The iron bed sat out all night....I woke up once and turned the light on to make sure it was still there....this morning I couldn't help playing with a few more spreads and's really time to get back to work!
10 Vintage Valentine Lady Images!
18 hours ago
Keep on dreaming,Laura. All your photos are beautiful.Greetings from a sunny day in Norway.
Wow I think I need a nap. Know anywhere??? It's so lovely, the whole feel is just so tempting...
I would have a hard time ever leaving.
Your finds are great too. You always find the best stuff!!!
Big Hugs,
Hi Laura! Thank you so much for your comment! Absolutely stunning photos! Reading comments in other blogs as well as my own are so cool. It is amazing how much one can glean from other blogs. Now, I must get back to preparing my daughters arrival and my husband's departure, he needs help packing. Stop twisting my arm to blog. Help!! Help!!
I have been catching up on blogging and your last three posts were absolute eye candy. Lilacs are my favorite. I lost my purple one to a landscape redo and only have a white one left. I have to plant more this spring. Then ....well the rest was just Ahhhh! so lovely. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos, Pam
I don't ever OMG...
OMG!! (goodness - not the other)
I just spent over 15 minutes looking around your blog-
LOVE IT!! absolutely love it-
SUPER nice to meet you- and I'm a follower FOR SURE!
Oh I love it.......I also like dreaming......
Such a great bed.....and the sweet.
I would like to have one of those.....
Nice sunday
I love the day bed under the trees - just the thing to snooze away the afternoon. Lovely photographs, xv.
Hai Laura,
What a great bed you have there, and you made some beautiful pictures of it. I love it.
Have a nice weekend
the photos are so great.Lovely things and the pillows are very nice.
Best wishes,
Sooooo Pretty! Have a peaceful weekend! xo Joan
you are such an amazing photographer. It such a treat for my eyes to look at your blog every day!! That bed looks so warm and inviting, I can't believe a little critter did'nt crawl up there and spend the night!!
What delicious dreams...
Oh! A bed outside whith really nice and shabby pillows!!! I like it I like it :O)
Smile from Ljo
I really love the simplicity of your blog! The pictures are just beautiful.
I love how you take ordinary things
(ok.... cool old things) and with a photo capture its charm and purest beauty. Bringing the simplest things into a whole new relm of specical!
WOW! Good job!
I will be followering your blog!
I found your blog from Anne Marie's blog!
If you have time come say hi!
My main blog is The Garden Gate!
I have a decorating blog: My Bluebird Cottage but have been busy with my 6 kiddos and the decortating is going rrreeeaaalllyyyy slow! LOL
I also have a recipe blog:
The Rustic Kitchen...I only have a few post there too. Do you know how hard it is to take pictures of your food (for the blog) with 7 hungry people waitting to eat.. chantting " Let just eat".
Well Have a great Sunday!
Georgiann aka Fruitful Harvest
I can't even believe how much we love the same kinds of things.
I love everything on your recent posts, especially that bed and pillows.
hello Laura,
I love the iron bed, the pillows are also beautiful !!
Your blog is wonderful to visit , I will come again......
greetings from Gea
Fabulous picture ! I love it ! Très jolie mise en scène avec ce petit lit ancien et ce sac mystérieux qui vient de France !
Thank you so much for stopping by! In my blog. It`s very nice to have an english visitor. But then you will find out how bad my english are... Anyway... I hope you understand most of it!!
... :O/
It`s not very often that I use the english language, so it`s a perfect place to practise.
I hope you come visit again and thank you for follow my blog.
A big smile from L-jo ;O)
Laura!!!! This is the most beautiful post I have ever seen...that daybed and those, I have no words to tell you how much I LOVE THIS POST!!! Wow..stunning, o.k. I will stop talking now, but really wow!!!
lovely pictures, i especially like the cushion...
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