Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bitter Pills for Sweethearts

There are just a few days left before the company that I have worked for...
...for over 27 years... will be laying off most of its employees.
Some people will keep their jobs...some will be moving on to other companies...some will be forced to collect unemployment until they can secure a new position.

We have been together... a family of sorts...for a very long time.

My coworkers have known my children since birth and I have known theirs. We have attended and rejoiced at each others weddings or childrens weddings, cried at family funerals together, celebrated birthdays, baptisms, christenings and retirements together. We have had hilarious times at holiday parties, dressed up for Halloween, had Oktoberfests, barbecues, participated in triathlons together, raised money for charities together and played countless jokes on each other.

We care about each other and will miss one another.

We have been exchanging emails, addresses and phone numbers...
... and pledging to stay in touch.

It has been a tough week. It will be hard to say goodbye on Friday.

I will continue working for a few more weeks to help with everyone's transition, tie up loose ends and process the mountain of paperwork that is inevitable during this time of change.

Lots of mixed emotions!
They are all my sweethearts.


Karen said...

My heart and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

La Dolfina said...

When one door closes...another opens. I think you already know this :)
It will be tough to say Good-bye but you'll get through it and your life will go in a new and wonderful direction.
Good Luck, my thoughts are with you this week :)


Angie @ thejunkranch said...

I'm sorry to hear this. My good friend is going through the same transition in Feb. as well. We are both turning 50 this year and are constantly talking about our new lives and 2nd go rounds. Best wishes to you in your new life.

Unknown said...

...not to worry love, just remember ~ when one door closes...a fresh, new opportunity is waiting for you behind a different door! Keep positive thoughts in your heart ~
sending you love and prayers! xo

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Everything happens for a reason and it must be that you are going to follow your dream....your blog is beautiful and I love how creative you are! Good luck.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

So sorry to hear this. I know first hand how hard this will be. Good Luck!

Beth said...

you'll be in our prayers

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Laura,
I do feel for you. It is very sad when things change and you have to say goodbye to your colleagues who are really close friends. The plus side is that I'm sure that you will all keep in touch and have to think of it as moving on and that life has to change.I know that it will be a sad day for you on Friday, Laura. Try not to be too sad and remember that you all have so many memories of many good times. I will be thinking of you. XXXX

Vicki/Jake said...

Ahhh, will it never end?? So many of us are trying to figure out how to start over...
Hope you stay in touch with all your friends.

Lori said...

This is hard to go through ~ I know because I have been there myself. I spent 17 years in a job and I basically grew up there. One thing that I took away from it all was the friendships that I made throughout the years. They are ones that I have kept and although we now have to make an effort and time to get together ~ when it all comes together ~ it is wonderful. It's like a comfortable old shoe. I will be thinking of you this week.

animal print gal said...

Very touching post full of heart and love! Your friends are blessed by you!
Let's pray to know that everybody is moved on to greater learnings and joys!

Linens Lace and Lattes said...

I have been with the same company for 35 years and managed to escape a major layoff last August. I used to think I got to decide when I would retire and now realize that might not be the case and someone else could make that decision for me. Either way, I hope I can walk out with the same style and grace as you seem to have. deb

Diane Mars said...

Boy that is sure a hard one to hear about so many good people having to make such drastic changes. I am having a hard time here in California hanging in there with my job. Being a Real Estate Agent is tough right now. So I sure understand the scary feelings. oxox, Diane

Pat Harris said...

There isn't anything I can say that will make this any easier for you. My heart goes out to you. Contact your friends even if they don't reply. Keep letting them know you care about them. Don't lose interest even if you don't hear from them. Just keep on keeping on being their friend. I have a good friend of 50 years and we're friends because she wouldn't let our friendship slide even when I didn't write or call. Prayers to you and your "extended family of 17 years."

BonjourRomance said...

Dear Laura,
You'll be in our prayers during this difficult time. You're so creative and are ready to do new things so don't worry, things will work out. Take it a day at a time my friend.




SantaBarbaraTalk.blogspot.com said...

Am so sorry to hear another story like this! It is so sad to see many of our wonderful small businesses close...not only for the loss of the wonderful and familiar business place to visit, but also and mostly for the changes which affect so many families. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your associates.

