Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bit of Pretty

I'm so enjoying all the spring blossoms in the yard...

...floating a few petals with a piece of pink quartz...

...a pretty hand painted porcelain plate...

...found it in the bottom of the cupboard in the dining room...
...forgot I had fact...
at the moment... I can't remember when and where it came from!

This sweet little pitcher belonged to my grandmother...
...I think of her in her farmhouse kitchen whenever I look at it.

Found this forlorn tiny pink, white and gold trimmed cup sans its saucer at the flea market this week...
...just a quarter...
...adopted it.

"Think of me"... home!

Cleaning out...trying to reduce clutter...
...not making much progress thus far, but persevering!

Think of me...
...being able to go outside
in the spring
...during the day!

Think of me smiling!
Hope you are too!


Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

Lovely pictures...very pretty. Isn't it fun to find something you had totally forgotten about? You must have dishes in every color and style! Well, good luck with your cleaning...and Laura, you know we all all waiting for you to open an Etsy Store!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I just adore that hand painted plate. So very pretty as are the flowers!!

Elaine said...

Think of me, jealous! Wish I had time off from work.

My grandmother had that exact same pitcher with the blue flowers. It's at my parents house now. It is very sweet.

KarenB said...

I bet it's an amazing feeling to be free during the day. I remember when I was working and would get out for lunch or an errand and I just keep wondering what everybody was doing driving around. Didn't anybody work? Ha ha ha Hope you're enjoying every minute of it!


Suz said...

Many bits of pretty! This was a lovely entry.

I have your site on my blog favorites. You have done such wonderful work in such a short time. I really admire you!

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

So pretty!

Carole said...

So pretty Laura. It's nice not being couped up inside isn't it? I could never have a desk job. I'm spoiled.
I'm so happy for you!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I just love those delicate little violets... and think the cup with a sentiment is really special...

Raggedy Ann said...

So pretty...i love your Grandmothers vase.

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Smiling here too, Laura. That little pitcher was 25 cents is darling and your grandma's pitcher, such a cherished object full of memories!

Angela said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying your new life. I don't understand those women who get bored staying home. I never seem to get to those things I SHOULD be doing, because of all my playing!! I also found some things I forgot I had while organizing this past week.

Beach House Living said...

It appears you are enjoying being at home discovering the things that make you smile.

Annesphamily said...

Your plate is so lovely! This was a fun post! Thanks for sharing! Anne

Rostrose said...

Dearest Laura,
your compositions are so lovely and "springy"! I am ALLWAYS thinking of you smiling :o)
So many hugs, Traude

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Everything is so pretty Laura. Such delicare colours. I think that you were making perfume in the first two pictures, like we did as children. You are just missing some rose petals !!!! XXXX

Julie@beingRUBY said...

HI Laura
Think of me.. wishing it were spring.. haha... I love your arrangements with the rose quartz.... I have so much of that at home.. should do something pretty like you have....Everything beautiful as always... xxx Julie

Jeannette said...

That´s a lot of pretty! And I´m smiling thinking of you. ;-)))
Have a wonderful weekend.

Lululiz said...

Laura, you do take the prettiest photos! What a sweet post.

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

I'm definitely thinking of you, sweet Laura. Doing all of those things and being very happy indeed!

Cheri said...

Laura-I just discovered your blog and I feel like we are kindred spirits....from loving all things involuntarily joining the ranks of the retired from the corporate world and loving the area where we live(I live in the Hudson Valley and have the feeling you're close by). I don't have a blog but will be a faithful new reader of yours....Cheri

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Guess get to do it again tomorrow! Have a great weekend!!

Mary said...

Oh yes, I am surely smiling -- love all your bits of pretty! I have a few cups that look very similar to your pink one. Mine are marked "Father," "Mother," "Brother," etc.

Have a wonderful weekend! :)

brandi said...

~a smile you have brought to my face...your little white bird bath is so so sweet...i adore pink quartz...quite magical and holds such l♥ving powers within it...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

Sussi / Sussinghurst said...
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Sussi / Sussinghurst said...

All those pretty things you have. It's so much fun to visit your blog.

Les Cotrions said...

Your little trasures are enchanting with your garden flowers Laura! It's so nice to find hidden and forgotten ones! It happens to me too...I've moved often in the last years and sometimes I remember some little treasures still packed in a box!! I think you couldn't choose a better name for your blog! Visiting you it's alway a nice trip to the brocante!
Happy week end!

Debby said...

Gorgeous post, so many beautiful flowers and I love your hand~painted plate.

La Petite Gallery said...

I swore in 2005 no more clutter. Here I am with such clutter in my garage. I know where you are coming from. Great post. Spring is here and so many pretty flowers ..Glad I saved those Pitchers. LOL


Anonymous said...

How blessed you are to have something from your grandmother....

GwendolynKay said...

Such pretty pictures. Lovely blooms.


Beautiful, enchanting photos. Love the quartz addition. So unexpected, yet one of my favorites, especially added to flowers and pretty china! ~ Angela