I was just sitting here sipping a cup of tea and thinking about how cooperative and agreeable my husband was yesterday when we went to the church sale......He was actually very sweet. And then he did something this week for me that I have been asking for a while.......he glued the broken ear back onto my porcelain bunny. And then he actually took apart the faucet in the bathroom to repair the drip.....never mind that Brother Biff The Plumber still needs to make a house call.
My point is......don't you just love it when a guy "fixes" something for you? When he takes out a hammer or chisel or saw and makes something right again?
It kind of makes me feel romantic.......
Like....maybe I'm being taken care of a bit....appreciated perhaps....pampered just a tad.....
Dare I ask.....what puts you in a romantic mood?

Such a beautiful post. The pics are gorgeous.
Very Romantic!!! Not sure what makes me feel romantic...I'll have to get back to you on that one...ha-ha
Have a good week,
oh such beauty! pearls are, quite simply, forever fabulous...
OOOOOHH, what beautiful and romantic post!!!
I love lilac and soap...that puts me in a romantic mood!!!!It's true, when my guy "fixes"
something for me it' amazing!
Have a nice day,warm hugs Mate
So romantic post you made Laura! Lilacs are stunning! I just love them!!! I'm not very romantic in this period of my like...but I'm usually am very romantic!
Big hugs from a sunny and warm Italy!
.....your story and the wonderful photos are sooo romantic! -love it very much!!! And thank you for your sweet & nice comment!!
Here it´s also raining and it´s cold outside.....but the birds are still singing and all the flowers grow and i love to take a walk in the forest with my Labrador Sheila.
Have a wonderful week too, hugs Jade
Would like to take you in my bloglist, if thats ok. for you?!
Hey, if you ever tire of that man of yours let me know...lol great post.
I have to agree with you that it is romantic when you have a hubby that comes in and fixes something for you. Mine has been busy working on building a front porch for me, something I have always wanted. When I see all the work and effort he is putting in it, it does make me feel special and loved!
Laura, I like your thoughts today!! (I like them every day!) But today... I do agree so much. It`s so nice and makes a really good feeling when a man helps you with something you think is difficult. And it`s kind of romantic too. Especially when he means something extra to you ;O)
Imagine if I could come over and visit you one day!!! Hihi.
I have actually never been in Usa. So one day I will. Maybe I meet you then!
Temporary - we have to chat here. And it is sooooooo nice and I can practice my english too. Which I really need... It`s so bad... But I hope you understand most of it!
A big hug from me- L-jo ;O)
Feeling taken care of is very romantic. I find that men tend to show with action instead of words and even the smallest action like this is always appreciated.
Beautiful pics! I feel romantic when my Glenn moves something really heavy for me...ohhh, just sends chills down my spine! But, for some reason, big muscles on guys does nothing for me...can't figure that one out!
I so agree...again!! My dh has the biggest heart and kindest soul of anyone I know, 22 yrs. this July and i still have a crush on him!!Have a great day!! Chrissy P.S. We only dated 6 weeks before he asked me to marry him!!!
Hi Laura, thank you for your visit at my blog. I just have a language challenger at my blog now! It wasn't simple for me, but I succeed!
Greetings, Corine(THUIS)
Hi Laura,
I just posted about lilacs and then when I went to visit you...I saw you had lilacs on the brain too. I've added you to my favorites. You've got the junk thing & the French thing; a girl after my own heart!
A Bientot!
Hi Laura! I just posted about your giveback celebration here:
I snagged one of your beautiful photos to show them your incredible taste :) xxoo, Dawn
Beautiful pics, and sweet story.
We just need to remember, men don't always do things on our time schedule, but when they do it, it is very special.
barbara jean
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