Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Renningers Extravaganza in Mt. Dora

Mr. Flea and sister Lynn took me to Mt. Dora last Friday
 to visit Renninger's Extravaganza.

It was a beautiful and cool morning...I was so excited to be there!

They were both so sweet and patient with me.
Mr. Flea even took two trips back to the car carrying my packages ...all without a single complaint.
 It was a wonderful day.

This is a ridiculously long post of random shots
 I took as I walked up and down the aisles of vendors.

Have fun looking!

What do you think?
See anything interesting?
Is there anything you would have bought?


Tricia @ Vintage No. 35 said...

I love all of the pictures! I would have bought the watch parts, gears, galvanized metal bins, bird cage, jewelry and the Christmas balls. I would have spent so much $$$!

AntiqueChase said...

HOLY COW.... I love the white frames with the sea fans.. the Jack Rabbit sign... just about everything.

I may not be able to get over the jack Rabbit sign... do we know if that sold and whose sign it was??

Karen said...

I would have passed out from pure joy,OMG that place is fantastic!!! When I came to I would've had to have that wicker baby buggy and those vintage photos and the lace and...and...oh everything.!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh ! Junkers Heaven !

Rose Garden Romantic said...

So glad you had a fun day! If I had the money to spend I see LOTS of things I would love to buy! Piles of lace, clock faces, millinery flowers, the huge clocks and the gingerbread piece! I LOVE that gingerbread piece!

Unknown said...

Oh I am drooling! I would have not made it past the burlap and grainsack fabric pile. It's all heaven. I want to go ;)
Becky C

Carrie Ann Eddleman said...

I love that jack rabbit sign, that would have definitely had to come home with me. I can't wait for spring and flea market weather to come back. What a fun place. Hugs-Carrie

White Ironstone Cottage said...

Oh My Goodness
I am in awe, such Fabulous pictures
Looks like so much fun
Thanks for another wonderful post

sassytrash said...

I'll be selling, but mostly buying at Mt Dora next month--can't wait!! My friend bought one of those fabulous wood industrial carts in your pics. I love that show!!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

I didn't make it this last weekend, but I am going next month, the pictures were fabulous!!


Unknown said...

Is there anything I would have bought???!!!

ahhh, yah!!!

all I keep singing as I was walking through your pictures :)
was, If I had a million dollars...I could redecorate an entire home with what I saw!!

xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

Oh My I wanted one of everything. Would love to know what you did walk away with? Some of us enjoy seeing through your eyes!

Concrete Jungle said...

Wow, makes you want to have your own warehouse and start something?!!!
That cart is so cool.

High Street Cottage said...

Laura, I made a list of my favorites, not that it does me any good, but 1) Mercury glass Bottle the size of a jug
2) Birds of Nature book w/red vintage cover
3) 2 White Burlap covered Frenchy Chairs.
4) White Chippy Toy Truck accented with bits of Red
5) Old Crates
6)Red Stool
Oh, Good think I wasn't there, my entire paycheck would be gone ;)
You go to the best places I see;) xoxo tami

Vivianapachecofineart said...

The lace, clock faces and some mercury glass bottles.....and so much more... those giant cogs, clippies and trinkets and ladles too!

Carole said...

I recognized the chicken laying thingy(don't know what you call it) I bought one this year at Brimfield. Still waiting to put on the wall. Oh those mercury bottles you and Paula bought!!
There was a lot I would have bought but the bird cage was a bit high$$$.

SOunds like you had fun!

whimages said...

Renningers...HOW FUN!! My husband and I did that for my birthday last year. I am DYING over those mercury glass jars/jugs! I WANT one! ;-)

whimages said...

...ohhh and the sweet milanry flowers and the watch faces!

Silvia said...

quante cose belle
perchè noi in italia non abbiamo questi mercatini magnifici
vorrei tanto essere li

un bacio silvia

how many beautiful things
because we in Italy do not have these wonderful markets
I'd love to be there

kiss silvia

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I would definitely have been interested in the very small items in the trays (to use in jewelry).
However - One thing that would cause me to walk away is when the items are not priced. Do not price items based on your impression of me when I have to ask "how much" on every item I am interested in. Yes !!! Price matters!
Hope that makes sense.

Rose Brier Studio said...

