Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Remembering Starla...

Our family is sad this week as we had to say goodbye
 to our beloved Starla.
She was the best kitty ever,
 a special member of our family for the last 12 years
 and we miss her greatly.
I just thought you would want to know.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Our pets leave us too soon. Starla is so beautiful. May you treasure the memories.

  2. Oh sweet Laura, I'm so very sorry for your loss of precious Starla ~ these precious creatures become such important parts of our families, don't they? Sending you big ol' hugs and much, much love, Dawn

  3. A sad time. Pets are family. Unconditional love.

  4. I am so very sorry. My heart breaks for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.
    I can tell from that photograph how much she was loved. What a blessing you were to each other.

  5. Oh Laura, I am so sorry to hear about the death in your family. Starla is so beautiful in her picture. Hang in there my dear.


  6. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Starla. It's so sad to lose pets who have become part of the family.

  7. oh, starla is beautiful and i'm so sorry to hear she's not with you anymore. it is so hard to lose a pet.

  8. sorry to hear about your beloved kitty friend...
    may she be remembered with happiness and joy...

    xo, Rosemary

  9. I'm sorry you lost your baby girl. Sending a hug. I lost my Comet recently. How they are missed.

  10. I am truly sorry to hear of your loss. :(

  11. Oh, like so many of us, I know just how you feel! And I was just telling my little guy last night that he better be my buddy for at least 10 more years and not a day less! Nothing fills that emptiness you feel but time and the knowing that you gave that little angel such wonderful life!

    m ^..^

  12. Sorry for your loss. You're the 2nd blogger today who lost a kitty this tough when they're such a loyal part of your family.

  13. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Starla. I am sure you have many happy memories of her that will help comfort you at this difficult time. It is always hard to say goodbye to a beloved member of the family.


  14. I am so very sorry. I know your heart is breaking.

  15. Oh no Laura.. that is too sad.. Love this photo of her with her teddy/kitty..
    My childhood kitty lived to 17 or so.. it's a long life for them.. she'll be chasing mices to pieces in kitty heaven.. xxx Julie

  16. I am so sorry. It is so hard when we lose our 4 legged family members. Thinking of you.

  17. Oh Laura, I am so, so sorry.
    Starla reminds me so much of my own Winnie, such a beautiful girl.

    You gave her a wonderfully happy kitty life, and she loved you beyond measure, as only our fur babies can.

    Many hugs and prayers for you this night, my friend.


  18. Laura, I am so sorry to learn about Starla. The picture you posted is so very sweet. My kitty is almost 13 and slowing down. Starla will be in your hearts forever. It is so very hard to say goodbye to our dear four legged family members. My thoughts are with you,

  19. Oh Laura, im so sad with you, i have tears in my eyes!!! Sweet Starla looked like Pablo & Katie and she will always stay in our hearts!!!!

    Love and warm hugs, Jade

  20. What a precious little angel that came to visit for a while. My heart aches for you, because I know what it means to love a furry person so much and then lose them...xoxoxox Rest in the fact that you gave her the most-loved 12 years a kitty could ask for.

  21. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It's so difficult to lose a beloved member of the family. May your memories of your special girl comfort you.

  22. Laura,
    My heart breaks for you. She looks like such a pretty kitty. It is hard when we have to say goodbye to our faithful furry friends.

    Take care ~Natalie

  23. I'm so sorry for your loss of your sweet girl, Starla. We have them for such a short time but they leave such an empty spot in our hearts when they are gone and are missed SO much. Praying that you are comforted.
    I know just what you are feeling. They are such a joy and blessing to us.

    Comforting hugs being sent your way,

  24. ...sorry,she looks sweet and beautiful...
    Animals become part of our family...

