Yes, it's true....an amazing 400 posts!
I want to say thank you to all my friends here in bloglandia!
Gee whiz, this is fun!

What would you like to win?
As you know, I'm a collector and a flea marketing fanatic...
I have a lot of cool stuff. :)
...and I want to share it with YOU!
...as a way to say Thank You for all the fun we have together!
...a little of this....a little of that....
How about we build a give - away that suits YOU!
Do you collect costume jewelry? sewing items? linens? tarnished silver? vintage lingerie? woodenware? vintage purses? handkerchiefs? books? ephemera? aprons? dolls? vintage toys? old games? white ironstone? teacups? silverware? yellow ware? transferware? wireware? baking items? keys and tags? baskets? glassware? French items? Found treasures to create your special brand of art with?
What makes your heart beat fast?
Tell me!
These are a few recent finds from my flea marketing adventures...
...I could fill a cigar box for you of all sorts of little treasures...
...or not! It's up to you!
Tell me what you like to hunt for...
This is just a sampling of what has been found at the French brocante and the type of thing that SHE is contributing to my 400th post Give Back!
Now, here comes the fun part!
If you would like a chance to win my 400th post Give Back...
...please leave a comment and tell me what your favorite collectible is!
Tell me what makes your heart beat fast when you are out hunting treasure!
That's all you have to do....just leave a comment and tell me what you like to collect!
A winner will be chosen at random on Monday, April 19th....
This give-back is open to all...
Once the winner is selected...
... I will select a prize just for her...according to her interests!
And that prize will be sure to include something from the French Brocante too!
Now....About that Big Event!

Did you guess correctly?
Unfortunately, the answer to that and the details about the upcoming sale have to wait...
...sorry...don't hate me!
There is a 6 hour time difference and I don't want to get our signals crossed! :(
Thank you for your patience!
Remember to have a chance to win the 400th post Give Back leave a comment on this post by noon on Monday, April 19th.
Don't forget to tell me what you love to collect!
If you decide to post about this Give Back or put it on your sidebar please leave an additional comment for a second chance to win!
Thanks for helping to spread the word!
Thanks for helping to spread the word!
1 – 200 of 269 Newer› Newest»I love lace, braiding, embroidery anything, trim, religious medals,baby clothes and shoes for starters. Love your blog.
Ohh, I can't wait to see if the Brocantess is your secret partner. I love to collect ironstone and also anything french! Love the numbered tags in this post.
How generous! Ohh I love old wire-wares, anything French and old keys and anything with numbers on them. Too many things!
Hmmm, make your own prize...jewelry is always good...vases, dishes, flowerdy things(flowerdy is too a word!)..stuff I can paint..
Your Blog is fabulous, I love all the pretty photo's. When I saw the yellow Rosary my heart went "pitter patter". I collect old religious items, sewing and rug hooking items, Wolfhound statues, and silver and gold jewelery boxes. This is only the second post I've ever done, but I have been following your blog daily since I found it about a month ago. At the end of the day, when I'm simply worn to a frazzle, your lovely blog always perks me up. Thank you.
Congratulations on your 400th Post! Wonderful! My heart skips a beat when I see vintage laces, sewing things or clock faces! I'm a needleworker and seamstress at heart, so anything related to a needle and thread makes me swoon.
Thank you for your generous giveaway. It's always a pleasure to visit with you.
Always love stopping by your blog to see your latest post. What a great giveaway!
I love sewing notions, cameos, iron ware, printing blocks, signs, bowls, beach glass, picture frames . . . and surprises.
ENTRY #2 - I posted your giveaway on my blog.
I love sewing notions, cameos, iron ware, printing blocks, signs, bowls, beach glass, picture frames . . . and surprises.
Congrats on the 400th..My heart races for old keys, postcards, bits of lace, fabric, old photos...thanks for the giveaway..
Congrat's on 400 posts! How fun to make it a personal giveaway. Thank you!
I LOVE old linens, paper goodies and those old numbers would be fun...do you have a 19? That is when my birthday is. I'd be very happy with whatever you decided to give me.
Deb :)
Wow Congrats on 400th post! Boy choices, choices. I am loving those clock faces! But the big safety pins are really neat too! Ironstone always a fav as well.....Someone is going to be really happy!
Thanks for a great giveaway,
Wow, 400 posts is quite a milestone...congratulations on your achievement and thank you for entertaining us week after week. I get really excited when I find heart milagros, wire egg baskets, jello molds from Germany, vintage holy cards, vintage satin ribbon in pastels, white ironstone, and silver butter knives. Hugs - Julie
Oh what a great giveaway! Congrats on #400! I love many vintage things, but costume jewelry, rhinestones and old keys are top of my list right now!
I have been lurking here for ages and truly enjoy your blog. I love religious medals, flash cards, old photos (especially with dogs and horses). My heart beats fastest, though, when I find old lace, rick rack and trims! And I don't even sew!
Thanks for making my day brighter with your decorating ideas and congratulations on your 400th post!
I love anything industrial looking!! When I go to an estate sale, you can find me out in the garage instead of in the house!
wowza! 400 posts! how DO you DO it? i collect so many things...right now i am interested in collecting vintage table cloths. it's funny, i used to collect them, then sold them all, and now i love them again? also, i LOVE old photos of ladies in their gardens, but they are hard to find.
oh man lots of things!! Keys,tarnished silver cream and sugar containers, creamy white buttons made of shell,old photos for sure!
WOW! 400 that's amazing. You are one of my favorite blogs to visit and now you are having a give away. Count me in!!! I have so many things I collect cigar boxes, tarnished silver, vintage lace, old signs, pewter, buttons, keys, I could go on for days. But what makes my heart beat fast is anything French and anything with a Fleur-de-lis on it.
I have posted about your give away on my blog.
Thank you so much for sharing with us! I am always on the lookout for tiny bits of lace, creamy buttons, old keys,pretty old plates, birds, little mysterious bits of this and that...old books , postcards, hand written recipe books, pretty pillow cases and dresser scarves...the list goes on and on!
wow! congratulations on 400 posts! what an exciting giveaway! just the thought of having a chance to win makes my heart beat faster! i love old keys, costume jewelry, the watch faces, ephemera! thank you!
Oh goodness, what DON'T I collect. I love all things French including old maps, photos, keys, old lace, pictures, etc. Funny his and hers antiques (American or French) and/or linens, religious medals--the older the better, pretty or preppy purses, items with typeface (any language), midcentury treasures, jewelry of any style--the more unusual the more I like it...the list goes on and on... I like how you put things together and enjoy your blog so much that if I were lucky enough to win, I'm sure I'd like whatever you selected for me.
