Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Stroll Through The Flea Market

As expected Mother's Day was bittersweet...
Mr. Flea got up at 5 a.m. in order to fix me coffee
 before I left for the flea market.
He surprised me with two handmade coffee mugs decorated with wisteria in blues and greens that he secretly purchased at a local pottery and art show.
He also had a box of chocolate donuts for me.
He was so sweet and I am so blessed.

 As I drove to the market I cried
 thinking about the loss of my Mom just 8 weeks ago
 and the blessings of being her child
 and being loved so much by her and my Dad.
I am so grateful.

It was the perfect spring morning at my favorite flea...
 the Elephant's Trunk  in New Milford, CT.
I can't really think of anything I would rather do than poke around fields of antiques, vintage ware and junk on a beautiful sunny day.

After several hours of junking bliss I met up with my friend Deanna from the charming shop Gather in Ivoryton, CT.

We sat out under a tree and chatted while we ate our delicious
 egg and sausage sandwiches.
As the mothers of young adult children 
who are making their way in the world...
we had lots to share...
 It was lovely to spend this Mother's Day morning with Deanna.

Here are some snapshots of what I saw
 as I walked up and down the aisles..
(click on any photo for a closer view)

I guess this sign was to remind everyone that Brimfield in Massachusetts starts today!

See anything interesting?

The day ended with flowers and chocolates and a phone call...
Dan and Kate made my day special too.
I know...I'm a lucky girl!



Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Did I see anything interesting - just everything. What a huge, fantastic collection of STUFF. Loved it. You are so kind to share this. I know the deep sadness of missing Mom, mine has alzheimers and has been 'gone' for 15 years now. I still get to give hugs and kisses but it hurts. Hugs to you.
- Joy

" SHABBY JUNK" said...

Good junk!!! I just sold that needle tin full of needles in my booth in Texas!!! judy

Sherry@Back2Vintage said...

What a wonderful stroll through the flea market. I know I find some great things locally, but I sometimes wish they were in settings like this. Thank you! I know you miss your mom...I so wish you hugs of healing!

Anne Lorys said...

I see LOTS that's interesting!
Thanks for taking us along with you!


V I N T A G E O L O G I E said...

Whew! What a trip ... lots of cool junk and goodies, thanks for sharing your Mother's day trip with me. You had the day I wanted , but my youngest was sick as a dog ... maybe next year ; )

Happy belated Mother's day!

It's me said...

What a great market !!! i see a Dutch kitchen box !!!....so nice !!...lovely week darling.......your first mother's day without her......so sad and painfull....i am glad you enjoy yourself......lots of kisses....xxx...

Lisbet / *LLL og Co.* said...

What an interesting fleamarket! Almost can't believe my own eyes! SO MANY beautiful things! Would love to go there...! Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures!

I'm so sorry reading abt. the loss of your mom. *HUGS* from me to you...!


nancy said...

Thanks for taking us along on your stroll. So many lovely treasures! I sit here crying with you over the loss of your mother...it will be 2 years in July for me and I still get tears in my eyes when I think of not having her in my life. (((HUGS)))

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for sharing your day with us. I see a few things I wouldn't mind having, but don't need. :D

Susie~From My Home To Yours said...

Hey Laura.......I spy lots of fun stuff! It was a good thing to do with a friend on Mother's Day, and sounds like you had lots of fun. My goodness, what a sweet hubby too!

Take Care,

AntiqueChase said...

LOTS that Ilike but that wooden whale spoke to me and he wished he lived at my house!

charlotte said...

I was thinking of you....hoping it wasn't too tough. Glad you were distracted by the beauty of the past. Your mom would have wanted you to enjoy the day. Let's make a plan for some time soon. xoC

Anonymous said...

With each picture, my heart skipped a beat....so many treasures! Happy Mothers day! Xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I just told my daughter we HAVE to go to our local flea market next Wednesday, we have been trying to go for 2 months. Rain or shine, we are going~~ Love all your pics thanks for sharing! Sue

Andy's Attic said...