What a wonderful outing. I'm afraid I want everything pictured, including the saxophone! (DH plays them). Thanks for so many photos! btw, how do you get your photos so large. I'm on blogspot too. Thanks

savvycityfarmer said...

I want need want need want all the clock faces!

Chemin des Muguets said...

Hi Laura,

It was fun to tag along with you. What did y0ou buy? Please share.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Laura, Just rub it in! I was suppose to be there but we had a change of plans. Very disappointing! I see lots of things I would have loved to bring home. Do you know what the silver bottles were used for?

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Holy cow! Talk about feeling like a kid in a candy store. I would have been totally overwhelmed by all the goodies!

Fresh Linen said...

I am drooling, wish I could jump into the pictures and touch and guy everything!

Cath said...

Oh Yum, I would buy all of it including the scrapple pans.
Ok everything except the photos, old photos are eerie to me.

Wondering if this Renningers is any relation to the Renningers antiques here
In PA?

sweetpea said...

hey laura! what's so fun about this post is i saw all these booths in person, and i bought things in these booths as well! i am glad you found cindy who had all the lace and tons of smalls. she's a great source for smalls. glad you had fun!



C Pohl said...

OMG the best stuff, colo does not have places to go like looking at all the fun things....are they pricy? would love an example like the clock faces?
thank u so much for sharing

Junk Girl said...

Holy. Every picture just got better and better! Lucky you!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

OH yes...I could have spent some money many great goodies!

north pal said...

you certainly gave us quite a treat. i saw numerous things that i liked,i decide to hold back and save my cash. :) Bestest,Denise

Debra@CommonGround said...

I'd love to see the inside of that Bird Book. Wonderful photos, what a fabulous sale!

Honeycomb Creative Co. said...

I would soooo have bought that Jack Rabbit produce sign and the giant gray clock! Thanks for showing these pictures! We don't have any markets like this where I live so it's really fun to see : )

Angela said...

Excuse me while I wipe the drool off my keyboard!!

gretchen said...

wow, just wow...where the heck was this, not that it matters now, but, geeze...what great junque!

pamq said...

Only two trips to the car????

Is there anything there I would have bought?


lilybets said...

...Hi, I would have to watch everything,touching and giving them my time and my respect!.I love old dishes with flowers and lovers's letter...thanks a lot,because you have allowed me to go around in a so romantic place so far from me!!!.
Lilybets from Malta.

Lavendelweiss said...

Dear Laura,

I would have shopped a lot because there are not so many things with us all at once :o))

Many greetings


Andi's English Attic said...

Quite a few of the pics I enlarged to take a closer look, especially the stained glass.
How do you manage to exclude people from your pics? Aren't there crowds? Do the vendors ever ask you not to take pics?
Thanks for taking us with you. xx

It's me said...

Yes yes !! that Jack Rabbit billboard !!...did you buy it ??? please please please....send it to Holland!! love love Ria.....xxxx....

Pilgrim at Kerjacob said...

I just so wish I could have been there, so many wonderful things.
There seem to be less and less here in France, maybe they've all gone to to the USA.

LizlovesVintage said...

Love the Flea!!! I want everything. Was the bird book amazing? Did you buy any Xmas ornaments? Cute monkey and bear. The bird cage.. I'm rambling now.Thanks for sharing. Spring can't come soon enough.
xx Liz

Ana said...

I don´t have a nice market like that nearby but thank you for showing us the great things on this post, even if you thing they are a bit random photos. I´ve enjoyed a lot.

Sussi / Sussinghurst said...

oh, oh, ohhhhhhh !!!!!

Unknown said...


trash talk said...

I wish I would go ga-ga over the smaller items, but oh no...not ol' Deb. She wants the ginormous clock faces, the bergere chair, that fabulous writing desk...although the letters and that darling child's 4th of July outfit did make me smile.

CandaceAshley said...

Ok I just drooled all over the computer, these finds are amazing! I wish the flea markets here had great things, in Jacksonville Florida....I miss NC where the flea markets were wonderful! said...

I just love your long posts;) I see so many great things. I can't wait until the Elephants Trunk opens again this year!!!!!!And then there is Brimfield and ........we are getting more snow tonight, but a girl can dream
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens

Zita said...

