I am enjoying every minute of this beautiful spring weather!
It is the first spring that I am home...
...puttering around in my little nest, able to go outside and take a walk whenever I need to...
...not trapped inside an office all day, every day....
To be in charge of my own schedule...
...how I spend my time...
...is a gift!
After all those years of corporate life...
...I am feeling free as a bird!
Taking the time to notice the little things...
...don't you just love the color of these grape hyacinths?...
Although I did not plan on leaving my career this early...
...I am appreciating the gift of time!
Found two of these blue flowered plates at the flea market this past weekend...
...there's that beautiful blue color again! :)
It seems to be taking me longer than I imagined to get things accomplished at home...
...there is so much to distract me...
...so many things to play with...
...but I have time.
...and I am ever so grateful for this gift!
I hope you have time too...or make time for the things that make you smile!
Laura, I totally understand this. I was forced to take a medical retirement...but it is a gift to me. I enjoy being home, enjoy having girlfriends over, enjoy watering my flowers...I get it!
I agree...I too worked for many years in the medical profession and am now a stay at home mom and homemaker. Your post really spoke to my heart.
I really love the way the flowers planted in the blue pot look!
I am so glad to hear you are enjoying your time off- sometimes change is hard, but it opens your life to so many new possibilities! Love the blue floral dishes and the lovely flowers!
Hi Laura,
I'm so glad your enjoying your time off. It must be so wonderful to finally have free time to do what ever your heart desires.
I'm with you on the weather, after a couple of weeks of cold and rainy weather it was finally warm and gorgeous out today! I love the sunshine!!!
It's a positive outlook to view the time off as a gift. Enjoy.
Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know how you feel. When I was laid off last Aug I was shocked, but I have enjoyed the time to play and be at home. I was able to spend a month visiting my Mom and could not have done that before. Of course I am still trying to make a living but have hopes that my plans will work out. Enjoy! It is Glorious!
Being in charge of your own time is a great gift - after all, we're exchanging a part of our life for it.
I've always adored grape hyacinths - the color is so unusual and rich, not a bit of bashfulness in it...
Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)
It's all so true. I left my job last June and sometimes I just wonder where the day goes! Now that I work from home I find a million distractions, especially in the spring!
Time! At this point in life, time is more precious to me than anything. A day of leisure, to choose as you please how to spend time, is a true gift. Enjoy every single second! Blessings, Tammy
Ooh what a wunderful coloured plate you found!!
Its beautiful whit te bleu flowers!
I see it this morning and a feld happy.
i was feeling stress, my daugther is making her exame from highshool. and this is working good to look on your nice site
till the next time and have a wunderfull day
How lovely - I am about to head off for the corporate grind today and its sunny - would so much rather be pottering at home. Hmmm. Thought provoking post - what would I do if the corporate machine went away?!
You are just so right Laura! A lot of people hardly realize how precious time is. Time to spend as you want that is, time for obligations is a different matter. I'm happy that you are enjoying yourself AND that you realize how lucky you are! I'm in the same happy position, thank you for making me realize that once more. Have a happy day!
Dear Laura
I'm so glad you are enjoying this time... I know those first few weeks are like heaven.... so glad it is spring for you over there... enjoy it all.. soak it up... and be free little bird!! xxx Julie [ps beautiful photos]
The spring is the most beautiful time of the year, everything is little, lovely and so sweet..
I like the coulor blue from the grape hyacinths, it's grows in the garden and if they are bigger than I will put them in a little vase to enjoy inside the house :-D
Enjoy this wonderful day ☼
I sure make time for the things that make me smile!..........it is so importent to love the little things in life............you know........beautiful pictires beautiful done....you are a beautiful girl..mum.....blogfriend.........hugs from me .........
Hello dear Laura, how nice to feel free, I reconize that feeling, I enjoy also my home and nomore outside work. I enjoy also those beautiful pictures of the lovely blue hyacinths and the plate is also so lovely.
Enjoy the spring.
Warmly greeting, Mea
Time passes so quickly...enjoy each moment, they are all yours!
Lovin' your post! The colors are gorgeous!
I am a self taught gardener and I have many of the blud hyacinths...I've guarded them carefully over the years but I never knew what they were...NOW I know...Thank you!
I love "retirement" I have ever so much more time to enjoy life...and honestly I happier and busier than ever...Corporate life taught me many things but a greater appreciation for individuality, peace and creativity are on the top of my list!