I'm glad you got out and did something fun and saw your friend. I would love to find a flea market like that here. I know there are some but they are hours away. So, I stolled through yours, but every time I reached for something my hand hit a computer screen. Those flowers are lovely!
Take care, Annette

decorator to the stars said...


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh my, so much to see and so many treasures. Sounds like a fabulous day. Hugs, Marty

Mitzi said...

I really enjoyed your photos. It was just like antiquing from my chair.

LizlovesVintage said...

Boy, that fainting couch sure gets around. I have seen it 3 times now. Ha, Ha. You didn't buy it?
Just kidding! I hope you purchased some goodies. I so wanted to go but, I went to the Rinaldi Flea with my Daughter. Formally, the 52 Flea. Yes, 52 Flea. Thanks for sharing our fave flea!!
xxx Liz

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

I wish we had a flea market like that close by. Lots of great things there. Thanks for sharing your day with us.

Unknown said...

what an awesome flea market! I saw lots that I would have loved to come home with. Thanx for sharing the pics and I am sorry about your Mother...may her memory live on in your heart, soul & being...blessings, Tiffany

Vintage Gal said...

Wonderful junk ~ I saw lots that I would want. It must have been a bittersweet day. Better days ahead. (((Hugs))) ;-)

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Oodles of goodies...
Even though it was a difficult Mother's day for you I hope you enjoyed some of it amidst the heartache.
Susan x

Linda said...

See anything!! Oh my lots. I loved that purple and white bowl and saucer. Just up my alley.
So what did you buy?

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry about missing your Mother. It sounds like your family tried to make it special for you. I too love walking around early in the morning I so enjoy that. Love all the pictures! Someday when the kids get older I'm going to get to Brimfield! sending hugs, susan

Brenda Pruitt said...

I see so many things that tickle my fancy! I probably would have scooped up all the buckets. And I have a certain weakness for anything that says Singer or is a sewing machine table. I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. Unfortunately I never knew mine. I don't even know if she's alive. Keep your memories close always.

Heaven's Walk said...

Oh, Laura - what a wonderfully healing day you had with Deanna. I'm glad that she was there for you to enjoy that wonderful flea market. ♥ So, what did you bring home with you...?

xoxo laurie

Anonymous said...

She's still with you, she's in you, she made you. You are the mom she was to you. I am glad you got out this day for you and for those of us who feel like, through your pics, that we went too. If money were no object, I would buy the cobalt poison bottles, the white arrow fence, that portable hand-cranked Singer sewing machine (never seen one like that!), and absolutely the "Eclipse Time Stamp"--it is really speaking to me (more like yelling).

Chez Zizi said...

OMG, from the first picture I knew you were at Elephants Trunk (the green table legs told me since I was there too).
The table of the glass bottles is where I got my glass bottles on the $3 blanket. It was a beautiful day there.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Laura,
I think that going there with your good friend Deanna was the best thing that you could do this Mother's Day. Nothing would take away the great loss that you have recently had but, it must have been lovely to be with a close friend on such a beautiful Spring day. My mum died quite a few years ago now but, I always want to buy a Mother's Day card or a present and then realise that my mum is not here anymore. Still, memories never die and I know that you have a zillion of them.
Well Laura, I would have probably bought everything !! I love the little shoes, the birdcages and, I am so into signs at the moment and I would definitely have bought the Princetown one.....oh, and old books are another of my 'things'.
I am now wondering what came home with you and what Mr. Flea said !!!!
Hope that your Dad is well and coping Laura. XXXX

sweetpea said...

what a great market! laura, so sorry for the sadness you felt on this first mother's day without your mom. it is all so fresh still. so glad mr. flea was there to brighten the day.



Laurie said...

I haven't visited in a while and didn't know about your mother; I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is. You did have a lovely day and some wonderful people to spend it with, though! Hugs.

Allie said...

Love the bakelite bracelets, and the old wooden crates too. Thanks for letting us tag along with you at the flea market. It was fun :)

Angela said...

What a great flea market!
I'm also very thankful to have had my sweet mother. Those of us who did are so blessed to have those memories...sadly some don't.

Sweet Young Journey said...

Its sounds like you had a fulfilling day with great memories, friends, and love ones and of course..... a little shopping.
: )


Unknown said...