Question is....what don't I collect?? My favorite collectibles include vintage linens, hankies, vintage photos, old hardware and keys, vintage costume jewelry.... I work in an antique shop and I LOVE to ask this question of the people who I meet there. It is so interesting to hear of the variety of things of which people collect.
Congrats of the 400 Posts ~
Enter Me Please ~ I Love Anything Vintage, but if I have to narrow it down, Love Old Trims, Buttons, Bits of Fabric, Old Tintypes & Photos, Those Watch Faces are Fab ~ Bits & Bobs.....
Thanks for Sharing with All of Us
400 posts and counting. They're all great! I love birdcages, metal baskets, keys, tags, numbers, silver ware and silverware. All those things are metal, but I do like soft things too. I love to make pillows, so French fabric is wonderful. All things Parisian are on my list too!
Congratulations on your milestone! I especially love collecting little things~numbers, letters, the little watch faces, keys, tags...just fun little goodies! Thanks for entering me!
400 posts!! Wow and how wonderful of you to share this with us. I love buttons, egg cups,old keys and any old dishes or glassware. Too much stuff but I love it all.
Oh, you tempt us with those lovely old printing blocks, tintypes, ornaments, baby shoes, keys, hardware, wire-ware...what's there not to love? Congrats on your 400th post, and hope I'm the lucky one!
Hi Laura- I put this on my sidebar, too! Thanks!
What a fabulous giveaway!!
A woman after my own heart.
I love to collect so many things like you but if I have to choose one I'd have to say right now it would be religious items, especially old statues, I also love ironstone, hotel silver, and just great old surprises. Congrats on 400 and I'd love to invite you to visit my blog sometime. I believe we are kindred spirits!!
Congrats on 400 posts on your blog! Your blog is really lovely. I collect and hunt for way too many things, some of which are teacups, tin molds (to make pincushions), tin cookie cutters, handmade pincushions, make-dos, doilies, white buttons, journals, old silverware (to make windchimes) and needlecases. Thanks for having your great giveaway. I'll be posting your giveaway on my blog.
Starlight Primitives
400 posts! that's amazing!
i, too, am a long time reader, but i don't think i have ever commented. i love your blog!
i am drawn these days to old silver, skeleton keys, clocks (faces), linen, old garden stuff, ironstone, old lace. i could keep going, but you get it. congratulations again and many blessings!
Congratulations on 400 posts. I just love your blog and your potography. I love cameos, old lace,ribbons,jewelry,transferware dishes. Also liked the porcelin numbers and clock faces, keys and old photos. I'm not picky and would love to win anything, so you couldn't go wrong.
Love love love your blog. Can't wait to see what you are up to next! I love anything beachy,blue,white,aqua,chippy paint,shells,numbers,clock faces etc..... It would be exciting just to get a box of treasures. Good luck on your next hundred blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh how fun. It really all made my heart beat fast.
I love to collect wire things, Ironstone, vintage linens (cream and white), and pewter pieces. Oh, yeah, I love old crates.
What a neat neat neat (x 100) giveaway. So clever.
i absolutely LOVE collecting old white ironstone... the more stains and crazing the better! i even love it chipped, or glued back together. i am loving (and don't have yet) the old french grain sacks! i just love the texture of the old french linen!
Oh my- old pink rose plates, keys and tags, beautiful lace, teacups, old sewing things,red toileware is my new one,linens, anything you collect as I love your blog and style!!
Congratulations on 400 posts!!! I have enjoyed all of them!
bee blessed
Hey Laura
HAPPY 400TH POST LAURA.. wow.. you are such an achiever.. and I have enjoyed every post since we collided in blog world... and your friendship dear Laura.. even more special than brocante... here's to many many more!!!
But if you must know my favourites, I would say keys, rosaries... ex-votos... [i REALLY love ex-votos] clock faces.. etc etc... sadly ex-votos are unlikely to be found here in Australia..... i doubt the chances... Did I mention ex-votos??????? So... exciting times... looking forward to hearing more about the sale...have a wonderful day xxxx Julie
We should be giving YOU a prize for all of your lovely posts!
My favorite obsessions these days are anything White, French and distressed, Love vintage rhinestone jewelry, white ruffles and bling! Thanks for this opportunity! Rhonda
my heart races when i see vintage metal. galvanized..simple iron...industrial...anything with letters or numbers...old black dominoes...game boards...vintage flashcards...oh and your vintage dress form! still looking for mine...it's out there somewhere.
thanks for the fun giveaway.
judi ;)
I love so many things, santos, dinner plates in old floral pattern, seems like i have an asddiction to dishes of any form,french items, buttons and I could go on. Would love to hav some clock faces kike yours. Thanks for sharing.
Since I love your blog so much I pretty much like what you do....I love anything old...clocks, cameras, kitchen items...the list is so long....
This is a great giveaway...and I hope I win!!!
Oh Laura, you´r soooo sweet..........GONGRATULATIONS to 400!!!!! wonderful posts!!!!!!!!!! Your giveaway treasures are absolutly great - there are so many things i collect ;)).....linens, silver, vintage lingerie........but i don´t know all the english words ;)))!!!!! It would be so lovely to win, but the most important is all the love and inspiration that you are giving every day........THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend, Hugs Jade
Congrats!! I am new to the blog world and since I have discovered yours, I can tell you that I probably single handley pushed you over the 400 mark. I lust after everything in your photo's but birdies make my heart sing. Not just any birds....but big fat fluffy ones! Good luck on your new business venture.
I love matte white vintage pottery...it can be simple and crazed ;ike a mold or an art pottery vase...I also love very small vintage keys.
I think 400 posts is pretty ambitious...I am not even halfway there yet!
Congratulations on your 400th post! I am ashamed of myself lately for falling behind!! Reading your list above, I can say yes and yes and yes! But my favorite collectibles are transferware pieces and creamers. You are so generous!
What a great giveaway - and blog! Congratulations on 400 posts - that is something to be proud of! There are so many things that you have shown on your blog that I think are just gorgeous - I collect many of the same types of things! So, hard to select just one favorite - but if pressed, I have a fondness for all things sewing - antique lace, tatting, notions, pincushions and needlebooks!
Thanks for the opportunity to win and for creating such a wonderful blog!
Wow, 400! I've only got one under my belt so far!
I collect vintage crocheted lace, brown transferware, and just started collecting white ironstone. And I LOVE WWI memorablia - postcards, pictures, and magazines.
Gratulerermed alle innleggene... så moro...
jeg kikker alltid etter gamle mugger, fat, kopper og boller i hvite , lyse farger.. nå er jeg på utkikk etter gamle kryddersett.
