Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Color Purple

Purple isn't really my favorite color...although it is close to blue, you all know, IS my favorite color.

Hmm....I did have a favorite pair of purple jeans many moons ago...Mr. Flea really liked those! :)
However...I digress...

Despite purple not being my fave...
...these purple bottles, which I have seen at various flea markets
...I do find quite attractive.

 The light shining through them is pretty.

Some old bottles will develop an amethyst tint or purple color to them after many years of sun exposure.

The dealer I purchased these bottles from told me that they were irradiated in order to give them this color.
He said that the bottles were old.

Is that wrong?
To alter the authentic appearance of old bottles?
I don't know...
...but they were very inexpensive and, well...pretty.

After passing them up a few times...
I caved and bought a few at Renningers.

I'm thinking that they will be beautiful 
as part of a vignette with my lilacs and violets this spring.

Ah....lilacs and violets...
soon enough!


Anonymous said...

Oh, how pretty! I used to collect old bottles, but never saw any purple ones. Those really are going to look so nice with the flowers!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Love the pretty purple color and yes they will be wonderful for spring decor. Just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

Olive said...

They are gorgeous with the light shining through. I think yellow flowers would be pretty in them too.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Those are so pretty! I love to see the sun shining through old, colored bottles like that. They will be great with flowers in them.
I am so ready for Spring.
Enjoy your week.

Leo said...

So pretty!! I can't wait to go to Renningers. I have to stock up on these gorgeous bottles. I think they will look great for the spring.

Beatnheart said...

I love purple....they must have shot these with heat...I like the lighter purple done by natural aging however. I put some glass stuff outside and now 3 years later yes, the soft lilac color is coming up. Especially nice with old glass doorkobs. Cynthia

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Laura
I love these purple bottles... I remember seeing some in your older posts... so you caved huh? hehe.... I have some like those larger ones which are aqua... but they're not old bottles... just fakes and when I washed one the colour started to peel.. HUH... so much for fakes...

They are going to look so sweet for flowers in the spring... Have fun!! xxx Julie.. I'm off to check your last post which I think I missed.. ciao xxx Julie

Sarah said...

Oh, these are going to be perfect for the lilacs, lots of other spring blooms, and don't forget the wildflowers.

Clear Crick Cottage said...

These ARE old! do you know how long it takes for them to get this way???? My father used to fix up OLD homes, and often located very old homes with bottles strewn all over the roofs...he figured out they were trying to "turn" their amethyst glass dark purple. :) He tried it himself, and it took nearly a year for some to get medium these are wonderful! I am a HUGE purple glass fan. I love mixing the hobnail textured bottles with the smooth medicine bottles like you have. They are SO cheeful in my garden window next to my violets. :)
Congratulations on a wonderful "cave in" !!
Sherilyn Koss

sweetpea said...

very pretty laura. the possibilities are endless for these sweeties.



High Street Cottage said...

Hi Laura, Purple is a gorgeous color, and it's perfect for February. They do that to diamonds, also, it brings out the natural tones already found in them, and a lot of older glass has a softer lilac color to it already. As long as you love them, it's all that matters. They are in my opinion, stunning. My friend collects purple glass and she is expert in displaying little pops of purple color throughout. It's not over done at all, and I think she'd love them. Can't wait to see them filled with blooms, xoxo tami

leslie said...

The bottles are beautiful and yes, I can picture them with lilacs. Gorgeous!!!


Wonderful! And beautifully photographed....thanks so much for sharing! ~ Angela

Fishtail Cottage said...

Darling!!! I love how they are grouped together! I don't know if they would be as stunning if they were separated! Baby's Breath would be beautiful too! xoox

The Feathered Nest said...

These are so gorgeous girl!!!! Grouped together they do have amazing impact!!!! just placed in a window together with little weed flowers....xxoo, Dawn

Anonymous said...

I love purple. These bottles are gorgeous. Charmaine

pamq said...

Are you sure there are going to be lilacs and violets?!?!

Hard to imagine!

It will be about five months until lilac time here...........

Maybe you better go shopping for another pair of purple jeans!?

Just a thought.

{Love your bottles!}

Gweny said...

Those are the loveliest purple bottles. They do bring to mind that I knocked an old green bottle off the shelf 2 days before Thanksgiving and shattered my cook top. I think I'll wait awhile before I get any more bottles, but rest asured I will get more:) Love your Blog and started following today.

lilybets said...

