Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Vintage Handmade Doll Clothes

Isn't this the sweetest little doll dress?
...and it's made out of a hankie!

I am not much of a doll collector...
...but I adore handmade vintage doll clothes...

When my sister Lynn and I were young...
our Nana made many of the clothes for our Barbies...

Back then we didn't appreciate it as much as we do now...
...those homemade clothes didn't come with shoes and accessories like the store bought outfits.

They came with a ton of love though...

In any case...
nowadays whenever I am out thrifting or at the flea market I find myself attracted to the pretty little prints on vintage handmade doll clothes.

I like to hang them on twine with miniature clothespins...
I have some hanging in the laundry room ...
and also as a little valance in front of a window...

But all these here...I found in the last few weeks....
cheery colors...

...wonderful patterns and prints...

...irresistible at 50 cents each.

too cute!



Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

~*~Im not a doll collector either..but those are so precious!! LOVE the last photo with the gingham red dress~* :)Rachel

Blessed Serendipity said...

So precious! I love stuff like this.


kana said...

The clothes are so cute and the detail is nice!! Good find!

A Treasured Past said...

Wow! The hankie dolls dress is fab-u-lous! Tamara x

savvycityfarmer said...

what ... wait ... in the last few weeks?
50 frinkin' cents?????

not fair

Unknown said...

Soooo darned CUTE! Don't you just for a second sometimes, want to go back to that time? Every once in a while...something brings back a 'moment' and I want to fly right back there. I can't believe how quickly time flies!

Chrissie said...

I love the hanky dress. These are all precious! Great finds for 50 cents!

Lisa said...

I can,t believe you got those clothes for only .50 each! Good thirsting! I really love the red .& blue ones. I have a 'thing' for doll shoes myself, something about the tiny things that thrill me. Lisa

Diane Mars said...

Oh those are lovely, I am sure glad you snatched those up, they have found a loving home! oxox, Diane

Sarah said...

Darling! One year for my birthday, my best friend's mother made my doll a wardrobe of the most beautifully stitched items. I still have them. I always considered these doll clothers one of the most thoughtful gifts I ever received. Love the one made from a hankie. ~ Sarah

julie miller said...

These are all just darling!! I am such a sucker for sweet little things like this! Thanks for sharing, Julie

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Soooo adorable! I love them.... My Mum used to make the cutest little doll clothes for me... And, one Thanksgiving I woke up to find my doll lying beside me in a new Thanksgiving outfit and when I went to the closet she had made a matching one for me.... I was SO thrilled. :-)

Warm blessings,

north pal said...

the hanky dress is so precious. that is so a keeper as all of them are. but, the hanky dress touches my heart.Bestest,Denise

Andy's Attic said...

Precious little doll clothes. Just for one day I would like to follow you around when you go thrifting. I never see things like you find. I guess I need to find new hunting grounds!

Een sneller kloppend hart said...

Ohh what an adorable little dresses!!
I still have one small dress size O ;) I wore it when i was a baby and I'm so glad my mother kept that for me!

Gorgeous post dear!

Huggs, Veronique

Anonymous said...

so cute.

Les Cotrions said...

Ciao Laura! Your doll dresses are so cute! I'd like to be 7 years old to be able to play with them again! I confess I played with dolls till...I don't tell you!
Happy new day and a nice week end to you!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

I completely agree, Laura. Irresistible!

jacklynn4 said...


Unknown said...

very cute. When I was about 4 I made a friend clothes for her Barbie and turned up to her birthday party with them wrapped up. When she opened the present she laughed, as did the other girls. Oh i was shattered! On the way home Mum said, 'don't worry, your present was the best present'

lori miller vintage design co said...

Too cute is an understatement. Adorable.

Laura thanks for stopping by, I appreciate your comment on my booth at JB.... I heard a gal say on her phone in front of my space, "I found the spot were the designers are" ... too cool.
Lori said...

LOVE those pretty little outfits!!!! Whenever I see them I pick them up for my granddaughters for their dolls. I love to watch them sit on a blanket and play for hours with them. And knowing that they are vintage is even better:)
Capers of the vintage vixens

The French Bear said...

Laura these are the sweetest things ever!!! I love them, what lovely little dresses!!!
Margaret B

Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

Now how cute are they? Love 'em. I have matching dresses that my "Nannie" made for me and my fav doll that are definitely in my 'cherished' box! Unfortunately, the fabric isn't really pretty....I think Nannie actually invented the florescent colors of the 60's and 70's!
Have a great day Laura,

Unknown said...

...I have a fondness for them too:)
I'm studying that hankie one for dear dollie!!!
vintage hankies...check
sewing skills...check
dear dollie...check
xo, Rosemary

paperbird said...

All so adorable- I especially love the polka dotted skirt.
I love the idea of hanging them in the laundry room- so cute!

Susan Freeman said...

Those are so precious. Thanks for sharing them with us!

Susan and Bentley

Susan (florali) said...

My mother taught me to sew by making doll clothes. Brings back nice memories...

Annemary said...

ohhh très chou je collectionne aussi c'est si beau !!!!!!!!!!!!sur mon blog j'en ai déjà exposé plein de fois .....des bien vintage !!!!biz à+

Ann said...

Ooh! Too cute. My mother made so many doll clothes for my sister and me. Dresses with matching cordoury coats and hats. Just like your treasures. Wish I still had them, but my mother "donated" them along with all my dolls (except Chatty Cathy!) when I was 12. I wasn't done playing with them yet. (I'm 57 now and I have forgiven her.) Chatty Cathy has her own room now.

Kateyed said...

These are so charming! I was never lucky enough to get handmade doll clothes. I remember someone giving my daughter vintage crocheted doll clothes and feeling so excited!

Chatty Cathy was my last doll. I was in sixth grade and my mom was so pleased (relieved) that I wanted a doll).


Jamie said...

The first dress is stunning!

Janet - Birdland Treasures said...

Oh my goodness, my sister and I used to make Barbie clothes all the time! It's funny to find this post today, I was just thinking yesterday about my mom's Shirley Temple Doll - I have it in storage, and it no longer has its original clothes, and I was thinking I might look on Ebay to find a nice outfit so I can display her instead of keeping her in a box. Now, I wonder if she will fit into a vintage hanky... :)

Carole said...

That first one made from a hankie is crazy cute. Now that's using what you have.

Jane, Naples, Florida said...

Irrestible! I am going to start looking for
them and do the same in my laundry room!
Thank you for the post!

Flora Doora

Robyn said...

oh MY! Those are precious! My mother didn't save ANYTHING. One of my older cousins once when I was little, gave me a TON of Barbie clothes that her neighbor had given to her. I LOVED them and they were so much more cool than the store bought ones...MAN I wished my mother had been a little less spare! Oh,Hey, I'm having a CSN GIVE AWAY, so stop on by!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Laura
These are wonderful.. the blue and white stripe so cute ... darn.. 50 cents.. that's affordable accessories!!! Have a wonderful weekend. .xxx Julie

Herman Grans ♥ said...

Oh! I'm in love with the blue dress! Too cute! Have a nice weekend :)

Annie's Online Clothing said...

wow, these are some really nice looking doll clothes, although i would not mind if my little girl wears them as they are soo adorable, i love the white little thing

summerland cottage said...

OMGoodness the blue hankie doll dress is TOO CUTE,
I want it as an apron in a grown up version !

Donna Peterson Neff said...

The vintage hankie dress is absolutely beautiful! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! Thanks for sharing!