Men når jeg finner noe annet jeg liker så blir som oftest det med hjem også..O=)
klem Kerstin
Congratulations for your 400th post! I collect wire basket, they remind me of old story and memories that my Mum's share with me! I love you blog, is one of the fist there i came and see in the morning before starting at work! Congratulations again!
Walter the Antiques Lovers from Italy
All this talk about French stuff has me very, very interested............
You have several pictures of my favorite thing in this very post....religious medals! Rosaries! Anything like that is so cool!
And that pile of watch faces and the wound up lace ain't bad either!
awwww, this is so much fun. First off..Congratulations! I love it all, really, but I collect ironware and french goodies. I just love the numbers and the little trinkets. ooooh-la-la...;p
I always loveeee too visit your blog , like many readers !
And when your reading my blog you now i like
linens and wireware a lot . But the linens with a monogram i like the most !And a have a big collection french bowls (blue/white ).
I hope you posts another 400 posts !!
Lots of love from Holland
Dear Laura,
CONGRATULATIONS on your 400th post. Your Blog is allways soooo inspiring, with the old and vintage flea marktet finds, really gorgeous...
My heart races for Toile de Jouy, old linen, white ironstone, old silver and mercury glass and so much more, I think YOU can understand it... Wonderful idea with your giveaway, you are so generous!
Many warm greetings
Hi Laura,
I put a pic on my sidebar, too!
Hugs Bine
I love your blog, and I do love looking for small and hidden treasures and give them a second chance.
Anything vintage, beautiful and/or beautiful is what I like.
Best whises from Spain
xxx Mar
Oh Laura, it would be far easier to list what I don't collect, lol. I can get terribly enthusiastic about so many things. I have always loved old fabrics, laces, linens and clothes. Old books with lovely engravings, anything old with roses, beautiful buttons, gorgeous rich and warm copper kitchenalia, enamelled kitchenalia, Victorian jelly moulds, gorgeous old tins, Victorian pressed glass, old sparkly brooches, vintage sewing things and so on, lol. These days, I would dearly love to find some vintage millinery flowers, those teeny weeny little charlotte dolls, old clock/watch faces, tiny little glass vials, old cabinet cards/tin types, but that seems nigh on impossible over here.
Many congratulations on your 400th post milestone, looking forward to the next 400!
Going to put your pic and link into my sidebar now!
Congratulations To You..400 posts! That is an awesome achievement! I collect many as the same things that you collect, to name a few...white ironstone, vintage rhinestone jewelry, mop buttons, cloches, old trophy loving cups, cake toppers, old perfume bottles, old lace, old clocks, just about anything victorian, or that has that timeworn patina! Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity to win such an awesome giveaway! Stop by sometime and say hello! Have a wonderful day!
Congratulations on your 400th post. What an Ali Baba's cave of wonders you have. What do I like to collect? My DH thinks I'm crazy, because I'm fascinated by old photos of people I don't even know. He just can't understand my love of them. I also love watch faces, sheet music, and vintage or dyed lace. I've only recently tried mixed media, and I'm completely hooked. Blessings and good luck to everyone in the draw.
Congratulation!!!400th posts! WOW! It is such a joy to visit your blog! Love it! And your give away is so special!!! What I like to collect...to many things :-) Most I like to collect old linen, old china and everything with numbers, especially emaille numbers like in your post.
Big Hugs Yvonne
congratulations on your 400 posts. i enjoy each and every one of them! vintage buttons - oh be still my heart! Leslie :)
It's me again :-) I put a link to your give away at my sidebar. Big Hugs Yvonne
Laura, I cannot believe that 400 posts have gone by, I so look forward to the next 400 posts!! As you know there is not much that I don't like to collect for my art but the things I like to collect most for myself are old religious medals and artifacts...and of course anything that is rusty!!! You are such a generous person and an amazing addition to the world of blogging...Cheryl
Congrats on 400 posts! And thanks for a chance to win a lovely give-away!
I love all kinds of vintage jewelry, old keys, rosaries, hankies, old photos, small frames, garden items - just about everything, LOL! LOVE surprises!
Hello, I just found your blog. What a collection of beautiful and unique treasures. I would love to be entered in the giveaway. I am not a real collector of things but I did receive a few lovely dessert plates when my Grandmother passed away, and I would love to start collecting them to put in my dining room. I love anything related to kitchen and dining.
Thanks so much
Oh my, this is the best giveaway ever to get to pick. I love all that old tin you showed especially! The kitchen implements, that is. Or the laces!
I think the lovely statue is Queen Victoria. This is outside Kensington Palace, correct? I think I have a photo of that too. I'll have to check my albums!
Thank you for this!
Un petit bonjour de France.
Félicitation pour les 400 post de votre blog,belle réussite, j'espère en faire autant un jour.Quand à savoir ce que je préfère le choix est difficile,mais lorsque j'ai vu votre joli boite à bijoux cela m'a rapellé celle qu'avait ma maman quand j'étais petite et dans laquelle j'allais fouiller lorsqu'elle était absente...
Hi, I found your blog a few months ago and it's the first I look at every day - being in the UK, there's always a new post in the morning. Congratulations on a beautiful blog, you have such a gift at displaying your wonderful finds and I drool over them all. I love anything to do with textiles as I like to make things, also old letters, envelopes, watch faces and keys. In fact, anything you like, I would too! Please keep blogging, as I do with my family. With a daughter in New York, it keeps us close.
Oh my dear congratulations......SUPER! Now up for the next 400 posts!!!
And I will be honoured to join in. And what I am collecting....;))...hmm, I am just like you.....I collect almost everyting....YEP, that's me.......
Cross my fingers and fine day
My heart literally does somersaults when I see ironstone, especially the stained, crazed, and chipped up kind! I also collect small white creamers, vintage pillowcases, old Anagrams games, and anything with a P or an M on it! And anything I find marked France is an absolute keeper!
Congrats on 400 posts! This giveaway is awesome, and I'm looking forward to the big reveal!!
Thanks for this opportunity to win Laura! I will likely never make it to France, so living vicariously through others will have to do!! :-)
Wow..400..quite an accomplishment!! I am loving vintage numbers and letters right now. Flower frogs are another of my favorites and of course anything that is a dreamy vintage white! Keeping my fingers crossed!!
OMGoddness 400 post, Congratulations! Yes I collect all of the above, but my heart stops for ironstone, tarnished silver, old keys, vintage cameras, scales, old numbers and letters. oh that is about everything. Please enter me in your giveaway.
