Saturday, October 27, 2012

Purple Greed And a Giveaway!

If you've been following along with my shenanigans for a know that I have been collecting purple and lavender bottles when I find them at the flea market.

I just love the light shining through these pretty bottles and find the color goes so well with the grays, blues and silver that I love.

I have used the tiny ones to hold violets...
the mid size ones for lavender phlox and the larger ones for lilacs.

But...when is enough...enough?

One of my favorite quotes...

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
 It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order,
 confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home,
 a stranger into a friend. 
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today
 and creates a vision for tomorrow."

Melody Beattie

I have enough lavender and purple bottles.
 More than enough.

Time to share.

I'm going to sell some...
give one away... to one of you!

If you would like a chance to win a little purple or lavender bottle...leave a comment here on this post.
I will pick one winner in a few days.
P. S.   Click HERE to see the bottles listed in my new Etsy shop.

What am I grateful for today?
blogging friends, pretty colors and the freedom that comes with letting go.


  1. Laura, I have that quote on my refrigerator!
    Hope the storm(s) are kind to us. Thanks for the reminder that gratitude is always the key.

  2. Laura
    The title should be TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING IS WONDERFUL! I would be thrilled to give a home to one of your "children". Personally, I can't imagine how you part with any of your treasures...
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  3. Oh, how I love the color lavender, purples and violet. My mother and grandmother's names were Pearl Violet and Ella Violet. In fact I just found a wild violet in the middle of my lawn, only one around. In fall? A message from Heaven and my mother!!

  4. LOVE your purple and lavender
    bottles...I have a collection
    of turquoise bottles that I'm
    obsessed with...always enjoy your
    blog,,,thank you

    Bonnie G.

  5. Laura ~ what a beautiful quote to live by. I love purple and lavender bottles, but alas, we cannot find them here in Ontario. I would love a chance to win one of these beautiful treasures ~
    Have a wonderful day ;-)

  6. Love your bottles! I think I have a picture of them "pinned" actually. Love the quote too!! So true! :)

  7. although lavender is not my color,they look very beautiful together.
    Laura, stay safe!!!!
    Talk to you after it is over.
    Hugs to you and Rob,
    Evi and Ebbie

  8. Pick me pleeeez :) I always love seeing your photos of the glass bottles. You have the most beautiful collections, Laura. I need to follow along your antiquing routes.

  9. What a stunning collection! I'm amazed you want to part with any of them, but if you're offering - I'd love to win one!


  10. Love those bottles! I would love to win one! Love your name by the way as mine is Laura too!

  11. Beautiful collection. I would love to be the winner. Going to browse your store now.....

  12. Enough is never enough!! I have two from the 26th St NYC flea that I love and use.

  13. I do not believe, I also collect and bought the first one in Portobello Road in London, now I got bought by ebay, I do not find here in Brazil because I believe were not used in this time, I will love to have one, Beth Bucker

  14. I'd love to have a lavender bottle. I just posted about three I found if you'd like to check it out.
    Mary Alice

  15. I like you are a collector my first Lavender/purple bottle was given to me by my DH when He was on a diving trip the St Clair River near Sarnia Ontario, He has found many a cup& saucer Plates Brown Jug ( that's my fav) ermmmmm Chamber pot (tin)I have kept everything some of the bottles have stains from being in the water sand & sediment Hard to clean.
    I have the lined up on top of my Kitchen cupboards. A Selection grouped together with lavender.
    love them all.
    have a good one Ann/alba.

  16. Such a beautiful color, and the quote.. well it is so much a part of us all don't you think? Thanks for sharing your haunts, your treasures, and your life with all of us. You bring a smile to my face daily!

  17. I love this collection! I never see deep purple bottles around here, just the lavender ones. But both are beautiful! ::Jill

  18. Laura, I've recently fallen in love with a pretty lavender toile and one of your precious bottles would look beautiful with it. If I win, I'll need to purchase a couple from your etsy shop ... after all, we are supposed to decorate in threes, right?!?

  19. I would just LOVE to win one of your beautiful bottles sweet Laura! I know your Etsy shop must be doing so good, we all love your taste!!! I hope you are wonderful sweet friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  20. The post that first made me start subscribing was about your collection of purple bottles. They are beautiful. I have a few that my brother bought me at a flea market and I love them. Your collection is amazing. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Really?? YOU like purple bottles??
    Of course I know that, and would be thrilled to win one. :>)

  22. Love them - they are beautiful!
    Thanks for the chance to win one.

  23. Since I'm a 'lavender girl' I would sure love to have one of these! Thanks for the fun! Sweet hugs, Diane

  24. Your collection is totally amazing, Laura! Love the way the sunshine plays through that gorgeous color! Thank you for sharing your love of purple bottles with us! I'd love to win one to put my fav purple roses in!

    xoxo laurie

  25. How generous to share! Thank you and I would love to own one of your lovely bottles...

  26. I would be happy to give one of your beautiful bottles a new home. How generous of you! Thank you so much.

  27. Love the lavender bottles!
    Please include me in your kind and
    generous give away.

  28. Lavender is my favorite color...

  29. The purple bottles are beautiful! What a great give away:)

  30. I had no idea you had an Etsy shop! I just saved it to my Etsy faves and added some of your lavender bottles to my favorites list:) I am a lavender freak, I just put lavender sheers up in my bedroom...I would LOVE to win one of your bottles!!!

