Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Artful Blogging

I picked up a copy of the Spring 2011 issue of 
Artful Blogging yesterday....

It is a lovely issue with several of my talented
 blog friends featured in it.
 Also included are some wonderful blogs
 that I was not familiar with
 but am thrilled to know about and follow now.

And's true...
this issue also includes a little article that I was asked to write.
I hope you like it.

 All of the photos included were taken with
 my trusty little point and shoot... was before my birthday in November 
and in my pre- big girl camera days!

The editor chose the pictures from my blog and
 I thought it interesting that most of the 16 photos used
 were ones that I had altered and played around with
 in Picasa and Picnik.  

It's funny because I think that I would have chosen
 totally different pictures to be in the magazine...
 but I guess these were the ones they liked best!

In any case,
 I am honored and as my Mom would say, "tickled pink"
to be included in this beautiful publication
 along with so many talented and creative people.
Thank you!

Last call!
You still have a chance to enter the Silvered Bottle Give Away...
Two winners will be chosen at random tomorrow night!
Good luck friends!


Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

Wow! Congratulations! And thanks for introducing me to the magazine.
The pictures are beautiful

Olive said...

Fabulous Laura. That also proves how much can be done with a point and shoot camera!

Unknown said...

So, I have to ask you... what kind of point & shoot camera did you use? I'm thinking about getting a new one.

Diann said...

That is wonderful! the pictures of yours look terrific!

Robyn said...

SO cool! Congratulations!

mary beth said...

Love all the pictures, but especially the last one of the pink pixie carnations! Fabulous dahhhhling!
Now I am going to have to go plunk down 15 smackers to hear what you had to say...I'm sure it was great! You deserve the honors and recognition dear girl!

amy of studio four corners said...

congrats - how wonderful! I received three back issues of Artful Blogging for a christmas present - have really enjoyed them - I will have to pick up this latest copy as well!
amy of four corners design

Unknown said...

You show such passion in your pics and inspiration at the same time.I love it that you are featured in Artful Blogging.It will show many more people out there a chance to see it.I am looking forward to get out and go get the book myself.I am so excited for you.I hope you have a enjoyable evening..Chickie

Jem said...

Congratulations! Your feature looks lovely! Funny how when looking at our own photos or writing, or any sort of creation - that our favourites always differ from other people's :-)


Anonymous said...

How ironic to find this post on my blogroll just this second. I literally just returned from working overtime and had a chance to steal a few minutes while working to peek in my Artful Blogging issue which had been sitting on my desk all day. I've been a follower for some time and was pleasantly surprised to find your piece in the very beginning. It was beautifully written and very inspiring! Congratulations on being featured!


Anji Johnston said...

A huge congrats to you Laura - you so deserve to be featured in this magazine! Your photos are gorgeous with or without your big girl camera! Thank you for always being inspiring. Have a week of celebration! Love to your mum as well.

Jamie said...

Congratulations! What a well deserved honor.

Sarah said...

Laura, my copy of Artful Blogging arrived in yesterday's mail,and I read it from cover to cover before falling asleep last night. I was thrilled to see you as a featured blogger. Congratulations! Your article is excellent!

The Catnap Cottage said...

congrats! i love your blog and you take beautiful pictures - wish i could! you just have that eye...that artistic talent! it is a gift :-) it is well deserved! :-)

FourSistersInACottage said...

LOVE IT!!! I don't get out much in the winter but will be looking for this Magazine at Barnes n Noble next time I go into town...BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

The French Bear said...

What a great article, I loved it, I was thrilled to pick up a copy!!!
Congratulations!!!! Hope your visit is going well and you are eventually able to make your way home.....still lots of snow here....more to come, sigh.....
Stay warm!
Margaret B

Teal said...

I saw it!!! Congratulations. I also got my apron published on Apronology! Very Exciting news for all of us!

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

Congrats on being featured in the magazine! How cool is that and the mercury glass bottles are also neat finds. Thanks for sharing............TALLULAH'S

the old white house said...

Congratulations Laura! You completely deserve it, your blog is always full of inspiration and lovely photos! I will have to go check that copy out! Theresa xoxo

Anne Marie said... of the qualities that I love about you and your blogging style is that you are humble...

I always have liked your style...and even more so now that you didn't shout it to the mountain tops

Anne Marie

Andy's Attic said...

OK, out I go tomorrow for a copy. deserve the honor. A friend of mine is in APRON.OLOGY so I need to get one of those, too. so nice to know people who are in the press :>)

Shannon said...

Congrats!!!!!!!!! Where can i find that magazine?

