Monday, May 10, 2010

Fleamarket At Home

I didn't go to the flea market Sunday morning because it was freezing cold and very windy....
...when my alarm went off at 5 am and I heard that cold wind blowing, I pulled the covers up around my neck and went back to sleep for another 2 hours.

But this morning I ended up discovering some hidden treasure right here at home.
I started tearing things apart again....continuing toward my goal to get things organized....
I took down two old baskets and a couple of wooden pantry boxes from a high shelf to dust them off and rearrange.... and lo and behold!

I found the old sleigh bells that used to hang from the rafters in the stand on my grandparent's farm! I had put them away after Christmas a few years ago and forgot where I stashed them!

I dusted off the boxes and peeked inside...

One box was full of odds and ends of sewing items...

I haven't seen these little treasures in so long...
I actually don't remember when or where I got them!
...but they were new to me again this morning ...
... it was as if I had just discovered them at the flea market...
but I never left home!

I could save a lot of money this way! Shopping at home....
I'm also getting some much needed cleaning done and taking inventory.
It's all good!


  1. Always fun to find those forgotten items and great ones you did find too!!

  2. how fun to find old treasures! Brings back lots of memories, doesn't it? Enjoy!

  3. Isn't that the greatest when what was old is now new again?

  4. good girl! i was with you in thought when you wrote that you shut off the alarm and pulled up the covers. Bestest,Denise

  5. Hi Laura
    Fabulous... I love finding forgotten stuff.. and well your forgotten stuff is fabulous!! although I'm curious what rubberetts are?

    You know I'm tempted now to check out the big basket in my garage and see what goodies are buried in there... hope it's half as good as yours... I know there won't be any fabulous sleigh bells sadly...

    Have a great day .. xxx Julie

  6. Now those are fabulous bargains! It's the best sort of like finding a money in a winter coat the following year.

  7. Thant's how it is - after years of hunting we have more treasures than we know. The things you show are things I treasure the most myself.

  8. One of the first things I learned when taking a design class was to "shop the house!" Who knows what kinds of stuff i have hiding in this place...sounds like a fun weekend..;p

  9. What a fabulous find!
    Proof positive that even the stuff you've lost and misplaced is better than most of the stuff out there!


  10. I love it when that happens, it's like getting a gift!!

  11. Isn't it fun finding treasures at home? I am hardly waiting for the warm weather so I can clean out my storage shed!It will be like Christmas again! Have a fun week! Anne

  12. Laura, what great finds! I love all the old sewing notions. That crocheted heart with the ribbon points--I have a collection of them. I haven't seen any lately though. A good reminder to freshen them up and take their pictures! I think I'll go flea marketing in my house.

  13. It is the best, finding forgotten treasures at home! Yours are always beyond charming. xo lidy

  14. You are a good influence on me. I need to do some cleaning and organizing and tossing out. Thanks for the inspiration. Who knows what I might find! :-)

  15. Laura amor, how inspiring :) I should do this too...I can only imagine all the neato treasures that I would find in my lil plactic bags from my treasure hunting forays to the thrifts...that are stacked ever so precariously in my studio lol Have a beautiful week :) Besos, Rose

  16. Hey! How come I can't find stuff like that at my house? :) It's always fun when you find something you completely forgot about. It's like a little holiday celebration right there and then. Love the blue enamelware. Your photos are always so lovely. Have a great day! Tammy

  17. Your blog is so beautiful! Do you sell at a booth? I have my own and am doing shows this summer for extra income. This week is a mad house of pricing, painting, repurposing, trying out vignettes, boxing things up; I have more mirrors then I ever realized. Trying to decide what can leave and what stays. This is my passion and am so glad to have found your beautiful place.

  18. Hello
    Lovely treasures from your home !!
    I hope the weather gets better , that the next time you cane go to the fleamarket !!( sometimes is longer sleep also nice ..)
    I like the blue emaille ware too !!