Oh, Laura, I think I would have been very, very happy to be there. I see SO MANY things that I like. Looks like they had pretty much anything you could be looking for. Right away I would have gone for the clock faces, the letters and the lace. But pretty much everything you took photos of, my dear, especially the framed sea fans.

Georgia Gibbons said...

thanks for sharing your trip to the flea market...awesome pictures...I can dream.

Kikka N said...

I would have bought the Christmas balls! ..and the old children`s bike! Loved them!

Kim said...

Thank you for all the pictures, it felt like I was there. The 6th picture from the bottom, I would have bought the soap dish container and I am sure I would have spent hours and hours just looking at all the cool stuff!

Michele's Treasures, Teacups, and Tumbling Rose Cottage said...

*drool* Such eye candy! ; )

shannon i olson said...

oh my! Since it is -30 with wind chill and several feet of snow here, flea markets won't be open for months. Thank you for a wonderful little refresher, how much fun!

Anonymous said...

You have the BEST blog! There's nothing as rich with treasures where I live but I'd be poor as a church mouse if I lived near Renninger's. I'd buy a chandelier, the baby buggy, the trunk, the dress form, the bird cage and the chair it sits on, the fruit flavorings extract box, a lace table cloth, and those two pin cushions. Now all I need is a table.

Gert said...

Oh my gosh...there were soooo many things I would have loved to have bought!! Amazing... wish I were there..~smile~

xoxo Gert

Bleudelavande said...

Oh my Godness Laura itìs all just fabulous! Tanks for shariring all these treasures, I have to wait a trip to Provence to walk into a flea market so amazing!!!
have a nice weekend my friend.

My Sparrows Nest said...

Pass the smelling salts! So beautiful! I would have loved to buy the lace petticoats,the red heart Valentine box and the costume jewels! How fortunate for us that you photographed the event. Thank you.
Hugs and Tweets!

Unknown said...

WOW..... That's all I know what say. I would have never left, I wish there where Flea markets like this close to my home, You must have been in heaven. Thank you for sharing all the pictures your post was not long enough, It gives my an excuse not to do any work..

Suz said...

I want the brownie book, and I am low on vintage lace. This looks like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

its all interesting! i love that kind of things. where is it from? Sorry, i am from argentina this is my first time in 52 flea blog ;)

Anonymous said...

course i follow this blog

Angela said...

DROOL - just added that place to my "bucket list"!!

Angela said...

Wait, I just looked it up - Is that in FLORIDA??

Jem said...

Oh my!! Gorgeous images Laura, don't mind admitting I'm slightly envious at the scale and frequency of flea markets over there! :-)

What I wouldn't give for a stack of those old handwritten letters and old photographs!

Love from across the pond,

Jem x

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Laura,
Well, I would have bought everything !!....from the picture frames to the old letters.
What was interesting to me were the leaded light windows. We had to have new windows put into my mum and dad's old house as the originals were rotten and were taken out. I kept the old ones in the garage for ages and then, when the house was sold, I offered them to quite a few reclamation yards but nobody wanted them !! They said that they could only sell Victorian/Edwardian ones !! I gave them away in the end to some people who made cabinets out of them so, they went to a good home. XXXX

jacklynn4 said...

heaven on earth it was!
bliss farm antiques

Jamie said...

I want that pair of white chairs

The Elegant Thrifter said...

This is fantastic, making me wish I were right in the thick of it!

vintagesue said...

i love rediculous. i love random. i love your post!!!!!!!!!!!! super awesome eye candy all the way!!!!! thanks for posting all those great photos!!!! mmm good stuff.

Kelley - a very JunqueyGal! said...

sooooo kind of you to share. We're snow bound up here in PA and it will be months before I see those scenes. :) Fabulous! Sometimes we don't need all the words!

Leo said...

Oh my goodness...that's it. I am going to make a trip there soon. I saw so many things that I love. Thanks for sharing these fabulous things.

Sherrie said...

Thank you for sharing your view! I just love to random pictures of beauty!
Have a wonderful week!

Evie said...

After seeing your photos of all that prize stuff, the car boot sale I sent to on Sunday (where I found some vintage things) was a non-event!

Homeroad said...

Oh my goodness! I think Heaven might look something like this! What a great day! Thanks for sharing the pictures. (It sure beats the foot and a half of snow we are getting here!)