Lara said...

Congratulations on your article, Laura! :) I have always admired your photography skills and style. Isn't this issues purple cover the best! Enjoy!

Vicki said...

I'm "tickled pink" for you! So well deserved. Can't wait to see it.

Andrea said...

Just darling!

LizlovesVintage said...

Congrats Laura!
That is so special. You must be tickled, PINK!
Oh, and you only picked up one copy? I need to go to Barnes and Noble and pick up mine. Can you autograph it? Ha, Ha.
Again, cograts to a very talented Artist, Friend, Woman.
xxx Liz

Suz said...

Well, I am tickled pink for you, Laura, and can't wait to get my copy. I haven't been in a book store for a month and I have severe withdrawal!
I love what you do, big girl camera or point and shoot. You have an eye for beauty, my friend!


Sheila Rumney said...

Congrats on your article! Can't wait to read it!

Heaven's Walk said...

Congrats, Laura! How exciting for you! Your photos are always so beautiful! Thanks for the tip on that awesome mag, too! I'm anxious to check out a copy! :)

xoxo laurie

Blessed Serendipity said...

Congrats for being published! Happy 4 U!


leslie said...

Congrats Laura,
You have a lovely blog and I can't wait to read the article. Hip hip hooray!!!!

Lisa said...

COngrats!! I love that magazine! I will look for this one! It is fun to see my blog friends in print!
Hugs, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I didn't know such a magazine would exist...and now I desire a copy :)
Beutiful style and pics, compliments.

Tricia @ Vintage No. 35 said...

That is awesome!

Anne Lorys said...

Huge congrats, very well deserved!!!

sweetpea said...

Laura, I think that's fabulous! You are so talented and I'm glad you are recognized for it! Love the pics!


Angela said...

I'm so happy to see your beautiful pictures in print...I'll have to go to Hastings where I know they carry it!

Toni said...

I just bought my copy of Artful Blogging yesterday as well, that is how I found your beautiful blog. I envy the fact that you are a picker/collector. I wish I had the time, money and SPACE. Congratulations on a wonderful feature. I look forward to your future finds.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Laura, I just bought a copy today and I was coming here to congratulate you! How exciting and your pictures are beautiful. Big congrats!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on being published, how fun for you! Hugs Marilou

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Congrats, Laura.
It doesn't matter what kind of camera you have or had... your photography has always been beautiful. You've got "the eye"!

A Refocused Life said...

A well-deserved honor! Congratulations! I'll have to checkout this issue - especially now that I know you are featured.

Unknown said...

Wow Laura, what a huge honor! You should be so proud of your photos, they are gorgeous. I will be picking up this issue ASAP. Congratulations to you, my friend :)
Becky C

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

How cool! Congrats. I never new about the magazine. Boy, you're sure a wealth of information. :)

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Congratulations, Laura! I can't wait to see it!

Debra@CommonGround said...

This is wonderful, can't wait to grab a copy! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

That's it. I'm going to submit. I have not gotten up the nerve yet, but my bloggette are saying...go for it. Great to know that they pick the picture and you don't really have to.

Kate - The Garden Bell

We shall see....

pamq said...


Looks like a fabulous article!

I can't wait to get my hands on the magazine, but it will be awhile before I get close to a Barnes & Noble or Borders.

But when I do..........

Unknown said...

all your pics are great, I love it to visit your blog, have a great time, big hugh Kathrin

manon 21 said...

Magnifique Laura,quel bon souvenir pour toi .
Ton beau blog va être mis à l'honneur comme il le mérite.



lilybets said...

Congratulations my friend!!.You are creative and professional, I told you!!!.You will do a long way!!!!.I'm happy to have a famous friend!!!.

LiLi M. said...

Congrats on being published Laura! Mmm I should be comment 52, now isn't that something? Have a lovely day!

Rosabella said...

oh, that's wonderful ... congratulation ... the pictures are so beautiful ... I like your Blog

Rosabella ♥

Bohemian said...

Congratulations! I would think any of your photos would be amazing in a magazine spread... it's photos like these which cause me to purchase every mag they've published! I never cease to be inspired by the Art and beauty profiled and the interesting stories everyone shares.

Dawn... The Bohemian

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Laura,
How wonderful to be featured in a magazine....I can't imagine what that feels like. You must be very proud.....and, doesn't the layout look great ?
.....and, many, many thanks for your lovely comment and birthday means so much to me....and those of Mr. Flwa and your mum and dad !! It made my birthday even more special so thank you. Lots of love. XXXX

Deborah Lawrenson said...

