Thursday, July 21, 2011

Keeping Cool


Floating on the lake was about the only way to keep cool today.
Even up in these mountains, the thermometer registered
 100 degrees on Dad's back deck.
I don't think I can remember it ever being this hot up here...
but fortunately the forecast is for a bit cooler weather tomorrow.
We are so grateful to be here by the lake.

Thank you for all your kind wishes and comments
 in regards to the loss of our little kitty Starla.
We were overwhelmed and comforted by the out pouring
 of love and support from all our blogging friends.

I hope you are finding a way to keep cool in this summer heat!


  1. Another hot one here today also. I had to get out this afternoon, so ran the a/c on max. to and from.

  2. Here there is wind,fortunatly....othervise we are like eggs friing under the sun !.

  3. Just just just lovely pic's!!!

    Agneta, Sweden

  4. How cute is that little girl? Y'all stay cool and enjoy the lake for me!

  5. Oh I wanna get in there, float around and dip my head in the water. That just looks like sooooooo much fun.


  6. It's hard to keep cool here in Kansas this summer. This is our 28th day of triple digit temperatures with another day of 105 and tomorrow they expect 108. It's all I can do to keep the lilac groves and the new gardens and new patch of lawn alive. If that wasn't bad enough the well water is dangerously low. Sigh. I get my 'summer fix' by admiring fellow bloggers posts on their beautiful lush green gardens and ones like yours that show their time spent at the lake or sea. THANKS for that!!! Have a wonderful day and stay cool!
    Maura :)

  7. She looks adorable in that float.

  8. The heat is really bad here as well! I would love to take a dip in the lake!

    So sorry about kitty! I really behind on blogging!


  9. Hello Laura,
    Floating on the lake seems like a wonderful way to spent a hot summer day and stay cool. Down here in Florida we have been jumping into our pool everyday afternoon to cool off. I love your photos; they are amazing. Thanks for sharing.
    Smiles, Paula

  10. Love the photos!! So sorry to hear bout Starla though. :(

  11. Huh! all day rain here in Denmark today, can we buy some of your degrees ? :-)

  12. Hi Laura...sitting here in the pines this morning catching up with you. So sorry to hear about sweet Starla...hugs to you.

    Loving all your finds (the scale is my favorite too). We had a beautiful strong breeze at our lake yesterday, hoping for the same today as it is going to be another doozy!!

  13. Oh that reminds me of my own childhood days spent in the water- any water!

  14. the weather is also very hot in Provence
    to keep cool : the swimming pool for all !
    friendly from south of france

  15. i can remember a great big inner tube like this one when we were kids and spent every summer on the lake....gave me a lifetime of sweet it is either the community pool or stay indoors with the a/c..this is phoenix in the summer.....sigh

  16. Le bonheur de barboter dans l'eau quand il fait chaud !
    belle soirée

  17. looks enticing. Called earlier, now I know where you were. Best place to be. I feel water logged from the pool.
    Talk to you soon.
    Stay cool,
    love, Evi

  18. Oh, Laura - I'm so sorry to hear about Starla. I know too well how difficult it is to lose a furbaby. :( She's up in heaven with my Tessa playing in fields of daisies. :) Blessings to you, sweetie. ♥

    xoxo laurie

  19. On your side of the world it's hot.
    On my side it's cold, too cold and rainy.

    Greetz, Sylvia from Amsterdam

  20. It was 105 here for two days in a row and it looks as though it's heading that high again today! YUCK!!! Thank goodness you had the lake to cool you off.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  21. ah, i am behind in reading. i was shocked to hear Starla went to kitty heaven. i thought she was so dear and loved seeing her on your blog. that's too too bad. Bestest,Denise

  22. Love these pics . They look like summer , like happiness


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