Monday, July 25, 2011

Back To Blue

Well, I wasn't selected as a juror...'s back to the blue lake, the blue sky, the blue mountains...
and our blueberry patches!

I can't say I'm not pretty happy about that!

Even though I'm still nursing the mosquito bites covering my legs...
 (the result of last week's berry picking)'s worth the itch and I'm ready to pick more!

You see, if we don't pick those plump juicy berries
 just as soon as they are ripe...
...the bears and the birds strip the bushes clean!

What's a few mosquito bites when fresh berries are available?

I know Dad, Uncle Don and Mr. Flea
 will be happy to eat some blueberry pancakes this week!

So...tomorrow I travel back north and of course,
I will stop at my little booth at Schoolhouse Treasures
 and add a few more goodies that I just happened to dig up
 this afternoon while sorting through things.

And...of course, I will stop here and there along the way.
I wonder what I will find this time?

I hope your week is off to a good start!


  1. Your photos are so lovely!

    xo kelley

    ps bugs love me too

  2. That blueberry picture looked like it could be lifted right off the screen. What is it about this wonderful, magical, tiny blue??? Also, can't believe how much bluer they look with their green leaves. A lovely blue post Laura!

  3. What amazing photos and blueberry pancakes sound delicious!
    Hugs, Cheryl

  4. Lovely pictures!! Love the colour of the blue berries ( and the taste :-)

    xoxo Rozmeen

  5. Enjoy your week darling....lots of

  6. That's a good load of blueberries. I've had the total of three berries from mine but still delicious. xx

  7. How appropriate that you should mention blueberries Laura, I was at the garden centre yesterday and they had lots of blueberry plants. The friend thaat I was with said her blueberry plants had had so much fruit this year. It is obviously a very good year for blueberries !!
    Hope that your bites get better soon and that you find lots of wonderful treasures on your journey back. XXXX

  8. BEARS! OH heck no. Our blueberries are just about finished for the season. Have enjoyed a couple of blueberry cobblers and the rest are in the freezer.

  9. Good for you about the jury selection! I love blueberries! Great photos!

  10. Oh those look delicious. I added some blueberries to my smoothie this morning. I wish I could find some fresh ones like yours.

  11. Yum, yum - the glories of fresh-picked fruit! Not only does the fruit taste terrific, but it's very photogenic, as well. ;)

    Happy berry picking.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  12. Laura
    I hope your ouchies feel better soon. And those berries {swoon} you lucky gal!!! Have a wonderful week


  13. .. Laura, just beautiful pictures ... you are such a great photographer ..

  14. Beautiful and oh so delicious looking!
    Have a wonderful weekend

  15. I love your blueberry pictures! One of my favorite books was "Blueberry's for Sal!" This brings back such great memories! My favoite dessert - Homemade Blueberry pie and you get to eat the pie crusts while the pie is cooking from the left over homemade pie shell. Oh yummy!!!! What great pictures! Too bad for the birds and the bears!! I bet they are sad they are missing out!

    Glad you are back home and thanks for the pictures and memories!


  16. Yummy, I want to hurry and bake a blueberry pie!
    Do you have a button to grab for me to put on my blog? http.//

    Carol Bray

  17. What pretty pictures! Love the blues....I don't think I've ever seen a blueberry bush; only blueberries from the grocery store. How lucky you are to have blueberries to pick!

    Happy Summer Ya'll!

  18. Thank you for taking the time to stop and comment. I have to say I have not been very good at commenting. Your blog is always inspiring and gorgeous and even though I don't comment I always visit and check in.! Hugs lulu

  19. Hello :-)
    I absolutely LOVE blueberries though I've never been picking for them! What lovely photos of your haul as well :-)
    I am now following your blog :-)
    I hope the itching gets better soon!


  20. Blueberries! I live in Colorado now but I grew up in Vermont. This is my first visit to your beautiful blog and I am guessing you are in upstate NY? How I loved to go blueberry picking as a child! I planted 3 blueberry bushes last year and they came back this year but no blueberries :( I am hoping they have to get themselves esblished and it will just take time.
    I loved all of your photos, they were just beautiful and really took me back in time.
    Love your blog!


  21. Beautiful pics! Hope your mosquito bites heal up soon!!

    Susan and Bentley

  22. Blueberry and pancakes..mmm..lovely!
    Beautiful pictures, much inspiration...lovely lovely blog...

  23. Yum! I've been freezing quarts and quarts of blueberries lately for the long, cold winter ahead. There's nothing like a warm blueberry pie while the snow flies outside! :)

    xoxo laurie

  24. Adore those blueberry photos! So beautiful!


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