I'm not surprised they picked so many of your photographs - they are absolutely beautiful and always with gorgeous colour tones. Congratulations!

It's me said...

Look at that !! so nice you in that magazine !!! congratulations darling !! wonderful exciting your beautiful give away tonight !! love love

Andi's English Attic said...

Congratulations! You deserve to be in a blog magazine - yours is amazing. I always drop in, even if I don't always comment.

I haven't looked but I doubt this mag is sold in the UK. What a shame. I could use some guidance. xx

Anonymous said...

Oh I love that magazine. I hate that all you girls in the US get it so much earlier than me. It takes a few more weeks to get to me in Australia. Congratulations. Charmaine

Rummet för välbefinnande said...

You are so talented Laura, and it´s always a great pleasure to visit you here.....

I really understand that they picked you, to be a part in that magazine.

And I do love your mom´s wonderful "tickled pink" :) :)

Wish you a fantastic day and take care!
Love, light and joy......

Anonymous said...

Laura, it's not the camera that creates the art. It's the eye behind it. And you have "the eye".


jacklynn4 said...

Congrats Laura! I can't think of anyone more deserving. Good work!
bliss farm antiques

Beverly said...

Congratulations on your publication, Laura. I love Artful Blogging, too.

I've missed you at Pink Saturday. I hope you'll join us again some time.

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Laura I am so excited for you! I will have to pick up a copy!

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

Congratulations! I Love your blog and your pictures are beautiful...

Bleudelavande said...

Woowww congratulation dear Laura, I'm so glad for you, you are so talented and you blog is amazing!!!
Have a nice day.

Free Art Printables said...

Congrats on artful blogging! I can't wait to pick it up!

High Street Cottage said...

Laura, I hadn't heard of this magazine at all. Thank you for this post. And Congratulations!!! This is so exciting! Your photos look amazing, and that also is what drew me to your blog. Such a nice feature, I will hurry out to look for a copy. xoxo tami

Susanne said...

Congratulations! Reminds me where I forgot to go yesterday, Barns and Noble, JoAnn's just doesn't have the good stuff, well, at least not enough to go around.

Tins and Treasures said...

Congratulations, Laura,
That looks like a beautiful magazine. I have not seen it on the news stands here. I would love to see a copy!

Stay warm ~Natalie said...

Congratulations!!! So exciting! I will pick it up next time I am able to leave my snowy wonderland:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens

Fishtail Cottage said...

Congratulations! This is very exciting..i will try to pick up my own copy today while i am out! xxoo

Susy said...

CONGRATULTIONS !! Well deserved - you are THE best. Did i tell you when we went to the dessert a few wells ago we found an old dumpsite and I brought back RUSTY BEDSPRINGS. You would've been proud. Created a junque garden back at the cabin. Hubby thinks I'm bonkers (: and thankful I didn't want to bring them home to the garage.

E chef said...

Hola la verdad poner objetivos no sería suficiente para expresar como me hace sentir tu blog, porque más allá de que un blog sea magníficamente presentado y que las fotos que expones sean maravillosas, está sensación increíblemente cercana que nos transmites en tus posts y con cada detalle que añades en tu blog, que he quedado prendada de tu estilo y gusto, y no puedo más que rendirme ante ellos. Yo llevo un Post de cocina, hace poco, vamos un poco menos de 3 meses, y tu blog me inspira y mucho y te lo tengo que agradecer. No se si te gustan los premios que dan unos blogs a otros, pero si me lo permites te incluiré en uno de ellos con mención especial.
Un beso

Tu E Chef

Ido said...

Congratulations, I'll look for the magazine, I haven't seen it before. Love, love all your pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura ,Congratulations! The pictures look wonderful,can't wait to read the article. Hope to see you next week at Evi's. love,Paula

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Laura! So well deserved. You have always done such a beautiful with your posts. So happy to have found you back in the fall.


Tina said...

Congrats on the article Laura. So awesome for you and so well deserved too. Such a wonderful mag - I enjoyed so much seing you there.
xo Tina

Carole said...

Congrats Laura!!! What a great issue to be the cover and the photos they picked....even a few I didn't recognize. Is that possible?..haha
Can't wait to see you at Evi's.


Diane Mars said...

Oh what fun I will be sure to check it out, I am sure you are thrilled! Hugs, Diane

ILoveCollecting said...

gorgeous photos! congrats on the article... yours is one of my favorite blogs!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

What an honor but I'm not surprised! Your blog is beautiful!!

White Ironstone Cottage said...

This is so wonderful Laura
You deserve it you
are a inspiration

Simply Bungalow said...