    Greetings Peet

  19. Wonderful Hidden Treasures ..................i am going to look in my own house..........hahahhhhahah!! happy week hugs Ria

  20. Totally out of my mind!mom has a very similar pin cushion (pink) :) OMG I have to visit her asap :D

  21. Cleaning out can be fun! Thanks for the nice post! It sure was cold and windy this weekend!

  22. There is nothing more exciting than rediscovering treasures you had put somewhere and then forgotten about them. You are so right, it is like shopping without leaving home!! So happy that you can play with your "new" treasures...smiles,Cheryl

  23. I sure need to do the same thing! I have so many things packed away that I could be using and saving some money! Have a blessed day, my friend... HUGS!

  24. Yes, I have found a few things in the back of my closet that I had totally forgotten about too. Isn't it wonderful? LOL

    Have a lovely week!

  25. Gosh, it looks like the Treasures Fairy visited your house! How come I only find dust in baskets I've stashed away in the garage? LOL!
    Or spiders!
    You've got some GOOD STUFF!
    Diane :-)

  26. Laura, you do make me giggle! This happens to me alllll the time. Now, if I could just find those Christmas decorations I made in November I would be very happy. Lucky you got the sleep in too ;-)


  27. You just have to love moments like that, what a great find. Love it.

  28. Yes, Laura, it's a good way to save money, isn't it? Shopping the flea market at home. I too discover things I don't remember having and I find it fun. I like your old sewing notions - they make me feel nostalgic because my mom sewed all the time when I was growing up.

  29. I love when I find lost treasures at home too.

  30. Wow, what great things to find in your own home. Beats going out in the cold to find treasures! Love them all!

  31. Oh Laura,
    It must have been like going to your own flea market... and, a lot warmer. It must be lovely, living in your house. You find things that you have forgotten about, nearly all the time !! I can remember my mum having those hooks and eyes on a card like that, and the pins. You are always taking me back to my childhood. XXXX

  32. Wonderful founds :-) I also wonder myself sometimes when I am looking for something and find somethinge else. When did I buy it and where, I totally forgot about it and then I am really happy to have something "new" :-))) Hugs Yvonne

  33. Oh such lovely treasures.......
    Forget flea markets........go hunting items in your own place....;))
    Would love to hunt with you;))
    Nice evening

  34. Oh, isn't this the best part of cleaning and organizing?! You have certainly found some treasures there.

    Have a terrific Tuesday ~Natalie

  35. It was 34 degrees when I got up to go to the flea this past Sunday. Too cold for me! Such a disappointment. You sure found some great treasures in your own home. I especially like the needle books and pins!

  36. I love that! It happens to me all the time. I will put things away to keep them safe and I end up forgetting about them! Then I will start digging around and come across them...yay! I really love your "new" treasures.


  37. Oh i just love to find old forgotten treasures and yours are quite delightful! I love the sleigh bells and the little dolly bonnet too cute!

  38. Hi Laura!
    Thanks for your kind words on my blog!!! I have seen your blog but never had the chance to check it out.. WOW! I love those purple potatoes in the bucket I am seeing as I write this!!!When I lived in So Cal I went to the Long Beach Antiques and Flea market every month!!!!!!!! This brings back so many wonderful memories...... Thanks! Maryanne :)

  39. Treasure hunting in your own home. That is a great idea. I sometimes forget about things too. It's always a nice surprise to find fun things. Love the sleigh bells!

  40. Can I come to your flea market?!?

    Looks like an awesome place to shop!

  41. So cool..........thanks for sharing this with us!!

    xoxo Gert

  42. Thats what we get for putting things away. Fun to find them again. Laura

  43. What fun, Laura! I know I would find the same thing if I went through the attic (the Pit of Despair!) Maybe on one of these rainy days, I will have to have my own flea market :-)


  44. Oh. My. Do you know, I own that exact basket in the first photo. You make me wonder what's in it! It's been under the coffee table for several years now. What Did I put in it? Hmmm....

  45. How fun is that?! I'd love to find some hidden goodies in my house!

  46. ohhhhhhhh qu'elle bonne idée le shopping puces à la maison !!!!!!!je vais aussi gagner beaucoup d'argent hé hé mais .....pas de place !!!!!sera toujours trop serré !!!!j'aime tes ambiances et te souhaite belle journée !biz

  47. hello sais-tu si la pièce bleue en bois un peu plus haut est pour repriser le linge ....les petites choses ?j'en ai trouvé une dans le genre et ne suis pas certaine de l'emploi tu peux voir chez moi .....bisous d'une accro de puces


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