Sunday, January 22, 2012

Renningers Extravaganza - Quick!

We spent a quick hour and a half 
at Renningers Extravaganza in Mount Dora Saturday.
Please enjoy these photos of things I spied
 in that short amount of time!

While Dad and I were enjoying the Florida sunshine...
...poor Mr. Flea was shoveling snow in New York.
Well, at least he can ski now!

Hope you enjoyed this long post of our quick tour...
...did you see anything you might have wanted to bring home?



  1. That was just like going on a fun walk through a flea/thrift market!! Thanks for sharing - it's rainy and miserable here on Vancouver Island in BC.

  2. Such wonderful your pictures! And those doors are great!


  3. I can hear jaws dropping all over blog land!

  4. That looks like a pickers paradise. (Hey good name for a blog, bet someone used it already). Nugget & his girls could use that chicken nester, I like those keys and old doors and how cute are all those paintbrushes together.


  5. Wow. I am jealous of the wares AND the warm sunshine! Hope you have a blast!

  6. Oh I love it all! The blue crock bowls are my favorite, I have several pieces of blue pottery in my kitchen. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait for Spring so we can get out and start going to outdoor sales.

  7. Whow! I would simply LOVE to come across a sale like that around here! Thanks for the tour! from Marlynne at

  8. Holy wowza. That looks absolutely amazingggg! I would have left penniless (and in debt).

  9. Be Still My Heart~ all those fabulous photos of vintage Treasures are keeping me warm on this very cold night....
    I can't wait till spring, that will start the flea market season for me~
    Thanks for sharing

  10. A paradise indeed! I love it all but especially love the lamb statues, and the keys, and the suit case full of buttons!

  11. Shoot! I was GOING to go; I live in south Orlando. I had to go meet some folks at a park this end of town. I'd planned since Christmas to get out to Mt. Dora on Saturday. Then I just let today fly by. THANK YOU so much of sharing your photos. YES, I saw some goodies I'd have stopped and looked at. It was fun. Jan

  12. oh, my goodness, what wonderful shopping (and pictures)! So many great items...the ornate glass bottles, keys, purple/white plates, Paris pillows...wish I was there.

  13. Wow, I feel like I was there with you, what a wonderful time you had. I'm crazy about the tramp art piece. Sea Witch

  14. Jaw-dropping indeed!!! Love so much of it... I am totally jealous! What a great day. I hope you brought home some fab treasures. I would buy the etched bottles and whatever the silver, maybe candlestick, behind them just to name a few. Great post... Thanks!!! ~Jen

  15. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

  16. Great pictures Laura, I felt like I was there!
    Didn't make it this year but I'm going to Webster tomorrow, hope they take their leftovers..
    Glad we are having nice weather for you!!

  17. Laura oh my I love so much of the vintage goodness here! What did you bring home?

    Art by Karena

  18. Glad you got to go! Here I am right in town and I did not make it! I would have loved some of that vintage linen!!


  19. oh ... my ... word!! My heart is literally racing. So much delight in one place. ::sigh::!!

  20. Wow! They don't have sales like that around here.

  21. My heart was beating fast just looking at all of those treasures. The blue crock mixing bowls, the lambs with the antique picture, that pink froo-froo dress, just everything. I can't wait to see what you brought home from this wonderland. Now I must go back and enlarge each picture to study what I may have missed when I looked at it before.

  22. I am going crazy picking what I want. Love sooooo many the box "Zum Andenken", translated "To Remember". And the pails in the next picture, and all the childrens clothing, and, and.....
    Wish I could have seen it all. Why was your stay so short. You would have had to drag me away from there.
    PS. I am going to try to call you tomorrow.

  23. What fun - especially loved the buttons ~ lol ~ thank you!

  24. Oh my what didn't I see! I love the nesting box and have been watching for one here in Oregon. Thanks for sharing. We are having rain, rain and more rain! Enjoy the sun!

  25. Now I can't believe we drove right by on Saturday and didn't stop...oh well...there's always February.

    I love the tramp art box and how cool that Evi was able to translate...really special!

    Have a great week, and so sorry that Mr. Flea is shoveling snow. I've definitely got a touch of Spring Fever and planted some seeds today. Flowers always make me feel happy.


  26. WOW! You covered a lot of ground in such a short time. Love your selections-you've a great eye.

    Best, Marjorie

  27. WOw I would love to be abel to go to one of thous, could spent hours looking !!
    Hilsen fra København

  28. Wow exciting!!
    I loooove those doors!
    Happy hunting:)

  29. UNBELIEVABLE Laura!!!!!!!!

    We just never see anything like that in NZ - and it's all just one place???

