Saturday, December 17, 2011

Antique Shop in Chester, CT

So...the last place I wanted to share with you on this particular visit to the charming town of Chester, CT is an antique shop called BUTTON, LLC.

Now, to me....
the name Button conjures up an image of a rather  humble place...
perhaps with lots of small things all jumbled together...
you know, like a button box.
 But, that's just me.

This shop...BUTTON, an elegant, upscale,
 sophisticated place.

Have a look...

One of BUTTON's two store front windows at 69 Main Street.
Paula loved those Christmas stockings in a big way!

I loved this wire basket that I spied first thing
 on top of a tall cupboard in the corner.

This piece in mustard paint makes a bold statement .

Check out the beautiful stained glass window
 behind this pretty Christmas tree!

Another impressive cupboard filled with interesting treasures.

Some fabulous architectural pieces...

Check out these old metal lockers... least I think that is what they once were.

Here are some of the same metal pieces mounted on the wall.
 I love the aged wood shelves across their tops.

An eclectic mix of smalls, some new gift items
 and some wonderful textiles work together to make this antique shop one with something for everyone.

 Don't you agree?

69 Main Street
Chester, CT 06412
(860) 322-4451

Well, my shopping is done.
Have you finished yours?

I have enjoyed staying quiet and wrapping presents today...
No crowded malls for me!

How about you?


  1. Beautiful! But I'm disappointed -- no buttons!

  2. I have to agree..I love the wire shelves with the old wood..And yes today I finished up my last purchase..Just got home about an hour ago..Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing the store..

  3. What an interesting shop! I love that wire basket, too- so many uses.

  4. I love everything, especially those cupboards and architectural pieces. You certainly have shown us some pretty shops, Laura. Thanks.

  5. Hi Laura,

    Oh My Gosh!! I could not believe my eyes when I saw the pictures of Chester,Ct. I Use TO LIVE THERE!! WOW!!!!
    The row of the old stone stores was my favorite haunt!! My friend Nancy owns the florist. There was a Bridal shop towards the middle..where I had my wedding dress made...and on the end was my favorite Antique shop!! There was also a bead shop there as well, maybe that's where the button shop is now??
    I love these pictures, but, especially the row of the stone stores!!
    Around Christmas time they use to have an Ice sculpture contest...I had my picture taken by the local paper there...eating hot soup and strolling around looking at the Sculptures!! :)

    Thank you for a walk down memory lane!!

    A Blessed Christmas to you and yours!!


    Thank you, thank you for this post!!

  6. Hi Laura,
    I would have totally agreed with you about the stores name, I was completely surprised at how lovely the shop is.
    What a wonderful shop!
    Your very lucky to have finished your shopping! "Santa" still has a few things to get my boys, including hubby. :)
    Hope you have a lovely Sunday.

  7. Beautiful from


  8. What a gorgeous stone building! And even better inside with all those wonderful pieces!

  9. This is a wonderful shop....I also love the metal basket filled with pinecones....They have a lot of things that I just love, especially the architectural pieces.

    Happy Holidays! Yes, my shopping is finished! I shopped at local stores this year and not malls!

  10. I am finished and shopped locally and made gifts. I will spend next week baking with the kids! Have a great holiday. Di@Cottage-wishes

  11. I love your blog and have followed you for some time now.
    I notice on the sidebar about not using any of your contents.
    Does this include pinning pictures to Pinterest. Something I just don't want to lose track of.
    thank you Katie

  12. Hi Laura!

    You won my Vintage dress giveaway!!
    Sorry for my delay... only eight days late in posting the winner~
    Please email me your mailing address and your treasure will be on its way home to you!
    LOVE your post! Thank you for sharing :)
    Wishing you joy~

  13. Encore un endroit pour rêver,il faut que je fasse de la place dans mes tiroirs avant de venir aux USA...

    Je te souhaite un joyeux Noël ainsi qu'à ta famille.

    Amicalement ma chère amie.


  14. I need to go to Chester asap! No, still not done. This year I have been so busy. But, I will finish tomorrow if I like it or not;) And I am working on a home made gift right now. Wish me luck. Have a great week. Laura.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  15. I absolutely love Your blog !Thanks for sharing pics from that beautiful store...I am so glad,that we are going " back in time " to rescue pieces of" old times", there is some magic in it...
    Have a Blessed Christmas !

  16. That large cuboard would look great in one of my rooms...

  17. The old metal lockers and iron lantern are absolutely gorgeous!!! What a treasure filled store =) Xoxoxo

  18. Yummm. This store looks like something out of my dreams! Love that baby pine tree/Christmas tree and the metal lockers, especially!!


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