Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday Random Ramblings

You asked to see what I bought at Renningers...
just this....and only this little clock face.

Remember...I was with Dad
 and we were only there an hour and a half.

But we had fun...
...and we were together.
 I plan to come to the February Extravaganza alone if I can borrow a car! 

This small compote is a family piece.

I love it...
...and took it out for a little photo shoot.

This little sterling tray is another family piece.
I put it on the dresser in the guest room and filled it with the silver and turquoise pieces of jewelry I brought with me.
I know, it needs polishing!

The chunky turquoise bracelet was made by the famous
   I was lucky enough to win it several years ago
 in one of her fantastic giveaways.

Perfect to wear and also display in this season of hearts.

Thanks to all of your great comments on the Renninger's post.
I really wish you all could have been with me...
...boy would that have been fun!

Next month, I plan to stay longer...
...much longer!

The Brighton heart was given to me by my little sister MaryBeth.
The silver locket was Mom's.

I have been having a fair amount of success at the church sales and thrift stores in the area and will share my finds soon!

Oh...and I would like to say...
Hello and welcome to new followers and readers!
I am so happy you found me
 and look forward to getting to know you better.

And, yes sister Lynn...
...this is one of your linen napkins.
...a gorgeous, French, over-sized, slate blue linen serviette from the set that I bought for you
 from Corey Amaro's wonderful online Tongue in Cheek brocante shop.

I'm just borrowing it since you are not here in Florida!

And to all my other friends...
Hope the weekend ahead finds YOU 
feeling fine and having fun!


  1. Hi Laura, We didn't do well at Webster, did you see my post? I think we will go to Renningers next month. If you need a ride just call!!
    Love your little watch face. Kathy and I are going junkin in New Smyrna tomorrow...

  2. Hi Laura~~ I love those little watch faces. We are always looking for them at the Rose Bowl and trying to find "Cheap" far, not too lucky. Yours is precious.
    Have a great weekend

  3. Hey Laura,
    Sure hope you can make it to the Extrav in February. Maybe we can set a time and place to meet for a 'Blogger' luncheon. How fun would that be?

    By the way, I wouldn't polish the silver tray...hehehe.


  4. Sounds like a fun time. Glad you are enjoying your visit. The French serviette is gorgeous! ~ Sarah

  5. From one Laura Ellen to another-

    thank you for stopping by my blog, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    White Spray Paint

  6. I suppose that weather is still beautiful huh?


  7. Nice post as usual! happy that you can share sometimes with Dad! i will go to my best antiques market as well this sunday!! Enjoy your week end W. the antiques lovers

  8. I'm so glad that you had a great time !!!!!
    Have a nice weekend.

  9. Laura, your photography is so gorgeous!

  10. Hi Laura:) Love all of your jewelry. That little clock face is adorable.I hope your Dad lets you borrow the car for the next market:)lol Have a wonderful weekend. Hope you are warm and cozy. We had snow flurries here yesterday and lots of rain today.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  11. very pretty. I like silver unpolished. It adds character. The bracelet is very special.
    Hope you get to go next month to the fleamarket!!!!!!
    Wish I could be there too!
    Hugs, Evi

  12. You show so much restraint only buying that clock face. You Are a good flea would be proud of you:)haha
    Love all your silver new and old.
    Well you are missing a pretty wet couple of days here...hope it's only sunshine for you.

    big hug

  13. Oh my gosh! My husband and I were at Renninger's Saturday! It was our first time there and I loved it! What a small world...

  14. I love the The Brighton heart. Great way of displaying your Jewel's

  15. It is TIME to get our HEARTS displayed, isn't it? Love your clock face among the treasures!

  16. You know, they are my initials...J L:) beautiful!

  17. Hi Laura..I am a new follower..I am enjoying looking at the great items you are finding..There is a Renningers here in Pa also..Have fun in the sun..

  18. Glad you are having fun with your Dad Laura! Love the jewelry in the silver dish...doing to pin it to my dress up board!


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