Saturday, January 30, 2010

Look for the Silver Lining!

I spent the day shredding old documents and throwing out an amazing accumulation of stuff....
...geez...I'm such a saver...even at the office!

These silvery photos are from my "archives"...
...actually from earlier posts.

My life is in transition! One door is closing...
...I just know that other doors and windows are waiting to be opened!

...that's the silver lining!...

Look for the silver lining
When e'er a cloud appears in the blue.
Remember some where the sun is shining,
And so the right thing to do,
Is make it shine for you.

A heart, full of joy and gladness,
Will always banish sadness and strife.
So always look for the silver lining,
And try to find the sunny side of life.

Saying goodbye to so many coworkers and friends was difficult yesterday but we all made it through! Thank you for your kind words and support. My heart is filled with gratitude for my many blessings!
...and for all of my blogging friends too!

For more participants in Silver Sunday visit Beth at Gypsy Fish Journal

Hoping to have some fresh pictures for you tomorrow!

:) Laura


Diann said...

Very pretty silver!

Jane said...

Congratulations on your successful career! I know it must have been a day full of emotion. I look forward to hearing and seeing what your new life brings.
Thanks for posting The Silver Lining. Since my husband's recent diagnosis with ALS, that is exactly what we have been doing....looking for the silver lining and the sunny side of life. It's the best medicine :-)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

It's a new beginning but hard to say goodbye to the old. Love your silver and glad you posted even if they are previously viewed photos!

Sheila said...

hello, I hope you are having a great weekend. I just came home from Joann's and bought Somerset Life when I was there... I love all the lovlies in there about you :) I know that a big huge door is waiting for you to walk through it :)


Lisa said...

Love the silver! I am glad you are dealing well with your changes. I do hope you keep up with your old work friends. I really like that I can on the internet. Some say it is impersonal but I really do love that I keep up so many people still!
Hugs, Lisa

Rust: Vintage Inspired Design said...

Beautiful post and beautiful message!
Happy SS!


I have such a weakness for old Religious metals..and those three in the first picture are just awesome. Thought about you many times this week, hope you did well.

Maureen said...


Sylvia said...

Hmmmm I think it's time to show us your old archives since you have such nice goodies.

Beautiful silver pieces!!!


Rustique Gal said...

UM, for a minute I thought you were showing us what you threw away! WAIT! Anyway, your door is opening and we'll be there to greet you. Love,

red ticking said...

laura...change is always God's way of allowing us to grow... although difficult, good always seems to come from it... i am living proof... i would never be where i am today if He didn't pull me along...when i fought the changes. many prayers coming your way... for you and your family and co-workers... xx pam

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Laura
Well I am just as happy to see re-runs... all gorgeous... I love the religious medals... they speak to my love of religious art and icons... and make for a lovely Silver Sunday post

Well I hope this transition period goes as smoothly as possible... You remind me of me.. when I packed up last month I filled a whole wheely bin.. hahaha Have a great day Laura.. xx Julie

Les Cotrions said...

Hello Laura! A new wonderful life is behind the door! Beautiful silver photos!
Take care and be positive!
Big hugs

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

I think this "looking for a silver lining" post is just perfect for you this Sunday, Laura.

Theresa said...

Sweet pictures even if they are from the archives! Love it and congratulations on your new life! It is going to be wonderful. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Dear Laura,

Change is hard but also can be very refreshing. I know you will spread your creative wings and enjoy this new part of your life. Sending you my blessings and much support:)


Beth Gales said...

Beautiful post...good luck with the changes. You have a great eye with the camera!

One Cheap B*tch said...

Lovely! Especially those pocket watches!

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

I can't wait to see whick window you will fly through, but I know you will land safely and make the room even more beautiful!

Andy's Attic said...

Laura, all will be fine. The transition will probably take some time. This is a great time to just let yourself "be" and take care of yourself. Best wishes are sent your way,

manon 21 said...

j'aime beaucoup,évidement!
ce matin aux puces de Vanves à Paris il y avait plusieurs beaux stands de "Silver"
bonne soirée


Dixie said...


Trouvais said...

Gray days, still waiting for the sun to come out, but dry enough to weed and plant. Winter is such a metaphor for life. Keep calm and carry on! Amazing how much beauty you can still pull out for us today. Thank you! Trish

stefanie said...

Gorgeous as always!!!!

Karin Lindström said...


I´m so glad i found your lovely blog! I am a fleagirl or "junkshopper" my self and I love all of your beautifull pictures and things.
I was also extra glad to see what you have done with your felted sweaters. I have a bunch myself that i am making things with, now I have a lot of inspiration *smiles*.

Thank you so much for charing!
Best regards


Becky said...

So Pretty...


LiLi M. said...

I don't mind seeing this photos again! Good luck on entering your new path! Just follow that silver lining!

The French Bear said...

Beautiful silver and beautiful new beginnings!!!
Margaret B

Anonymous said...

It's so great that you are able to see the silver lining through the difficult's very encouraging ;) Beautiful photos and collections have so many amazing finds!

Beth said...

Thanks for the reminder about a silver lining. It's been a rather stressful time for me lately, but I, too, am looking forward to new beginnings! Here's to us on our journeys.

Gypsy Fish said...

Yes, the silver lining is the one thing that always shines....even when things are looking down....good luck with your new beginning...thanks for the tune too...I needed that!
Thanks for being part of Silver Sunday....see you next week~
{{gypsy hugs}}

the old white house said...

What beautiful pictures! Good luck with the new chapter in your life. Thanks for sharing ~ Theresa

pam q said...

Ah, more religious medals for me to drool over.....

So glad you keep sharing!

Can't wait to hear what door is opening for you next...........

Ange said...

I thought of you this weekend as there was lots of beautiful silver at the brocante and a number of gorgeous objects that I was strong and never took home with me... made the transition to calligraphy. If I can't write on it - I can't take it home (boo hooo...) Lucky I found a few things I could write on. Love your collections Laura. You seem really melancholy so I hope you are ok. Transitions are definitely difficult... have to go through them to get to the joy at the other end. Blessings and prayers with silver linings