    I'm looking for a vintage Christening gown for my latest GD, i would love to have flicked through that rack!!
    And the wee shoes......

    Oh that suitcase full of lace - my mouths watering at the thought of what I could make with it!!!

    Lucky lucky you!



  30. wow! thanks for the visual treat!

  31. Ohhh such wonderful things, loved the little panda in the drawer and the painting with the strawberries, and, and, and everything else.

  32. Yesssssssssssssssssssssss !!...and what did you buy??? from

  33. Wow, you took pictures of my booth. I was the green tent with the Paris Pillows and the blue/white headboard. It would have been nice to meet you. Thanks for finding me photo/blog mention worthy. Hugs

  34. Yeah...I think that is what heaven looks like! There are no places like that around here.... I would want about one of everything!
    Susan (homeroad)

  35. I think that I saw a zillion things I want to bring home! Thank goodness I don't live near you!! Thanks for the tour and letting me live vicariously.

  36. I have been recently seeing those olive buckets in the local antique shops here and some have been turned into hanging lights.

  37. Laura,
    OMG, What a great post! I have never been to that sale but it's on my bucket list. Picture after picture of glorious treasures! Anytime I see a table lined with boxes of littles filled to the brim I get kind of dizzy. That suitcase of lace was the topper! So what did you bring home?

  38. For months I had planned to go to Renningers but alas I had other obligations and was unable to go. Next month is the last time to catch the extravaganza until next fall so come hell or high water I'm gonna get there. I don't know how you did it in an hour and a half!

  39. Love your pics. Thanks for sharing. :) Can't believe I've lived in this area for more than 20 years and never made it to Renningers. Your pics make it all the more enticing. Hope you enjoyed your visit!

  40. OMG! Are you kidding me? What great pics! I love all of it. The wash basins and the enamelware shots are especially great. What did you buy?


  41. I am drooling! What a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing. karen....

  42. What a lovely walk I just had and I "bought" the strawberries painting!AriadnefromGreece!

  43. What great weather you had for visiting this place full of wonderful goodies! Hope you found something special to take home.

  44. One day I'm so going to make it to this show...loaded with some wonderful goodies.

  45. Laura, you seen things I didn't & I was there for two days! So sorry we didn't get to meet up.

    I didn't get your e-mail until I made my way home yesterday(totally exhausted).
    Hope you are enjoying your visit!

  46. I really enjoyed looking through these photos. My mom and I would go to Renniger's once a year for the longest time. We made it to the November event last year and I found so many goodies. And of course, the beautiful Florida "winter" :)

    Happy treasure hunting in 2012!

  47. Thanks for the tour of the flea! Fantastic! Always fun to see what markets have in other parts of our big USA.I would of come home with all the watch faces! Great to read all the pics from your readers!

  48. Thank you for the great pictures, I appreciated seeing the prices on some of the items. I would have bought some buttons, lace and a dozen other items, what fun!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Can't believe you confined yourself to 1 1/2 hours. I would have been there all day. I don't sew, but that first little sewing machine was awsome.

  51. Wow what a fab collection of stuff! You are so lucky to have access to all this. Love Linda x

  52. Hi Laura~~ Well, it looks like you are having a great time with your dad. I would have loved MANY of those items.. What did you end up buying???

  53. I sure want to go kickin around in flea markets!!! I love those square crochet thingies, the watch faces, the little VINTAGE CLOTHES!!, the vintage fabrics, YUM!

  54. Oh boy...I am lucky I didn't damage my keyboard from the drool! I can't wait to see what you chose from all those fabulous treasures! Thank you for sharing your day ♥♥

  55. I am so impressed that you found and photographed so many wonderful such a short amount of time, Laura! It usually takes me that long to look through one decent-sized booth. ;)

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  56. Wonderful photos! I could live there!

  57. Awesome stuff!!! I wish I could see that price tag on the small sewing machine (not the Singer)...I just found one for $20 and was wondering what they are selling for. I sure could have had fun in that crochet lace and the buttons! And warm and sunshine! Thanks for the eye candy!

