Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Scary Titles

So, we have already established that Halloween isn't my favorite holiday...
...But I do love to decorate and change my little vignettes according to the season....
I guess it's because I'm such a book lover...collecting them not only for content but for color and decorative appeal as well...
...that it was only a matter of time before I started collecting scary titles for Halloween props.
(click image to read the titles!)

Look at this spooky set of Edgar Allan Poe volumes...

You have to love this title!

Some old tin types provide rather ghostly images...

Scarlet Sister Mary.....what can that be about?

Now these two books are seriously scary....especially for a good Christian girl...
...this fraidycat won't be reading these anytime soon...

Maybe I should put some of the beautiful religious medals found in those cigar boxes with these books to provide a little balance!

...and Poof!
....she disappeared!


  1. cute post! But, like you...I HATE scary things. Something just not right in the mind with me when confronted with such oddities. :)

    And, trust me...when I find my new place, you will be one of the first to come stay with us! xo...deb

  2. Oooh Laura, I LOVE Halloween but I must admit some of those last books scared me too! Yes, maybe you should put some of the religious medals out too... for balance, as you say... Bisous!... Julie Marie

  3. Love the pics and all your stuff of course! You do make things fun and beautiful!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. OMG! That set of Edgar A. Poe is to DIE for.....lucky you...I just finished a book about him and he had, apparently, quite the sad life..big surprise,huh?

  5. ooooooh, i love the photo of the small child in the chair. what did i tell you girl, you always take the time to prepare these vignettes for us. aren't we lucky?! bestest, Denise

  6. i absolutely love your scary book collection. and perfect for the subtle yet effective halloween tone.
    really clever and cool.

  7. I love your wonderful diplays and your photography. This time, I think the perfect word for it is "macabre"! A little sense of chill...

  8. This is actually my first year of decorating for Halloween, but only at the barn...I'm not big on Haloween. You very cleverly made some interesting and fun vignettes with those scarey books and the old pharmacy items!
    Always a "treat" to visit your blog!
    My Best

  9. ohhhh, you have that fabulous edition of edgar allan poe that I love!...and your clock faces...
    just fantastic!
    Many hugs
    Magdalena/Color Sepia

  10. Great bookish photos, Laura. That old baby photo is the best, though.

  11. Yikes... you scared me:) Love books and love the old picture. Have a blessed day!

  12. I love your Halloween 'decor', especially the Poe novels. I am always on the hunt for those. I've never seen an old set of them. I thought it was all pretty spooky! Lisa

  13. Wooowww Laura you made another wonderful post! I love it very much!!!
    Have a nice day!

  14. Love your collection of books. Better have a Bible and holy water around lol I too have never done much for halloween but I do like the crows I am seeing.
    Now I will have to look for a scary book title.

  15. Oh Laura, what a wonderful post - you´r so creativ and a great artist!!!! I love all your treasures and the way you use them!!!!! Thank you so much for your inspiration and have a very nice autumn evening - here it is sooo cold today -

    Hugs Jade

  16. I used to decorate for Halloween when my girls were little and did silly decor. Haven't done that in a long time and don't like the direction Halloween has taken in recent years. It's way too over the top for me! But, I love your take on it. For this good Christian girl, those books would probably never be opened, but it is such a creative twist on the occasion. Great job!

  17. How cool these decorations are! You are so talented!

  18. uuuuuuuh,spooooky - but very very decorative, I just love it. Now I'm also hunting scary book titles.

  19. Oke ehhh nice pictures ....its halloween i siad to myself ...But i dònt like scary books (and movies) , .I cant sleep of it ...
    Ha ha
    I`m happy that halloween is something amaricans ...and not something dutch.....
    ( but it looks beautiful !!)
    Love from Holland

  20. BOO!!!!
    G would have fun with you Miss Laura!!! Nothing makes him happier then scaring people!
    Guess I had to learn to like Halloween.
    I really love all your books and vignettes.

  21. Such great photos...just love all those little vignettes. Like little Halloween cards to your fans! Thank you!

  22. you have a lovely blog. I really enjoy it.
    bye now

  23. Fabulous vintage Halloween inspiration! Very unique ideas, love that NONE of it can be found at Hobby Lobby. :)

  24. I really love the way that you have collected 'scary' books, Laura. I think that I like the drug boxes best. What is in the photograph above the clock faces?. The writing is beautiful. XXXX

  25. I'm all about decorating with books. And I had "Wine of Satan" in my shop (it sold). Who'd have thought there were multiple copies of such a weird book?

  26. Oh my gosh, I can't decide which photo I love the best!! Love, love, love the tintypes and the books, my favorite things!

  27. Halloween is one of my favorites!!
    Your book titles and vignettes are now my favorites as well. You are the amazing Laura, queen of the vignettes!!
    Love them,

  28. What lovely displays - much better than modern garish gore. Well done!

  29. Just fixed this so I can comment...something about cookies... And caught up on your postings. Love your style and all the great pictures. Thanks for being here!

  30. nOOOOO SCARY THINGS - DON'T LIKE HALLOWEEN either - but I really like the prism with the cool end and I collect pocket watch dials and feathers PLUS - I love all your settings...Jennifer

  31. Halloween might not be your favorite season, but what a great collection of books you haave for this season. The bottom one with the hand on your first photo is my favorite :)

  32. My dad used to read Poe to us as little kids just to scare us! It worked....sometimes religious artifacts scare me a little too! I'm a fraidy-cat!


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