Monday, July 25, 2011

Remember Nana's Cookie Jar?

Stopped in to check on my booth at School House Treasures in Broadalbin on my way back home to report for jury duty.

This old cookie jar caught my eye in Pam's booth.
Such cheery pink flowers and a great vignette!

My Nana had a similar cookie jar and it brings back wonderful memories of her oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies...mmmmm!

Did you grow up with a cookie jar that you eyed high up on a shelf? 
...that you couldn't wait to reach your hand into?
mmm....Nana's cookies!


  1. What a beautiful jar......!! enjoy your week

  2. Hello Laura,
    I love strolling through antique shops and flea markets especially when I stumble upon an old item that bring back a flood of happy memories. That is a wonderful memory of your Grandma and her cookie jar.
    Smiles, Paula

  3. Oh this jar is so pretty! I think most of our grandmothers had cookie jars and it is such a fond memory sticking my hand in and pulling out a wonderful homemade cookie!!

  4. You're right, Laura. This cookie jar IS part of a very nice vignette.

    Interestingly, I really don't have any cherished memories of cookies or cookie jars - although desserts were NEVER lacking, while I was growing up. My fondest memories involve gathering fresh produce from the garden, on my grandparents farm, and the delicious meals centered around THOSE goodies. ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  5. That really is a beautiful cookie jar!!!

  6. Good Morning,
    Yes, both my grandma and my mom had a cookie jar...always full!

    Have a marvelous Monday ~Natalie

  7. You brought back some good memories with that photo! We had a jar like that growing up. My mom usually kept it full. We also lived out in the country & had some unique pets from time to time. Once my dad brought home some baby racoons that we raised. They learned to open the cookie jar and put the lid back. My mom thought my brother was eating all the cookies!

  8. I inherited my mother's cookie jar. One of those piggy cookie jars. Worth some money now but wouldn't sell it for all the memories.

  9. My Mema's cookie jar was a '70s green plastic Tupperware that you had to "burp" to make sure it sealed. But the cookies were still pretty danged good. ;~)

  10. You know, I didn't but I did grow up with a Nana that had a drawer of Black Jack gum that we thought was pretty special and another Nana that made us homemade fudge. If it didn't work out, we ate it on ice cream and saltines. Memories like this are so nice. Thank, Laura. You are a dear.

  11. Laura, my mother had a red tin cookie jar. Years after I left home, I wanted to see if she still had it. I remembered it to be really big and very tall. When she pulled it out from back the cabinet, it was small! I was shocked that as a child, I saw it so huge and it really wasn't. But, I have it now and what special memories it brings to mind!

  12. My Mom had one... Aunt Jemima by McCoy. I have the cookie jar in my kitchen. My Husband hates

  13. Mmm I grew up with my Nana's tea cups in mind. I am lucky enough to have some and they are so precious to me. Now - I'd better fly! reading your post gives me the urge for a late night snack!! Much love to you Laura

  14. Gorgeous cookie jar! We didn't have a cookie jar growing up. There were so many mouths in the house... we ate them right off the cookie sheet! Enjoy your day and your new purchase! HUGS!

  15. indeed...cookie jar heaven... mmmmm...thanks for the memory and the oh-so-pretty photo! you are doing summer right... -xok.

  16. funny, i was just visiting with my cousin and gramma's red riding hood cookie jar came up in conversation. it resides in her sister's home after it had been used in her classroom for storage. a parent told her the value of it and it was taken home pronto.
    i have been to broadalbin...route 67 near where my sis use to live. ;)


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