  25. Hugs to all of you...we know the loss.

  26. Oh you broke my heart seeing her with her teddy bear. We started with five kitties, got down to one due to illness and old age (19 year old was the oldest)

    Then one day an old tom cat showed up on our doorstep. He was so sick and so timid, it took us taking warm blankets and food outside for 6 months to coax him inside where I then whisked him to the vet. We almost lost him but he's still with us. I named him Moses because he looked like he'd crossed the desert back and forth again. He's a sweet baby who we adore. I hope you find an angel kitty to help you heal your heart. xoxo-cindy

  27. Oooohhh Laura I'm so sorry for your Sarla!!!!
    Big big hugs.

  28. O my dear !! sad news.....i will give you a big huge hug darling.......!!love from come and join my day today.....with tears and a

  29. So sorry to hear about your kitty.
    Thinking of you,
    Anne xx

  30. what sad news. I'm so sorry to hear you lost such an important part of your family. We lost our dog 4 years ago and my heart still aches. big hugs xo

  31. So sorry for your loss. May precious memories comfort you in your grief. Gentle hugs

  32. My heart breaks for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.

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  33. Starla had a good life with you and your family, full of love and freedom.

  34. I am so sorry to hear the bad news... It's never fun to go though this kind of pain.. You and your family are in my thoughts


  35. Oh that's sad... {{{Hugging my little pup in honour of your sweet kitty}}}

  36. Oh dear Laura, so sorry to hear about Starla. I know she was a special part of your family and you must be so sad right now. You must frame this precious photo of her - she is just too adorable in it.

  37. So sorry for your loss... always hard, losing a beloved pet.

  38. I am so very sorry. Sending kind and gentle hugs your way.

  39. Laura, so sorry that your lovely Starla is no longer with you.

  40. So sorry to hear about sweet Starla! Sending hugs and blessings to you and yours, Tammy

  41. So sorry to hear about your precious Starla...she was gorgeous...I pray the hole in your heart heals soon...

    Donna T.

  42. So sorry......... Words fail me.....

  43. As one who lost her precious pooch in January, yes I would want to know.
    I'm truly sorry for your loss and my heart cries with yours.

  44. So sorry...our buddies leave us with a big hole in our hearts when they go. Love that photo of Starla with her bear; what a sweet memory to treasure.


  45. I am so sorry. It is so hard to lose a beloved pet. I don't even like to refer to them as pets because they are truly members of the family. Your Starla looked so much like my one and only cat Waffle. She's been gone for many years, but I still miss her and she lives in my heart.

    Susan and Bentley

  46. aww, laura...i did want to know. i am sorry for your loss, and grateful for starla's presence in your life for so long. comfort and peace to you today...xok.

  47. So sorry to hear the loss of your pet. Its very hard to lose a pet. My sister just had to put down their beloved beagle of 14 years. She was their "only child".

  48. So sorry for your loss, Laura!

  49. we just went thru that x 2. Aughhh it is the most horrible thing. I have tears in my eyes just looking at Starla's photo. I noticed that it looks like she has a Steif kitty toy between her that true?
    I know how you all are feeling.♥

  50. I am so very sorry for your loss. I too lost a dearly loved pet recently and it was and still is very hard so I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
    She was a beautiful kitty. Hugs-Carrie

  51. I'm very sorry for your loss! Having just lost our Border Collie a few months ago I can relate to the pain and emptiness that follows the loss of a beloved pet. Thinking of you and your family!


  52. Hi Laura - I am sorry that you have lost your beloved Starla - I do truly understand your loss. We love our kitties here at our house and we have lost precious pets in the past that were truly part of our family too. Still, today, I could cry at the drop of a hat remembering those loved pets.

    Starla was so lucky to have a family that loved her so~~


  53. I'm so sorry, Laura. We love our animals so much too. Thinking of you. xoxo

  54. So sorry about Starla. I love that name and that picture of her with her little stuffed kitty brought tears to my eyes. She was a sweetie!