What an Awesome Giveaway!!!! Congrats on the big 400 posts!!!!!!!! So Exciting!!!! I love to collect many things right now, metal baskets and tins are one of my favs, and anything vintage ofcourse, chippy paint furniture and have to throw in how much I heart numbers and letters... My home is filled with these favorite finds, they all make me so happy!!!! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway, I am a New Follower of your Blog, and I am so happy I found you!!!!
Michelle Torres
Everyone of your things are so pretty. But what makes my heart sing when I find them is vintage laces and sewing items. Congrats on 400 posts and you are a sweet heart for doing this. Thanks for the chance. Carol
Wow! 400 posts! Your blog is so fun to look through. Ah, what do i like? What don't i like! I am drawn to anything girly...watched, gloves, lace, vanity items...i could go on and on! Thanks for an amazing give away!
Congratulations, and may you have many more adventures in this community. And, how kind of you! I am into teacups collection, and would love to add 'teacups'. Kindest~
Congrats on your 400th post!!!! Amazing! I love all your beautiful treasures. I love collecting most things vintage, but my heart skips a beat when I find old keys, vintage lace and vintage jewels and cabinet cards and on and on and on..hehehe..
Congrats!!! I love reading to see what new finds you have discovered!!
I love anything worn and aged with numbers. I collect anything with numbers, the grubbier the better. Vintage monogrammed silver makes my heart skip a beat...and it not matching makes me even more excited!! I also have a weakness for old rhinestone pins / brooches and anything french inspired!!
Thanks again and congrats!!
First of all, Happy 400 and thank you for your over-the-top generosity. My collectibles vary but I really enjoy ephemera, millinery flowers, sheet music and gobs and gobs of costume jewelry. Thank you again!
SuZeQ ~ kosec@sbcglobal.net
Happy 400 !
I collect vintage keys...
So glad I found you again. I saw you on someone's side bar, intrigued by you name, 52 Flea, but didn't get to you, sometimes my connection does not cooperate.
I love vintage medals and rosary beads, lace, buttons, china, and silver.
What makes my heart beat fast?.....
I laugh at my reaction when I recently spied a stack of Marcrest Daisy and Dot plates at Goodwill.....my pulse quickened, I stopped breathing, I felt like I was moving in slow motion to get to them, I would have pushed someone out of my way had they been between us. 9 plates for less that the price of 1.
400 !! CONGRATULATIONS Laura !!!
I love thsat hotel key i told you before.............but i like a lot of things and when i win....you may choose a nice pressent for me than............i will put a link on my site...please come to see my post.i think..i think ....you like it all !!! hugs from me my dear Laura .........
Congrats on your 400th post and how generous of you to offer such a great giveaway.
lets see - what I hunt for: old rusty skeleton keys, cabinet cards, vintage lace, vintage white buttons, old cake molds, vintage wooden spools... oh I ould go on - lol
Love everything in your photos
~ Tina
Phenomanal giveaway. Congrats on your 400th. Now what makes my heart beat fast...vintage holy medals, handmade lace, old timepieces, tatting shuttles, ivory crochet hooks, feathers, vintage fish prints, and huge floppy hats with bigger feathers. Sea Witch
Many congratulations on your 400th post! I so enjoy your blog and love the photos of your treasures. As for collecting... we all love a bit of everything, don't we? My favorites right now are tarnished silver and vintage linens. But I have been dreaming of garden markers made out of flattened old silverware, and linen pillowcases with old lace, shabby millinery and black transferware, and old cabinet photos. My heart beats faster when I see primitive cupboards and vintage sideboards and dressers, but there's just not enough room in the house for all those wonderful things that I could bring home. I think sometimes that our love for old things has a lot to do with the longing for a safe haven away from the hustle of modern life, and my home is a quiet reflection of simplier times away from all the technology and rush. This month I am building a backsplash in my kitchen out of vintage ceiling tile, and it's so pretty, I can't wait until it's done!
Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault
What a generous give away and congrats on 400 posts. I have just recently been doing a lot more flea marketing. I am collecting white ironstone or creamware for my diningroom hutch. I am loving it filled with all the white and mixing it with some silver. I also want to start collecting silver flatware.
I love old jewelry. It tells a story and makes one wonder - who was this woman? Why did she choose this piece? Or was it chosen for her? Why this color. Was it to match a lovely hat with lace around its brim or was it to match her beautiful eyes?
I love old photos as well for the reason Corey writes about in her blog (which is how I found yours, by the way, and I am loving it!).
Congratulations on your 400th post. That is quite a feat.
Everything listed is so wonderful and appealing to all the things I enjoy creating or displaying. It's hard to choose one category...I'd love one from each!
I enjoy vintage silver plated finds and display them around the house, changing them often! Lately,
I've been creating with vintage flatware (garden markers, gift tags, wedding favors etc.) for a while now for my shop and finally got around to writing a post about it this week.
Vintage flatware would be my pick!
Thanks so much.
Oh how fun, I want to win, I sure do. Isn't that statue Queen Victoria?
I love to collect milk glass, clear glass little salt and peper shakers, ecru and lace, little tea cups and saucers, old pitcure frames. Shall I go on.
Your the greatest
Congretulations on your 400th post.I love your wonderful blog and I Love Anything vintage, lace,postcards,photos,buttons. Thanks so much and many blessings !
400 posts is fantastic! I love old laces, sewing supplies like pincushions, vintage lace and buttons - almost anything sewing related, flower frogs, red transferware.
what to choose?! each picture seems to have something that i like- vintage sewing, card games, brass numbers, trinkets of all kinds. it all looks wonderful. congrats to you and hopefully to me too!.
Congrats on 400 posts! I love viewing all your finds. There are not too many Flea Markets in my area so I live vicariously through your posts!I love to look for vintage linens, hankerchiefs, plates or any service-ware,vases and baking and cookware!Anything 'beach vintage'...Oh and my current favorite is old sailor paintings..I like to try to find something that makes me search a little:) So fun...thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing your time and talents in your beautiful blog. I love it that you post so frequently.
I love wicker covered bottles, vintage lace, brown transferware, and pretty much anything you love. Blue is also my favorite color.
Oh my gosh! 400 posts......YIPPPEEE! I adore your blog...from the name itself to it's content. I've really enjoyed my visits. :-)
Hmmmmm....What makes my heart beat faster? I LOVE yummy handpainted china...things with numbers and vintage, floral barkcloth...those would probably be my favs...but love things to make-over and linens too. Ok, I see I like LOTS of different kinds of things.
Please throw me into the pot too. I'd be soooo thrilled to win.
What a fun giveaway and sooo many things to pick from. lately Ive been really into clock faces and didn't have any luck at my flea market so i think that's what I would pick. Thanks!
I found your blog just a few weeks ago, and have really enjoyed it. Congratulations on 400 posts!