Julie@beingRUBY said...

wow wee... I want to buy it all.... love this random extravaganza

The thing that really caught my eye.. was the baby carriage... and Lisa Simpson's Sax.. hahaha... so much yummy stuff here Laura... You must have gone beserk... Have fun ciao xxx Julie

Unknown said...

Love, love, love this post and seeing all these vintage treasures...the only thing better would have been being there with you. still my heart!
Cheryl at My Sister's Cottage

Alice said...

It looks like heaven to me. I saw so many things I would love to have, but don't really need.

Thanks for sharing the lovely photos!

Donna said...

Oh my gosh! So many wonderful things!

Unknown said...

Yes, there were several things I would have bought. One jumped out at me-a little blue and white dish in the photo just above the Jack Rabbit fresh produce sign. Which I would have bought the sign. And the silver bottles.
I've never seen anything like this. It's wonderful.
Bless your husband. He's a keeper!

kristinco said...

Oh la la ... je ne sais plus où regarder, tellement il y a de trésors !!!

manon 21 said...

c'est un plaisir cette chine,merci Laura pour ce moment d'envie...

bon weekend


The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

I don't think that we'd have been able to contain ourselves....oh my goodness - it was heavenly we're sure!
Karla & Karrie

from me to thee......... said... many things I want/need....what fun you must have had!!!!

Laurie said...

Oh, it's mouthwatering -- all of it! I wish I could have been there! I love the lace, linens, and the big piles of stuff like the watch faces to rummage through...sigh!!

Evi said...

Oh what fun!
That rabbit sign would have come home with me...
for sure!
When I have been to the Renningers in PA, I never saw so many wonderful things, but I never made it to the Extravaganza.
Maybe this year.
Hope all is well,
love ya,
PS. Thanks for helping me out the other day!

Anonymous said...

Wow so many lovely things. Just returned from holidays and trying to catch up with all my favourite blogs. Charmaine

marlene said...

hi,first time to visit. where is Renninger's Extravaganza and when? Have to take a trip.

margit said...

wow, sooo beautiful! thera are so many shabby old things!...and yes, I would buy a lot ;-)
many greetings from austria

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Wow what great items! I could have a blast at a place like this. Great pictures.

Odd Chick said...

This was so fun to go shopping, be tempted and not collect another thing to try to stuff in my cluttered house!

Jane, Naples, Florida said...

What a fun tour! Thank you for all the pictures!
Just great!

Flora Doora

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

wow, I would have purchased a whole cart full of goodies. so many things that were so beautiful!

Unknown said...

Wow What a wonderful journey through the lens of your camera, so much history and so many stories it could tell, if we only knew, guess we will just have to have our imaginations wander and create our own. Thanks for sharing! Blessings Marilou

trophy softball said...

I enjoy going to flea market because here is a place where you'll find treasures amidst all the trash.

Simply Bungalow said...

So many beautiful things I'm overwhelmed! The cash register is wonderful. The clock faces are lovely...I could go on and on!

diana56 said...

OMG dream is that you were able to buy something from each photo....beautiful, dreamy,
and breathtaking!
Love this....

Rebecca said...

I just found your blog and love it! Especially this Rennigers post since I travel down there every time there is an extravaganza. I design jewelry from vintage pieces so I'm loving looking through all your posts, etc!

Heather Rae said...

I just found your blog and have fallen in love! I adore old things and collect mostly old wind-up watches and books... that birds and nature book floored me. How I wish I could have bought that! Books are my greatest weakness and I am just starting to learn more about birds by an 1800's novel, and that one would just suit me. How I would have loved to have been there.
I also would have bought that stack of letters as you did. I was sorting through old post cards in an antique shop once, and came across about ten, all to the same woman... I bought them, took them home and read each one to find out that the receiver of those beautiful cards married the man that sent the very last one. It's treasures like these that make it all so worth it!

Teh Wei Li said...

This is my first time visiting your blog.
I found you through High Street Cottage.
What I love about your blog is it takes
me for virtual tours of flea market.
I don't have a chance to visit flea markets
where I live, and I am having an absolutely
lovely time visiting them through your blog.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

I liked AT LEAST one item in every picture! As far as what I would have actually purchased - whatever I could have until the money ran out. lol

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage