Sunday, December 26, 2010


Snowed in!
Eating leftovers...keeping warm.
Christmas day was lovely and I hope your celebration was too!


Blondie's Journal said...

This sounds like a real distress signal. Stay warm and dry! :-)


Karen in VA (was CT) said...

... blizzard in CT ... and not stopping soon ... yes, very cozy ... good luck to you getting out ... eventually.

V I N T A G E O L O G I E said...

ditto in NJ ... Merry Christmas and Happy New year my friend!

savvycityfarmer said...

ditto ...
not quite a blizzard, tho

Happy New Year

Theresa said...

We have snow but certainly NO blizzard! Stay in and stay warm! HUGS!

north pal said...

yes, we have been hearing about your weather. we just have snow and that's good. sounds like you are getting what we usually have. enjoy the snow in. Bestest,Denise

chateaudelille said...

Love those glass ornaments! Merry Xmas. Fiona

Glenda/MidSouth said...

We just had flurries yesterday, last night, and just a bit today. If we don't get any more than that all Winter, I would be happy. :D Just saw on the news how bad it was on the NE coast. Stay warm.

Faded Plains said...

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. We've been doing much of the same today too...eating and it.

The Antiques Diva said...

Take advantage of this "enforced down time" read, relax and keep on nibbling!

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Sounds like a great day!! Hope it was a good one.

Anonymous said...

Sounds lovely as long as you are warm and well fed, which sounds like you are!

Olive said...

We have not had snow here in Ga. at Christmas in 100 years so we are delighted! Stay warm, well fed, and cozy!

Suz said...

What fun, Laura! I love getting snowed in! We have thirty-two inches of snow and those plows are out in the night like little ants! It takes a lot to get snowed-in in St. Paul!

Dar said...

There is an 'awe' about being snowed in. A time to rest. I would welcome it.
BlessYourHeart and StayWarm

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

A blizzard can be cozy when you can stay inside and keep warm! Hope you can relax and stay put! We are expecting another big storm New Year's Eve here!

White Ironstone Cottage said...

Sweet Laura,
Hope all is well
sounds exciting


pamq said...

Is this where I tell you that out here in the Black Hills of South Dakota we had 57 degrees today and lots of blue, blue sky???

But single digits {above and below zero} by New Years and maybe a bunch of snow.

It seems like those of us in the snowy parts of the country know we will get it sooner or later and that in the end, it all evens out.....

Stay warm and cuddle with Mr Flea and Starla!

Florence said...

Stay warm and stay safe. Florence

manon 21 said...

Ici en Provence aujourd'hui le soleil brille mais il fait un froid de canard...

Bonne Semaine de fin d'année


It's me said...

Hi Laura......enjoy this new week was great !! love love Ria....

LIVS LYST said...

Hi sweet Laura!

Long time now...
Hope you are having nice christmas days. It`s not over yet. I love the slow and calm days with the family. This year it was special. We have been visiting both my and Thomas family.

Have a blessed day, Laura!
Hug from Norway ;O)

Anonymous said...

Laura, we're too far west in PA. Just got a sprinkling but it's bitter cold and the wind howled all night! We're staying IN too!
Hugs, Diane

Anonymous said...

Happy after Christmas cozy day! We have lots on the ground but not the streets. Perfect! Getting ready for our second round of Christmas with hubs sister's family coming in from Chicago today. Stay warm, Pam

Lara said...

Silvery perfection, Laura! No blizzard here in Chicagoland, but everything is under a nice blanket of white. I hope your Xmas was both sweet & merry! Hugs to you, xx

debi lynn mattingly said...

Stay warm my dear friend! Have a beautiful New Year filled with joy, love and happiness! xo...deb

lori miller vintage design co said...

I was as sick as an ole' dog. Ugh. More snow coming our way... maybe, I too can snuggle in and eat leftovers.

Lots of Christmas to tear down and turn over... hopefully I feel better soon.

Happy New year

time worn interiors said...

You guys are getting pounded with snow! Keep warm!

Andy's Attic said...

Love to be snowed in if I have all the supplies and provisions!! We just have our usual rain, rain, rain. Stay warm,

Zootsuitmama said...

Lucky you! I had a "skiff" of snow...that's all. But the rest, eating and staying in warm and cozy...that's what I'm doing too here in ole Independence Missouri! Zootsuitmama

La Petite Gallery said...

Ditto for Maine. It is stll coming in at a good clip. Started last night and we have 2 feet now . The drive way was plowed 3 times so far. KahChing $$ Oh well I am staying home it's white out conditions and the roads are awful.
Happy New Year