I find myself completely unable to resist anything with letters and numbers on them - old letter tiles, letters left over from old store signs, number plates from house addresses, street numbers, etc. Yep, that's definitely my favorite - I get excited just thinking about it.
Thanks for the chance!
Hello Laura,
This may be a duplicate comment. I thought I left one but it hasn't shown up. Anyway, I have put your picture on my side bar and done a post about your give back. My heart beats over flower frogs, floral pictures, plates, dress clips, anything you want to send and anything in that lovely blue that you love.
Best Wishes, Annette
Congratulations on your 400th post! Here's to the next 400!
I am drawn to anything French, old keys, small pitchers, letters of all sorts and paper.
Your blog is one of my favourites - found recently and read faithfully.
Dear Laura, the question is what don't I like?!! I do love that beaded little purse you're showing. Always loving ephemera, especially old photos which I don't have very many of. But I'm also thinking about little change purses in creams and beiges lately...something I don't have at all but might like to start looking for. Congrats on 400 posts, Laura!
Geeze, I love your blog. This is so much FUN!! Right now I'm scouring thrift stores and yard sales for old flowered china plates, I especially like pink flowers, green leaves, but any romantic looking ones will do. I'm creating a set that will include different plates. If I ever found any with birds on them I would include them, too. I also started collecting what I think would be called cocktail stemware glasses. They are etched with flowers or leaves or pretty patterns. I've gotten two different ones so far for $1 at the thrift store. I think a lot of times people break the rest of them and I can get pretty ones for next to nothing -- matching isn't an issue, I just like them to be pretty. I love looking at your blog. I usually appreciate pinks, red flowers, green leaves. I feel rested, refreshed and enthused when i look at your posts. Thank you for sharing your passion for beauty.
400th! and kazzions of comments! Because I love peeking in and dreaming at your posts and photos, always something I'd love to have. I like clock and watch faces, metal tags, metal pieces, signs, shells, glass items and well.... do dads, Jennifer jennsthreegraces
I never have a plan! I just love the thrill of finding something that "hits" me and says "buy me!" I know we all love to find that old metal lawn chair, or, like something I missed the other day, a soda display for a store, things like that. But then there are tiny little things! It's like a garden, you never know what will be planted in the most unlikely place!
J'aime tellement de choses!!!
Les tissus ,la mercerie ,les chiffres ,la vaisselle ,la verrerie les vieux papiers ECT....
amitiés Laura,
Congrats on 400 posts! I really enjoy reading your blog. Such inspiration! I try to limit my collecting - so difficult to do sometimes. I like vintage lace and fabric, sewing notions, dolls, emphemera, photographs and garden implements! Jamie V in MT
Hello Laura! Oh my goodness...what a wonderful give away...it's going to be hard to tell you what I like as I like just about EVERYTHING! I love white ironstone and transferware but I also love ephemera, vintage lace, old photo's, watch faces and on and on. I would be happy to win ANYTHING you have as your taste is similar to mine. Congratulations on your 400th post...WOW! I hope you have a wonderful day...Best wishes....Maura:)
Congratulations on such a milestone Laura! I am a huge fan of your blog, and can appreciate your seasonal reports since I live in Mass. You've got such an amazing vintage collection - I would love anything French, especially embroidered linens or ephemera. I'm also a fan of white ironstone or blue & white china. Thanks for this chance! I'm excited to hear more about your sale with perhaps...Corey Amaro? Is my guess correct?
I am such a fan of your blog...you have a unique talent for display with all of the lovely items collected. Your taste is exquisite in my opinion.
Well, let's see, I love anything silver or pewter, buttons, pincushions,
old scissors, lettered and numbered things, rhinestones, white ironstone. I know I would adore anything you put together!! Thank you and congratulations on your 400th posting!
Congratulations on the 400 posts! How generous you are to share some of your treasures with us!
It's amazing to read that the brocante treasures (or is it the hunt?) really makes our hearts beat faster and our blood pressure rise. (I thought that only happened to me!)
What do I love? Vintage, Antique, Brocante - everything!
What makes me swoon? Vintage French items,particularly faience; old religious items: medals, rosaries, statues; old silver serving pieces; embroidered monogrammed linens (It doesn't matter whose initials - I love to imagine the young girls embroidering it for their trusseau); enameled signs; anything with numbers...
Your blog is fantastic! Please know in your heart how many of us bless you for sharing all this beauty and joy with us. God bless you!
Ana Maria
Oh, I forgot:
I'm certain that your brocante partner will be the Brocantess!
Congrats on the 400th post! Your blog is wonderful. I look forward seeing your beautiful photos and and your flea markets finds each day. I pretty much love everything that you have, but I would love to win some ironstone or old linens or old crosses. Hope to be reading your 1000th post!
Asking me what I do love most to collect is as asking me which cat I love most. ;)
I love all the things shown in your pictures but most of all the vintage hotel key chain.
Now...about putting your give away in the sidebar. I would love to do that but I´m such a complete nitwit. I will try though. ;)
Happy 400th and looking forward to hundreds more to come.
Big hug, Jeannette
Congratulations on your 400th Post. I love your blog, but really, one cannot choose just one favorite thing to collect (ask my husband, I sure can't). I love old linens, old religious medals from all religions, old 40s tableclothes, anything Xmas, especially Santas, old chocolate molds, old paper, old war bond posters, I think I've recently added vintage china to the picture, but I am not admitting that it has become a "collection" yet. I love vintage hats, costume jewelry, bakelite, and clothes, and BOOKS. Love old books. See, there is no way to choose just one favorite.
Wow - so many treasures! I love tags with numbers and linens of all sorts, but my favorite things are the embroidered laundry linen tapes with monograms or numbers on them.
Congratulations Laura!!! 400 posts...waw!!!
Your giveaway is amazing...just like you!!! You could't find a better way to celebrate!!!
I've already put your give back in my sidebar!
I cannot choose...I love everything...so if I'll win...I'd like to have a surprise!!!
Big hugs my incredible friend!
My heart beats faster at the thought of finding some vintage costume jewelry. Just something simple maybe from......Hattie carnegie...Elsa S....or maybe a Miriam Haskell necklace!!!!
I also love vintage valentines....especially the mechanical ones!!!!
Hotel Silver....How could I forget that!!!
I am easy to please!!!!!
I love looking at all your collections and new finds. You have so many wonderful things!!
I guess the favorite of my collectibles is the McCoy pottery...flowerpots, vases, pitchers and bowls...but I also love all those little tags, pins, hooks, game pieces, trim, and wire doo-dads to use in crafting...and pretty much anything vintage!!