I could suppose that these bottles are old,my mother has one like them of her grandmother...but they are very nice!!.I love blue,blue/violet and violet!!!.Have a nice new week !!.

Claudia said...

Hello Laura,
I love your purple bottles and your fantastic fotos.
Thank you very much,


Andi's English Attic said...

My daughter was known as the 'Purple Princess' when she was younger and it still is her favourite colour. She would love these bottles, and as amethyst is my birthstone, I love them too. xx

Jem said...

Those would look fantastic with daisies too. I love the look of purples and white.

My Mum is a purple fiend so there is always a colour palette to buying her presents! :-)

bj said...

I don't think it's wrong at all to change something old into something you love.
These bottles are beautiful...and I can just see them tucked in around some beautiful flowers.:)

Vintage Gal said...

Their Beautiful no matter how they go there! Ahhhh lilacs and violets ~ I can hardley wait! ;-)

Unknown said...

As I was reading about the bottles and thinking how pretty they were, I was thinking how beautiful my lilacs would be in each one of them....And then I see you were thinking the same thing. I can't wait until spring. It can't come soon enough.

jacklynn4 said...

I collect these bottles. There are houses in the historic part of Boston that have purple glass in the windows. It is a reactive process of manganese in the glass with sunlight. I like the ones that age naturally, they have a dusty purple color that gets richer over time. I like them in varying degrees of purple. I keep the lightest ones on a stone wall in the back yard. It's a slow process but so lovely.
bliss farm antiques

Jamie said...

They are gorgeous!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

These are so favorite color IS purple...lavender, violet...your collection has inspired me to go on the search for some for my bedroom windows !!

thanks as always for your inspiring photos ~

Lululiz said...

The colour is just stunning. I have never come across old purple bottles over here.

Andy's Attic said...

Purple isn't a fav of mine either but the color of those bottles is very alluring. They are perfect for your flowers.

Dana @ Cooking At Cafe D said...

Yours is the second blog I've ready today about flowers and Spring. I'm so ready. And, I think your bottles are beautiful!

Bargain Hunting Treasure Seeker said...

LOVE the bottles! Purple is my favorite color! Cant wait to see them with the flowers!!

Donna said...

So pretty! I love when the light shines through them.


decorator to the stars said...


Kateyed said...

Those are beautiful! Irradiated scared me a but...I'll get over it!

Elaine said...

So pretty1 Purple is one of my favorite colors. I can see these at each place setting on the table at Easter time. Nice find!

Lizzy D said...

These purple bottles are beautiful! I have a few natural purple (pale lavender) medicine bottles that I have found on my beach. I consider them one of the finest seaglass treasures one can find.

Can't wait to see yours with lilacs---so sweet! (sigh). Don't you wish it was June?



gone to the beach

manon 21 said...

Ce beau bleu avec ce temps de grisaille ,c'est un beau cadeau...
Tes bouteilles sont magnifiques surtout par le nombre.

A kiss of Paris
Ton amie Manon


I love the color purple too! But maybe in a bit less vibrant shade. It works so well with grey and white.

Lovely afternoon and evening to you laura,

By the way, thank you ever so much for every single comment in my blog, your are so cheerful :)

Carole said...

In small doses Purple is a great accent. Funny there was a time purple was my favorite color. Even my clothes were all purple!


Dorthe said...

They are fantastic Laura,
and so very beautifull, ---
it will be a gorgeus display, with the spring lilacs and violets-
Isn`t there a word saying :"when I am an old lady I will wear purple...... well in a very little dose -yes-maybe!

LizlovesVintage said...

I'm not a big fan of purple either, but these are rare. I've never seen them in purple? I have blue ones. Glad you caved in. Thanks for posting!
xx Liz

Unknown said...

With lilacs and violets? Absolutely!! Plus, if you look at them long enough, they almost have a blue tint to them. gorgeous!

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

WOW! Beautiful...

Serendipity Red said...

I love your blog - it's awsome!

Kelly (white painted wood) said...

My husband who collects nautical lenses has one that turned purple...I believe you are right...old bottles and glass contain lead...the sun turns them the amethyst or purple color. Beautiful bottles!!

Angie said...

Hi Laura! We must be neighbors...I am in Orlando and visit Renningers on a regular basis. I have seen many of these gorgeous purple bottles out there~so pretty! I am happily following your blog now~hope you will stop over for a visit! Angie

Unknown said...

Of course now that I've seen these I HAVE to have them. We don't have the store you purchased them in. What would I search for online to find them?

Thanks so much for sharing them!