  31. You have the finest taste - I have a collection of bottles but none in purple yet. Congrats on your ETSY shop, I am sure you will be very successful! PS I have been a follower for ages :)

  32. Laura I have seen and loved these bottles on your site they are gorgeous! Thanks for a chance to win one! That's a fun giveaway!!

  33. Love the purple bottles and will go visit your Etsy shop right now! How exciting! Jamie V in MT

  34. I'd love to enter for one of those lilacy bottles but doubt you could post it overseas! Gorgeous collection. Thank you for brightening up a gloomy morning.

  35. I have some blue ones but these purple ones are to die for.....

  36. Wow, they are the most amazing colour. I don't think I've ever seen this colour of bottle before. x

  37. Whow, you are so brave to let go parts of your collection. Every collector knows that this is the hardest thing! I`m not in here for winning one of the bottles as shipping to Germany would be pretty expensive, but to tell you that I love to follow your blog. Especially your pictures of the nuature surrounding you give such an impression of the beauty outside our houses! Please keep on sharing. And, since I´m looking at you pictures of markets and shops I started looking a little different at some off the items. I now know that it´s not crazy to see the beauty off a bundle of old keys, a stack of used linen or an old crystal bowl, even with a crack. Not to mention laces. Thank you for sharing all your beautiful findings and ideas!
    Best wishes from Germany

  38. I have never seen the purple bottles before your post. They are lovely. I would love to give one a new home. :D

  39. I LOVE your generous soul and would love a lavender bottle. i have blue ones but haven't seen lavender! Thanks for thinking of us. Di@Cottage-wishes

  40. I love your bottles in lavender and they would perfectly match with my little aquagreen collection!
    Loevely greetings from Rotterdam-Holland

  41. What a lovely collection, I dont know how you can part with any! I have a small collection of bottles that my husband used to dig up in the fields when he was small. I would love to have a lavendr on to add to them.

  42. Your collection is so beautiful and the way you photograph them elevates their beauty even more!

    xo, abby

  43. My DIL Loves lavender and purple bottles and If I win she will get one for Christmas! Thank you

  44. My blogfriend Franse Lelie mailed me te have a look here......And WOW, i'm a collector too, but don't have a purple one (yet!!!) I have green and turquoise and bleu! But one purple would be great!
    I will follow your lovely blog from now!
    Thanks for the beatiful pictures, very inspiring.
    Liefs from Holland

  45. These are gorgeous, Laura.
    I have little touches of lavender and purple in our tiny cottage (the color palette is white & grey & brown & pastel robbin's egg blue), so I know exactly what you mean! :)
    I have been trying to convince two vintage bottles to turn lavender by placing them in the sunlight... apparently it will take some patience.
    I'm off to visit your Etsy shop...
    Have a lovely Sunday, and thank you for the opportunity to be entered in your gorgeous giveaway!
    ~ Zuzu

  46. I don't think I have ever seen a purple bottle ....they are quite lovely....Veryl

  47. What beautiful shades - I have blue, clear and green bottles but haven't come across the lavender shades before - exquisite.

  48. I would love to win a purple bottle to add to the one I have in my bedroom, making it a collection - at the least the beginning of a collection.

  49. I have a small collection of clear and brown bottles like these, but no lavender and purple. Wow.

  50. Would love to win a purple bottle -- a new collection would be in the making!!

  51. What a wonderful stash of purple! And generous of you to share. :o)

  52. First and foremost i wish everyone well with the nor'easter heading your way. Stay safe. I experienced the storm in 1991.
    I LoVe, LoVe, LoVe your purple bottle collection...and I'm feeling lucky...oh lucky ;) !!! Did I mention I had the most gorgeous purple bedroom as a child? I am still drawn to purple even as an earthtone person. I enjoy your blog so much. I feel like we still live up there. I'm not a big commenter but I do enjoy reading about your escapades!


  53. p.s.

    Thank you so much for that beautiful quote!


  54. Hi Laura - thank you for your generous giveaway - pls add my name to the hat. Patty


  56. Just beautiful photos of your bottles. Yesterday I picked the last of my blue salvia and red gerbera daisies for me and a friend.
    Would love one of your pretty bottles.
    Thank you for sharing.