Congratulations on 400 posts! What a gorgeous and generous giveaway to celebrate ♥ Thank you.
I love & look for anything with a bird theme, garden items (watering cans/vintage containers to be used as planters)when I'm out and about thrifting. Garage sales have just begun here :-)
I collect jewelry caskets... to put more treasures in of course!
I'm off to peek at your other posts :)
(love your pics!)
Hmm, this is a tough one. Old lace, old keys and clocks, watches, filigree, crochet, silver, earrings, quilts, linens ...looks like I've found the perfect blog! :)
Thanks for the chance to win!
I jus read Tracey at French larkspur just got back from France. Could the giveaway items be coming from her?
So generous of you to celebrate your 400th post with such a wonderful gift to a lucky winner.
My heart flips whenever I see the sweet fat little vintage birds, bunnies and Traditional teddybears. They would love to be accompanied with aged pillowcase edging of crochet and lace, paired with childrens tea sets, lacy tableclothes, napkins. The birds love to be housed in wire cages to sing along with old musical items such as harmonicas, whistles and tiny tin horns. I love all you also collect and have an affinity to skeleton keys, pearl and ivory buttons, crosses, rhinestone jewels for GiGi the French Teddy Bear. She would even love an old watch to hold tight around her or a Little Ben to wake her in time for tea. I love it all and would be honored to be the fortunate recipient. God Bless Your Kind Heart
Hi Laura,
Congrats on your 400TH!!!
I love your blog and everything you write, and show us!!
Since I won your last little giveaway please don't include me. I will tell you what I hunt for at the flea markets. Anything I can use in my crown making, all kinds of odds and ends. I even buy some of the little clock faces like in your picture. Who am I kidding, I buy a little of everything like you do.
Happy 400Th!
XO Rosemary
Dearest Laura,
How lucky am I to be able to participate? Very!! A big congratulations on such prolific work and 400 beautiful posts. Hmm - If I have to narrow down my selections - it would have to be anything to do with numbers, letters or postage. From postage stamps to wooden letters and written letters to number tags. Sigh... you have inspired me. I shall even go looking for some myself this weekend in a local vide grenier.
In any case - your giveaway is a fabulous idea and thank you for the opportunity of being aboard. MUch love as always
PS - giveaway going on my side bar now!
Hi Laura...love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win a one-of-a-kind treasure! Like you, I love it all...vintage linen, seashells, ironstone, keys, old clock faces, bakelite bracelets, blue-green mason jars, postage stamps, enamel number tags (#10)...and the list goes on. I'd love to win. Thanks, Maureen (mb99999@yahoo.com)
i could yes to all the above,but i won't. i like little unique treasures. something very french and religious. it is just fun to dream of being a winner and listing desires. thank you and CONGRATULATIOS! to you Laura. i appreciate the time you put in for our blogs. Bestest,Denise
Love your blog! I love old lace, skeleton keys, victorian postcards, oh and buttons...love buttons! Thanks!
Such wonderful things! My pick would be vintage photographs.
My heart beats faster when I find old children's books and toys. Also since I am a retired school teacher, anything school related.
I just love your blog. You are such an inspiration. I love vintage ribbons, trim, and metal do-dads. Anything French is a treat.
Congrats on your 400th. Tricia (Tbourdakis@me.com)
Oval porcelain numbers, usually used on a door (like in a hotel.) Corey sent me one as a gift and it is a prized possession. It has the old, European calligraphy...swoon...
I've posted about your giveaway...entry # 2! Yippee!
I would love to win your giveaway! I love your blog! I collect "Dreamsicle" cherub knicknacks, lace handkerchiefs, and costume jewelry
oooohhhh! The religious medals...the lace, the numbers, the rosary, the laundry pins and just about everything you had pictures of...That is why it is hard to walk in "my room" upstairs. Luv 2 many things! Congrats on your 400, I have posted 4!
Everything is so lovely - why don't you just choose for me!
I LOVE all things vintage, but I have a special connection with birdcages..yikes, hard to ship & love anything that you can make jewelry out of! That's my new thing, making vintage jewelry so old findings, rhinestones...yummy, it's all good! Congrats friend on your 400th post & blessings to you on your next 4,000>
My dream box would be filled with vintage rhinestone costume jewelry, old rosary beads, vintage religious medals, old lace, old photos or tintypes, skeleton keys, old watch faces, french documents/book pages and old lockets. These are the sugarplums that dance in MY head!
I love your blog - I'm always drooling over the pictures of your treasures! I don't have a lot of collections because where I'm from there are no flea markets like I read about on your blog (I know - poor me!)
BUT, if I were to win, some of the items I dream about owning and using in my art are clock faces, skeleton keys, tintypes, buttons, vintage postcards and jewelry......lets face it, I would be happy with anything!!
Thanks for your generous offer and congratulations on 400 posts!
Wow, Congratulations on your 400th post...I love to collect old skeleton keys, linens, lace, vintage buttons, potato mashers, old wooden bowls, jewlery, kitchen gagets and candle holders. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Congratulations! You have such a fun blog to read & look through. For me its about finding a surprise that can be found while searching. That can be absolutely anything! Thanks for sharing!!
Wow! Congratulations on your 400th post and how sweet are you to reward us! I have a "thing" for so many things, but right now I'm into mismatched silver place settings and ivory dishes. Ask me tomorrow and you might get a different answer! :)
I love old cdv albums and ephemera, but also love old sewing collectibles, dolls, lace, etc.
I cherish any old lace, or vintage sewing items as they remind me of my late Mother. I miss her and working with those things in my artwork makes me happy. Congratulations on your 400th post! Beautiful blog.
I have a few collections, but now I'm mostly interested in rusty unique pieces! Lezlee
Congratulations to you 400th post.
I've just started my blog so 400 will by in the far future.
Where I live, there are no flea markets like the ones you show.
Luckily there are a view book sales threw the year, and there is my specialty:
I collect books, so I'm interested in letters.
I hope you will go on with your blog for many months , years.
Dzień Dobry
Happy 400th post!! Congrats!!
I love a LOT of different kinds of things, and I love lots of the same type of things that you collect, so 52 Flea is a fun place for me to visit. (Wish I could do it in real life!!) Some of the things that I collect: old jewelry, linens, ephemera, vintage toys, old game pieces, wireware, keys/tags, glassware, miniature chairs, hands, and hearts. Thanks for asking!!!
Hello Laura
Congratulations, 400 posts! I am amazed. We started out around the same time and I have only just recently reached 100 posts!
I love anything religious, vintage purses, enamelware, vintage jewellery, vintage millinery flowers, anything with old roses pattern on, old watch/clock faces.
