Thursday, March 31, 2011

Little Bits of Things

I picked up a package of biodegradable peat pots at a yard sale.
 As they sat on the dresser I starting throwing in little bits and bobs
 that I have picked up and acquired while staying here in Florida.
 The old metal 52 stencils were given to me by
 Shelley of Sweet Pea Home.
 Remember the pictures of her home when I visited there?
 It is sooo pretty!

She is set up at Marburger right now...oh I wish I was there!
 Can't wait to see her photos of that spectacular event!

Why do I do this?

That's what Dad and Mr. Flea want to know.

another pair of angel wings...

Tiny tin boxes.
Now, what will I put in them?

The sunshine has disappeared and we are having
 rain storms, wind and even tornado warnings!
Sounds like an inside crafty kind of day.
 The good news is
 that the weekend is supposed to be beautiful again.
 More yard sales and thrifting.

And don't forget about 52 FLEA's
2nd Blogversary Give Back!
If you have not yet entered for a chance to win...
click HERE
for  a chance to create your own photo on canvas!
Tomorrow the winner will be announced!

my photo on canvas

Welcome new followers and lurkers too!
Thank you for stopping by and for all your comments...
...I just love to hear from you!
 Hope all is well... 
...and that today brings all good things...


  1. Now with the lousy weather you hae lots of fodder for crafting! Wonderful selection of real gems. Have fun!

  2. What a great idea! Now I know what how I can repurpose my flats from the garden center! Also, stopped by Sweet Pea yesterday at Marburger! Fabulous stuff and such a fun day!

  3. This is so pretty! I love the way this organizer looks!

  4. I just love all the little trinkets you have in your post. I just came by for the first time. So glad I found you. Have a nice day crafting, raining here too. Kim :)

  5. That is a neat idea for an organizer and the pics are great. I would have got those little boxes cute!

  6. Much tidier than the piles of stuff on my dresser!

  7. You do 'sorts' like your photo's because you can (and they are very intriguing. I never thought of shaped shells as angel wings. Nice thought to carry through the day.
    - Joy

  8. You do that because that is the artist in you. I love this and love looking at all the little collections. That would be very neat photographed and framed. ~~Sherry~~

  9. Laura, one of my favorite movies growing up and still now, is "To Kill A Mockingbird". Your little collection reminds me of this movie. Such pretty sentimental treasures. The tin boxes are darling. I think inside a pretty message like that from fortune cookies, or a special button. Make your own special message so anyone opening them read it. Wonderful post, tami

  10. What a great use for the trays. I see lots of treasures in your stash. :)
    It has been cold and wet here, but sun is trying to come out now.
    Enjoy your day.

  11. I think it is a joyful and natural thing to collect little pretties and interesting objects. All children do it. It seems that we tell ourselves we must stop it as we grow older...but some of us decide that we don't want to! The tendency never goes away...we've all got that junk drawer, that little box of trinkets from childhood, that box of odds and ends in the garage...

  12. When I am asked why I do something I usually say because I can and I want to. :>)
    Love all the bits and bobs and the angel wings are wonderful!!

  13. Why do you do this? Because you want to. Because you have to. Because creating beauty and order is innate in you. Because we love looking at your world!

  14. I am loving all your little collectibles displayed this way. Too bad if the Mr.'s don't get it cause WE DO. ;)


  15. I think it's your inspiration board of sorts.

  16. Oh Laura, I totally get you! Those who do, surely don't ever ask why you do all those wonderful things you do :) Love it!

  17. awww I fell in love with all those bits and bobs, Laura, what treasures you have there!

  18. What an awesome idea! This is perfect to hold pairs of earrings and those spare buttons that come with new outfits...and the occasional barbie shoe i always find when vacuuming! haha!

    Take Care,

  19. Love all the little cubicles of sweetness!

  20. Love your little treasures Laura!;) Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  21. Nice old and tiny things. Great idea.

    Love it

  22. What wonderful stuff that collection in the culture trays, a super fun idea Laura.
    Here was a rainy day today, but again the outlook for the weekend and hopefully we will again enjoy the outdoors.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Warm wishes, Mea

  23. wow, the vertical photo would make a very cool postcard!

    happy spring (?)


  24. I have some peat pots in the shed, great place to store small things! judy

  25. What a beautiful collection! Love the angel wings but what caught my eye was the miniature Windsong perfume mama bought me that perfume every year since I was 17. She's gone now but I still have the last 1/2 bottle but it isn't as cute as that one. Your photos are such an inspiration....thank you! Lorelei

  26. Wow this is so cute. What wonderful little treasures.

  27. I love your little treasures. Looks like a piece of art to me!

  28. Why do you do that? Because you can. And it certainly does make for fun photos. I am catching up on your blog and must express how sad I am to hear about the loss of your mother. My very best wishes to you and your family as you all cherish the sweet memories you shared with her. Your previous post at the beach was beautiful and very touching. ~ Angela

  29. I love this idea. It not only looks GREAT, but when you are creating that certain something, you can see it all ;-)

  30. So why do you do this sweet Laura??? Because it. is. BEAUTIFUL!!!! To see these tiny treasures all organized in these peat pot cubbies is wonderful, thank you so much for sharing with us too!! Stay cozy and hope the sun will shine again soon, hugs and love, Dawn

  31. Why do we do it? That is a great question and one a few in my family would like answered.Your little collection is so cute I get why you do it and as long as it makes us happy lets keep doing it.

  32. This is a great collection, thanks for sharing.

  33. how could we forget sweat pea?
    she's a doll ...
    like you

    been flying under the radar ... it's called burnout

  34. Your tiny Treasures are delightful and how cute the peat pot containers are to display them in!

    Happy Spring... Dawn... The Bohemian

  35. "Why do you do this?" Well. If they have to ASK....

    Love the peat pots...

    So glad to see you back and hoping you are ok - as you can be....

  36. I just to look at all those treasures you find, thanks for sharing. Florence

  37. Putting your little trinkets in peat pots is a perfect idea. It makes them all look even more beautiful!


  38. Totally looks like ART!! Great Art!!
    Tammy :-)

  39. So many wonderful little bits and bops! Snowy, rainy, windy here...forcing me to get stuff done though!

    Have a great, sunny weekend!

  40. Wow, what a beautiful blog you have! Love all of the bits and pieces you selected for the peat containers. Check out my blog when you have a moment.

  41. Such a great place for little trinkets and finds. Love the idea!


  42. Oh I love all all your sweet little things, they are the best. Thanks for sharing them with us. Have a wonderful Friday Laura. Hugs, Terri

  43. The peat pots look like little assemblages, like mini works of art! Awesome!
    And of course, love those stencils!

  44. I just love all the photos and how beautiful the object are showcased in such a simple form. Those little tins would make great necklaces!!

  45. Ooh, love these trinkets. Could see some with my dolls.
    Laura, you have a great eye. I looks stunning together.
    Hugs, Evi

  46. What an amazing blog! I love your photos and the way you display your amazing collections! Thanks for the inspiration.


  47. Leave it to two men to have to ask why you do that..........heehee!

    All I know is....I would sure like to dig around in your peat pots!

    Happy thrifting!

  48. Laura,
    I know this is an old post, but Oh MY! I thought everything you could do to a peat pot had been done already! Love this awesome assemblage of beautiful trinkets.

  49. I love to see other ways of storage for my "things" Great post


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