Friday, November 26, 2010

Luckiest Girl Alive!

Thank you so much for all your birthday and
Thanksgiving wishes!
You folks are the best and made me feel so special
I must be the luckiest girl alive!
Mr. Flea and Dan bought me this wonderful 
new camera for my birthday!

 Just look at the details I can capture!
Oh my much to learn!

Oh, and by the way, these several quilt squares will be added to the 600th Post Gratitude

You still have time to enter until 5:00 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time today!
The winner will be randomly chosen and announced tonight!
Good Luck!
...and thank you for all your kindness, your support and inspiration!
until later!


Zita said...

Oh, my Laura!!! That camera looks amazing! When I think about the fantastic photos you took with your old camera and what you will be able to do with this one...! I think you're going to have a lot of fun, my friend. Mr. Flea and Dan got you the perfect birthday present :)

Susan said...

Gosh, you are the luckiest girl. I've not had a working camera for 5 years. That's so wonderful!

Cheers & happy belated bday & Thanksgiving.

Anne Lorys said...

Yay, Laura!!!
You are absolutely going to fall in love with your new big girl camera. I can't wait to see the magic you create with it!


Mayflower said...

A little late but straight from my heart, congratulations dear Laura with your Birthday and wow....what a beautiful present you've had. I am looking forward to the beautiful photographs you will make with this camera.
Nice weekend.
Warm wishes, Mea

Burlap Luxe said...

Wonderful gift, They knew exactly what you would have wanted :)
enjoy girl!

Elsina said...

oh wow, what an awesome present you got! Hope you had a great day!

Jenny said...

Happy belated birthday and congratulations on the awesome gift! I am sure you will be capturing even more beautiful pictures to share with us.

I hope I am not too late to enter into your drawing - thank you.


Dar said...

Happy Dance, Happy Dance~~~~you are one lucky lil chickadee. What a great gift of love.

erin's art and gardens said...

whoo hoo!! i have the same camera AND lens!! love, LOVE!! you deserve it......have fun snapping away!!

Rose Garden Malevik said...



Contratulations :)

Hannekie(Sisterly) said...

waht a great present. i cant wit to see the wonderfull pictures you are gonna make for us. my birthday is in a couple of days....
hugs hannie

Jill said...

A belated Happy Birthday to you Laura and wow! a new camera is a sweet gift!!

Kikka N said...

Congratulations on Your Birthday! Happy Weekend!..I think I am late to wish thanksgiving but: Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Tinyholder said...

Have you used a DSLR before? If not I recommend going on a course - believe me you can end up taking worse pics on those than on a point and shoot. I had great fun on the one I did last year:

Happy birthday! You lucky thing, must have cost a fortune that camera! :-)

Terri Gordon said...

Oh Happy Birthday, That is a wonderful camera, my son just got one and he loves it, such a wonderful gift. Can't wait to see all the beautiful photos you will be sharing. Terri

bj said...

O, you are going to have such fun with that beautiful camera...
and Happy Belated Birthday. :)

Theresa said...

Great gift! WOW! I love your pictures ALREADY, and now you have a new camera! Enjoy! HUGS!

amy of studio four corners said...

yea! you got the big girl camera!
all the best to you
amy of four corners design

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

OH Laura you lucky girl you! Happy Belated'll get lots of use out of that wonderful camera and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it :) I'm so far behind in reading my blogs that I didn't even realize you were having a give away. I'm not sure if just leaving a comment here is what I'm to do but I'll find your original post and see if that's where I need to enter. Enjoy your new camera and your weekend.
Maura :)

Margaret said...

Belated Birthday Wishes, hope you had a lovely day. We have the same camera, a few years older though. I can do amazing things, for my partner anyway, I must learn a bit more about how to use it. Please count me in for your giveaway if I am not too late.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Laura,
What a perfect present....your husband and son certainly know you very well !! That is the perfect pressie for you. I can't wait to see what you do with pressure !!
I hope that yesterday was a lovely day for you all and you enjoyed the whole day. XXXX

Andy's Attic said...

Lucky, lucky, girl! They must had known ( :>) )
just what you wanted!!! Enjoy,

Carole said...

Wow Laura can your blog pics get any better???
Have fun with your new toy!
ps Happy belated Birthday!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Laura
So glad you had a wonderful birthday and Thanksgiving... Your new camera looks a helluva lot like my new camera.. another Canon freak!! yeah!! hahahaha

Keep enjoying the moment.... ciao xxx Julie

Anonymous said...

glad your birthday was as special as you and your fantastical blog! what model is your canon please. i need more than a point & shoot. hugs pam burleson, tx

Gert said...

Happy belated birthday!! I know you will just love your camera, they are amazing!

xoxo Gert

Anonymous said...

You are going to have so much fun with your camera. Like you said you can catch so much more detail. I have the pentax (still a beginner) but I am always amazed at the detail the photos have. Your already amazing photos will be magnificent! :-)) Charmaine

Beach House Living said...

Is that the new D7 by Canon? I have a Rebel and love it! I found the switch from film to the DSLR a little confusing at first but I think you will quickly get the hang of it since your photos are always so lovely.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

What a wonderful gift!
Congratulations to the winner!