Saturday, September 4, 2010

Thrift Finds Turn Into DIY Projects

I know I promised myself not to buy anything bigger than a breadbox....

...but when I saw this chair...

and it was free...

...I simply couldn't resist taking on a DIY project.

A little carpenter's glue for the loose joints and some white paint...
...perhaps a bit of glazing and a good cleaning for the perfectly faded blue velvet cushion.

What do you think?

And how about this?

Don't you just love a little touch of industrial mixed in?

Check out those feet!
It is mobile but the casters can be locked in place with a lever under the table.

A good cleaning is all this needs!

Function over form....form over function...
...this freebie satisfies both ways of thinking.

Now I just have to get these two thrifty finds cleaned up before Mr. Flea gets back up here to the lake!

Luckily I have my Dad to help me with the gluing and clamping!
(My partner in I mean grime!)

Hope you are having a nifty thrifty weekend!


Unknown said...

Oh man! I love that would never be so lucky to be able to find a caned back chair like that. Lucky You! I hope you post the after pics. Have fun!

Unknown said...

Both are great finds Laura. I always break for roadside finds. Now, I know me I would have passed that chair right up thinking too dated and not in a good way. But then you pick it up and describes painting and glazing and I think what a cool chair. I usually think I have pretty good vision for old stuff (well at least compared to my family) but I totally missed on this one until you describe it.

Have fun at the lake. Hugs...Tracy :)

Margaret said...

Fantastic finds, look forward to seeing the after shots also.

Christine said...

The chair looks like it's in great condition. Painting it white is a good idea. It will look beautiful. Can't wait to see what you can do with the table.

Blessed Serendipity said...

You can't beat free! Can't wait to see the afters.


Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Laura, Free is always a good thing! The chair will be fantastic painted and I am in love with the industrial table. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Hugs, Sherry

Carole said...

That chair painted know me with White! will looking I really using that word?
I think I have the tables twin behind my's the one piled with junk right now and at Christmas piled with balsam fir needles!

good job getting them for're my hero!

Anji Johnston said...

Laura, how do you find these things? And free to boot! I am obviously living in the wrong neck of the woods so I must move - now! I plan to move up to New Milford in Ct in a few years so maybe I will have better luck there - if not I will just move next door to you and wait until you throw stuff away!

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

I LOVE that chair!! Can't believe you got that for free!! What a fantastic find! Can't wait to see what you do with it! :)

patricia@ReFind Home&Garden said...

Wow! doesn't get better than free! Great finds Laura...can't wait to see what you do with them. Hugs, Patricia

Whimsy Antiques said...

Hi Laura! Thanks for commenting on my blog and reading Elizabeth's great post about our Whimsy window!

I am following you, too! Love all your creativity and inspiration.

It is amazing how many of us there are out there---someday we need to have a big party and meet each other!

Sarah said...

Fantastic finds and FREE. It must have been your day. I'll be eager to see these after your creative hands work the magic. ~ Sarah

joanne said...

sweet finds...and free too? OMGosh, I can't wait to see the transformation.

Susanne said...

No bigger than a bread box, that's funny! My husband is always telling me not to buy anything bigger than that either. No fun.
Great finds though, can hardly wait to see the after shots, good luck.

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

~*~*I LOVE your finds!!! That table is so cool~*~* Rachel ;)~*~

Anonymous said...

So fortunate. I am new to the world of DIY and am currently updating a chest of drawers. I am finding it so rewarding after I got over the frustration of the advice the guy at the hardware gave me. Enjoy. Happiness is best when shared.

Colette said...

Hello Laura, Well spotted! looking forward to see your chair once it is finished. the industrial functional table is really superb! have a lovely Sunday Colette ~Afrique du Sud

Een sneller kloppend hart said...

This chair is so lovely, I like it very much!

Regards, Veronique

All Seasons said...

What a beautiful chair, Laura. Sorry, it's bigger than a breadbox :-D haha, you know!!

And now, do you have a place in your houce?

Enjoy this beautiful sundag ☼
Hugs from me

Christine said...

Oh, what great finds! Hard to believe they were free - you're so lucky!
Looking forward to the after pics.... Have a great day!

