your chocolate and have a sweet week end!

Linda K. said...

This has been and still is quite a winter for you guys. Wow. It's beautiful, the snowfall and the photos. I hope everyone is warm and safe during this 'end of the season storm', ah but we have March left. Maybe the worst has past?


1 Funky Woman said...

Wow, am I the only one who doesn't mind winter? I think that weather looks perfect for a big cup of cocoa and a blanket wrapped around yourself, sitting in a cozy chair with a book. Oh wait a minute, that's exactly what I am doing right now, because it looks like that outside my window, lol.
Enjoy your weekend and stay warm!

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

I just found your blog and just love it !! Your snow pictures are beautiful even though I am dying for some spring flowers and green ~
I was cracking up at your Anthropologie post because you sound just like me ~

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Your photos are beautiful! I am like so many others in that I am tired of Winter and am looking forward to Spring & sunshine.
Enjoy your weekend.

Rosemary said...

That is a pretty sight to a California girl.
No flea marketing this weekend!
Keep warm and stay cozy!

Unknown said...

pretty pictures, hope you get out eventually! i'm getting tired of the snow here....can't wait to see the buds coming up! thank you for visiting, i just happened to see it before i shut down for the night! enjoy your weekend, stay warm :) susan

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Oh Laura.....we got it too!! Isn't it beautiful!!Hope you have a wonderful weekend,x0x0x0

Andy's Attic said...

Enjoy the hot chocolate with Santa Baby..

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Beautiful photos Laura. It will be spring one day and then summer and we'll all be complaining about the heat... I am going to try to remind myself to enjoy it though (may need a reminder!). Have a great weekend and stay warm.

debi lynn mattingly said...

Hey girlfriend!

You are one of the few I know that could make even a snow storm look "inspirational"! :)

thanks for joining our HUGE vintage Yaya give-a-way and mentioning it on your blog! love ya...stay warm xo...deb

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Hi Laura- lovely photos! It looks like a very heavy, wet snowfall- hope there wasn't much damage to trees or power lines! It's almost March- I just keep repeating this to myself...

Carole said...

Hey Laura,
The snow sure does look pretty...we only got rain...but you know I love that too....I know I'm a weirdo!!!
hot chocolate sounds good to me!
Have a good weekend sweety!

Anonymous said...

Same here! I could barely get through the door this morning. Your photos really make it look so beautiful though!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hey Laura
Well the snow does look beautiful!!! but then I don't have to live in it!! Hope you can get out and about soon.. but for the moment I'm loving these photos!! Oh... I heard the song Santa Baby last night .. in a movie!! I haven't heard that song before... thought of you immediately!! xx Julie

L'Orangerie said...

Bonjour !
Thank you for this beautiful pictures !
Have a nice week-end !

Olga said...

preciosas fotos!!!...aunque a mi lo que me gusta es el sol y la playa, aqui no tengo nieve ....solo mar!!!
un abrazo, Olga

I_am_Tulsa said...

wow...I have never been anywhere with so much snow...I think it is gorgeous...and what better excuse to make some hot chocolate?

Emma said...

Wow it looks breath taking!! it is such a beautiful thing snow...not so good if you have to travel or need to go shopping!!
I wish you fun making hot chocolate, and enjoying the stunning snow light around your home!
Love, Emma x
Ps if you want something to make you smile...i have a giveaway over at is my 200th post...where does the time go?! xxx

Elaine said...

Really lovely winter photos. You got so much more snow than we did in Eastern Mass. I fear we have a few storms left before Winter leaves.

Snow does make everything look so beautiful and it also makes for wonderful photos.