  57. Just beautiful photos of your bottles. Yesterday I picked the last of my blue salvia and red gerbera daisies for me and a friend.
    Would love one of your pretty bottles.
    Thank you for sharing.

  58. Not sure of your location - just wanted to say "stay safe". Looks like Sandy is going to hit hard.

  59. Lavender blue dilly dilly.... And lavender always smells beautiful! These bottles are just beautiful! So glad you are on Etsy !! Have a great weekend and stay safe!
    Kris Shedarowich =^..^=

  60. Very pretty color. I am going to use the quote in our church e-posting that goes out twice a week. Thank you for your lovely blog.

  61. Wow - I love those bottles! I have been looking for them ever since I saw them on your blog - still have not found any! :-( well, one that has a HINT of lavender :-) Would love to win one!

    Wanda in NH

  62. OMG I LOVE old purple bottles and try to collect as well but have a really hard time finding them. I would so love to win one of yours.


  63. And just how wonderful are you?! The purple is lovely! It reminds me of my Great Grandmother & if I won, I would put some forget-me-nots in it as those were some of the many flowers she grew in her garden :)

  64. thank you for the opportunity to win i am so grateful for bloggers like you who continue to inspire me everyday

  65. What gorgeous lavender bottles!! I would love to enter if I am not too late. If so, congrats to the winner. :)

  66. hmmmm violets my favorite scent. i like lavender grey and black with silver so much i chose it for the colors of my bedroom relaxing luxury :)

  67. I would Love to have one of your treasured purple bottles! I keep trying to remind myself to send you a # 52 I found underneath a deck I pass by every Friday. I did stop in the driveway there and snapped a pic. It must have been part of their address sign at one time. Even if I don't win anything, I do enjoy your posts, the pictures you take are beautiful!!

  68. I would love to try to win the bottle. Love your blog. It is so beautiful and your pictures are so pretty.
    Hugs from Lina

  69. I think your bottle collection is so pretty. Love the varying shades of purples. They remind me of johnny jump ups in spring. Please include me in your drawing. Thanks.

  70. I love your beautiful collection and would be pleased as can be to have one of your gorgeous bottles for my very own. Thanks much for the chance! Amy M.

  71. what an awesome collection... since purple is 1 of my fav colors, i would luv to win one of these little amethyst gems. Tiff

  72. I love the purple I have never seen purple bottles before how cool

  73. I love your blog and I love the purple bottles. I would love to win such a nice thing. Thanks

  74. Purple... crazy about it!!! and I would love to add to my tiny collection. I have loved purple since I can remember and even have purple carpet in my house! I love purple flowers... favorites are violets, pansies, lavender!!!! and just added a bunch of purple clothing to my wardrobe!
    Ok, enough... thanks for the chance!!!

  75. You were one of the first blogs that I found and followed when I first starting blogging almost a year ago. Blogging has become a way of healing for me since my parents deaths only 6 months apart from each other.
    I love old bottles and the lavendar ones are so hard to find. I really love the way they almost take on a silver hue. I hope I win. If not, I may have to shop with you:)

  76. lovely quote and lovely bottles too. My favorite color. Thank you for the opportunity to enter and win a bottle too. I hope you;ll add your giveaway to my win it page Hugs!

  77. Hi -I would love to win a purple bottle. I have never seen one before. Great giveaway. Nancy P

  78. Funny thing purple is my favorite color. Would love to win one. I had one when I was a small girl, not sure what ever happened to it but it was one of my treasures.

  79. I adore following your blog and travels Laura, your photos are always exquisite!

    Purple is my favorite color and I do collect blue bottles, however I don't have a purple one! I would love it for my windowsill!

    Smiles, cyndi

  80. What a beautiful collection! I would love to win one!!!!

  81. Would love to add a little purple bottle to my collection! :)

  82. I love your collection Laura!
    My Mom used to put her collection of colored bottles in the windows and would look so beautiful on a sunny day!
    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed, thanks for the chance!

  83. What a great Collection! What a Generous give-away! Count me in, I'd Love to own one of these Found Lavender Hued Treasures!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  84. What a beautiful collection! I love the color lavender and you certainly have a variety of shades.

    I would be delighted to be entered into your giveaway! I'm going to head over to your Etsy shop now! :)

  85. I love purple! I would love a purple bottle! I have blue bottle collection, yellow, red and orange but not purple. Must start a purple collection....

  86. Thank you for sharing your beautiful purple bottles. I would love to start my own collection! Thank you!

  87. Your collection is stunning Laura! I see you have made some sales on Etsy. You go!! That's wonderful. It's windy here.. Stay safe during the storm.
    PS. No, I didn't buy the china. No room!!
    xxx Liz

  88. Those are so pretty, I'd love to win one. Thanks for the giveaway!

  89. Purple vintage bottles...make my eyes happy...

    I would love to win one from you.

