Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shoebox Sweetness

At the thrift store this week there was a small shoe box filled with old baby shoes.

It was impossible to resist the urge to take them home with me.

The first pair I pulled out had a jingle bell on each shoe.
Written on the bottom of one of the two was the name Don.

The next pair had the name Diane written on the bottom of one of the shoes.

...and then the name Doug was on the third pair...

...and Dean on the last pair...also sporting jingle bells.

The pink booties did not have a name on them but I would have to assume they belonged to Diane as well.

I will clean them up and polish them and shine up the rusty jingle bells.

Can you picture the little ones who once wore these baby shoes?
...and the mother who lovingly placed them in this shoebox...unable to let go of the sweet memories filling these tiny shoes.

Time goes by so fast.

If you have children that are still at home...
...make some more happy memories to cherish!



Jane, Naples, Florida said...

How simply beautiful!

Flora Doora

The Green Pea said...

Those little shoes are so sweet. I think it must have been their first pair of shoes? All of the names started with a D, interesting. Don't you wonder why all of the children didn't get their pair of shoes to keep? So sad. Lucky find for you.....nice post. sandi

Amy Kinser said...


Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

What a Treasure....

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I have my girl's first pair of shoes saved and one set has jingle bells on them also!! Awww wish Don, Doug, Diane and Dean had kept them but at least someone loves them now.

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

My Sister Clara collect kid's shoes, they are just sooo precious!!! Enjoy your little collection!

Wanda @ Just Vintage said...

Awwwww. I'd have had to take them home with me, too. But what breaks my heart is that Don, Diane, Doug and Dean probably are the ones who said, "Send them to the thrift store. Why'd she save these thing, anyway?" I wonder if they knew their names were on the bottoms?

Jill said...

ahh..that is soooo sweet. I bought a lot of baby clothes and shoes from an auction probably 15 years ago and many were marked too. It was from a fairly wealthy family in town but the sons had also died and the only one son left was single and I guess not sentimental. I do have little ones still at home and I think we're making memories!

north pal said...

all those sweet little pink kissable toes. :) the very bestest,Denise

Beach House Living said...

I wonder what happen to the four children that not one of them wanted even their own pair. So sad.

trash talk said...

Perhaps by the time the fifth one came, she was just too tired to write their name on the bottom of the shoes! As much as I love my children (and I do), if I had five I think the last one would be named Darnit!
Those are precious...you are the rescuer of pasts overlooked you know!

Rose Garden Romantic said...

How sweet that their mother kept them! And the jingle bells make them even more adorable! What a fun find!

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

So charming! When I find little vintage baby items I have to bring them home too~ so I can relate to the feeling! I do collect antique dolls so can usually find dolls who can wear sweaters, dresses or shoes in my display, though. Great find and so sweet! :)

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Such a sweet, and a little sad, find...I'm glad they've found a home with you...

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

~*~So sweet~*~*

Susy said...

The mother that saved those precious shoes would be delighted that they fell into your hands. Be sure to show us the "after" photos.

lottens vita och gröna said...

hallo my friend, sooo cute, what a treasure!
warm hug lotten

Mélanie A. said...

These shoes are so cute. I have some babies shoes that I cherish

Kom Achterom said...

So Cute and what a lovely bells!!
nice treusure!!
i wish you a wunderful day

Diane Mars said...

Darling little keepsakes! I am sure glad they were found by someone like you! oxox, Diane

Ofelias Hus said...

Lovely babyshoes!

Great pictures...


lia said...

What a lovely shoes.

greets Lia

Annemary said...

trop mignons !je collectionne aussi les choses de bébés c'est si jolis ,je les lave aussi et les remet en état ....même si les bébés de maintenant ne le mettrons pas ....des fois je les essaie à mon petit-fils Noé et on rigole bien !!!!lui (8mois) ça ne le gène pas de s'habiller démodé !!!!bisous& love

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

That is the sweetest box of baby shoes I have ever seen. So glad you took them home with you, Laura.

www.MaisonStGermain.com said...

Such a sweet thought. I love how they have the names at the bottom too:)I picked up a pair of old shoes to this past weekend, they were dark and two pair of very small mittens. So cute!
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

gail said...

You are getting a lot of things with names, I wonder if it means something! Love baby shoes....

Rosemary said...

They are so sweet! I love old baby shoes. I decorated them up and put them on the tables at my daughter's baby shower last year. I will say time flies, baby Jake will be a year old in 2 weeks.
Have a great day Laura!

sandra said...

So very sweet, I have held on to little pairs of my kids own shoes...

Gill Bayes Miniatures said...

I have three grown up children and saved all their first shoes, baby clothes, hair brushes, birthday cards, scribbles,and even teeth! I'm now giving them back to each of them and they are amazed and amused to see the old things they used to have. My mother gave me my hair that was cut when I was four, I have it in an envelope marked 'To Daddy'. It's now 56 years old. I'm very sentimental about things.
Your shoe find is great but also very sad.

Theresa said...

Precious little shoes! I love it when I find a treasure like that!

Have a blessed day!


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

ADORABLE.... I can't believe someone actually got rid of them.. Such sweet memories.

Warm blessings,

Carole said...

Ok what's my excuse I have no children and still can't resist a cute pair of baby shoes.
Even the new ones have me ohhing and ahhing!

Hope you can make it tomorrow.

One Cheap B*tch said...

I love old baby shoes! My boys never wore those white ones much to the dismay of my late mother-in-law. Still I love them so much!


Campbell Jane said...

Thank you for bringing these home and preserving these sweet little reminders of precious unconditional love.
Many Blessings

Kristen White said...

The little box of shoes is so sweet! So sad that someone treasured them for so long but then had to let them go! At least they are now in a well loved home where they will be treasured :o)

Anonymous said...

Aw, someone loved those babies.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

I guess you just can't keep everything? I would of bought them also, now what would I do with them???


Barbara Jean said...



barbara jean

Decorating Lady's Humble Abode said...

Your suitcase is such a good find and the end sides is in great shape. I have bought about five of these, I think that they are from the 40s, the colors are kinda of a butterscotch and look like real leather. I use them to store delicate items and decorate shelves with. I had to throw one away shortly after I brought it home, it smelled so baaaaaaaad. It didn't at the garage sale though. Oh well. Thank you for all of the eye candy.