  55. Laura, so sorry you lost your sweet kitty. I know you are heart broken.

  56. Blessings to darling Starla...Love the pic of her and her beautiful.
    Hope all healing comes you way soon and be grateful to have had such
    a wonderful friend in your life.

    on a cheerier note. I am having a
    giveaway to promote my ETsy Shop...come on by. Cynthia

  57. of course we want to know. sweet, sweet starla! joan@anythinggoeshere

  58. The heavens shine brighter with Starla there! I am so sorry for your loss!!! I know that Starla is watching over you! Kris =^..^=

  59. I am so sorry to hear the news :(
    Rest in peace precious Starla

  60. The surprise in life is that we miss them so much...i understand. Sooo sorry...Hugs

  61. so sorry for you...she was a lucky girl to be so loved....

  62. My heart grieves for you. We lost our 17 year old
    Murphy a few weeks back. Our four-footed friends leave such wonderful memories in our hearts.

  63. Losing a pet is so hard - just when you think it seems better, you'll miss her presence on your couch or under your feet. So sorry.

  64. Laura, Ebbie and I are so sorry and sad that you lost your beloved Starla. She was so much a member of your family. You will always carry her in your hearts.
    We are thinking of you and send our love,
    Many hugs, Evi and Ebbie

  65. My condolences on the loss of your Beloved Fur Baby Starla, she is adorable!

    I too lost my Old Cat recently that we'd had almost 20 years and the loss is still so fresh that it seems odd not having her around the house... her essence is still here and evident. May you be comforted during this difficult time with the special memories you all shared of Starla.

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  66. Oh Laura, I feel so sad for your loss. My family lost our beloved Golden Karma last month to cancer and it is still SO difficult. I'm sure Karma was there to great your lil' Starla : ) HUGE hug to you and your family ~

  67. Oh Laura I know what you are going thru. It's hard to let them go. We just lost Bella our newest baby. I keep thinking she'll show back up. I wanted to write a post about her but I start crying everytime I think of it.
    Starla was very loved by you and your family and now blogland....we will all miss her.


  68. I'm so sorry for your loss of your dear Starla. We have a Miss Bella in our home - her & Starla look alike. {{HUGS}} to you & your family during this time of loss.

  69. Oh I'm so sorry Laura! It's so hard to lose a family member like a kitty!

  70. I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. I lost my 14 1/2 year old dog about 6 weeks ago, so understand what you are going through. Pets are definitely a much loved family member.

  71. I am so sorry for your loss. Pets are so special. They can steal your heart in no time at all!

  72. Oh Laura I just read this post and I'm so sorry about your sweet kitty. They really do touch our hearts and become part of the family don't they.

  73. Hello Laura,
    Oh, I am so sorry for your family’s loss of your beloved Starla. She will be missed and seemed like such a sweet kitty.
    With My Love, Paula

  74. I'm very sorry for your loss. Pets are such special companions.

  75. Oooohhhhhh, I'm sorry to hear that! It's very hard to say goodbey to a pet.


  76. Oh, I feel so sorry for you, Laura! Our pets are truly members of the family and the grief we experience over their loss is very painful.

    Sending you hugs,
    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  77. I am sorry to hear about your sweet kitty. You gave her a wonderful life and I know she felt loved everyday.

  78. Hi Laura

    So sorry to read about Starla. I am a cat lover and have had many cats over the years, I know how painful it feels when they pass away. They are part of the family. She must have had a wonderful life with you.
    Take care
    Isabelle x

  79. I'm sorry about your sweet kitty. Poor baby Starla. We have two cats who are sisters. They are part of the family. HUGS

  80. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved kitty!!

  81. Your kitty will be in our memories :) what a wise and adorable face!

  82. So sorry for your loss. She was obviously well loved!

  83. We, too, lost a dear four-legged member of our family on July 22; so I know exactly what you're going through. I have a special posting for Dudley on my site at
    Our other dog, Molly, is all alone now and slowing making her own adjustments.


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