    Now, I'm off to your store AND keeping my eyes open at flea markets.

  90. Hi Laura,

    I love your bottle collection.

    But am more concerned about your family and the storm. Be safe. Thinking of you, Marjorie

  91. I absolutely love the quote and what a gorgeous collection. Some seem almost opalescent! :)

  92. Laura j'adore ...tu collectionnes comme moi et ensuite envie d'autres collections,et on recommence.

    Je pense à toi ce soir avec cet ouragan.


  93. I love them! For me it's never enough speaking about collections. I must work more on your "freedom that comes with letting go"...LOL
    Don't worry about the giveaway, I'm too far, I just wanted to tell you that I love these bottles and photos.
    Besos from Argentina, Silvina

  94. O so pretty! I love old bottles and the purples are just so beautiful!

  95. What a great giveaway! I don't think i have any purple in my collection-just can't seem to stop myself when i see a good, inexpensive bottle. love their history.

  96. You are so very generous! I love the beautiful bottles and the amazingly beautiful quote. Be safe!

  97. Beautiful giveaway. I'd love to win this for my daughter whose favoriate color is purple :)

  98. Love these bottles and would love to have one in my home. I can think of some beautiful ways to display it with other bottles or standing alone. Thank you!

  99. What a sweet and generous offer! My single little lavender bottle would love to have a mate...thank you for the chance to win one!

  100. I rarely find purple sea glass!So imagine how I would feel to have a whole bottle!I hope you are not affected too much by the storm!AriadnefromGreece!

  101. I used to sing that song to my son "Lavender Blue, Dilly Dilly"

  102. How I love purple glass! Please enter me into your giveaway.

  103. I love that grattitude quote and I love your collection of pretty purple bottles. You are so kind to share.


  104. Love purple bottles and one would look just perfect with my clear glass and blue.

  105. Beautiful ! It is so sweet of you to share :) take care.
    Blessings, Aimee

  106. Beautiful bottles...but so hard to´re lucky...I like the idea/ Maria

  107. Oh how I'd love to win a purple bottle. They are so rarely seen in these parts. I had one, a purple Atlas canning jar, but it broke a couple of years back. I've never seen another.

    Thanks for this opportunity. :-)

  108. Love the collection of purple and lavendar bottles!!! I also love the gratitude's all about perspective isn't it? Your blog is a beautiful feast for the eyes.

  109. Those are so pretty! I am 'purple' with envy. ;)

  110. Laura I love your lavender bottle collection and would be honored to have one!!

    Art by Karena

  111. I can't play cause I live far away but I want to say you than your "collection" is beautifull and yours pictures ... "magnifiques" !!! I love your blog !!!
    Bonne journée

  112. La tua raccolta e'magnifica!Piacciono tanto anche a me ma non le ho mai trovate.
    Posso partecipare dall'Italia?
    Ciao e grazie

  113. I would love one of your lavender bottles - to hold memories of Provence. Lori

  114. Your blog is so inspirational. Glad to hear you are safe.

  115. what a beautiful collection...i would love to win one of your favorite things.


  116. So pretty!!! Thank you for the give-away and glad you are safe, hugs,

  117. I would love to win one of your bottles!

  118. Pretty purple bottle might be a new collectable for me! Thanks

  119. Hi Laura, I am so glad that you and your family are safe, that is wonderful news. Oh you have such a beautiful collection, I have never seen this color of purple, I have seen it lighter, so pretty. Thank you for the chance to win. Hope your power is back on soon. Hugs, Terri

  120. Hello. It is nice to hear that you are safe and sound. Hopefully power will be back soon. Since I have discovered blogs a few years back I have become obsessed with vintage bottles. I have a hard time finding them. I LOVE your collection of purple bottles. My bed and bath are purple so one of your beautiful bottles would be perfect! I am your newest follower. Thank you for a chance to win.

  121. I am a new follower of your blog and am so enchanted! I love your purple bottles! collection?

  122. What a beautiful quote! Wishing you the best at this time. The lavender bottles are lovely. I also collect cranberry glass. Love mixing and matching up colored accessories with my linens and china. Would love to own another piece of beautiful glass. Take care.

  123. I am so glad you are Ok after this storm. Great to hear your Etsy shop is doing so well. Your Lavender bottle collection is amazing!!
    hugs, Linda

  124. Glad you are safe. I love these bottles - gorgeous! Hope it's not too late to enter.

  125. Gratitude is the key to a happy life. Love the quote and love seeing all your lavender bottles grouped together. If I'm not to late, I'd like to throw my name into the hat.
    Glad to know you are safe.........Sarah

  126. “Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.”
    ― Brian Tracy


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