Wow, I had a wonderful visit!! Thanks for sharing all the goodies! Glad you got through a tough day.

manon 21 said...

Oh. Merci pour cette belle brocante.

Bonne journée


Simona said...

WON-DER-FUL! I want alllllllllll....
you're a lucky girl!

Maison Beldecor said...

Hello dear Laura,
I am sorry about your Mother...I am shure her memory lives on in your heart
Mr. Flea seems to be a wonderful hubby... to serve you such a lovley breakfast. Your pictures are stunning, that must be a great day with shopping, chatting, flowers and chocolate.
You asked if I saw anything interesting, of course there are so many things... OMG I wished I could visited this gorgeous Fleamarket with you.
Big hugs, Bine

Paula Parrish said...

Hello Laura,
I am so sorry that you have lost your dear sweet Mom. I am happy that you are enjoying each moment with your friends and family now; as I am sure that is what she would want for you a life full of blessings and happiness. Your flea market eye candy is amazing! Thanks for sharing.
Smiles, Paula

Nicola Friend said...

Wow i'm amazed! What did you buy? That looks a brilliant place. I'm a new converted follower!

Bleudelavande said...

Ooohhh dear Laura such a great Flea market!!! I ejoyed with all those wonderful photos!!!!!
I'm so glad that you had a beautiful day!!!!
Siena is so beautiful like all the Toscana! I hope that one of your next holidays will be there!!!!
Big hugs

Jennifer said...

I see everything interesting! I love the old bike, the baby shoes.... ooooohhhh! Fun, that's it! I can't wait for an outing at Shupps Grove in PA! And I'm off this weekend, Jennifer

Susanne said...

You are blessed to have had and still have such loving and caring family and friends.

And did I see anything interesting, ya, everything!

Our day here does not look that beautiful, kinda overcast, but I still plan to have fun out junkin' with my best junkin' buddy. So I better hit the shower!


eli said...

A lucky girl indeed! sooo much beautiful junk over there!! Thanks for sharing all those pics, Laura!
Hugs :)

mrs cheese said...

Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful photographs. I love just about everything!!!

I lost my dear mum in February and it was very painful to go through Mothers Day a few weeks later. It hurt so much.

Sending hugs xx

joanne said...

this was my first mom's day without mom, too.....bittersweet is the best way to describe it....i know it will get better in time...

the peonies are so beautiful....we cannot grow them here in az....too hot.

i saw so many interesting things at the flea....great photos...thank you for sharing....xx

Burlap Luxe said...

What a time to remember and reflect on all the beauty with what you shared with your Mom...I am so sure she was right by your side taking in the inspiring flea pieces!

Each photo was wow! then another one would wow me even more! I wish I was there to take in all the inspiration I could, and of course take some treasures home with me!

The chandelier on the bed of that red truck must have been a show stopper!!
That sweet painters box took my heart!
Thank you for all the inspiration you pass on.

Jolanda said...

What a special mothersday for you, but what a great fleamarket!!! I see such lovely things, and i see dutch words...on a kitchenboc!!! But i also love the blue bottles and the boxes and the birdcages and the bike and....i love it all! Thanx for sharing en a big hug!

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about your mother! I love your blog its sooooo pretty!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Sending you a hug Laura...my Mom passed away just before Mother's Day 7 years ago. We never celebrated that day together because we always spent so much time together we thought it was silly.

I was at Brimfield today and wish I could have captured some treasures to share...so many vendors would not allow photos, they even posted signs!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photographs, the display of bangles is stunning.

Vicki Boster said...

Gasp! - more fabulous flea market photos! I am green with envy!!

This was a perfect way for you to spend a bittersweet Mother's Day - that first Mother's Day after a loss is so very hard - I do so understand (been there, done that). I am glad that you made this a special day - I am sure your Mother was smiling down at you~~


Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Oh, Laura! I'm so sorry for the sadness in your heart over the loss of your mom. I've been reading each of your posts, starting from the last one you posted and going backwards. I had no idea that her passing was so recent and the pain so fresh. My parents are in their seventies now, and I'm reminded each day how fortunate I am that they are both still with me.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage