Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Heading To Madison Bouckville To Shop For...

I'm packed and ready to go to the Madison Bouckville
 Antique markets early tomorrow morning.

Thank you for all your comments and for spreading the word.
So many of you said you would love to come flea-ing with me...
...I really would love that!

The three randomly selected winners of my little Give Back...
...those lucky girls who I will be shopping for... are:

1. Cindy from Fat Cow Studio

2. Anonymous from Italy  W. The Antiques Lovers

3. Egretta Wells

If you haven't already mentioned what you love and what I should be on the lookout for...please email me either tonight or sometime tomorrow while I am out hunting and gathering!

I will bring my camera and take lots of pictures to share with all.

Thanks for playing along everyone!
Have a great Wednesday!


  1. Well Laura,
    Those three winners are very, very lucky and I, for one,am very envious !!!! hehe.
    What a lovely giveaway for them to win. You always find such wonderful things Laura.
    Happy hunting. XXXX

  2. Have a wonderful time shopping for treasures!

    Tami @ A Girls Gotta Nest

  3. That's a great antiques flea market...I went once and couldn't believe how far it stretched along route 20...heaven for us junkers! Can't wait to see what you bring back.
    Cheryl at My Sister's Cottage

  4. I cannot wait to see your treasures! Congratulations to these lucky ladies, I am sure that you will find some wonderful things for them.

  5. That sounds like so much fun!
    I hope you have a wonderful time and bring home many fabulous finds

  6. Oh, I hope you have a great time & take LOTS of pictures!!

  7. Those cage lights are divine! Bring back LOTS of those for us poor saps who didn't get to go!Have fun!

  8. Congratulations!!!! And have a fun shopping spree! Can't wait to see pictures!
    Kris kshedarowich@yahoo.com

  9. congratulations to the winners! i cant wait to see some pics from your flea market treasure day!
    have an awesome time!

  10. Hi Laura,
    many congratulations to the lucky winner.
    Wishing you lots of fun at the flea market, I'm looking forward for your great prictures...
    xoso Bine

  11. I'm not a lady, but i'm a winner! really no words to describe how happy i'm!!! Enjoy your treasure hunting Laura, wish i could be there with you! alredy send you an email!! Thanks again!!! W. the Antiques Lovers from Italy!!

  12. Bravo les gagnantes...

    A kiss from Provence .


  13. I can't wait to see what treasures you find and all the wonderful photos you will take!
    Have a wonderful time!
    hugs, Cheryl

  14. These are three very lucky ladies!! Enjoy your shopping, looking forward to seeing what you buy...

  15. What a way to start my day! I opened your blog and found out I was a winner!!! Thank You!!
    I look forward to seeing what you find!

  16. Congrats to the Ladies of your giveaway... Have a great time shopping can't wait to see what you find...

  17. Hello Laura,
    Congrats to the lucky ladies who won the giveaway. Have a wonderful time hunting for treasures.
    Smiles, Paula

  18. Love going to flea markets too!
    Congratulations to the winners;o)
    Hope there will be more to come;o)

  19. Congrats to the winners!

    How fun it must be to be able to go to MB on a shopping spree for others. Hope you have a blast, Laura, and find many special treasures for the winners AND yourself.

    By the way, I love the light cages. I have a collection of them, too. But I've never seen one like the one in the middle. Too cool!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  20. Enjoy it and stop in and see us at the Madison County Visitor Center.

  21. Good Morning, Laura,
    Congratulations to the lucky winners. I am looking forward to seeing photos of your fabulous finds.

    Make a thoughtful Thursday. ~Natalie

  22. They are so lucky, Laura. What a great treasure hunt!!!

  23. Oh Laura, I am so excited! I just got out of hospital for a few days and am home feeling well and checked you blog! When I saw my name as a winner, I could not believe my eyes! I am so excited and of course whatever you pick, I will find delightful. Thank you so much! XO, Egretta

  24. So fun! I just
    love Cindy and
    know the others
    must be very excited
    to have you as their
    personal shopper, too : )
    I've kind of done
    a bit of that this
    summer, picking up
    things I find for my
    family and friend's
    collections. Enjoy
    the hunt, Laura!
    xx Suzanne


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