Have a wonderful day...you've certainly added happiness to mine!
What pretty pics. I am so happy that you are enjoying your new freedom..it is always important to take time to enjoy life because in the grand scheme of things it is just a blink of the eye so every moment is definitely precious!
Just lovely, Laura. I'm so glad you're enjoying and savouring your gift of time. So much more time to admire the beauty around you...
My dear Laura,
i enjoy your lovely pictures..........white and blue are my favourite colours!!!!! Have a wonderful spring weekend,
Hugs Jade
I have been retired for 8 years and I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. Freedom is what I enjoyed the most, free from the stress of traffic, free from having to look out the window at all of this beauty and free from having my day planned FOR me:) Enjoy your day, it sounds like you already ARE:)
Enjoy yourself...you deserve it!
Have fun playing!! xOxO
I enjoyed reading your post today. I'm glad you are enjoying your time to do the things you want to do. It's very cliche for me to say "Life is short" but it is and I think we need to do our best to fill it with things that fulfill us and make us happy. Since my husband's diagnosis with ALS in January, I have really reevaluated what is truly important to me and to my family. Time together is on the top of our list.
Have a wonderful day doing what makes you happy.
Laura, I just love your positive attitude. Where others see the glass half empty...you're seeing it more than half full...of pretty flowers.
"Nothing but blue skies from now on."
Love that beautiful shade of blue. Yes, it is wonderful not to have to get up at 5:15 anymore and go to work. Enjoy life to the fullest.
So much creative time. Enjoy it to the fullest.
I learned to slow down and "smell the roses" a few years ago. I just wished time would not go by so fast.
Laura, I also left a corporate career. It felt wonderful to have free time and I had so many "organizing" plans. However, it is distracting to be at home with time to play. I found myself wondering where the days went and oh, how the heck I got so much done working full time!!??
What a perfect time of year for a fresh start!
Such beautiful blue themed vignettes! I am so happy that you are enjoying your free time. Your happiness comes through in your wonderful images. Just perfect to cheer a spring morning.
My hat is off to you and I hope you enjoy each and every day. Love your pics, they are so beautiful.
Very inspiring......so glad you are enjoying your new found freedom. I hope to someday soon! Love the pansies in the blue bucket....they are so cute.
Thank you for helping me to remember the gift I have of free time...I get to stay home and putter...my husband doesn't push me into a job that I hate...I have my own successful antique business that I love, and many interests that keep me busy...With the blog, more great things have been added to my life.. Thanks for reminding me to stay in gratitude...
Dear Laura,
It's so lovely to hear that everything is rosy in Laura's garden, and that you are enjoying your new found freedom.
I just love your white pansies in their beautiful blue container. They look so pretty.... and, grape hyacinths are another (I have so many) of my favourite flowers.
Keep enjoyong yourself. All of those boring jobs will keep !!!! XXXX
I really love the blue floral dishes and the lovely blue flowers!
It is amazing what happens to us when the corporate world we thought we were "losing" goes away and we discover life without work. Time really does fly. Glad you are enjoying the time. The plates are yummy!!!
I'm so happy for you. I hope you savor every moment.
Laura....????? Are those Alfred Meakon, Florette plates??? I hope you know they are IMPOSSIBLE to find!
So glad you are enjoying the spring!
Laura, you give us such joy with your beautiful pictures and sharing of your life.
Cherish each well deserved moment; I know I do. Getting distracted is part of the fun.... I call it "multi-tasking" enjoyment.
Time, what a precious commodity. Something I feel I never have enough of.
Enjoy this time, it is a gift.
How great! I have split my time lately between reading and blogging! Enjoy your time!
Hugs, Lisa
Es una belleza este blog. Felicitaciones por tanta belleza!!
Views of the Nature are really Great.
My hands seem to reach there.
Your photography is very splendid.
From the Far East.
Best regards.
Blue, blue, blue. I love this color.
Nice blog.
To no longer feel the stress of meeting everyone else's demands is a feeling beyond words. As a retired educator (29 years as a math teacher and 8 years as an administrator), I found that being able to go to the bathroom whenever I need/want is such a wonderful thing. When working, my day was regimented by bells. I would have to RUN to the bathroom between classes.
This is just one of the many blessings I've discovered in retirement.
Hope you continue to enjoy the little things, like blue flowers and blue dishes...
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