Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Color

Congratulations to William and Kate
as they celebrate their wedding!

I will be getting up at 4 a.m. tomorrow to watch the royal wedding
as I did when Princess Diana was married.

Yes, I am a hopeless romantic.

Purple is the color of royals... I pulled out my purple and lavender bottles.

Sweet violets are a symbol of love and faithfulness
 and are found in the countryside...
...for our English country bride.

William and Kate seem to be such good friends
 and in love!

I hope it is so!

Wishing William and Kate a long and happy marriage!
Will you join me? 
Will you be watching?


  1. Pretty, pretty, pretty, Laura! I love the color purple! One of my prized possession is a beautiful glass piece of amethyst glass. It is a small container that my grandfather got for my grandmother in France and that's all I know! It is time that I find out more, huh?

  2. I'm with you, I looked to see where you live, I was not sure if it was 4 or 5am, but I am Orlando, so we are on the same time. I got up to watch Diana also.....Wow, are we old!LOL


  3. I will probably catch the review because I am not sure I can get up so early. When Diana was married I watched it with my mom. She is with the Lord now so it will not be the same. This is a beautiful post. Anne

  4. It seems like only yesterday that we watched Charles and Diana get married. And Jennifer and I will watch William and Kate. We can't decide if we should just stay up all night or get up early. And which channel?!? We're betting on the BBC. What about y'all? Which channel are you betting on?

    Beautiful photos Laura. Love the purple. We don't have wild violets in Texas that I've seen. Just gorgeous.

    Paula & Jennifer

  5. Love this post---so pretty! The flowers, the bottles... just perfect!

  6. Laura:

    Your PURPLE post is beautiful. All of those purple bottles filled with shades of purple...and your tribute to Will and Kate. An exciting wedding that the world has waited to see and YES I will be getting up.

    See you in the morning..................ox

  7. I just might join you in the celebration ~ love the violets ~ I have them all over my front yard and they are just lovely ;-)

  8. beautiful Laura
    Purple the colour of royalty.. although I'll I will see is b&w.. maybe a tinge of blue.. my tv is on the blink.. hahaha.. what timing.. Lucky for us it will be an evening viewing..

    gorgeous shots today Laura.. ciao xxx Julie

  9. No, won't be watching but I do love purple! I think it's such a happy color and it's my dd's (10yo) favorite!

  10. I won't be getting up for it but I do hope they have a lasting relationship as I know Princess Diana would be so happy for that. Your pictures are royally gorgeous!

  11. Oh, such beautiful photography, purple is my favorite color and I am drooling over your lovely collection of purple bottles.
    Get a good night's sleep,
    Barb in Texas

  12. what a wonderful post for this specially day !!!
    I wish the same. big hugh Kathrin

  13. Absolutely gorgeous pictures. Love your blog. Love the color. Love the theme.
    - Joy

  14. What a sweet tribute to the happy couple. I may not be up to watch the event, but will catch the recorded version later. ;-) Beautiful images! ~ Sarah

  15. These are beautiful - makes me want to collect purple bottles to add to the blue ones I already have. And violets are very special to me as they were my grandmother's favourite.

  16. It's 11:40 p.m. in California as I write this and I have Fox News on to watch the coverage of the Royal Wedding. It's a happy, festive atmosphere on the streets of London. I'm going to attempt to stay up....

    Your photographs are always so lovely. It is a treat to visit your blog.

  17. It's 2:30 a.m. here in Chicago and I am on my second pot of coffee. I will NOT miss this!!

    Love your pretty pictures. Perfect!


  18. O our to exciting !!! happy day love

  19. I am watching. It's history, and it's beautiful. Love the pomp and pageantry combined with the fact that these are two young, normal seeming people despite it all.

  20. I too am watching the Royal Wedding. I also watched Diana. I was heartbroken when she died. I think she would be really proud of William and his choice of a bride. I also love the color purple. I am not royal but love royal purple. I hope they have a long and happy marriage.

  21. Beautiful photos! And my favorite color too!

  22. Laura, Your photos are so beautiful. I love all the purple.

  23. Beautiful bottles and photos, Laura!
    and yes, I join you in a toast to William and Kate who do seem so very much in love. She looked beautiful, didn't she?

  24. Such lovely photos.

    I was up at 5:30 on the west coast, just in time to catch the balcony kiss. I'll watch the rest in reruns. I did the same 30 years ago for Diana's wedding to Charles.
    This couple looks so happy together.

  25. Your photos are so pretty. I did not get up early enough for the wedding, but have been watching replays.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  26. We actually do have violets here in Texas! The botanical name is Violaceae Viola Missouriensis. They spread like wildfire and will take over your flowerbed, so if you do plant some, make sure you plant them in a container that is not near any other soil. Unless of course, you want them everywhere!

  27. Of course we watched! I woke my 13 year old daughter up and we climbed into my bed this morning to watch the ceremony, all snuggled and cozy. Memories for everyone today!Enjoy your weekend!

  28. Had to go my job, but I have been watching replays this afternoon, always love a good royal wedding - the bride was beautiful.
    Love from Denmark

  29. What a lovely post and I am so thrilled for you because, seeing this now, I know that you were not in the least tiny bit disappointed! Gosh was that romantic. Made my heart flutter! It did!

  30. Violets - my favourite flower. I have a poem about violets that I found written at the back of my mother's recipe book - I must post it on my blog as it's very sweet.

  31. Yes I got caught up in all the excitement. Was only going to turn the TV on to see the dress but I watched everything. We were lucky here in Australia as it started at 7pm and finished at 10.30pm. We need something to celebrate in todays life. Charmaine

  32. I awakened my daughter (14) at 4:00 this morning and we hopped into the big bed just in time to see the first guests arrive for the ceremony. Love the hats! I will say that we have learned s lot this week about Royal history. My daughter didn't even know that she was learning while having so much fun, another shameless endorsement for home education.

    We had afternoon tea complete with finger sandwiches, petit fours and crumpets. All in celebration of today's events! Congratulations Will and Kate!

  33. Beautiful post, beautiful wedding! Were you invited? ha, ha.
    xxx Liz

  34. Love the way you've prepared to watch the wedding!
    Wasn't it just wonderful!

  35. Yes - I watched, as I am also a romantic, but I also had great admiration for William's mother, and watched her wedding as well. What a lovely post! Thank you. Jamie V in MT

  36. ,,, catching up ... these pictures are fabulous ... just absolutely beautiful ... congrats on such a great post (the wedding was FAB, don't you think)

  37. You're lucky Rob indulged you. George refused to even have it on. I did get to see the dress though. Liked that it wasn't over the top.


  38. wow..Im so happy I found your blog...stunning!!!!


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