Every week day as I drive home from the office I have to drive past one of my favorite stores ...
Today, after a long 9 hours, I decided to stop and do a walk through.....just to get some inspiration.....their displays are so unusual...edgy and interesting....
The zinc numbers......52 were meant for me....obviously....
The two jute sacs were labeled...."French jute salt sacs".....and the price was surprisingly reasonable....especially considering where I was shopping...... I love the black graphics and am thinking pillows.....or funky curtains for the bathroom/laundry room at the lake.....what would you use them for?
Next stop was the grocery store across the street....looking for something to feed the family.....
Are hyacinths edible?
I was a bad bad girl.
Hi there,
Just tried to post a comment, but it wouldn't let me, trying again.
I said after a 9 hour day you deserve some fun.
I love Anthropolgie too! Great store!
Have a great evening. Yay, it's almost the weekend.
quand je vais aux US j'adore anthropologie aussi.
pour les sacs de farine il faut se méfier il y en a plein qui viennent des pays de l'est ils sont plus raide et surtout ils déteignent,fait attention.(j'espère que tu comprends ou que tu peux traduire facilement,moi je comprend l'anglais mais ne l'écris pas I am a bad girl!!!!)
Hello Laura,
thank you for the nice comment and boy...am I happy to have discovered your blog. It´s a feast for the eye. I´m going to take a cup of coffee and have some fun going throug your blog.
P.S. please please adopt me .... I want to go with you to the Dollhouse. ;)
Have a nice weekend, Jeannette
Hello! Nice things you bought! I'd like to visit this place!
Have a nice week end!
Warm hugs
Thank you for visit my blog .
I`d like yours too ,your pictures are ferry nice .
The numbers are beautiful !
I visit you again !
Have a nice weekend
Hi, well you just had to have the numbers and the sacks are fun, maybe a roman blind would be good too.
Take care and enjoy your weekend.
Oh by the way, I don't think they're edible but they're very pretty.
Bonjour Laura,
I saw your comment at the "Ciel flamand", and curiosity brings me here;-)
Your frensh jute sacs..are really appreciated here in France and in the U.S too as I see ;-)
I think it's a nice idea to make some pillows with them, or perhaps you can remake a chair with it ? Or perhaps to protect some books ? There are a lot of possibilities ;-)
Have a nice week end, à bientôt;-)
I've never been in that store. Don't have one around here. But I keep hearing bloggers talk about it! Hurrah for hyacinths. Mine were beautiful a few days ago.
Hello Laura,
Thank you for your comments on my blog. You have a wonderful shop in your neighbourhood, just the kind of shop I like very very much...
Have a nice weekend,
Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog, and I have seen your blog. It's very nice with al lot of beautiful pictures.
I will follow you to see more.
Have a nice weekend.
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