  58. Thank you. It was a blessing to see a great place while I'm trying to survive in this cold climate.


  59. NICE! Really enjoy your blog!
    Thank U for shearing! Eye-candies!

    Love from Norway

  60. You spied a lot of stuff in a short time! Gosh I haven't been there in years, would love to go back some day!

  61. I just love how your pictures take me right to the action, as if I were there!!!! So many great treasures Laura.

  62. These photos make me want to go flea market shopping sooooo bad! lol! What great stuff! :)

    xoxo laurie

  63. I love these fleaing trips with you! It is a little frustrating not to be able to take those lambs home to my collection, but I save so much money!

  64. Your photos just proves that great treasures are everywhere. I loved the blue suitcase, red peeling painted birdhouse and those old children shoes were adorable. I also spotted the old blue Reed roaster! I have one in the exact same color that I found at a Goodwill on 12/31/10 for $2.25. Thanks for sharing.

  65. Oh WOW Laura,
    Usually when you show flea markets there are a few things that maybe I wouldn't have bought but, I think that I could have bought every single thing !!!! There's no point in me telling you the individual things that I like as I LOVE it all !! At my age I should be getting rid of things but I seem to be buying more. All I can say is that it's a good job that I don't live where you live !!
    Hope that poor Mr. Flea is keeping warm and having a few brandies or scotch !! XXXX

  66. Oh my!!!! Wish I had been there. I want it all!!

  67. Laura, The BIG lock caught my eye because I purchased its twin with my Christmas Gift Certificate @Jane Tylor's Cottage Garden Antiqyes in Gainesville Ga Saturday. Wouldn't it be fabulous to have a pair! Anyway I thought you might like to look at a post called Road Trip: The Incredible Jane 7-24-10 on the Sassytrash blogspot. I don't know the blogger but I know Jane and her art is amazin'. Check out her 15 ft tall angel wings that she welded together.

  68. OOOOHHHH look at all of those great treasure just calling my name:) Counting the days until the Elephants Trunk opens up. Thanks for the tour.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  69. Here im with a blogger profile just because i like your Blog so much there i cound't miss it!!! i love every single piece in those photos!! wish one day we will trasure hunting together!! Ciao W. the Antiques Lovers

  70. Oh, I want the strawberry basket painting!

  71. Love the pictures of Mount Dora. Do you have any shopping suggestions through Florida to Tennessee .
    Would love to have a few suggestions. Thanf you...diana

  72. Well, Laura now that you asked. I don't know. Too much eye candy!! Maybe, one item per photo? I think I had a Vintage overload kind of weekend. That's it!! LOL!! I can't believe I said THAT ;)
    Have fun with Dad.
    xxx Liz

  73. I found something in every picture... I need to get out and get a "fix" !!!

  74. Wonderful pictures! I saw tons of stuff that I would take home. This flea is on my "to-do" list... someday, I 'll get there.

  75. Yes..I would like one of everything please..

  76. Where to even begin???? Fabulous. Maybe next year I'll drive down there! Great, great pictures..

  77. I think my head would have exploded if I were there! Love it all!

  78. You are giving me spring fever, or travel fever. I want to come visit!

  79. I loved all the pictures also just like I was there with you
    and in all my years collecting I have wanted or had or sold I think everything there LOL

  80. Oh my, what a lovely hour and a half of fun..and the sunshine... here in cold, cloudy Michgan, it was a sweet little break to view all the goodies.. espially the buttons and childrens clothing. luv it all!!!

  81. I hope you found time to shop too. Thanks for all the great pictures. What yummy eye candy !!

  82. What wonderful treasures! It was a good day full of great photos.

    Love, Jody

  83. Wow this sale is really wonderful! SO many things I'd want to bring home, but the tramp art box really called to me!

  84. Oh My...looks like heaven to me!!!
    Love the pics, the bride doll in one of the pics looks just like one I had many years ago...once when I was little!!

  85. All I can say is wow!!!! Boy, I wish I could have gone to this one...a little bit of heaven for an Alaskan where treasures are few and far between!!
    Love your blog, I just found it today and have become a follower!!!
    Chris :o)

  86. Nesting box! Old chippy doors! And olive buckets! oh my :)
    What gorgeous photos of great stuff!
    Looks like fun to me!

  87. Oh,is this the paradise???
    See you

  88. Oh yes, please bring me home a handful of watch faces. Sounds like you had fun. I hope Renningers has lots of neat things like you showed at the PA show in June.

  89. Absolutely, I'll take the Elmira NY. glass bottle in the one pic.(next to the etched one)
    Looks like you had a great time and perfect weather.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Susan x

  90. Oh my goodness....where is this place located? I just love visiting outdoor flea markets!


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