Thank you, very generous of you to ask what we would prefer.
Have a lovely weekend
Warm wishes
Isabelle x
I love old linen! tablewear or bedlinens... any kind :) Clock faces are awsome too!
Greetings from Norway!
Hello Laura,
You have got a very beautiful blog.
400 posts wow!! thats a lot, congratulations.
I have just started so I have a long way to go.
I love a lot off old stuf, but most off al,
vintage jewellery,keys,lace and buttons.
Lots off love wendy from holland
Hey Laura,
400 posts - HUGE! Congrats!!!
When I'm at the fleamarket here in Germany I look out for everything that might have an interesting history: old mirrors, old windows from 1895, clock faces, washing boards, candlesticks, everything that's made of poor man's silver, old books, baking molds with patina, old apothecary bottles, suitcases, lace, faience - just everything ANTIQUE ...
Luv your blog!!!
400 posts
400 hosts
400 news
400 cards
400 hearts
2400 life stories
Totally addictive to you!
Please visit one day www.woodencheststudio.blogspot.com
What a nice giveaway, I love anything French, from laces to paper to just about all. Smiles, Carol Mae
je pense à Victoria !!!!
tout ce qui est affiché est si beau !moi je collectionne des tas de choses mais rien d'église ni de bizarre juste des choses mignonnes et surtout de couture et mercerie....ça ne prends pas trop de place hi hi bisous à toi ton blog je l'aiiiime
What a great giv away! Love your blog so much although I usually just lurk. You have such good taste that I would just love anything you put together. But, if you ask me I love anything white,beachy and or french! My heart goes pitter patter just getting in the car to go to any flea! My girlfriend and I always stop first a Dunkin Donuts for some "fuel" and if there's a line I about jump out of my seat! Ahhhh the thrill of the hunt. Have a wonderful weekend <3 Donna
Oh MY! So many wonderful collections to choose from! I love beautiful lace and linens, rhinestone jewels and cameos. Glass and china with pretty handpainted flowers always makes my heart beat faster. Antique ephemera and victorian beaded bags are among my favorites. Mother of pearl buttons and silver are lovely too. Come to think of it... Your blog has all of these gorgeous things. Thank you for sharing and Please count me in for the wonderful giveaway.
What a fun fun giveaway. Please enter my name, thanks, Theresa
Well, I didn't tell you what I like, sorry. I like it all, from religious items to the old photo's to old letters and the clock faces too!Of course little silver pitchers and ironstone of any kind and old lace as well. Thanks again for this, Theresa
Oh, I love cloches, glass or silver. And speaking of silver, I love any kind, so long as its old with that wonderful patina.
Oh, my, I collect so many things, but my favorite are vintage fabrics, transferware, old baby carriages, boudoir dolls, religious figurines, old books, the list goes on and on!!
OH! What doesn't make my heart beat faster? LOL! Old lace, floral barkcloth, numbers, French anything (my maiden name was L'Etoile), white, silver, pink, green - I'm hopeless! Love your site, and wish you lived closer to Boston than New York (I'm in southern NH) -
Wanda in NH
You did it, 400!!! Good show. I so ENJOY your blog.
My heart turns over when I see vintage lace, buttons, items related to Fairies, pewter, green depression glass and green Jadite Fire King (plates, cups and saucers, bowls, etc.)
What a great giveaway. I recently discovered your blog and I love it! I love all kinds of old stuff. Some of my favorites are keys, religious medals, lace, crochet, boxes, clock faces...
Hello from germany - just some minutes ago I found your nice blog - you have so many fabolous thinks collected - congratulation !!!
Its like an paradies. I like it look your Fotos and read your comments.
Im a fleamarketjunky too - my husband is not so happy about it.
Have a nice weekend
How exciting to read about your upcoming French Flea Event!!! I love to collect way too many vintage treasures including white ironstone, brown and white transferware, galvanized/zinc garden items and homegoods, matte white mccoy planters, wooden architectural pieces, old books (can never have enough), old wooden drawers with chippy paint, and anything worn, charming and with patina~~Love your wonderful site and thanks for sharing the joy!
congrats! 400 ~ wow, that is years away for me! Beautiful blog...I love anything that is vintage for the kitchen...tart tins, cookie cutters, butter presses, cake pans...etc. and I love transferware.
I love your blog..wish I was closer so I could attend your upcoming 'event'!
In the meantime I'd love to win some of your goodies... I love and collect skeleton keys, mercury glass objects, and vintage glass door handles. Oh and glass cloches, and and and..
Congrats on #400!!! Can't wait for that many more!
Hi Laura --
Have followed your blog since reading about you in Somerset Life. Very inspired by your lovely posts and photos, and also your positive attitude in your post-HR life.
The jar of buttons you recently featured with the beautiful mother of pearl buckle was to die for! Am also a flea market junkie with multiple collections of vintage items - all of these make my heart beat fast: buttons and buckles, sewing box goodies (thimbles, rick-rack, wooden spools of thread, lace trims); vintage quilts, quilt tops and quilt squares; barkcloth, feedsack, and 30's to 70's/retro-ish fabrics; cookbooks and recipe boxes (with handwritten recipes in them); rhinestone and old costume jewelry; rosaries and religious medals; old skeleton keys; brass watch chains and watch fobs; old greeting cards and postcards; vintage beads; British and French vintage; anything featuring the Statue of Liberty; cookware and bakeware and vintage kitchen utensils and gadgets; and so much more. Anything old, worn and well-loved is appealing.
Congratulations on your 400th post and look forward to many, many more!
Laura amor, 400 POSTS!!! AMAZING!!!! That is just so wonderful and I have enjoyed each and every one of my visits with you! My stars...everything that you mentioned in your post I LOVE, but I am ever so partial to tiny things...antique keys, saints, dolls, vintage laces, wax seals, your lil box of religious medallions :) You name it, I will love it, your tastes are divine and I would love it all :) Have a beautiful weekend amor! Besos, Rose
Laura amor, I put your Giveback on my sidebar :) I will post about it tomorrow too :) Have a beautiful weekend! Besos, Rose
Congrats on 400 posts ~ I've loved reading them all!
Little bits of pretty lace, buttons, birds & nests, old photos, tarnished silver and heart shaped stones...these are a few of my favorite things!
Thanks so much for asking!
Unfortunately, I am one of those crazy ladies that loves it all! I love old alarm clocks, pocket watches, floral linens/tablecloths, ironstone, transferware, graniteware, anything architectural, chippy, rusty, vintage garden, anything roses, REAL cats and REAL chickens (but I have enough of those, so don't send any of those if I win!!). Congrats!!
