Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Amy Love

A day or so after we returned from Florida I received an email from
asking for my mailing address as she had something to send me.

A few days later a package from Oregon arrived with a beautiful and compassionate note...as Amy knows I am grieving the loss of my Mom.

 Amy's words of support and encouragement and her joyful assurance of our faith touched my heart and did, indeed remind me that He is my strength.

And just look at what she sent!
A wonderful number 52 brass laundry tag,
 an antique French music card,
really fabulous old French documents,
 four tiny clay feves (love these!) 
and an old French needle packet.

If you don't know about Amy...
she travels to France to hunt the brocantes for special treasures that she brings back to sell in her Charlotte's Brocante.

And now you know the kind of person Miss Amy is.
 I  really am overwhelmed with her kindness and generosity.

And the thoughtfulness and loving support that Amy offered is indicative of why I love our blogging community.

Thank you Amy from the bottom of my heart.

And thanks to all of YOU
 for all the thoughtful and kind words...
...for all the things that you do to make our blogging world
 the sweet place that it is.

Linking up to White Wednesday over at Faded Charm....


  1. What a sweet & thoughtful gesture! Those are such beautiful treasures & you have photographed them so breathtakingly wonderful!
    :) Lara

  2. What a wonderful collection of pretty little things. Amy sounds like a very special person :)


  3. What a blessing she is to you! Precious gifts you have been given. Bless her heart for thinking of you. And thank you for sharing with us.

  4. What a special gift from a special friend. So sorry to hear of your great loss.

    Romantic Domestic

  5. Oh Laura,
    What a beautiful and heartfelt gift!! I am truly sorry for the loss of your dear sweet Mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!! Please take care.

  6. Such a thoughtful and lovely gift. I only live about 20 minutes from where Amy holds her sale, yet I've never been to one. I didin't know about the one she just had a couple weeks ago and could kick myself. I'll be keeping a lookout for the next one for sure:)

    Take care,

  7. I have to say I am so very blessed to call Amy my friend and I can't even begin to tell you all the amazing kind acts this one women does on her own.Amy truly is a loving and kind hearted person doing Gods work everyday.I treasure her friendship and kindness.
    I am so sorry for your loss and I can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling.Just know your Mother lives on in you everyday.I tell my 3 daughters that often, that if they were ever to lose me I just want them to know I will live on in them.Right in their lil hearts.~Blessings Kim

  8. Such beautiful gifts which are always more special when they are unexpected. God bless, Tammy

  9. What beautiful treasures, and what a sweet, sweet girl. :-)

    Continued prayers for your peace, dear Laura.


  10. Laura, what a beautiful and touching gift from Amy. I will tell you when I lost my Mom it was little things like a card that meant so much. It said to me that someone cares. So Amy if you're reading this, you did a wonderful thing.
    I am off to check Amy's blog, it sounds delightful. xxx tami

  11. What a great gift !! ...so beautiful.......lovely week....love Ria...xxx...

  12. How incredibly thoughtful. I love that she did that for you. That is the best.

    Happy WW,

  13. A beautiful gift, from a thoughtful friend. It doesn't get any better.

  14. What a lovely gift ~ Amy is very thoughtful. Great Treasures ;-)

  15. Have been away from blogging & so sorry to hear about your Mother.....
    Lovely gifts!!
    Have a Peaceful Day!

  16. So sorry to hear about your loss. Mothers are very special. My heart goes out to you.
    Such a beautiful gift. Yes bloggers are the best.

  17. What a thoughtful and kind gift from your friend Amy. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. My heart is with you as well as my prayers. Valerie

  18. awww Laura, they're the most adorable presents ever, so beautiful!
    Also, thank you for visiting my blog last week!
    Hugs and have a nice week.

  19. Hello Laura,
    What a wonderful and warm gift! I am truly sorry for the loss of your Mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Smiles, Paula

  20. Such a dear heart! Blessings and Good wishes to you and your family, Laura. By the way, I too embrace the number 52...could we have some little thing in common? A big B.D. in 2012?

  21. Amy- will you be my friend? lol
    I'm always on the lookout for 52's. Might need your address someday, too! :) Loving all your finds....

  22. What a sweet and kind gesture. I did not know of Amy but she is very close to where I live. Thank you for letting us know about her.

  23. What an incredible heartfelt gesture. My heart goes out to you xo

  24. What a sweet friend you have to minister to you in your hour of grief. Love your goodies...especially the french script.

  25. How generous of Amy to send you such lovely treasures!

  26. What beautiful gifts. I am glad she was so thoughtful to you and am reminded again about your grief...it is difficult and long. Mothers are so important to us, at any and every age.

    I have never heard of those feves but assume they are those darling little figures. The scrip on those papers...oh my! And for her to find and send you a "52"...how very special!


  27. So nice of her...And so sorry to hear about your mom.

  28. Miss Amy sounds like a sweetheart!
    Blog world is amazing isn't it!!

  29. I am very sorry to read about your sweet Mom, It is a special bond we share with them... I just read your "Mother's day 2009" and the heartfelt words you shared about her. I know you miss her but remember the way she made you feel. That is what is engraved in our hearts. It will never fade. I promise you!
    Blessings to you and your family,

  30. Laura, I believe that what you put out into the world comes back to you, so of course you have wonderful people sending you special treasures because you are such a special, wonderful person yourself!


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