Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day

Today is May Day! 
...a very special day in our family
 as Kate was born on May 1st...
25 years ago!

The prettiest time of the year for a birthday!

 All my favorite blossoms were in bloom in our yard 
when I brought my sweet baby girl home.

She's one of a kind!
My Mom called Kate...her golden girl.
A beautiful girl...making her way in this world.
We are very proud of her.

I found this picture of Kate when she was about 4...
playing "pirate princess" with her big brother.
It captures her determined spirit!

Starla is really Kate's cat...
...although she remains at home with Mr. Flea and me
 as Kate's life in Manhattan is a bit too much for her.
Starla is saying...
Happy Birthday Kate...come home and visit me!

Our lilacs have bloomed today...
just as they did 25 years ago...
...the day Katharine Grace was born.

My Mother's deep purple double French lilacs, 
My grandmother's lavender lilacs and
 Mr. Flea's grandmother's white lilacs.

Happy Birthday Kate!
Happy May Day!


  1. Happy Birthday to Kate!! :-) Hope she has a wonderful day!

    May Day is full of lovely memories for me too, I was May Princess several years running at school and it was like magic!

    Jem xXx

  2. how sweet! happy birthday to your Kate! your lilacs are beautiful!! susan

  3. Happy Birthday to Kate! Hoping she has a beautiful day filled with mwmories! It's my birthday too today - but I am NOT 25 even though I do still feel and act it sometimes!
    Wishing you a wonderful week Laura - your photos are beautiful!

  4. Happy Birthday to her!! Beautiful pics! Wish it was like that here, it's yucky and rainy! Hope she has a great birthdaY

  5. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Hope you had a great day.

  6. happy birthday to your sweet girl! hope all is well with you, i think of you often...



  7. My best wishes to Kate! Happy May Day to you! :D

  8. Happy Birtday adorable Kate! and what gorgeous pics!!!

    love your blog...

  9. Such beautiful blooms and happy birthday to your daughter.

  10. Hello Laura,
    Kate is the same age as my Daughter Michelle. Ok, what else do we have in common? Ha, Ha! Lovely post Friend. I'm still waiting for the lilacs to bloom here. At this rate, it will be Summer.
    xxx Liz

  11. Adored this post from
    beginning to end. I'm
    sure your Kate is very,
    very special and the
    lilacs at the end that
    tie all those lovely
    ladies together is really
    special, as well. Such
    gorgeous pics!!!
    xx Suzanne

  12. Happy Birthday Kate! love your blossoms in the silver coffee pot.

  13. Happy May Day, and Happy Birthday to your daughter.Your flowers are gorgeous.


  14. just lovely...thank you... happy birthday to kate! -k.

  15. Happy Birthday to Kate... and many more to come. such gorgeous photos of the flower form your yard.
    Happy Sunday to you and your family...


  16. Happy May Day and happy birthday dear Kate

    I love May DAy and I forgot to make my May Day basket an old friend said you have to make May day baskets

  17. Happy Birthday Dear Kate!!!
    Go home and visit your mother!! Auntie Ruby said so!! hehe

    Love your coffee.tea pot... ciao xxx Julie

  18. Happy Birthday to Miss Kate! I bet Starla misses her. Very cute Pirate picture and your lovely lilacs are such a treasure.

  19. Happy Birthday to your daughter AND you!! The lilacs are wonderful, what a legacy to have continue in your home..

  20. I really appreciate your enthusiasm for the lilacs as I fondly remember my very large bush blooming each year and the wonderful, fragrant bouquets that I would assemble. This is perhaps my favorite flower and since I now live where no lilac could ever grow, your post has brought memories from long ago. The silver pot makes a great container and your photos are lovely. Happy Birthday to your daughter too.

  21. Birthday greetings to Kate! What a wonderful time of year to have a birthday. Lilacs - mmmm.

  22. Happy birthday to Kate and to you, too. You seem very proud of her. Lilacs are mY favourite flowers this time of the year and when I saw yours, I felt envy.I could almost smell them from here (Spain) Lovely girl, lovely flowers.

  23. Happy birthday to Katharine Grace. What a beautiful name and such beautiful lilacs! Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

  24. Muchiiiisimas felicidades para Kate!!!!

  25. Hi Laura

    It is such as a beautiful time of the year! I love it when the lilac trees blossom and the Lilly of the Valley carpets the ground.
    Happy belated birthday to Kate
    Isabelle x

  26. Happy Birthday to Kate! I love how all of your lilacs are family lilacs, Laura. How special is that?!! I'm hoping there will be more blooms out here by May 10th, my littlest girl's birthday, as there is not yet much blooming here.

  27. Happy Birthday to Kate and nice week to you my dear friend.
    So glad that you loved my Provence pictures!!!!
    It was really a lovely Easter holiday for me!!!!
    Lot of hugs to you.

  28. I love your flower pictures! (and happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!) Not many people celebrate May Day anymore! I remember as a child, we would make nosegays and put them on our elder neighbor's front doorknobs. I still make a little flower arrangement for myself and send my mom a bouquet. It is nice to see your post about May Day!

  29. Oh I hope that your daughter had a wonderfully blessed birthday! Your lilacs are just beautiful and I bet that they smell just awesome.

  30. Happy Birthday to your daughter! My daughter's best friend is also named Kate, and was born on May 1 just a year earlier.

    I love your lilacs - I wish I had some in my garden! ::Jill

  31. Beautiful photos for a beautiful girl from her beautiful mom!!

  32. Happy Birthday to Kate! It was the best time of the year to have a baby! Loved your pretty flowers! You have such a knack at cleverly arranging them so beautifully. Mother's Day is my own daughter's birthday, 31 this year, so I know how proud, and sentimental you're feeling and I just know exactly how it feels. I wish you a happy Mother's Day too! <3 Linda

  33. I so much enjoy viewing your wonderful photos of flowers! I was inspired by this blog to try my hand at photographing the gorgeous flora around my rental home in Florida last week...I think they will definitely dress up my blog!

  34. Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter!!
    Your plea to come home to 52 flea is just beautiful!

  35. Hi Laura!

    Such lovely pictures here today! And gratulations with your daughter. She looked realy sweet there in the pink dress and the long brown hear.

    I hope everything is fine with you.
    I`m so satisfied with my life and I`m so greatful for having Thomas ;O) (We`re still in love ;O)

    See you!
    Hugs from Liv

  36. Happy Birthday to Kate! I love all your photos here - so wonderful!

  37. Happy Birthday, Kate! Beautiful photos honoring your lovely daughter :)

  38. such a lovely time of the year...happy birthday to mom and kate....a day you will always celebrate....the lilacs are so gorgeous...i miss them....

  39. How fabulous to be born on May day
    Happy Birthday to you darling Kate

  40. I have a young daughter in manhattan too! Mine is just graduating from Parsons school of design. It is both thrilling and frightening at the same time isn't it. Happy Spring!


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