Friday, April 15, 2011

Antique Blue Glass Jar, Yellow Forsythia and Romantic Homes Magazine

Loving the early morning light this time of year...

This antique blue glass jar came from
 the cellar of Mr. Flea's grandmother.
It's one of my favorite things...
...the blue color, the bubbles in the old glass, the two seams...
and of course...that it is a family piece.

Have you seen the new, May issue of Romantic Homes yet?
It is a particularly lovely issue...filled with lots of inspiration.

And it was so nice to see that 
Carol Spinski's shop Raised In Cotton
has an 8 page feature with wonderful and captivating photos.

 The article discusses how she and her two partners
 have managed to own a successful business together
 while remaining good friends.

Thank you to those who emailed me or left comments about
 Romantic Homes' little feature on 52 FLEA

...and to Rachel from French Farmhouse 425
for mentioning me on her post here.

I was delighted when asked if I would send a few photos for the May issue to be included in this section featuring various blogs.
Thank you Romantic Homes for thinking of me!

Still time to sign up for my Give Away for the book
Romantic Prairie Style
Click HERE for a chance to win!


Fishtail Cottage said...

So pretty! Congrats on the feature in Romantic Homes...its well deserved. xoox, tracie

Unknown said...

i just picked it up on the newsstand today! how awesome for you. i "dog eared the page!" told mr.pml..i KNOW this gal! :) i follow her blog!!!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

woo hoo to you Laura
You know it is Romantic Homes magazine that introduced me to blogging.. Yes.. an american mag that we actually get here and I became quite addicted to.. the irony was it took an american magazine for me to find an aussie blogger [the lovely Cathy Penton] and from there the rest is history..

I can't wait to get this issue!!! and see your lovely mention!!! although I might have to wait as we are usually a month behind..

Have a lovely weekend.. love your shots today.. especially those aqua shutters!! ciao ciao xxxx Julie

Ang said...

Beautiful pictures~ I will running out tomorrow to get my issue. =)

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

I can't wait till the Forsythia starts to bloom here, I Love the Blue Vase & Your Photos, Just Beautiful... Guess I will be making a trip to pick out that wonderful looking issue of Romantic Homes this weekend, What Better way to spend the weekend~

amy of studio four corners said...

congrats to you - and your pictures are lovely! I must have over-pruned my forsythia last fall because I had no yellow bloom this spring - miss that yellow burst of color in my garden!

Allie said...

Lucky you! Congrats on the mag feature. That blue vase is such a beautiful piece. It is even more special, considering it's a family treasure. It looks so pretty with the Forsythia in it too :)

Anne Lorys said...

Big congrats for being featured in RH, you so deserve it!


Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

I got my copy this week and was excited to see your name! congrats! Love the family piece blue jar

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Congrats on the Romantic Homes feature, Laura! The forsythia photo is really lovely!

raggygirlvintage said...

Would LOVE a copy of this amazing book!

sweetpea said...

congrats my friend you deserve it! glad you made it home safely and love the blues!



Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Laura, Big congrats on the feature! The bottle is the most beautiful color of blue and your photographs are gorgeous.

Suz said...

Alright, Laura! Congratulations! I love how you are succeeding in your own way...speaking in your own voice about what you love.

nancy said...

Congratulations! Was so happy to see your blog featured! A much deserved honor for a beautiful blog ♥

Fete et Fleur said...

How I do adore old blue glass. Congratulations on being featured in Romantic homes!! The last few Romantic Home magazines have been wonderful.


Unknown said...

Love those blue bottles. U are lucky ducky for finding one in grandma's cellar...the yellow flowers against that blue is fab...tiff

Florence said...

Laura congratulations on your publication in Romantic Homes, I feel honored to share that with you. Oh how I love the forsythia surely a sign that spring has got to be coming soon. We could all hope. Florence

Rosabella said...

beautiful pictures ... and congratulations ♥

It's me said...