Christine / / Norway

Beadboard UpCountry said...

Hi Laura!
Leave it to you to find two great things and so totally different.....I'm more wild for the chair. but that the table is growing on me it might be good for outside......Maryanne xo

Cornflakes and Honey said...

Free? Oh my goodness that's amazing!!!! I adore that chair you're so, so lucky!! Enjoy them!

Monica said...

Laura, what a steal!! That wondrous chair for free??? OMG, can't wait to see the 'after' pics! Have fun with it!

Jill said...

Looking forward to seeing the after pics what a lucky find. You do so well at your flea market finds. Well I am doing the same as you this weekend restoring an old wicker chair, I am painting it light duck egg blue! not as yet sure this is right! more of a baby blue than a duck egg we will have to see.
Jill x

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Fantastic free finds, Laura! I can't believe your luck. I think that chair is going to look amazing after youur little makeover. Love the caster covers on that metal chair - gives it a bit of a George Jetson look.

Suz said...

Terrific finds. The chair is going to look wonderful.I love the typewriter (?) table. The feet are really unusual!
We must see the results!

French Nanny said...

The chair is just beautiful - I would only polish up the wood...

kecia deveney said...

the chair is gorgeous, can't wait to see what you do with it!

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

That table... I want! :) great finds.

Anonymous said...

Adore the chair!
Happy Labor Day!

Anonymous said...

you found an old typewriter (remember those)
table / and "French provincal" chair, like the
can't wait to see your remake/repurposing

Cath said...

What a find(s)!!

Dating myself here, but had a typing table just like that in a job I had once.

Can't wait to see the transformations.

Theresa said...

Beautiful! Great that you have your Dad to help get them cleaned up and in place before Mr. Flea gets there:)

Have a blessed day! HUGS!

Ani said...

That chair is so you, and I LOVE the feet on that table, and FREE is a Very Good Price! Can't wait to see the end results!

Jamie said...

That chair is amazing

La Petite Gallery said...

Oh Golly,
What a wonderful art table, I love it.
where did you find it?


Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

You would just have to turn over and take a beaten if you had left either of those behind. Great finds!

kimberly at mimicharmante said...

Two of my absolute favorite things - industrial and tufted anything!!! I can't wait to see how they turn out!
Have a marvelous rest of your long weekend,

deborah said...

score!!!! i would have arm-wrestled you for that chair and table. cannot wait to see the *new to you* chair all prettied up. and i'm all about the industrial vintage.

Vicki K. said...

Both are great soon-to-be treasures - but that table really jazzes me. Do you have an intended purpose? It just makes me want to do a project on it right now!

Andy's Attic said...

Free is a very good thing...but to get those for free is awesome!! They would fit in a giants breadbox so you are still "safe"!

designchic said...

Great finds! Can't wait to see the "afters"...

lia said...

Hey Laura, What a lovely table you have found. My house is too small for those lovely things. And the can in the post before this is beautiful.

Thanks fot visiting me
lovely greets Lia


Love FREE and I'm sure the chair will turn out awesome!
LOVE your pink hydrangeas! Mine are blue/pruple-ish. I sure wish I could save them all winter long.
Deb :)

nat said...

i am so jealous!! amazing finds!

can't wait to see how that chair turns out!

Laurie said...

Great finds! I have a chair that looked similar to yours. I painted it white and was even inspired to take an upholstery class for the seat. It turned out great!

raggygirlvintage said...

Wow, must be an awful big bread box you were after! Great finds!

Evi said...

lucky girl!. Yes it will look great painted white, but Laura consider a new pillow. Maybe a grain sack pillow with some print. Just an idea,
xoxo, Evi
PS. You never know what is hiding in this pillow!

Kim said...

Can't wait to see the results of your finds..both are great! Be sure to post their renaissance!

jacklynn4 said...

FREE??? Wow, I want to go junking with you:)!
bliss farm antiques

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Awesome that FREE chair and that table is way cool!!!


Jen Kershner said...

Are you kidding me? That is the loveliest of chairs. No way would it have gotten left behind if I had seen it! You did good. Can't wait to see what you do with it although I kind of like it as is too!