Sandi said...

Laura you are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I can't even imagine the range of emotions. Please take care of you!!

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

SO SORRY TO HEAR THIS NEWS....It is so heartbreaking when a company begins letting it's people go.... hard for everyone, the ones leaving and the ones staying.
I would think It will be a tough few weeks for you.
Nothing ever stays the same...wonderful things on the horizon...xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

The French Bear said...

Laura, that's a hard one, it is sad to see everything change after that long. I think it must be really hard, I will be thinking of you for sure on Friday! Hang in there!
Margaret B

My Grama's Soul said...

Laura - Sounds like a lot of changes are coming your way..

I truly believe that there are always major lessons in life to learn during major transitions, and I'm sure you will find yours with grace and dignity.



Glenda/MidSouth said...

I am sorry. The "economy issue" has taken it's toll on my family also.
Hope you have a great week.

Sarah said...

Oh, what a heart wrenching post. My heart goes out to each of you. I hope a bright new chapter opens for each one.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

The circumstances are certainly hard -- and for some, even harder than for others. But when God closes a door, he opens a window and I pray that all will find their way on this new path that life has given them. Blessings, Tammy

marie said...

You'll be in my prayers as you go through this change ~ I'm sure it will be very difficult

north pal said...

in life,there are changes and we all know this. some changes are harder than others and we do survive and it makes us stronger. there will be no reason that all of you cannot gather for various events. you will all miss each other,but.....there are many ways to make connections. you will be fine,trust that! Bestest,Denise

cupcake studio said...

Sending up a little prayer for you. I just went through a layoff and am still in the "mourning" stages...it's a feeling like no other. Wishing you peace & grace.

basiclabelSweden said...

OOOh feel for you its a hard time for many people out there, i wish you all the best.

Hope for you!

lot off love from bellavien

Bonjade said...

I wish you lots of strength in this difficul time....
Thinking off you...

Floss said...

How special that you have all been able to experience that kind of support from your colleagues. I pray that they will all be able to go on to something special and new - I think that's what you're doing!

I worked in a school which closed down and we had a similar reaction. We saw all the children into new schools and then had the bizarre business of sharing out all the teaching materials - first to other schools and then amongst ourselves. Then we had an overnight trip to London and celebrated our good times together!

Theresa said...

Oh Laura, been there! I worked for 30 years and had the same emotions when I left. Give big hugs and get together with those friends! I still get together with friends that I worked with on a regular basis. Hugs coming for these next days and weeks! OH by the way, retirement rocks:)

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

What a difficult, yet intersting time for you, Laura. Hoping it won't be too terribly difficult on Friday for you.

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

Hello Laura

Sorry the read about what you are all having to go through. Times have certainly changed, jobs are no longer guaranteed as they once were.
To have worked for the same company for 27 years is a long time and from your post it is clear that you have made many good friends through it.
Sometimes change can lead to better things and that is what I wish to you all.
Warm wishes
Isabelle x

beachhouse etc. said...

I love all the handmade things... this brings me back to when I was a little girl and was constantly making things I have just started a blog and really don't know all the proper etiquitte for it but I enjoyed reading yours

La Petite Gallery said...

I was so touched by your post. I left a group of Floral designers in Florida. We were
closer than I thought, we all stay in touch , Two have gone to Heaven.
I share your feelings..


Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Life's about changing... nothing ever stays the same~
How difficult this is for you and your friends. Make a plan, set a date, friendships matter. People matter.

annie said...

Life is all about change.
Parting IS such sweet sorrow.
Comfort and peace to all of you who have been touched. A new adventure awaits!

Sue (Vintage Rescue) said...

Sounds scary. I've been at my company 26 years, since college, and have grown up with my colleagues. I can't imagine losing them all at the same time. My heart goes out to you all.

time worn interiors said...

How sad! Things have to start looking up soon! My business is about to go under, and it's hard to figure out what to do next! Good luck!

Sea Witch said...

Oh, Sweetie, I am so sorry to hear this for you. I know it is cliche to say that our job is just a job, but it isn't. We build friendships, we laugh at jokes, we cry at their illness's and funerals, we have an extended family. I wish good things for all of your friends and professional family and to you. Sea Witch

Swoon with Deb Hodge said...