Again in a magazine !! you must be proud!!....and famous darling........lovely

Fine Bessot said...

Chère Laura bonjour. Je viens de découvrir votre blog qui m'enchante.
Nous sommes loin physiquement mais si proche d'esprit et de goûts. J'aime votre style.
Je mets votre site en lien sur le mien pour que mes visiteurs vous découvrent. Je suis enchantée de savoir que quelque part dans le monde il y a quelqu'un qui me ressemble.
Avec toute mon amitié.

This is translation :
Dear Laura hello, I have just discovered your blog which enchants me.
We are far physically but so close spirit and tastes. I like your style.
I put your site in link on mine so that my visitors discover you. I am enchanted to know that somewhere in the world there is somebody who looks like me.
With all my friendship.

Heavens2Betsy said...

Truly beautiful photos. Penny

Andi's English Attic said...

Beautiful. xx

Rose Garden Malevik said...

Hi Laura
and do not miss




Welcome :)
Håkan ( The Roseman)

Anonymous said...

Love the blue glass. Blue and yellow always looks so fresh. Charmaine

Vintage Gal said...

Love the antique blue glass bottle and the forsythia is wonderful ~ Looks like I had better get my copy of Romantic Homes ;-)

Karen said...

Congratulatiosn! and I do love that bottle, and your photos are wonderful! Very Spring!

LizlovesVintage said...

Hi Laura,
What wonderful photos you took. I too enjoy taking photos outside when lighting is at a prime. Yes, I sent my congrats to Carol. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such talented people. You must be so excited!! Congrats to you my Friend. I'll be talking to you soon.
xxx Liz

PS. That bloe glass, fab!

le ciel flamand said...

Congratulations, you really deserve this!!!

I love the blue and the yellow colours, lovely and inspiring pictures!

Hugs, Annelies

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Congrats on your little feature in Romantic Homes, Laura. You're right, it is a particularly lovely issue. I just got mine yesterday and have been thoroughly enjoying it.

Bee Lady said...

Well I just said the other day there isn't a prettier vase than a blue ball jar, but I stand corrected!

Cindy Bee

Unknown said...

Yes, I saw the Romantic Homes with you in it! Congratulations! We almost met at Renningers, maybe next time...
Enjoy your weekend!

Beach House Living said...

Congratulations. Great shade of blue on your heirloom bottle.

Dorthe said...

Laura, your photoes are so beautiful- and the blue bottle- standing there infront of the white and turquice-are gorgeus looking.
I wish I could buy Romantic Homes here-- I think I could maybe order it from US-

Unknown said...

Beautiful photographs! Just lovely.

Cindy said...

Gorgeous photo's. LOVE the blue jar and the shutters!


Karen said...

Beautiful photography and congrats on your feature!! It is very well deserved.

Andy's Attic said...

Laura, the photos of the blue jar and forsythia are absolutley gorgeous. I would hang one on my wall! So glad to see you are in another magazine...I will get one today, congratulations!

Vintage Home said...

Love the jar flowers & shutters....but I must run off now to get that copy of Romantic Homes!

Blondie's Journal said...

A big congratulations on your feature!! I can't wait to get my copy!

Love your forsythia and the blue jar is perfect! :-)


Unknown said...

Hello! Thanks for joining me..I absolutely am your follower!! Everything's soooo dreamy here!
Hope to read from you soon!

Beadboard UpCountry said...

Hi Laura!
Love the blue and the yellow in the forsythia together........ Looking forward to seeing you in Romantic Home.Maryanne;)

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Hi Laura,
I just love blue and yellow together...just so crisp and pretty!
Loved seeing you in RH...congrats!
Hope you are doing well...think of you often!

High Street Cottage said...

I have some catching up to do, Congrats Laura!
And to Carol if you're reading this, she's amazing!
Your Beautiful Blue Bottle Full Of Breathtaking Blooms is a Delight to the eyes, Laura, hope you have a wonderful weekend, xxx tami

time worn interiors said...

Oh, congratulations! I haven't seen the issue yet! I will be sure and get one now!

Rhônya Holman said...

STUNNING combination of photographs! In BTW, you have very inspiring and interesting posts. Keep up the great work, and positives vibes.

Cheers! =(^.^)=

Unknown said...

A beautiful post...the colors in this post are breathtaking...
love those aqua, white shutters and doors.
thanks for the relaxing gaze at beautiful things.

KarenB said...

Congratulations on the nod in Romantic Homes. I'm going to have to get that copy! I blue bottle is so gorgeous. How much more beautiful that it is a family piece! What a treasure.

manon 21 said...

Magnifique Laura,j'aime ces bouteilles bleues que tu as bien mises en valeur.

Bon dimanche très ensoleillé ici en Provence.



Bohemian said...

I am absolutely smitten with your fabulous photos... especially those with Gramma's lovely Blue Glass Jar full of such beautiful florals and against a perfectly shabby backdrop! Yes, I have this wonderful copy of Romantic Homes... that lovely round Pillow on the cover is very much like an Antique Pillow I bought this year and just adore.

Have a wonderful weekend... Dawn... The Bohemian

Madelyn said...

Yellow bells are my favorite. It's been almost a month since they were in bloom here. I just discovered your blog--too cool.

Rosie Grey said...

I love the colour combinations - beautiful!

Barb said...

What amazing photography, luv the "blue" bottle too.
Barb in Texas

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Love these shots!!

LaPouyette said...

Just the right images for my "blue Monday"!
Lovely post!
Greetings from Périgord - Southwest France

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures! And congrats to you for being in the magazine!

Sunshine and Lavender said...

That jar is gorgeous! Congratulations for making the magazine... I still need to pick one up! ;)

Lara said...

I saw your feature in my mag & wanted to come by and send you some congratulations! Well deserved sweet Laura! It is a great issue!! What a pretty blue glass jar; I love the shape!
:) Lara

Vicki said...

Congratulations, Laura! Such beautiful photos. A well deserved mention in Romantic Homes.

Maison Beldecor said...

Hello dear Laura,
oh yes, the color of the old glass jar is so gorgeous, how much more it is a beautiful memory. And also a big Congratulation to your wonderful article in "Romantic Homes". I still wanted to tell you, that Jennifer from Arful Blogging contacted me, to make an articel in one of the upcomming issues. I think, she noticed my Blog from your Giveaway Post, oh I'm a little excited....
Many warm greetings

Something Special said...

I love visiting your world. It is lovely, and so wonderfully cottagy and shabby!

Riviera Brides said...

Gorgeous pics. Congrats for the feature, feeling excited for you. Love your blog. New follower here, hope you're gonna follow back

Shannon said...

Congratulation on the feature!! :-)
Just wanted to let you know that there's a giveaway going on right now on my blog, featuring a gorgeous, eco-friendly bracelet made out of recycled magazine and water bottles! Hope to see you there!
Have and great day and God bless,

blog: { }

I LOVE the beautiful blue color of the pretty. :-)

Southern Shop Girls said...


What a beautiful family keepsake. The blue jar and the Forsythia together are almost too much for me. They are gorgeous.

Your photos are amazing. I never tire of looking at them.

Congrats on your feature! I saw a copy in a little store on Saturday and if I'd known you were in it, I'd have snatched it up tootsweet. I'll be on the lookout for another copy. Can't wait to see and read about you in print. What a treat that will be!


brocantezussen said...

What a wonderful combination. The bright forsythia and the blue vase.

sylvia said...

how I love these pictures!! the colors are so stunningly beautiful! Pictures to never forget....

Vicki Boster said...

Laura- oh that blue jar- it makes me gaga! I adore the photos~~

The Little Florist said...

Congrats! What an amazing magazine to be featured in. I must go get my copy immediately!