Congratulations. I can't wait to pick up a copy. Your photos are so beautiful!

Patty's Stitches said...

That is so awesome! I know you must be thrilled. I guess I'll be headed to the bookstore at lunch tomorrow to pick up a copy. I can't wait to get it! You are such an inspiration to all of us! Keep up the great work.

Tiedupmemories said...

Congratulations! I'm sure they had a hard time choosing because they were all beautiful! Just Lovely!

vintagesue said...

congrats!!! that is very exciting and very inspiring to those of us that still use point and shoot!!! lol. i took 4 photography classes in college and i use a point and shoot. how sad.....
will pick up a copy of artful blogging soon!!! can't wait to see your article!!!!!
take care

aimee said...

i am so happy for you! congratulations!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Wow Laura
I'm late ... late late late to give you a big congratulations on your magazine spread... How beautiful.. and you know some of those pics they chose are my favourites of yours.. So well deserved.. you must be so proud... and I bet your mum was tickled pink!!!

Have a lovely lovely weekend.. ciao xxx Julie

Simple Home said...'re photos are beautiful!

Rebecca said...

Congratulations! This is one magazine I always seek out when we got to Borders (Book Store) for our bi-monthly coffee dates...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Your blog is beautiful! (:

Sasmita said...

OMG! what a beautiful world you are offering to see! I feel like spending my entire day with your blog :)

The Flying Bee said...

Congratulations Laura! I can't wait to go and get a copy!


Burlap Luxe said...

I saw, I read, I sighed...
Simply divine.
I have the issue can't do with out the beauty.

Congrats girl so deserving.

Blessed you are

Beadboard UpCountry said...

Hi Laura!
I have a snow day!!!! So I am able to sit and comment once more!!!!!So first congratulations, you are a talented photographer and I treasure the Arte Pura picture you took and let me out on my blog....So glad to see your well deserved recognition!!!!!!!!!!!!Maryanne xo

Curiosity Cottage said...

I read the article about your BEAUTIFUL blog and had to stop by and say "Hi!!"


Mary B. in Texas said...

Laura, Congratulations on your article in the magazine. I haven't read it yet, but would love to. I have always enjoyed your blog and what you collect. I also wanted you to know that I am praying for your mother! God bless your entire family!
Mary B.

very merry vintage style said...

How exciting! Congratulations. I love those magazines and I'll be sure to pick up this copy now that I know you are in it!

Darla said...

Congratulations, I haven't seen the magazine but now I will make a point to look for it.


E chef said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
E chef said...

I Have a present for you at my blog!! I hope you will like it!!Te tengo un regalo en mi blog, espero que lo disfrutes, te dejo el link.
Your present here
Tu E Chef

Diane said...

Hello dear Laura~
I just finished reading your article and loved it. Such an honor to be in such a beautiful magazine isn't it??? BTW...I understand how you feel about the photos they choose, but honestly how could they be better??? I love every one they chose, and most likely would have loved every one you chose! BTW...since I don't follow as often as I like, I see you recently retired. Well, having been retired only 1 month myself, I am totally ecstatic....and living the life I have always wanted to live. Isn't life grand??? Take care and keep in touch (I know we do ever so often, but not nearly enough =)

Evi said...

Laura, it's wonderful. Congratulations !!!!!
I am soooo proud of youI could pop a button...well, that happens anyway. When I shop for our lunch on Monday, I will pick it up. Boy do we have a lot to celebrate and talk about.
Great,great job...I knew it would knock our socks off.
Love ya, see you Tuesday,
PS. Paula said it was ok for her, and she is getting the rest of the girls together.
Call you tomorrow!

Vicki Boster said...

Hi Laura - I have this magazine and I was thrilled to see you featured inside. I thought your feature and the photos were wonderful - you were a wonderful compliment to this great magazine. Kudos to you girlfriend- I couldn't be happier for you!

(and I still use my point and shoot camera - I would not take anything for it!)

(your feature was my very favorite!!)


Monica said...

just wanted to tell your article was terrific! Congratulations on being featured in AB! And even if maybe you would have chosen different pictures (in shades of blue??;)) , I found them very inspiring. The shot of the cover with carnations is simply perfection!
Keep up the good work, and congrats once again.

Uncanny Festoon said...

I got this issue from my sweetie for Valentine's and what a treat to see your feature. You brightened my Valentiens' day. I also wanted to let you know that I change my computer wall paper every day, so often I use your images. They always inspire me to make it a great day!


Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Congratulations on another feature, Laura! You have a beautiful blog and the honor is well deserved!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage