Saturday, August 20, 2011

Madison Bouckville Review

I was so excited to get on the road to the markets
 at Madison Bouckville...
I could hardly sleep the night before.
I was on the road at 5 am...driving in the pitch dark
 and then the early morning fog.

I was there by 7 am...and after a steaming cup of hot coffee, 
I was ready for the hunt.
Problem was... most of the dealers hadn't opened their tents up yet and were recovering from the torrential rain storms
 that whipped through the area on Monday and Tuesday.

But after about an hour, things starting waking up.
It was a beautiful morning and really a lovely day all of Wednesday.

I took most of my pictures in the early morning. 
Random shots of whatever caught my eye.
Have a look...

This antique doll house was huge and from the 1800's.
The dealer told me he found it in an attic in Boston.
The entire front pulls out so the children could play with it.
I took a picture so my Dad could see it as he has built several large doll houses...although not quite this big!

This picture was taken from the back of the doll house...
looking through to the front and beyond.

"Odd Moments" and some odd pictures! 

A box of teeth?

Throughout the morning, I was texting back and forth 
We met here last year and were hoping to meet up again. 
We started at opposite ends of town
 and were making our way toward each other.
 When she reached Butternut Hill...
I told her to look for a seven foot green ladder
 and the booth of Vicki Potter of The Rose Arbor. 

We found each other and Vicki too!

Vicki had the most beautiful booth!
She had reached out to me the night before via email
 and told me to be on the lookout for her...
...that we both loved similar things.
She was right!

Thanks Vicki!
I am so glad we met.
 I will show you what I brought home with me from her booth.

Judi and I spent the rest of the afternoon together...
poking around and finding treasures here and there.
I found everything I was looking for...
...and some surprises too...
both for myself and the three winners of the MB Give Back.

We stopped for lunch and a rest and guess who walked by?
Yes, it was Gina from Vintage Junk In My Trunk!
She and her husband Paul were on their annual week get-away...
Can you imagine an entire week with your husband
 at the Madison Bouckville markets?
He loves it as much as she does!
This would not work as well with Mr. Flea.

At the end of our day, as we were driving behind the fields of dealers and their wares
on dirt trails, trying to avoid the mud...
 on our way to pick up the old door that Judi had bought to use as a backdrop for photo shoots, (see earlier picture)...

...she paused for a moment in order to give me time
 to snap this picture.
 We really were out in the most beautiful farm country.
 If you click on the picture you can see the wind turbines in the background.

Thanks for the ride back to my car Judi!
I never would have made it to the other side of town without you.

It was a great day!
Check back for pictures of some of the treasures I found!


  1. These are some stunning pictures, Laura!! The incredible variety of what was on offer is just mindblowing - the sort of place you could literally lose yourself in flights of fancy! :-)

    Cannot wait to see which treasures you chose to bring home for yourself!

    Jem xXx

  2. I want that box of stamps!! And the old Post Office kiosk is a lovely, quirky piece :-)
    I wish I had markets like this locally to me!


  3. Wow, so many wonderful treasures! Love the doll house. Eeek, The box of teeth-I can do without!!!

  4. oh my much beauty in ONE place! i would be hyperventilating for sure!! can't WAIT to see what you brought home!

  5. Oh Laura, I took a photo of that dreamy dollhouse at the May Brimfield show and posted it on my blog as well. You would never know the photo you took from the back of the dollhouse isn't a life size house. Too cool. I'm so glad you asked more about it, because I was trying to figure out who and why someone would let a treasure like that go.



  6. it was my pleasure laura! and it was a most pleasant afternoon hunting for treasures (despite the heat!)with you. we MUST do it again next year AND with more people.

    looking at your pics, i see all the great items i missed at the other wonder gina & paul spend a week there! there is SO much to see and take in.

    have a great weekend,

  7. Looked like a wonderful flee market! Can't wait to see what you bought!

  8. What a fun day! I love antique markets. Your kind of stuff looks like my kind of stuff. Terry

  9. Oh Laura,
    That shot of the doll's house from the back makes it look like a real house. As usual, my comment is the same....I LOVE IT ALL !!!! The chest with little drawers, the quilts, the bottles. the patchwork quilts, ALL of the furniture.....even the teeth !! The only thing that I'm not so sure about is the bycicle. Could be quite painful !!!! haha.
    Thanks for showing us all of the wonderful things and I am looking forward to see what caught your eye and what you bought home this time. XXXX

  10. ...beautiful market,I would be there!

  11. I've been waiting to see what your day was like(without me) haha. I missed so much I could kick myself.
    I'm in love with everything...ok except for the teeth. Would make a great prop for Halloween though.

    Glad you made some new friends.
    You look adorable btw! see you shouldn't be so camera shy.


  12. Oh My
    Wonderful pictures and fabulous treasures
    Looks like so much FUN!!!

  13. ...really a great day and great pictures!

  14. I hated to see the photos end! What a great market; I don't know how one could see it all! Your photos are so good...thanks for sharing. Egretta

  15. hi laura! so many treasures to chose from. i can't wait to see what you brought home? gotta tell you though, i am slightly freaked out by those teeth! ew

  16. So much eye candy! The doll house caught my eye of course. :D Not that I need another one, as I don't have room for the ones I have now. Thanks for sharing your trip.

  17. I would go nuts at a sale like that. The jars in the first picture and the demijohns in the second made me gasp out loud. What fun.

  18. oh man, nothing better than a good antique/flea market.....heaven on earth. Looks like some wonderful items!!!!

  19. Hi
    These pictures are stunning......what a place :)
    an do not miss




    WELCOME :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  20. Thanks for sharing. I am drooling over that shot with the wicker covered bottles. It's my latest obsession.

  21. I want to go to fleas with you!! I love all the pictures..even the odd teeth. I wish I could see the price tags on things to compare to things I see here at home in the NW. I always wonder if they run higher or lower. So glad you got to meet up with your friend----it is more fun tht way!

  22. Oh this is my kind of Market! Such Gorgeous Wares!! Thanks for sharing, I'll be on the Lookout to see what you brought back!!


  23. Oh WOW !!! Amazing pictures and amazing stuff !!!!

  24. oh!!! soooooo many great treasures!

  25. Wow, thanks, that was fun!! I didn't get to any fleas like I wanted, so thanks for sharing yours with us!! Gorgeous booths!!

  26. Awesome photos & what great finds!

  27. Lots of great stuff there! Can't wait to see what you found. I have to cyber flea thru blogs to see all the fun!

  28. Ok, I want the post office, the wedding dress, the white door, the purple bottles...I could go on...
    How are the prices?

  29. What a yummy looking place! Wow, makes me even more excited for Warrenton next month!

  30. WHEW! What fun and fab and fearsome stuff! Loved the wedding dress, so dreamy. The selection of 'hands' begs for the caption - who wants to go thrifting with Laura? I Do! I do! Me Too!

  31. Wow it totally looks like you must have had a blast. Everything looked so wonderful. I am sure you wanted to take everything home. lol. That vintage dress was just gorgeous.


  32. Wow, Laura, your photos are fabulous! Almost better than the real thing--even the teeth look good! I am so glad you and Judi spotted me--so nice to hang out with you two for a while. I don't remember seeing those typewriters, but after 5 days everything starts to blur...

  33. This looks like the best kind of day! Outdoors, meeting up with blog friends (wish I could have been there!), and surrounded by the best goodies! Great photos, Laura!

  34. I'm definitely going to do more of this! What fun! Those first two lead shots of bottles are fabulous!

  35. Oh my goodness I so want to be there too!!

  36. Hi Laura,
    Your blog has always been one of my favorites and I have it one the sidebar of mine so that others can find it. Thanks so much for your great photos of the Madison-Bouckville show. I was there once with my sister a few years ago and would love to go back (probably without my DH...he must take after Mr. Flea). It's such a huge show and your photos were the best eye-candy I've seen in a long time. I couldn't believe that you even found a box of teeth! You've inspired me to stop making excuses about the long dirve, round up a girlfriend or two, and make the trip back up to NY for next year's show. Great post...thanks!
    Cheryl at My Sister's Cottage

  37. Looks Like a lot of fun. What a small world....I knew Vicki Potter when she lived in Washington State.

  38. Wonderful pictures, Laura! Thank you so much! And there YOU are! very nice to meet you!!!
    I envy you so much...there's nothing compared to this in Germany...nothing!! A whole WEEK! How amazing is that! I love the boxes, the bottles, the buttons, windows...and...teeth (???)! If I only could take a tiny glimpse.........
    But maybe you can show us some more pics??

  39. Wow,look like great fun. I an understand why you couldn't sleep. Great pics, thanks for sharing!

  40. I want to be there it looks like a great place!
    I've seen so many pieces in your photos that I love and could easily find a home for. Its a shame I am so far away in the UK.

    Debbie X

  41. Oh what a great Show, no wonder you were amped up with anticipation at attending it! So much to see and look for... and isn't photographing it as much fun as scoring some pieces? I always think so anyway... and then sharing it is equally gratifying. Thanks for taking us along on this great Trip... I'm still trying to recover from the sight of those Stained Glass Arched Doorways with the Urn motif! OMG,I can only imagine what the building must have looked like that they once Graced?!? Magnificent!!! There's just too much I would have had to try to resist there... *Smiles*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert...Dawn... The Bohemian

  42. What a lovely post !!...nice to read......what a nice day you have had !!....but who are you on the picture?? the one with the had ??? love

  43. Wow ... I'm speechless! seriously!
    ... thank you for all the fine eye candy!

  44. What a delicious post! I was not able to go to this tremendous show this year, so i have been "eye shopping" through all your great pictures. Just seeing all these wonderful wares is almost as good as being there...and a lot cheaper! haha! Thank you!! I was just at Schuyler Pond yesterday, too, after reading your post about the show there. Maybe you'll be there in December? I love your blog , and have been following for a while, and finally figured out how to put you in the blog roll on the side!
    dawne @ quiddity2

  45. Thanks a lot:) now I wanna go shopping! Looks like a great day, wonderful goodies and smiles with friends!

    Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  46. You know you're killin' me here, don't you?

  47. OMG I wish I was there with a million bucks in my pocket! Pure heaven!

  48. What beautiful country and vintage stuff too...what a deal...can't wait to see what you got. Bet you wanted to stay forever...

  49. What a wonderful show you got to go to. I hope to someday go to one in the EASTCOAST. Hugs Mary

  50. You photos are incredible -- I want to shop here!! Those poor dealers having to deal with rain ...

    PS I am camera shopping - may I ask what you use?

  51. OMG What a fabulous place to shop. There are markets and there are other markets, but this one looked quite unbelievable!!

    This would be the epitome of the HUNT!

    Great photos Laura. A wonderful post!

    Mary Anne ox

  52. I just knew I would LOVE the MB show! Sure enough; your pictures tell me I would, indeed! I see things in almost every picture - well, except the teeth - that I would buy. Can't wait until I have the opportunity to go in person.

    Thanks for the grand tour, Laura.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  53. Wow - that's MY KIND OF STUFF! How exciting for us to see the lovely things that catch your eye. I look forward to seeing more on future posts.
    - Revi ( - a new follower :)

  54. Wow! That looks like an awesome flea market!

    Lindsey Turner

  55. Oh, this looks like the most fun EVER!

  56. Great pics Laura, like walking with you there!!! wish one day i could visit this huge market!!! W. the Antiques Lovers from Italy!

  57. The antiques look too irresistible! What fun you must have, I'm jealous.
    Love your photos. Can't wait for more.


  58. Oh's a darn good thing I didn't see that huge dollhouse--I might have gotten myself into even more trouble. I came home with a bungalow :)

  59. Wow...what great stuff Laura!!
    Can't wait for Brimfield now!

  60. Great photos Laura!!!
    I love shopping with my camera
    Are you the one wearing the hat?
    Kinda jealous...

  61. Oh, I would have bought the white thread on wooden spools also, and the old lace. I thank you for sharing, it was fun to visit!


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