My Mamaw always said....
"its not what ya know, but who ya know".....
It appears that you know a lot of amazing, beautiful and caring people.....
This is a blessing in disguise Sweetie, and the best is right around the corner.
Excitment, creativity and fun.... I know it. Trust me :-)
The tide is going to bring you a sail......

mary pernula said...


LiLi M. said...

You told me this before and now it really is going to happen. Wishing you a lot of wisdom & strength, thinking of you, especially on Friday!

Kay said...

what a difficult time for you..something like this happened to me several years ago....it made me take stock and move on...i believe things happen for a reason and that it makes you stronger as a result...good fortune to you and all your co-workers..

Andy's Attic said...

It seems so many things in life just come along to disrupt and aren't planned. My experience with this has been that it usually works out for the better. I know you have new plans but I hope this all works out for the others you have grown with and care so much about. My thoughts will be with you this week.

Anita said...

Hoping 2010 is better for everyone....myself included :) Jobs are hard to find...

Carole said...

You know my heart goes out to you! I know this has been weighing on you for a year now. Know that you have many ppl who love you and are here to catch you.

Dar said...

As Terry says, God does not close a door before opening another...it will be tough but you will all survive with His help.
Bless You and all your Co-workers

Les Cotrions said...

Ciao Laura! I understand how many emotions are in your heart now! It's sad and I'm sorry you have to live this difficult time! You're very positive and you have some projects...I'm sure life will give you a lot of new chances! I know how difficult is starting a new life but....it may be much better and surely you have many opportunities to meet your old coworkers!
Big hugs my friend and take care!

Mari Brown and Colourblob said...

My heart goes out to you, I wont say I know how you feel... But I hope that everyone will be okay in the end of it all, all the best to you and to everyone there.

Mari xx

Rosemary said...

That is a very hard thing to do.
It's sad really. I got the goosebumps reading your post.
Hang in there!!

Linz said...

goodbyes are heart wrenching, but as another blogger commented, when a door closes... *hugs*

Anne Lorys said...

That stinks. This economy has claimed far too many victims, and none of us are really immune.

I'll pray for a smooth transition for all those who will soon be seeking new employment.


Stephanie said...

I'm sorry to hear this. That's tough. It sounds like you are handling it with grace.

Lisa said...

That is the other bad part of all this. I am so sorry you will be having a hard week. Hugs and prayers for you all, Lisa

Annie said...

What a poignantly beautiful post. My heart is with you, your family and your company family. Best wishes.

Maryann said...

Oh, Laura, I am so sorry. I can understand how this would be so hard. I pray that it works out okay for everyone and that you all have God's comfort and peace.

SharDon Exclusives said...

Laura, I have thought of you so often during this tough time. I will continue to keep you and those affected in my prayers and thoughts.

BellaRosa said...

Laura amor, you have such a beautiful and caring heart...you also have a strength and grace that anyone would envy. I hope your last weeks there are memorable for you...but only in wonderful ways. Besos, Rose

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you and your coworkers are facing this transition...I can only imagine how hard it has/will be for all of you. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!

Ange said...

Ahhh, I see. Blessings Laura and 'courage' to you and your co workers in this time of transition. May there be endless opportunity for those whose 'time off' has come earlier than planned.

Anonymous said...

My dear Laura,
Ebbie and I are sitting here crying after reading this post and all of the comments. We knew it was comming, but when it is happening, it hits you like a freight train. You know that we have gone through this. I will never forget,when someone, who had gone trough the same experience, told me "there is life after ...". As it turned out, she was right in so many ways, most of it for the better!!!!!
You will follow your dreams and we can only hope, that all of your co-workers will land on their feet! You are all in our hearts and prayers.
Just got my computer back, so I have some catching-up to do on your blogsite.
Love you with all my heart,
Evi and Ebbie

Susie said...

My heart goes out to you and your co-workers. After 24 years of dedicated service I, too, became part of the evening news. My boss decided to pack up and end his business. Very sad. Now I am open for new and fun and can't wait to see what it is. My best to everyone.
Susie, of The Polka Dot Rose