Friday, April 1, 2011

Rainy Day Craft and The Winners!

When my Dad walked through the kitchen heading to the trash
with a bag full of old shredded tax returns...
I said, "hey, I want those!"

Knowing me well...
... he just shook his head and handed over the overflowing bag stuffed full of shredded numbers and letters...

I searched through my pile of magazines
 and found the latest issue of Country Living
 which had instructions for making shredded paper nests. 

Even I can do this! 

Aren't you proud of me?

Since I hadn't gotten any of Mom's Easter decorations out yet, 
I filled it with rose petals.

Rainy day fun!

Well, today was another day and it was absolutely beautiful!
The sunshine is back and is supposed to stay for a while.
Tomorrow we have another weekend...
...another chance to hunt for treasure...
 and then on Monday I plan to visit the Webster flea market... more time before Mr. Flea and I head back north.

And now for the winners of the
52 FLEA 2nd Blogversary Give Back...

The first lucky winner is:

Vicki of  the lovely blog Rusty Rooster Vintage
who will be able to create her own photo on canvas from

photo from their website


for my international friends...
the winner of a copy of Artful Blogging magazine is:

Bine of the beautiful blog Beldecor, Essentially Vintage
and the online shop Maison Beldecor

Congratulations ladies!
...and thank you to everyone who played along...
You are ALL winners to me!

Within the next few days I will be announcing
 another exciting give-away.

Hope your weekend is relaxing!


  1. Your shredded nest is wonderful. What a fabulous idea. Hugs, Marty

  2. How cute is that nest, great idea, have a great weekend and Congrats To the winners


  3. Congrats to the winners ~ Hey I love the shredded paper nest. Easy peasy ;-)

  4. Laura, I just spent hours shredding 11 years of tax returns. Ebbie has been using them to start fires in the tile stove.
    I snatched the last bag, for I too will be "nesting" when I get some free time.
    Had forgotten about the magazine. Yours came out beautiful and is pretty with the rose petals.
    I could see this at a Spring wedding.
    Have fun at the fleamarkets !
    Can't wait for your return.
    I missed you,
    Love, Evi

  5. Congratulations to the winners!

    My friend Tiffany, The Cranky Queen, made a shredded paper nest, too. Y'all are causing me to get my courage up to try one. Maybe that's tonight's project? Or tomorrow's?

  6. That project is on my to-do list also. Yours turned out beautifully!

    -Aaron {the girl with the boy's name}

  7. Congrats to these lucky ladies! Have a blessed evening! HUGS!

  8. Congratulations to the winners! Have you visited my giveaway yet?

  9. I read this post, looked down, & there beside me on the sofa was this issue of Country Living! It's a sign! I'll be 'nesting' this weekend!

  10. Congratulations to the winners! I am sure they will be thrilled. Cute nests too!!

  11. Those nests are wonderful....Such a great idea and the ultimate in recycling!

  12. Your nest turned out great! I saw that article and wanted to make them too, I see an old toolbox with some resting in it and brown eggs. I gotta do this! Congrats to Vicki and Bine! xoxo

  13. Great use for those "dreaded tax returns". :D
    Congratulations to the winners.
    Have a great weekend.

  14. I can't think of a better use for tax forms! I'd love it if you'd pop over and think about entering my Romantic Prairie Style photo challenge.


  15. Love your shredded paper next, Laura. Rainy days are perfect for a little crafting. But do enjoy the sun now and treasure hunting this weekend :)

  16. Congratulations to the winners!! Glad to know you are "nesting" while in Florida. Hope your family is doing OK.

  17. Hi, Laura - I have been looking for your blog for the longest time (I got it mixed up with another one and thought I was following you ... sigh) - anyway, I am glad to be here. The nest is great!

  18. I LOVE the Webster flea market! Have a fun time on Monday searching for treasures!!!

  19. Wow, the basket is so cool, I am definately going to have a go at that.

  20. So picked up a shredder last night at the auction $4 and today saw your blog. Loved it. Picked up an issue at the grocery store and away I go! Love your blog!

  21. Howdy girlfriend!
    Congrats to all your lucky winners!!! And just so you know...I will take some of everything on your previous post with the bits and pieces. LOL

    Make sure you schedule a trip down here and go with me to Round Top/Warrenton/Marburger in the fall! xo...deb

  22. Hi Laura! Your nest is adorable. I have been playing around with eggs, and having fun with them!!

    I live in central Florida, but have never been to the Webster flea market. I go to Renningers and just wonder how it compares to Webster. I went to my first Extravaganza at Renningers and had a blast. Is Webster as big all the time? Thanks for giving me a glimpse of what's available there! If you have a minute and can email me that would be great!

    Have a joyful Sunday!

  23. Congrats to the winners! You are fortunate to be able to spend so much quality time with your dad after the loss of your mother. Never an easy time, but it seems that you and your family are handling it with grace and gratitude. Best wishes to you as you make your way home. Tammy PS that nest is adorable

  24. Hello dear Laura,
    I can't tell you how happy I am... Thanks so much. My Email is on the way to you
    Big hugs

  25. Oh, yes, yes! Me, too! I saw those nests and then forgot where I saw them! I can do that ;-)

  26. That shredded nest is a great idea!

  27. You KNOW I love nests- this one is so unique! Love it!!


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