Lovely photos! I love vintage jewelry and vintage lard tins. Well, I guess lard tins aren't a modern item. But the graphics on them are fun!
I like old things, small things anything that you can put on a card , or Layout or something that you have been scrapbooking or altered. A little box with treasures that I may use when i scrapp.
Hugs Nilla
WOW WHAT A GREAT BLOG YOU HAVE HERE! I love the photos you have posted. It is so inspiring. I love France. I have been several times on business and once for a monthe for fun. I would need a hugest suitcase if I went shopping. My favorites were the paper dolls I found. I liked the white button yuo have I have a great project in mind for a bunch of button I am slowing collecting the right ones. I really dig all kinds of bobles & ephemera. Your countess has hatchd some neat stuff. I would also like to purchase a mystery cigar box of goodies from you when you have your sale. I do not know if you have a esty or not but. Please let me know.
Wooow... And once again: wooow!!! How come I haven't known your blog before???
I would love to have the chance to win: I adore old photos the most, but I'm also a huge fan of chocolate and I like everything linked with it, plus I'm in love with old things used in kitchen. And now I run to put your link on my sidebar... Greetings from Hungary!
Done! You can check it out here:
Hugs, Laura
Your blog is always so beautiful and fun!! I love to visit and dream of your treasures! If I won I'd fill a cigar box with little knick knacks of old rosary's and tin number, old tickets and broken watches, love letters and memories from heaven. Just like you and your website! Thanks so much for all the pleasure you provide!
Have a great weekend!
The brocantes is Corey Amaro!
Houston Tx
Laura I love old lace and old keys. I can't seem to find keys here though. I love going to a flea and serching for them and always coming home with other great finds as well. I am so excited that yard sale weather is starting to come to my part of Idaho.
Congratulations on 400 posts. That is just amazing. 400 AWESOME posts I might add!
The statue and I may have something in common!
Love blue and white china with a passion. Wireware is always cool, as is french wine openers, numbers, bling/bling jewels, garden stuff.....love it!
Happy 400th!
I love just about anything with age and a beautiful patina. Your blog is a happy place -- I am always amazed at the 52 Flea finds! It's especially nice to find a vintage blog that is actually based in Connecticut.
Can't wait to hear about the BIG EVENT-- please keep it close to CT.
I will post your give away on my sidebar blog candy page here:
Love your blog and so glad I found you trough Brocantess!
I love vintage stuff that I can actual use... teaspoons, napkin rings, napkins and tablecloths, pillowcases, white ironstone and blue or brown transferware, teacups, wood appliques to revamp old furniture and old doorknobs and handles and bathroom vanity stuff like powder jars.
Oh, I forgot-
Everything on this site!!
Hmmmn...Ok- here goes! Clockparts, crowns, old keys, french writing, rosaries and medals, rhinestones and love!
Please enter us!
Sparkly Hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!
Ps, Do let us know where this sale will be cause i (we) are New Yawkaz!
But we totally don't speak like that!
so many posts already! congrats on that first of all! I am so glad I am not a lurker right now ;P Well my heart neats faster if I see something industrial, rusty metal things, I like metal signs, letters and numbers... things like that..old rusty garden tables... but also sparkling white vases ;)
enjoy your weekend and reading allll these comments ;)
Hi Laura! congrats on the 400th post! I love any kind of old jewelry findings or ephemera please enter me in your give back, sounds wonderful!
I fall in love with just about everything I see on your blog, but since I make cards, ephemera is my favorite collectible, along with buttons (especially black), trims and lace bits. Also anything French that would fit in the "Paris Room" that I created for my granddaughter when she visits.
Hi Laura~Congratulations on your blog:) My what a generous giveaway. I love scrubbed and weathered furniture with traces of old paint. Anything with a great texture also makes my heart happy. Of course the tried and true pieces I have collected for years~White Ironstone, Brown and White Transferware, Baskets and Quilts:))
Hi Laura~Congratulations on your blog:) My what a generous giveaway. I love scrubbed and weathered furniture with traces of old paint. Anything with a great texture also makes my heart happy. Of course the tried and true pieces I have collected for years~White Ironstone, Brown and White Transferware, Baskets and Quilts:))
All the photos are so exciting! So many bits and lovely pieces! I always enjoy your blog and keep the link on my toolbar. Your drawing sounds like such a wonderful treat--I will envy the winner if it isnt me! Oh! And your upcoming sale--How I wish I was near enough to see that event!
I love white ironstone and dishes of all sorts, glass containers and silverplate flatware, ANYTHING wooden with chippy paint, creamers and old clock cases. I could go on, but you get the idea!
Congratulations on your 400th post!
Congrats! I have enjoyed browsing and reading your blog...like you style and taste.
Oh yes I love to collect so many different kinds of doodads....pedestals---whether it be planters, cake plates, urns...I want to be on a pedestal...could that be why I collect them?
Architectural pieces, black wire items, driftwood and silver serving pieces. I would love to collect tramp art but haven't got there yet.
aloha! & happy 400 to you...i love old books and french lace & salvage---any condition..........how extra exciting to do a sale...for geographically impossible people like me...an on-line store would be fab as well *!* --- continue the FUN nancy
OH my goodness... I collect so many things... Santos, origami paper cranes, buttons, architectural iron stars, green depression glass, milk glass, wooden piggy cutting boards, vintage embroidered linens (especially those that have bluebirds or flower baskets on them- pillowcases, tablecloths, etc...) paper dolls, anything with daisies on it, illustrated children's books, christmas tree brooches, nativity scenes, hammered aluminum, blue and white china/stoneware/pottery. I know... I can't believe I collect ALL this stuff! And there is probably more that I am not remembering at the moment.
Congratulations on your 400th, and what a wonderful blog!
I collect many, many things. Some of the constants are medicine vials with handwritten labels. Amber medicine bottles with printed labels. Old wooden game pieces. Teeth. Orphaned doll parts. Glass eyes. Old French documents, letters, and handwritten books. Rusty things.
Continue your magic-making, and best wishes!
Oh! Your blog is wonderful! makes my day! Things we love, for you & I are kindred spirits as we seem to collect same or simular items...What makes my heart beat faster? SEWING STUFF! I will stop in my tracks for vintage old lace, great buttons, great old fabric, notions of all sorts--I have been known to spend my lunch money on a wonderfully embelished table cloth or a crocheted bed cover!! I can't resist running my fingers over textiles -- and even though I have some of this stuff - That doesn't limit my pursuit of this happy elated feeling when I find some old lace and even better if I can afford it!! ;--)
Keep the faith, and the blog!! Hugs, Penelope
Love your blog! OH...and buttons, thimbles, vintage keys, little German ceramic figures.
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