Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tidings Of Comfort and Joy

To be honest, I have been struggling through this Christmas season.
This is the first Christmas that we will celebrate without my Mom. 
I know that I am not alone in missing a loved one...
and my wish for any of you in that position...
is peace and comfort.

...and joy.

Tidings of comfort and joy.



  1. It is hard to celebrate when you are missing your Mom. Remember the wonderful times you had together. Hope you have a good holiday, Laura

  2. Reading your post made me wonder if that first Christmas God might have felt the same way. His son who had always been with Him from the beginning of time- gone to earth for a time away from Him in a way that had not been experienced before just so we could have relationship with Him forever. Just wondering.....

    Know He loves you!

    bee blessed

  3. HI Laura,
    I know how hard the holidays are when a cherished loved one is gone. My thoughts and prayers go out to you this holiday season Laura and that the memories you have of your dear mom will keep her alive in your heart now and always.
    Take care.

  4. Hi Laura
    I know it is this time of year that sometimes seem the hardest or the times we miss our loved ones the most. It gets easier with time but there are those moments when it feels like it is new again. Especially at Christmas but then I think of the celebration that must be going on in heaven and how my dad must be having the time of his life... and I can't be sad or wishing he was here.
    Wishing you a very blessed Christmas week

  5. May you find comfort and peace during this Christmas holiday. Time doesn't necessarily heal all wounds it just helps you understand them a little better. Be joyful in the memories you shared with your mother!

    My mother has been gone nine years and it still feels like its our first without her!

    Take care!


  6. So sorry that you are missing your mom. My mom is in a nursing home and that first Christmas after her stroke was very difficult. We were so lucky she survived. I just knew that things would never be the same.

    It's been almost 8 years and although Christmas is different without my mom sitting at our table, I found myself at peace with it. And you will too in your own time.

  7. Oh dear Laura this touches my heart and I'm deeply feeling with you! I cannot imagine Christmas without my mom so I absolutely understand your struggle. I hope that you'll be sourrounded by your family this Christmas with the feeling that your mom is still there too!
    Sending you a big hug!
    xoxo~ Carola

  8. Keep with your your best and lovely memory of the days when she was with you... you are not alone! Have a Merry & peacfull Christmas!! W. the Antiques Lovers

  9. Sending you love and comfort Laura. Just " be" in the moments that come this will feel her there with all of you. I know this to be true. My Father still guides me <3

    all my best wishes

  10. I wish the same to you!!!! No matter how long they have left us, the hurt remains in our heart. Hugs Mary

  11. She wouldn't want you to be sad Laura, now it's your turn to pass on that love you feel.
    wishing you a happy christmas surrounded by your dearest ones.

  12. Hello, I've been browsing your blog for ages but don't think I have ever commented.
    I know how you feel this Christmas and my heart goes out to you. We have lost first my dad in February and then my mum in October this year and it's hard to think that this time last year they were both still with us.
    I'm telling myself that they are at peace and remembering all the lovely times we had.
    Take care.

  13. When your heart is sad your Mom is with you. Peace and joy to you and your family Laura. It's been 17 years and I can still feel her with me. When the door blows open she has come to visit you..
    Hugs to you~xoxo~Sue

  14. oh laura...let your sweet memories of your dear mother remind you, that she is still with you. so sorry for your struggle, dear.
    bless you,

  15. Holidays are the worst when we miss our beloved ones the most! Feeling for you!AriadnefromGreece!

  16. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. I remember the first Christmas, and really every Christmas without my mom....

  17. Dear Laura, it is a difficult time and you will make it through. I am sending you a big hug. Your mom will always be in your heart.

  18. It has been my experience that the "firsts" of anything, after a loved one's passing, are the most difficult. But truly, time does heal all wounds.

    I pray that this Christmas there will be such an outpouring of love among your family and friends, the void you feel currently will be filled to overflowing. ;)

    Christmas hugs!
    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  19. I think those of us who love vintage understand the power and beauty of what is left behind. Your mother may be gone but you still have the memories and the joy of having had her, and they are yours to pass along so that she lives on and on.

  20. This is my first Christmas having just lost my Mom this past October too. Trying to be cheerful and bright this holiday season without her, is one of the hardest things I've ever done. Today I followed our yearly tradition of baking the cookies by myself. I cried most of the way through it. I feel so lost and at odds, but I am trying the best I can. I will say a prayer for both of us that it gets easier every day and hopeful that our memories will get us through. Merry Christmas!

  21. Hi Laura...I know your cherished memories of Christmas past with your Mom will make you both happy and sad...embrace them both and enjoy the day. I'll be thinking of you.

    Merry Christmas!

  22. You will always have the memories..That will never leave you..Have a Blessed Christmas..

  23. This is my second Christmas without her and its as hard as it was last year. Just know you are in good company, have your moments and reflect and make a few new memories with those who surround you....

    Always, Faye

  24. I'm enjoying catching up here. always so lovely.

    I am sorry to hear your Mom is not with you this Christmas.
    My Dad just passed away right after Thanksgiving last month, so we probably have some of the same feelings, or lack of feelings at time.
    Hard to get geared up to celebrate this year, but with kids and grandkids, life goes on.

    Sweet blessings
    barbara jean

    PS going to check out that new cute blog. thanks.


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